This resentment is stronger than the evil spirit of the entire haunted house.

If he took it away, he would be able to find a few less places of Yin evil and mass graves later.

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-ninth chapters receive a younger brother

However, these all have to wait until they resume their actions.

Jiang Lin knew very well that if he didn't have some means of self-protection, because Qiu Rong didn't like seeing men, he probably wouldn't talk to him.

Not even discussing with him.

Even if what he planned was good for Qiurong himself, it probably wouldn't work.

After that, the haunted house returned to calm, and Jiang Lin stayed quietly in the yard, letting Qiu Rong's reason and the suffocating yin qi enter his body to replenish the corpse poison in his body.

On the day of the day, Weinan County was fried again, and it was rumored that Young Master Zhang died in Jiangjiabieyuan.

Before, the haunted house in Jiang's Bieyuan was only haunted, but now that people are killed, Mr. Jiang really has no choice but to ask someone who can go to Bieyuan to exorcise the ghosts immediately.

On that day, many people came to the Jiang Family Garden where Jiang Lin was located, including the owner of this haunted house, Mr. Jiang.

In addition, there were several Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes.

Because Jiang Lin absorbed the resentment emanating from Qiu Rong, the corpse poison in his body increased a lot, and temporarily regained some mobility, he sat by the corner of the wall.

When Mr. Jiang saw Jiang Lin dressed as a beggar, he thought it was a homeless family in distress, so he didn't care much.

This other garden is the property of their Jiang family, and things like haunted dead people are always bad for their family's face, but now that there is a living person here, it can also explain from the side that the haunted thing is not necessarily true.

Therefore, considering these, Master Jiang did not embarrass Jiang Lin.

"Master, this is Tian Taoist priest of Tianyi Dao, and the other two are the masters of the first Dao in the world and the first Dao in the capital."

The housekeeper of the Jiang family introduced the three Taoist priests here to Master Jiang, all of whom were invited by their Jiang family with money.

"It's really interesting."

Jiang Lin whispered to himself that there were Taoists in the Ermao country in the sand sea in the northern region.

He has never heard of this title since he arrived in Daluo Immortal Realm.

Jiang Lin glanced at the three Taoists, then shook his head slightly.

These three goods are all swindling guys. Except for the Tianyi Taoist Taoist who has a little spiritual foundation and is almost a Taoist, the other two are ordinary people.

The swindled goods.

Anyway, there is nothing to do, Jiang Lin is ready to see how these goods are tricked.

What the heck is the first in the world, the first in the capital, the second uncle, is there such a tradition?

Taoist Tian, ​​who was slightly concerned by Jiang Lin, did not agree with the Jiang family to invite others because he still had a brush, but in the end, he still compromised.

The housekeeper of the Jiang family said that if love is willing or not, if you don't want to, get out.

After that, the three fake Taoists played a monkey show in the yard, opening the altar and inviting the gods to the upper body.

It's all bullshit.

It is impossible for these idiots to try to exorcise ghosts.

Any female ghost in this haunted house can come out and kill them all.

Although he knew that the three of them were fake Taoists, Jiang Lin still enjoyed watching the play.

The magic tools used by these three guys, such as the peach wood sword and the soul bell, have never been seen in this world.

There are some similar shadows to the Taoism and Taoism of Middle-earth.

Jiang Lin's eyes lit up slightly when he saw that Taoist Tian still knew how to step on a bucket and cloth.

This Taoist Tian should have learned something from others, but it was still half a bucket of water.

This little Taoist... still has some foundation.

After a while, Jiang Lin's eyes moved slightly, and an idea appeared in his heart.

He was considering whether to accept a temporary younger brother.

Now it is almost time for him to re-consolidate the golden core, but even if the golden core is re-condensed, with his current physical condition, it is still not appropriate to move too much in a short period of time.

His body had such a chaotic appearance because after waking up, he hurried away without recuperating.

Therefore, for the next period of time, he can only stay in the haunted house, but the evil spirit in the haunted house is limited after all.

Therefore, he was going to find an errand to help him run around Weinan County, looking for some coffin bacteria or collecting some evil spirits and evil spirits for him to absorb the yin evil spirit.

This Tian Taoist is a good candidate.

Although this little Taoist is only half a bucket of water, his cultivation is not bad, at least he is stronger than his fellow disciples in Middle-earth. .

Although Jiang Lin can't use any ability now, but if he can act, just what he has seen and learned and what he has learned will be enough to teach Tian Taoist a lot of methods.

And with Tian Taoist aptitude, as long as you are willing to work hard and master it quickly, it should not be difficult.

In that case, he wouldn't have to be like a wandering dragon stuck in the shoal like he is now.

However, ideas are ideas, and Jiang Lin can't put them into practice now.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie are now annoyed by these three Taoist priests, and they are very impatient.

Taoist Tian and the others didn't really have any real skills, but they were shaking the soul bell and sprinkled cinnabar talismans everywhere. Even if they couldn't do any harm to Qiurong and the others, they were very annoyed.

It's just because the three Taoist priests are in the yard and it's daytime again, so they can't do anything with the three idiots.

Master Jiang, the housekeeper and the others saw that Taoist Tian and the others had already started to practice, so they left Bieyuan. Afterwards, Taoist Tian and the others began to play tricks and ran to the main room.

The yin in the main room is extremely heavy, and it can block the sun, so although Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie will feel quite uncomfortable after they appear, they will not suffer any harm.


After Tian Taoist and the others entered the main room, Qiu Rong, Xiao Xie and other female ghosts began to look for their bad luck.

The wooden door of the main room was closed in an instant, and then a gust of gloomy wind began to appear in the entire main room.

After that, three pigs screamed in the main room: "Ghost! Help!"

Qiu Rong and the others showed their ghost bodies, and their faces showed a miserable death, which made Tian Taoist and the others fall into the ghost wall.

It didn't take long for the three idiot Taoists to run out of the main room in a state of embarrassment. The pigs screamed and crawled out, and some of them were scared to pee their pants.

Chapter [*] I, I really don't know how to thank you

When Taoist Tian was crawling out with his hands and feet, Jiang Lin moved his arm with all his might and took out a talisman from his arms, ejected it, and landed on Taoist Tian's body.

When he can act on his side, he can use this magic talisman to find where Tian Taoist is.

"Haha, sister, look at their embarrassed appearance, and they are still trying to exorcise ghosts."

Xiao Xie in the main room picked up a piece of talisman paper on the ground, tore it up, and snorted softly.

Qiu Rong glared at Xiao Xie and said, "You're still laughing, fortunately, all the people who came here this time are wine bags and rice bags. If they really come and have the ability, our situation will be troublesome."

Xiao Xie was reprimanded and could only stick out her tongue. It was really because of her.

At this time, she thought of Jiang Lin, and went to the window to look at Jiang Lin in the courtyard.

You can do it, I'll go by myself.

Jiang Lin noticed that Xiao Xie's eyes fell on him, and immediately stood up forcibly, staggering out of the gate of Bieyuan.

He really didn't dare to accept Xiao Xie's kindness.

The girl is probably wondering if he has eaten or not, whether he is thirsty or not.

"It's good to be able to move, I can find food and drink by myself."

Seeing that Jiang Lin was able to walk, Xiao Xie would also smile.

Xiao Xie's voice came from his ears, and a black line appeared on Jiang Lin's forehead. The girl was really worried about his hunger and drinking water.

Fortunately, I have foresight.

Jiang Lin walked out of the gate of the haunted house and sat not far away. He didn't need to eat or drink at all, but he had to come out because he was worried that Xiao Xie would have some kindness to do something wrong.

For the next three days, it was because he went outside the haunted house every day, so Xiao Xie didn't do good to him again.

Jiang Lin is really Amitabha.

On this day, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged in a place of extreme yang in the county. After several days of absorbing the yin suffocation, the condition in his body temporarily improved, but if there was no yin suffocation With the continuous supply of Qi, the chaos in his body will still reappear.

While his body was recovering a little, Jiang Lin didn't even have time to look for Taoist Tian, ​​so he walked around the county town and chose a place to re-concentrate his golden pills.

"It's midday."

Jiang Lin looked at the sun, and then put on a posture of five hearts facing the sky, allowing the source of the aurora and various sources of yang flames in the body to swim and converge towards the dantian.

At the same time, the spiritual power in the sky above the land of extreme sun gradually gathered and drilled into his body.

In the past, his recovery of spiritual power was a very smooth thing, but now the light source and fire source in the body move, and then the spiritual power is drawn into the body, and his whole body is shaken.

It was not until the sun went down and Jiang Lin's clothes were soaked with sweat that he re-condensed the golden elixir in his body.

"Fortunately, there is Qiurong's resentment."

Jiang Lin gasped for breath. If it weren't for the fact that he had absorbed a lot of resentment in the past few days, I'm afraid this reunion of Jindan would not have been so smooth.

Although there were still waves of pain inside his body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if he still can't easily use any Dao technique, at least he can have the means to deal with any unexpected situation, but the price to pay is relatively high.

If I absorb some more Yin Qi tonight, I can discuss it with Qiu Rong.

Jiang Lin looked into the distance and was ready to implement his plan. If he could reach an agreement with Qiu Rong, he could implement the recovery method provided by the system as soon as possible.

After returning to the haunted house, Jiang Lin sat down under the big tree. The yin and evil energy he had absorbed before was indirectly consumed by this time.

That's why he put the matter of finding Taoist Tian and accepting him as his younger brother on hold.

In the middle of the night, Xiao Xie came out for a walk in the yard. After seeing Jiang Lin, she let out a light snort. Jiang Lin felt something was wrong with her now.

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