If he wanted to heal the burn on Xiao Xie's neck, Jiang Lin had to touch his jade neck just as he touched the back of Xiao Xie's hand, so he looked at Qiurong.

He didn't want to be scorned by Qiu Rong because of his kindness.

"Go on."

Qiu Rong did not stop Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin was right. The blood of a cultivator, especially a cultivator with masculine spiritual power in his body like Jiang Lin, was quite threatening to their ghosts.

Even if Jiang Lin was willing to bleed, they couldn't use it to heal Xiao Xie.

At least not in the short term.

Seeing that Qiu Rong didn't say anything, Jiang Lin cut open the belly of his other four fingers and smeared blood on Xiao Xie's neck.

"I... go over there."

Xiao Xie's face had a lot of blush again. She had never been in such close contact with a man before.

When Jiang Lin smeared blood on the back of her hand just now, her heart was already pounding like a deer, not to mention the skin around her neck and collar that Jiang Lin was touching now.

Embarrassed, Xiao Xie walked to the dilapidated screen in the main room and went behind the screen.

"Miss Qiurong, don't touch that Taoist Tian for now. If you have any resentment in your heart, just frighten him. I need him to do something. I'll find the cause of your death for you, and it's estimated that it will fall on him. Wait. Help Miss Xie heal the burn, and I'll explain it to you."

Jiang Lin explained Qiurong and went behind the old screen.

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-six chapters met me, your ancestral graves are smoked (below)

"Sister Qiurong, is this the malevolence of men?"

"Isn't it bad-hearted?"

"Is his bloodletting to cure Xiao Xie also malicious?"

At this time, the other female ghosts all asked about Qiu Rong. They had always been influenced by Qiu Rong, thinking that men would only have bad thoughts towards them.

But what Jiang Lin is doing now is nothing like it.

"He...he admitted it himself, you still ask...what?"

Qiu Rong glared at the female ghosts, but even if she was stubborn, she had to admit that Jiang Lin had sacrificed more than he had in return.

In Qiu Rong's perception, even a cultivator's blood couldn't have such an obvious curative effect, so she felt that this was Jiang Lin's consumption of his original cultivation.

Even if it wasn't, Jiang Lin's blood had such a miraculous effect, and he certainly wouldn't lose it easily, but now he bleeds himself in order to treat Xiao Xie's burn.

He should want to thank Xiao Xie for his previous help.

After thinking for a moment, Qiu Rong could only think of such a reason.

After all, before, she already felt that the possibility that Jiang Lin had bad intentions towards Xiao Xie was not too big.

It's just that she didn't expect Jiang Lin to have thoughts about Xiao Xie after being awakened by Xiao Xie's words. Not only Xiao Xie, but even herself was in Jiang Lin's thoughts.

In a short time, Jiang Lin completed his healing work, and then he took a porcelain bottle container from his arms and put his blood into it.

"If you leave this blood for a day, the power of exorcism will gradually dissipate. You can just rub it on the burn yourself. Once a day, after three days, the scar will completely fall off. Also, you don't have to worry, no There will be any scars."

Jiang Lin handed the porcelain bottle to Xiao Xie. Since he had an idea for Xiao Xie, of course he didn't want to see any ugly scars on Xiao Xie's body in the future.

"Young Master Jiang, you...you are so kind to me."

Xiao Xie blushed and looked at Jiang Lin shyly.

Although she had helped Jiang Lin before, but because she had done bad things with good intentions, and Jiang Lin thanked him later, so the previous things were already evened out.

However, now Jiang Lin would actually put so much blood for her, not to mention the burns he had already healed for her, and he also sent another bottle of blood to keep her wounds from leaving scars.

"It's nothing."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said: "Actually, Miss Xie, I want to tell you something, you are a kind-hearted girl, but it is too easy to be kind, and it is easy for you to suffer losses like this."

After a short pause, Jiang Lin continued: "Let's not say anything else, just say that the scholar in the yard now, I know him, his name is Tao Wangsan, just because he praised this other garden, you let Miss Qiurong They spared him, this... is indeed a bit outrageous. He is..."

Jiang Lin told Xiao Xie about his encounter with Tao Wangsan at a tea stall outside the county and the exchange of gold. Tao Wangsan deliberately pretended not to see through the matter of Miss Jiang’s disguise as a man to climb on Jiang’s family, and he also accompanied him. said.

"Such a person, what do you say you spare him for? Moreover, he is also going to borrow the place here to trick Miss Jiang over and cook the raw rice into plain rice, so that Master Jiang has to admit that he is his son-in-law. As for what he found There is a reason why your silver hairpin is placed far away. You must think that he is a scholar who is not tempted when he sees wealth, right? In fact, he is because the Taoist Tian specifically told him not to touch the yard in the yard. things, or you will suffer."

As he said that, Jiang Lin felt that he seemed to understand why Xiao Xie, the female ghost, was so protected by Qiurong.

Can it be done without protection?

If Taoist Tian hadn't warned in advance, Tao Wangsan would definitely have taken the silver hairpins. After all, when he exchanged notes at the tea stall, when he said that the gold nugget was equal to eight, Tao Wangsan had the same virtue.

What's interesting is that Xiao Xie only saw that Tao Wangsan didn't take his silver hairpin, and thought that Tao Wangsan was a person with good character.

"Looking at things, you can't just look at the surface. Sometimes what you see in your eyes may not be all true. It may be just a part of the thing. Well, I'm telling you this because I'm going to find Tao Wangsan next. I don't want to make you feel embarrassed."

Jiang Lin told Xiao Xie this, but in fact, he didn't want to compromise his image in Xiao Xie's heart.

If he doesn't explain and goes to Tao Wangsan's bad luck, then Xiao Xie will definitely think that he is an unreasonable and bullying person because of his preconceived ideas.

"Ah? So he is such a person? How can there be such a disgusting person."

Xiao Xie was stunned after listening to Jiang Lin's story.

If Jiang Lin didn't tell her this, she really thought that Tao Wangsan was a promising young man with a good personality, but she didn't expect that the other party was such a person.

"In other words, if it wasn't for the false Taoist warning, my silver hairpin would have been taken away by him?"

Xiao Xie suddenly felt a little angry in her heart, but it was mainly because she was angry with herself that she actually recognized such a person.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "No way. After all, I'm here, and of course he won't let him take your things away."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Xiao Xie lowered his face, and there was more redness on his face.

Then she glanced at Jiang Lin shyly and ran out.

"Young Master Jiang, should you give me an explanation? Why don't you let me touch that fake Taoist priest, he has disturbed us before, and now he dares to bring people here."

Seeing Jiang Lin come out, Qiu Rong looked at him, waiting for his explanation.

If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's explanation in advance, the Taoist priest in the yard now would have broken his legs and arms, not to mention broken hands and feet.

"I'm seriously injured now, and I can't even walk for a long time. Although that kid is tricking, he has the foundation of cultivation. I want to use him to run errands for me and use his hand to cast some spells, or else investigate the cause of your death. , I don't know when it will start."

After Jiang Lin explained, he added: "Of course, wait for him to come, just let out your anger, don't really hurt him. As for the scholar, you can do whatever you want, even if you don't look for his bad luck, I will look for him. I've told the little girl about him."

"So it is."

Qiurong nodded, but she didn't expect this episode.

"Sister Qiurong, that scholar's name is Tao Wangsan, he's just a scumbag, a stinky man. If Young Master Jiang hadn't told me, I wouldn't even know he was such a jerk. He actually wanted to set up an insult to Jiang here. Miss Jia, become the son-in-law of the Jiang family in this way."

At this time, Xiao Xie told Qiu Rong about Tao Wangsan. Now that she knew the truth and understood Tao Wangsan's character, she could not wait to beat Tao Wangsan.

"Damn, really nasty! Sisters, teach him a good lesson!"

After Qiu Rong listened, the resentment in her body got out of control again. Now that Tao Wangsan has completely taken away all the hatred value, Qiu Rong even automatically ignored Tian Taoist.

As a result, Qiu Rong raised her hands and held them away, and Tao Wangsan and Taoist Taoist Tian were taken into the main room by her.

"I asked you to call me a murderer."

When Tao Wangsan flew over, Jiang Lin raised his foot and kicked Tao Wangsan's ass, making him kiss the wall.

"Ghost! Here again!"

After Tian Taoist fell to the ground in the main room, he suddenly screamed and shivered with fright.

He hit the ghost again.

Afterwards, the wooden door of the main room was closed again, and Taoist Tian no longer wanted any ancestral instruments, so he turned around and grabbed the door.

But with his ability, where can he open the wooden door.

After Jiang Lin kicked Tao Wangsan, he didn't pay any more attention to this product, and went to Tian Taoist's side.

Now, it's time for him to play tricks.

"Young man, this time you are doomed. So many female ghosts want your life. But, fortunately, you met the old man and me."

Jiang Lin walked over to Taoist Tian and whispered to him.

"Who? Why is there a male ghost?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's voice, Taoist Tian screamed again.

The last time he encountered female ghosts, but now there was a man.

Jiang Lin used his ability, so that he couldn't see Jiang Lin at all, and could only hear Jiang Lin's voice.

"Put your stinky farts, the old man is Tianzun Shuimu, how can he be a ghost?"

Jiang Lin held back his smile and slapped Taoist Tian on the face.

Then he said: "You boy, if you want to survive today, call me senior, I will consider saving your life, and maybe I will give you a chance."

"Senior, senior, help, the boy will listen to you in everything, and ask your old man to help you!"

At this time, Tao Wangsan's tortured legs rolled back and his hands were put together, and the wailing continued. Tian Taoist didn't dare to think about it when he saw this. Jiang Lin said what he was willing to do.

Just to save his life.

"Hey, it's quite a child to teach. You must know that I have a very high vision. You are fortunate to meet this old man this time. The eighteenth generation of ancestors will grin in the Netherworld. When you meet me, you The family ancestral tomb will be smoking green smoke."

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with Taoist Tian's attitude. With Tao Wangsan as an example, his acceptance of the younger brother was much smoother than expected.

Chapter [*], young man, the old man is surprised to see your bones

"Heaven, save your life. My Tian family has passed it down from nine generations, and now I'm the only one left. As long as I can survive, my grandfather, great-grandfather Xuanzu, and the eighteenth-generation ancestors will burn high incense underneath. It's not a problem if there is smoke from the tomb. Son."

Taoist Tian turned around and prayed to Jiang Lin as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

He didn't know where Jiang Lin was at all, so he could only pray like this.

"Sister Qiurong, I'll play tricks on that fake Taoist priest."

After Xiao Xie took a chair leg and knocked on Tao Wangsan's head, he told Qiurong and then went to Jiang Lin's place.

She also heard what Jiang Lin explained to Qiurong before, so she also knew what Jiang Lin was doing now.

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