Since Jiang Lin wanted to take Taoist Tian as his younger brother and use his strength to find the cause of death for his sister Qiurong, she also wanted to help.

In fact, she just wanted to get closer to Jiang Lin.

"I died so miserably!"

When Xiao Xie arrived in front of Taoist Tian, ​​he instantly revealed his dead appearance, with bruises and frostbite all over his face, and he couldn't look like a human at all.


Tian Taoist was frightened out of pigs, turned around and slammed into the door panel, causing gold stars to appear in his eyes.

"Tianzun, senior, rescue! I will let my ancestors burn incense for you below!"

Afterwards, Taoist Tian was picked up in midair by Xiao Xie and rammed around, and he shouted loudly.

If the senior Tianzun just now did not rescue him, he might even lose his life.

Because Jiang Lin had previously explained, don't hurt Tian Taoist, so Xiao Xie didn't prepare to use a ruthless hand at all, just bumped him back and forth.

But even so, Tian Taoist was so scared that his crotch was wet.

Directly freak out.

"What a shame."

Xiao Xie put down Taoist Tian, ​​and Taoist Tian got under the table, not even daring to come out.

After that, Xiao Xie came to Jiang Lin's side and said with a smile, "Mr. Jiang, do you need me to scare him again?"

"That's all, and let Miss Qiurong and the others stop, so as not to cause a real accident, it will not be good for you."

Jiang Lin saw that Tao Wangsan on the other side was almost deformed after being taught by Qiu Rong and the others, and he was not ready to let them make trouble again.

"By the way, I can only use this method now, and let the two ghosts cover their eyes. You can cooperate with me to strengthen the effect. Let this little Taoist treat me like a god in the back."

Jiang Lin added a few words to Xiao Xie's ear.

After listening to Xiao Xie, he covered his mouth and chuckled. Although people here have disturbed them before, and they have taught and frightened people, there has never been a time as interesting as today.

After Xiao Xie passed by, Jiang Lin went to the table where Taoist Tian was hiding, and said, "Young man, you are so useless, this little scene scared you to pee your pants."

"Tianzun, senior, grandpa! These are all ghosts, what can I do, Oda? Senior, didn't you say you wanted to rescue me? Where are you?"

After hearing Jiang Lin's voice, Taoist Tian kowtowed to the source of the sound.

God knows what he was scared of.

This guy.

Jiang Lin shook his head slightly. Although his fellow apprentice brothers Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were also scared by ghosts and demons when they failed, they were so frightened that they cried and cried, but they had limited qualifications anyway.

But this Taoist Tian himself has a good foundation, and being frightened into such a state is truly a loss of the eighteenth generation of his ancestors.

"My old man, it's because of your insincerity, you only care about getting out of trouble, and you don't take the old man seriously. It's not the old man's blowing, these little devils, the old man can blow them to the horizon with just one breath. ."

"Senior, the boy sincerely respects you as a senior. This heart can be learned from the world, and this love can be expressed by the sun and the moon."

Taoist Tian is about to cry, he is dying now, can he not be sincere?

They can't be more sincere.

But this senior Tianzun actually watched him suffer because he mistakenly thought that he was not sincere.

"Forget it, old man, I promised you before, just look at the old man's methods. After you get out of trouble, wait for me outside. The old man has some cause and effect with you, and will give you some opportunities."

"Thank you, senior, thank you very much, kid!"

Where can Taoist Tian dare to think of any chance now, as long as he can escape from this terrifying haunted house, it is his ancestor's accumulation of virtue, and everything will be fine.

Then, Jiang Lin walked over and gestured to Xiao Xie.

"It's really unforgivable that you, such ghosts and evil spirits, dare to do wrong in broad daylight!"

After Jiang Lin drank, Xiao Xie and Qiurong immediately cooperated, and they all appeared ghostly and slammed into the wall one after another.

"Xianchang spare your life! I won't dare to wait any longer."

Xiao Xie took the lead in screaming, pretending to be a mouse and seeing an old cat.

"Sisters, hurry up! Come on someone."

Qiu Rong also changed her icy face, and also tried her best to cooperate, showing a fearful expression.

Jiang Lin wants to use Taoist Tian to use his hands to use his means to find an enemy for her. Although everyone has what they need, Jiang Lin is in poor health now, and it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. At this moment, she can do a little bit of strength, but it is nothing.

Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.

Good cheating, cheating, cheating, cheating.

After seeing this scene, Taoist Tian, ​​who did not know the truth, cried out in his heart.

He also admired Jiang Lin from the bottom of his heart.

This is really blue smoke from the ancestral grave, and I met such a life-saving Tianzun!

At this moment, Taoist Tian really regarded Jiang Lin as a god.

Even if he didn't see where Jiang Lin was at all.

At this time, the wooden door was opened by Jiang Lin, and Taoist Tian rushed outside without thinking.

As for Tao Wangsan, he couldn't control it either.

"Hey, wake up."

Jiang Lin walked over to Tao Wangsan and squatted down, giving the guy two ear scratches.

Tao Wangsan was beaten up by Jiang Lin, and then he saw Jiang Lin's corpse.

"Mamma Mia!"

With a loud scream, Tao Wangsan's adrenaline surged, and he used all four limbs. Like a flea, he broke out of the window and jumped out of Jiang's Garden in a few clicks.

After this incident, he no longer dared to think about living in this haunted house, let alone the young lady of the Jiang family, even the princess of the imperial city, the fairy in the sky, wanted to marry him, and he was unwilling.

After that, there was a burst of laughter in the hall of Bieyuan.

A living person, frightened by them like a flea, jumped out with all four limbs, this is really a strange story in the world.

"I don't know if this guy's guts have been frightened."

Jiang Lin smiled, and now that there is such a commotion, Tao Wangsan will never come here again anyway.

With no one disturbed from behind, he can safely absorb the yin and evil energy here, and let his body recover as soon as possible.

Then Jiang Lin said to Qiurong: "Miss Qiurong, for the next two or three days, Jiang Lin will be at Taoist Tian's place, teaching him some spells with what he has learned, and on the one hand let him help me find some evil spirits. On the other hand, let him investigate the cause of your death, Miss Qiurong. If he can't investigate, I will also let him learn some techniques such as avoiding light. At that time, you may need to cooperate with Miss Qiurong. Let's walk around in Weinan County to see if I can recall something."

"Anyway, Young Master, you are looking for the enemy of the past for me. You can help me settle my knot. Qiu Rong is here to thank Young Master Jiang."

Qiurong Lian gave Jiang Lin a salute. Although she and Jiang Lin had a transactional relationship, from the current point of view, she benefited more. Moreover, Jiang Lin's physical condition was not good. It was difficult, and now I have to go to Taoist Tian, ​​and I have suffered a lot.

Therefore, even though she was disgusted with men, she felt that she should thank Jiang Lin now.

"Take what you need from each other, no thanks."

Jiang Lin nodded, then looked at Xiao Xie: "Miss Xiao Xie, remember to use the blood in time, if there are scars, it will not look good."

After that, Jiang Lin walked out of the main room. Next, he was going to officially accept Tian Taoist as his younger brother.

Teaching spells also requires him to spend some time and energy.

"Sister Qiurong, if there is a magic spell such as avoiding light, can we go out and see the outside world?"

There was a look of excitement on Xiao Xie's face. For so many years since she died, she has not been able to walk outside during the day. She has never seen the prosperity of the market and the beauty of the world.

However, after being excited, she felt a little sad again. Jiang Lin was going to leave for a few days, and she would not be able to see Jiang Lin in these few days.

"If you can, who wouldn't want to go outside and take a look."

Qiu Rong smiled bitterly, and she also had some hope in her heart. She hoped that Jiang Lin could use the hands of Taoist Tian to bring some light-avoiding spells and amulets. She also wanted to go outside the haunted house to see some of the scenery in the daytime.

Jiang Lin walked out of the haunted house and saw Taoist Tian who was still shivering outside.

"Little guy, how's it going, the old man didn't lie to you, did he? If he said saving your life, he would definitely save your life."

When he arrived at Taoist Tian's side, Jiang Lin continued to play tricks.

"Senior Tianzun, this boy's life was saved by you. It's really a good fortune for the boy's three lives to meet Senior Tianzun!"

Taoist Tian immediately knelt down at the place where Jiang Lin made a noise, and bowed his head.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Get up, go to your Taoist temple, the old man will do what he says. He said that he will give you a chance, and he will definitely give you a chance."

"Senior, I really can't believe that I meet a senior like you, and I want to give this boy a chance, but why?"

When Taoist Tian heard Jiang Lin said that he was going to give him a chance, he was of course very happy. He not only saved his life this time, but also had the chance to take it.

However, he was also a little confused, such a good thing would actually fall on him.

He's just a magic stick who tricks and pretends to be a ghost.

"Although your boy is not doing a proper job, he is not useless. Boy, it's because the old man is surprised by your skeleton that he decided to give you a fortune."

Jiang Lin held back his smile and finished speaking. Now he feels like the beggar who sold martial arts secrets in the movie "Kung Fu".

Awesome fool.

Chapter [*]: Unexpected joy, Millennium Mass Burial Mound ([*])

"My bones are exquisite?"

When Tian Taoist heard Jiang Lin, the senior Tianzun, say that to him, a stinky expression suddenly appeared on his face.

I'll just say, I'm born to be useful!

After all, I am a single disciple of Tianyi Dao, and I have to carry the honor of my ancestors!

Taoist Tian was instantly delusional, fantasizing that he would be reborn and ascend to the sky in one step.

Directly from a swashbuckling little person to a shining star, from a waste boy to a lucky guy with the blessing of the protagonist halo, everyone loves everyone, flowers bloom, and immediately walks to the pinnacle of life.

Look at your future.

The black lines on Jiang Lin's forehead appeared. He didn't have to guess what Tian Taoist was thinking about, and his saliva was about to come out.

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