After all, Qiu Rong stopped paying attention to Jiang Lin and returned to the main room.

After that, Xiao Xie squatted beside Jiang Lin and put the steamed buns in his hands on the clean place of his clothes.

"You can't eat it either."

Seeing the long beard on Jiang Lin's cheeks, Xiao Xie frowned.

Because of vomiting blood, Jiang Lin's long beard was covered with blood scabs and bloody skins, and almost all of his mouth was covered. Even when he was eating, he didn't know how much dirt would get into his mouth.

Are you doing well?

Don't worry about me, I don't need to eat!

Jiang Lin moved his body reluctantly and turned over.

He doesn't want to talk to Xiao Xie at all now.

This girl is good in everything, but her heart is too kind. The more kind-hearted Xiao Xie is, the more uncomfortable he will be, and he may be blamed for a while.

Xiao Xie pinched his chin, and then murmured, "Let's help him."

As he said and did, Xiao Xie moved his fingers slightly and sent out a spiritual power that fell on Jiang Lin's body.

What are you doing?

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, he didn't talk to Xiao Xie, he just turned around, and as a result, what the hell is this ghost going to do.

He even gave him a special place, and now he wants to tell Xiao Xie that he can't do his nosy.

After immobilizing Jiang Lin, Xiao Xie grabbed her skirt and stepped over Jiang Lin, and then she lowered her body and let her ghostly energy gather at her fingertips, forming an air blade.

After that, she acted as a hairdresser and shaves Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin had ellipses all over his body this time, and he wanted to give Xiao Xie an award - the most (more) good-natured (leisure) female ghost in history.

Just when Jiang Lin was about to call Meiling out and tell Xiao Xie thoroughly, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his mind.

Now because of his appearance, the servants who came here are scared away. If anyone comes again, seeing him like this, he has to be regarded as a weirdo.

Although the corpse hair on his body has gone down, he still looks like a savage.

Since Xiao Xie shaves his beard now, it's also good for him. Anyway, he doesn't want to move now.

In the quiet night, there was only the sound of Jiang Lin's beard being shaved off. After a while, the beard on his face was cleaned by Xiao Xie.

"Okay... so handsome."

Xiao Xie blushed a little when she saw Jiang Lin's face being cleaned up by her.

Now Jiang Lin has some stubble left on his face, coupled with his long unkempt hair, it is indeed not very handsome.

Moreover, the silkworm chrysalis-like dead skin on Jiang Lin's body had just fallen off, causing the skin on his face to be quite fair, and his skin looked particularly good.

There is also the tenderness of small fresh meat, coupled with the vicissitudes of makeup, the combination of the two is a clever combination, which is very lethal to girls.

If Jiang Lin uses this appearance to participate in the talent shows of some later TV stations, he will definitely be able to advance to the finals or even the finals.

In fact, the most important thing is the image contrast that Jiang Lin brought to Xiao Xie.

Before the beard fell, Jiang Lin was a beggar gang elder, or a savage version of the beggar gang elder, but once the beard was shaved, the contrast was quite large.

"It would be such a pity if such a handsome face were to die."

Xiao Xie looked at Jiang Lin's face, and shook his head regretfully while muttering to himself.

But then a smile appeared on her face again: "If he dies, I won't be a ghost. I don't know if he will miss my care,'s embarrassing."

Jiang Lin already felt that his tooth was hurting at this moment. He wanted to ask this female ghost Xiao Xie, if she graduated from Chinese opera, why is there so much drama in her heart?

Jiang Lin never thought that he had become an elder of a beggar gang before, and he had become a caveman, but he was still attracted by a female ghost.

He is already like this, but he is still spotted by a girl, who dares to believe it?

Now Jiang Lin even had an illusion. He doubted whether his face could be regarded as a prosperous beauty.

Chapter [-] What a strong resentment!

But this kind of illusion is only a momentary thing, and Jiang Lin has never been a person who is narcissistic about his appearance.

He now feels that things are getting more and more outrageous. If these female ghosts are ordinary ghosts, then he doesn't care who he is liked or hated by anyone.

But now this group of female ghosts has a Qiu Rong who hates men and cares about her sister Xiao Xie very much.

If Qiu Rong knew that Xiao Xie had taken a fancy to him, then things would be troublesome.

Even if there was a conflict in the end, Jiang Lin was not afraid. After all, he still had a lot of charms in his hands, but once a conflict broke out, he, an outsider, would not take care of him at all.

This haunted house is the shelter of a group of female ghosts. To put it in a nasty way, he came here under the eaves of others. If there is a fallout, this group of female ghosts will not be reconciled, and the troubles will follow. come.

This is one of the aspects. On the other hand, the cultivation of these female ghosts is not weak. They are basically at the level of ghost generals and ghost kings. With such strength, they are not easy to commit crimes, which means that this Weinan County Even Ermao might not be a good place.

In case of fighting with each other, affecting ordinary people and attracting other cultivators, things will get worse.

Therefore, Jiang Lin didn't want to make trouble until it was a last resort, and now he just wanted to take care of his physical condition with peace of mind.

Don't commit river water with these female ghosts.

But things are all imagined, how could Jiang Lin think that after he entered this haunted house, he met such a kind-hearted female ghost, and always caused him trouble because of his kindness.

What's even more outrageous is that now, this female ghost is so greedy for his prosperous beauty.

Jiang Lin really wanted to make things clear, but now he was trapped by Xiao Xie's tricks. Even if he released the charm, he couldn't get rid of it, and he couldn't crack it himself.

"Okay, now you can eat some food anyway."

Xiao Xie shoved the steamed buns into Jiang Lin's hands with a smile, then blew at Jiang Lin, and then disappeared in place.

After Jiang Lin was able to act, he didn't think much about it and ate the steamed bun in his hand.

If Xiao Xie found out that he didn't eat these foods, what else would he do.

At midnight, Jiang Lin suddenly heard a movement, the door of the haunted house was opened, and a man and a woman entered.

The men look like children of rich families, and the women dress up as maids.

"Isn't this just a broken house, what the hell is there? Chunhua, I haven't seen you for a long time, let me kiss you."

"Young Master Zhang, I really want to be here, I'm afraid."

When Jiang Lin heard the voices of the couple, he didn't care.

These two are probably little lovers who came here to have fun.

Afterwards, Young Master Zhang and his maid Chunhua went to the main room, and then Jiang Lin heard Qiurong and Xiaoxie's voices.

What a strong resentment!

At the same time, Jiang Lin felt Qiurong's resentment suddenly intensified a lot, and then it went out of control.

The evil spirit that had been sent into the main room also dissipated uncontrollably.

Not only that, these grievances gathered in the sky above the haunted house, forming a cloud.

Even Jiang Lin was surprised that this level of resentment actually appeared on the body of a ghost king. Under normal circumstances, it was a ghost emperor, and the resentment on his body was not necessarily that strong.

"Hey, is there such a good thing?"

After being surprised for a moment, Jiang Lin was overjoyed, and immediately began to absorb the dissipated resentment and evil spirits.

He doesn't need to investigate why Qiu Rong has such strong grievances, as long as these grievances are beneficial to him.

While absorbing it, Jiang Lin listened to the voices in the main room.

After listening for a while, he realized what was going on.

The maid Chunhua who came just now is the maid of the Jiang family and was hooked up by the son of the Zhang family, but the son of the Zhang family has been reluctant to redeem Chunhua and marry her because of the family's reputation.

After Chunhua said that she was pregnant, Young Master Zhang not only showed no joy, but also murdered Chunhua.

Once this matter spreads out, their family's reputation will be completely ruined, and his own marriage will also be affected.

The matter between Zhang family son and Chunhua made Qiu Rong, who already hated men very much, furious.

It is also because of this that the resentment in her body will surge.

Afterwards, Mr. Zhang deceived the maid Chunhua into the back garden of Bieyuan, and was about to push her into the well, but Qiu Rong appeared out of no control of her anger and frightened Mr. Zhang, and he was so frightened that he fell to the ground. In the well, he drowned directly.

As for Chunhua, because she was frightened, she screamed and ran out of the haunted house.

"Xiao Xie, you've seen it all, that's what I'm talking about, man, there's no good thing! There's no kindness, they're evil, and they can make us lose our chastity, even if there's kindness, they'll do the same. If you have bad intentions, you will even kill your lover with your own hands!"

Qiu Rong was aroused by the resentment in her body and could not control her emotions, so she reprimanded Xiao Xie there.

Then she added: "I've been dead for so long that I don't know how I died back then. I only know that I hate men very much. If it reminds me of who killed me, even if I was beaten to the core, I want revenge too!"

A group of female ghosts, including Xiao Xie, didn't dare to say a word when they saw Qiurong's resentment getting worse and worse.

It turned out to be the case.

After hearing Qiu Rong's self-report, Jiang Lin's doubts were resolved.

Qiu Rong had forgotten the past, but only remembered the injustice of her death.

Fortunately, she forgot what happened in the past, otherwise she would have such a strong resentment, and she would have become a murderous ghost king.

Damn it, don't say you're going to take advantage of the problem to find my bad luck again?

At this time, Jiang Lin sensed Qiurong walking to the door of the main room, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What's more, if he was still lying down and was shot, he wouldn't be going to endure it any longer.

Anything can turn into a black pot and hit him on the head.

Again and again, again and again, there is no end to it!

However, fortunately, Qiu Rong just had a grievance in her heart and went to the door to breathe.

Feeling the concentration of resentment on Qiurong's body, Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes slightly. Now he suddenly had an idea, that is, to help Qiurong restore his previous memories, and then make efforts to avenge Qiurong.

It's not because he is so kind, but because if Qiu Rong's revenge is avenged, the resentment on his body will definitely dissipate, and he can take over these resentments.

If he can get these grievances from Qiurong, he can save a lot of effort.

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