After thinking about it for a moment, the expression on Jiang Lin's face became a bit exciting.

Before, Qiu Rong misunderstood and wronged him for having bad intentions towards Xiao Xie, but now, he really has bad intentions towards Xiao Xie.

Not only Xiao Xie, but even Qiurong and Jiang Lin had a flash of thought.

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-four chapters met me, your ancestral graves are smoked (on)

Among the female ghosts in this haunted house, only Xiao Xie and Qiurong are the strongest, and they are not far from the level of Heavenly Ghost and Ghost Emperor.

If there are his Immortal Treasures to assist them, it should be quite easy for them to break through.

And if he has the help of two ghosts, he can relax a lot.

"Cough, if I hadn't been in a dilemma now, I wouldn't have such an idea."

Jiang Lin coughed, touched his nose and muttered to himself.

Although he said so, he was thinking in his heart: Although Qiu Rong's temper is not good, her face is also more beautiful than flowers.

Jiang Lin not only thought of Qiu Rong's appearance, but also thought of other things.

Although Qiu Rong hates men and may have been persecuted by men in the past, her body is still intact.

"Well~ I have no choice but to."

After self-hypnosis, Jiang Lin closed his eyes and continued to absorb the evil spirit in the haunted house.

Two days later, the peace of Jiangjia Bieyuan was broken again, and two more young people came to Bieyuan.

One of them was Taoist Tian, ​​whom Jiang Lin was going to look for. Taoist Tian was frightened by ghosts and left some ancestral instruments in Bieyuan. .

As for the other one, it was Tao Wangsan, whom Jiang Lin met at a tea stall outside the county town.

A few days ago, when Tao Wangsan and Miss Jiang were drinking at a restaurant in the city, they happened to meet Tian Taoist who was boasting.

And Tao Wangsan had a conflict with Taoist Tian because he didn't believe in ghosts and gods, and wanted to make a name for himself in front of Miss Jiang's family.

However, after Tao Wangsan arrived at Jiang's house, he was not welcomed by Master Jiang, and was only willing to give him a place to stay in a different courtyard.

That is the haunted house where Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie are.

Tao Wangsan heard about the hauntings here several times, and felt a little drummed in his heart, so he went to Taoist Tian to apologize and asked Taoist Tian to come with him.

After going back and forth, the two became familiar with each other. Taoist Tian had a magic weapon in the haunted house, and he did not dare to come alone. Now that he has a companion, he is quite happy.

Therefore, the two came to Jiang's Bieyuan Garden today.

"I said Tao Wangsan, you already knew that the young master of the Jiang family was a woman disguised as a man. Why didn't you expose her?"

"What are you doing to expose her? She pretends to be a man, so that I can get close to her, gain trust, and have a relationship with the Jiang family. It's just a pity that Mr. Jiang looks down on me and let me live here, but it's really bad luck. Not bad, when will you trick Miss Jiang's family over and turn raw rice into plain rice when no one is there, even if Master Jiang doesn't recognize it."

After Taoist Tian and Tao Wangsan came outside Bieyuan, they started talking.

this sound...

Jiang Lin in the yard moved his ears, and then the corners of his mouth raised.

He also planned to find Taoist Tian, ​​but this guy is here again.

"Another voice? Is that Tao Wangsan?"

Jiang Lin recalled that the owner of another voice was the guy who said he was a murderer at a tea stall outside the county.

It was this one.

Jiang Lin let out a sneer, he had no good impression of this Tao Wangsan, and now Tao Wangsan still lives in this haunted house.

How could he want to.

Even if it was someone else, Jiang Lin wouldn't want them to come in to disturb him, let alone this Tao Wangsan.

Jiang Lin's body moved slightly, but he endured the severe pain in his body, and he used his ever-changing abilities to force the action.

Tao Wangsan doesn't care, but Taoist Tian is still going to be accepted as a temporary younger brother, so he needs to say hello to Qiurong first.

This haunted house has been disturbed again and again, I am afraid Qiurong and the others will not be as simple as scaring people this time.

He also needs to ask Taoist Tian to help him run errands. In case of injury, it will delay his affairs.

This is one aspect of it. On the other hand, Jiang Lin is also ready to let Taoist Tian see his methods. Otherwise, Taoist Tian may not be willing to become his younger brother.

Jiang Lin wanted Taoist Tian to help him, and he might take some risks, so he needed to lay the groundwork in advance, and let Taoist Tian treat him like a god. He felt that when he met him, the family's grave was smoking.

This is the reason why Jiang Lin used his powers. To put it bluntly, it was to make a mystery for Taoist Tian.

At this moment, Taoist Tian pushed open the door of Bieyuan, and after glancing at Bieyuan, he reminded Tao Wangsan: "I can tell you, this Bieyuan is very evil, and everything in it is the most dangerous. Don't touch it, especially things that don't belong to you."

At this time, Jiang Lin's ever-changing abilities had already been displayed, and only Tian Daoshi and Tao Wangsan could not find him, but he did not act immediately.

The use of ever-changing powers made his body burden abruptly heavier, and for a while, he couldn't even move.

Qiurong and Xiao Xie heard the movement on the side of the gate and appeared in the main room.

Then there was a bit of coldness on their faces, and they were repeatedly disturbed. Even if they didn't want to have any interaction with the living, they couldn't bear it anymore.

Tao Wangsan looked at the layout of the other garden and the layout of the main room, and said, "I said Taoist Tian, ​​the buildings here are at least a hundred years old. Although they are a bit shabby, the beams, pillars and rafters are deliberately prosperous. "

"Sister, that scholar is here for the first time. It seems that the fake Taoist brought it here, so let's not hurt him. And after so many years, he is the first to praise us here."

Because of the kindness in her heart, Xiao Xie felt a little soft-hearted when she heard Tao Wangsan compliment Bieyuan.

You can't do it, you are always so kind-hearted, it's easy to suffer losses.

Hearing Xiao Xie's voice, Jiang Lin felt a little dumbfounded. This female ghost Xiao Xie, just because Tao Wangsan praised Bieyuan twice, didn't know what kind of person this guy was, so he began to show kindness again. .

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-fifth chapters met me, your ancestral graves are smoked (middle)

"Hey, why is there a silver hairpin here, at least it's worth a hundred taels of silver."

At this time, Tao Wangsan walked not far in front of Jiang Lin and picked up a silver hairpin from the ground.

After Jiang Lin saw the silver hairpin, he looked towards the main room. This hairpin seemed to belong to Xiao Xie.

Sure enough, Xiao Xie also found the silver hairpin picked up by Tao Wangsan, and then she said anxiously: "Sister, what should I do, it's a relic left by my mother, if it is taken away, what will I do? worthy of her."

Saying that, Xiao Xie rushed out of the door, but was held back by Qiu Rong and the others. It was still daytime. If Xiao Xie was exposed to the sun, the consequences would be very serious.

Even though Qiu Rong held Xiao Xie, it was still half a step too late. Xiao Xie was hit by the sun, and white smoke suddenly appeared on her body, and her exposed skin, including her hands and neck, suddenly had large burns.

If it wasn't for Qiu Rong and the others to react in time, Xiao Xie's face would have been directly hit by the sun.

But even though there were a lot of burns on her body, Xiao Xie still didn't care, she just looked anxiously at the silver hairpin in Tao Wangsan's hands in the yard.

However, just when Xiao Xie was anxious, Tao Wangsan in the yard shook his head and put down the silver hairpin in his hand.

When Taoist Tian entered the door, he told him that there was a lot of evil in Bieyuan, and it was best not to move anything.

"Great, great."

When Xiao Xie saw Tao Wangsan put down the silver hairpin, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she said to Qiurong: "Sister Qiurong, this scholar is not tempted when he sees property, let's not embarrass him."

Xiao Xie was kind-hearted in the first place, but now Tao Wangsan gave her the possibility of regaining her mother's relics, so she didn't want to see Tao Wangsan being taught by Qiurong and the others.

"Okay, I promise you."

Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Xie helplessly, but agreed. Xiao Xie did not care about her life for the sake of her mother's relic. No matter what, Tao Wangsan didn't take the silver hairpin away. Xiao Xie felt grateful. It means, she can understand.

At this moment, Jiang Lin stood up, picked up the silver hairpin in his hand, and looked at Xiao Xie again.

He wanted to go over and say hello to Qiurong and the others, and Yin Chai just gave him a chance.

Moreover, he also needs to explain to Xiao Xie that Tao Wangsan wants to live in this haunted house now, even if Qiurong and the others don't do it, he will teach Tao Wangsan some lessons.

It's just that now Xiao Xie has pleaded with Qiurong and the others, and Xiao Xie is also one of the owners of the haunted house. In this case, it's not easy for him to act.

When Xiao Xie saw Jiang Lin picked up the silver hairpin and looked at her, he shouted at her, "Young Master Jiang."

"Come here."

Qiurong nodded to Jiang Lin, now that Xiao Xie can't go to the yard, and they are the same, since Jiang Lin can send the silver hairpin over, it is better than Xiao Xie's anxiety here all the time.

After that, Jiang Lin walked over and handed the silver hairpin into Xiao Xie's hands.

"I'll look at your injuries."

Jiang Lin stretched out his hand to Xiao Xie. In addition to saying hello to Qiurong, he came here for another reason, that is, to treat Xiao Xie's injuries.

Now, he has other thoughts about Xiao Xie, and the girl Xiao Xie has taken a fancy to him before, so now he has regarded Xiao Xie as his prospective ghost wife.

Xiao Xie suffered such serious burns, and he naturally felt distressed.

Xiao Xie handed over her hand, Qiu Rong frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. Jiang Lin was a cultivator, and he was much more professional than them in dealing with Xiao Xie's burns.

Although she doesn't want to let her sister and Jiang Lin have too much interaction, but now that Xiao Xie is injured, she doesn't care about anything.

Jiang Lin looked at the burn on Xiao Xie's hand, swiped it on his collar again, and then frowned.

Because Xiao Xie's mind was on the silver hairpin just now, she didn't take into account that she would be hurt by sunlight, nor did she release ghost energy to protect herself, which caused her serious injury.

All were severely burned.

Then Jiang Lin cut his fingertips directly with his fingernails, grabbed Xiao Xie's wrist, and dripped his own blood on it.

Before, his body had always been nourished by immortal treasures, and he basically didn't use immortal fire and yang flame to refine it, so he accumulated a lot of medicinal power.

Now he can't easily take out the treasure in the ancient mirror, so he can only treat Xiao Xie in this way.

"Young Master Jiang, you..."

Seeing Jiang Lin bleeding to heal his burns, Xiao Xie immediately wanted to withdraw his hands, but Jiang Lin grabbed him tightly.

After the blood fell on the back of Xiao Xie's hand, the burn on it immediately changed and began to scab at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Xiao Xie and Qiurong were surprised when they saw that Jiang Lin's blood had such an effect.

After smearing the blood, Jiang Lin looked at Qiurong and said, "Do you need me to treat the burn on her neck? My blood has a strong exorcism effect. Without me to deal with it myself, I guess none of you can do it. ."

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