However, although he was amused by Tian Daoshi's pig-like appearance, Jiang Lin did not attack this guy.

The more imaginative Tian Taoist was, the more he could make a big cake for this guy and completely mobilize the enthusiasm of this kid.

"Yes, you are born with exquisite bones, and you are a rare cultivation genius in a century or even a thousand years. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to you specifically because of some karma with you. The old man intends to point out you, but I don't know what you want. I don't want to accept this good fortune. It's either the old man, I'm just a mediocre person. After the old man's training, he can turn earth and stone into gold. If you don't want to, the old man won't be difficult for you."

"Yes, senior, don't tell me, the boy is willing, absolutely willing!"

Taoist Tian hurriedly kowtowed to the source of the sound, making a thump on the ground.

With such good fortune finding him, if he didn't want to, he would be even stupider than a pig.

Other mediocre talents can turn soil and petro into gold, not to mention that he has not produced a single genius in thousands of years.

Today, even Taoist Tian himself is convinced of his own aptitude.

In fact, Jiang Lin said that the quality of this product is good, but it is only a comparison.

If you really want to compare it, it can't compare to his wives Xiaoru and Axiu.

"Senior, the kid still doesn't know where you are. I don't know if I can show up to meet you and let the kid pay his respects."

"Go to your Taoist temple first. In fact, I have always been by your side, but you haven't opened your eyes and can't see it."

Jiang Lin did not immediately withdraw his ability. On the way, he still had to learn about Tian Taoist's Heavenly Clothing Dao and some other information.

Better to dress up first.

"It turns out that the senior has been there all the time? I thought it was the sound transmission of you, the senior."

Since Jiang Lin was reluctant to show up for the time being, Taoist Tian didn't dare to say much, so he immediately led the way to his residence.

On the way, Jiang Lin also asked Taoist Tian some questions. Taoist Tian now regards Jiang Lin as a god, and naturally he knows everything.

About a quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin and Taoist Tian came to the Taoist temple. What surprised Jiang Lin was that this kid's Taoist temple was almost like a pig's nest.

Such a Daotang is really something he has only seen in his life.

Even in the Middle-earth world, even a small Taoist, if he inherits a Taoist hall, the row must be done well. Not to mention how luxurious it is, at least it should make people look like they are not lying.

But this Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin was really convinced.

What's more, even the plaque of the Taoist Church is crooked, and it is not upright on the ladder.

Jiang Lin scanned it and said, "You are such a doghouse."

"Senior, it's really rude. Life has become like this, and it's time to be a monk for a day."

Taoist Tian laughed dryly, and then quickly cleaned up the Taoist hall.

After he cleaned up a little, he turned his head and saw another person in the Taoist hall.

"Who are you? Why did you come to me without making a sound? Believe it or not, I hit someone?"

Seeing the sudden appearance of Jiang Lin, Tian Taoist's expression suddenly turned bad.

Now Jiang Lin has said that he has exquisite bones and is a rare cultivation genius.

Taoist Tian didn't even think that Jiang Lin was the senior Tianzun he had always called.

After all, in his cognition, the senior teacher called himself an old man, and he should be an old man with a childish appearance.

Jiang Lin's hair was disheveled, and his clothes were tattered, so he had absolutely nothing to do with any senior or Tianzun.

"You kid, you still look down on people, the old man showed up specially, and you are like this? I will give you a big ear scratch when I come up."

Jiang Lin slapped him in the face, the second uncle, he had deliberately made this guy a god before, but this Taoist Tian disrespected him as soon as he showed up.


After being rewarded with an ear scratch, Tian Taoist's anger immediately rose, but then he was stunned for a while - he had heard this sound!

"Former... Senior? Oh, this kid really doesn't know Mount Tai!"

After reacting, Tian Taoist hurriedly knelt down to Jiang Lin and slapped his face at the same time.

"Get up."

Jiang Lin didn't care about Taoist Tian. Right now, he needed to look up some of the ancestral books of Taoist Tian, ​​and make some changes to some of the Taoist techniques he had learned in Middle-earth, so he didn't have time to talk nonsense with Taoist Tian.

"Senior, why are you so young?"

After Tian Taoist got up, he couldn't help but look at Jiang Lin. He couldn't believe that the young man in front of him, who looked only twenty-six or seven years old, was the senior Tianzun who had rescued him before.

"Tianzun can't be young anymore? Is it possible that the gods in the sky are all old men and old women?"

Jiang Lin glanced at Taoist Tian, ​​and then said: "Take out all the ancient books and manuscripts that your ancestors handed down. Although your bones are exquisite, you are now half-way monks, like a piece of rough jade, already If someone moves your hand, I have to follow the path you have cultivated and sort it out for you again, so that you can gallop on the road ahead."

"Yes, yes, what senior said is that the gods and fairies in the sky are very young. It's the boy, I'm ignorant. I'm going to sort out those books and notes."

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, Tian Taoist no longer had any doubts. After all, Jiang Lin had already established a tall image in his heart.

As for Jiang Lin's words to consult some of his ancestors' books, he has no doubts.

Not only did he have no doubts, but he still complained about his dead father in his heart. He had all these junk in the house, and he had to inherit it. Now, if there is a famous teacher, he can fly into the sky in minutes. Hundreds of thousands of gold and silver went up and down in minutes.

As a result, his future was delayed by these rubbish things from his ancestors.

Chapter [*]: Unexpected joy, Millennium Mass Burial Mound (Part [*])

It didn't take long for Tian Taoist to turn over the books and notes that had eaten ashes in his residence and put them on the table.

Jiang Lin picked up a book, shook the dust on it, and then said to Taoist Tian: "Okay, you go to calm down first, from today onwards, I will start to give you special training, your plasticity is always affected by it. It's a bit of a delay, but you can rest assured that I'm here. The premise is that you can calm your heart down, otherwise I'll be merciless. If others hear my name, Shui Mu Tianzun, they will have to line up with long dragons on their knees. For seven days and seven nights, I hope to get my advice. If you don't cherish it, then you don't take this old man seriously."

"Senior can rest assured, as long as it is the senior's order, the boy will do everything."

When Tian Taoist heard that Jiang Lin gave him a special training today, he was so happy that he didn't know the east, west, north and south, and immediately went to the courtyard behind the Taoist temple and meditated there.

Jiang Lin was continuously flipping through the books that Taoist Tian had made up, looking at the inheritance spells and secret techniques of Tianyi Dao, and at the same time, he also imagined in his mind that after all, he pointed out that some practical Taoist Taoist Tian needs to make some changes.


When Jiang Lin was flipping through a manuscript written by Taoist Tian's ancestor, he suddenly let out a sigh.

This manuscript records a thousand-year-old mass grave in a barren mountain in Wener, a neighboring country to the south of Ermao Kingdom.

When Tian Taoist ancestors were walking outside to practice, they had been to the thousand-year-old mass grave, and they had joined hands with the Yu clan of Wen Erguo's family of monster hunters, planning to go there to destroy the monsters.

But in the end, they were forced to retreat by the evil spirit in the mass grave.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin's mood suddenly improved a lot.

According to the description in the handwritten notes, that thousand-year-old mass grave was a place of peerless ferocity, and the aura of yin evil was extremely strong.

It suits him very well.

"It was a real surprise."

A smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face. If he hadn't had the idea of ​​accepting Taoist Tian as his younger brother, he might not have obtained this favorable information.

He can't act as he wants right now, even if he goes around to inquire, he may not be able to inquire into such a place that is very good for him.

After all, this thousand-year-old mass grave is not in Ermao country, but in its neighboring country.

If he had recovered a little, he might have headed northeast. In that case, he would have missed the Millennium Burial Mound.

Jiang Lin looked at the records at the back and calculated the time. The records on the Millennium Burial Mound in the handbook should have been five or six hundred years from now.

If the thousand-year-old mass grave had such a strong yin and evil spirit, if nothing unexpected, it still hasn't dissipated, and it may even be more intense.

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin even wanted to get Qiurong's affairs done as soon as possible, and finally bring his grievances into his body.

Then go directly to Wenerguo.

And if you want to accomplish this, you have to put the tool brother Tian Taoist into use as soon as possible.

After a few hours, Jiang Lin flipped through the books on the table, and had some ideas in his heart.

He is going to spread the branches and leaves of the ninth uncle's division here.

Originally, he planned to let Taoist Tian learn part of the inheritance of the Chen Dao School, but the Chen Dao School originally belonged to the Xiangxi Chasing Corpse line. Although the founder of the school was the Taoist Master of Yan Zhi, he belonged to the Taoism of the Maoshan line, Yan Zhi. The Taoist priest didn't leave much behind, so what the Chen Taoist sect could take out was the various secret techniques in the Yanzhi Secret Record.

But Taoist Tian himself does not have the foundation of fire or masculinity, and he can't learn much.

Therefore, Jiang Lin simply changed some Maoshan techniques and left them to Taoist Tian.

Afterwards, Jiang Lin took a pen and paper and wrote down some Taoist spells and spells, including the methods to deal with some evil and corpse evil.

Using the compass and the knowledge of mountain and river formations to observe the terrain, he also wrote a lot.

"Boy, this is a practice that is suitable for you to practice. You should read it as soon as possible, but your cultivation level is too low. Even if some methods of this old man are simplified, you will not be able to practice. You can only extract the background first. Just come up."

Jiang Lin threw the "Liang Yi Zhang" exercises he wrote down to Taoist Tian, ​​and then said: "After reading it, if there is anything you don't understand, if you feel that you can't figure out the principle, just ask me directly."

Because the time is tight, Jiang Lin is not prepared to let Taoist Tian understand more, what to draw inferences from other facts, and what to seek for the cause and the result, and he does not intend to let Taoist Tian do it, and directly come to cramming the teaching.

"Looking at how badly you have been bullied by a few sneaks, the old man will also help the seedlings at the right time, and give you some magic tricks. If you learn it, if you don't say that you can defeat a hundred with one, seven or eighty soldiers will not be able to get close to you. ."

Jiang Lin knew that Taoist Tian was so arrogant and deceived, and he probably suffered a lot of losses before, so he directly said what this kid was most interested in.

In fact, it is mainly because he needs to let Taoist Tian run errands to find evil things such as coffin bacteria or evil spirits, which requires Taoist Tian to have some self-protection power.

"Senior Tianzun, is it true? Is it really like this? Is it really possible?"

The expression on Tian Daoshi's face was so excited that it was as if he had become a father.

Jiang Lin guessed it well. Although this guy has some cultivating disciples, his boxing skills are not comparable to that of Qiu Sheng back then. Therefore, he often suffers from pretending to be a ghost on weekdays.

Now Jiang Lin said that he wanted to instruct him on some magic tricks, and he was so excited that one person could single out a large group.

"Come on, calm down for me, don't be so unpromising. I don't have much time to stay, I'm willing to give pointers, but how much you can learn depends on whether you're willing to work hard. Of course, you If I'm really tired, I'll ask you something."

Jiang Lin once again mobilized Taoist Tian's enthusiasm. This guy is like a chicken blood now, and it is estimated that things will progress well.

As for the question he said, he was referring to the thousand-year-old mass grave in Wen Erguo. Maybe this kid had heard about it from his elders before.

He can't inquire too much about the Millennium Mass Burial Mound right now, and he doesn't have the ability to inquire, so he just wants to see if he can get some information from Taoist Tian.

In addition to the Millennium Mass Burial Mound, Jiang Lin also wanted to ask Tian Daoshi if there were any legends or secrets here in Ermao.

"Senior, even if you ask, the kid will know everything."

Taoist Tian's head twitched like a chicken pecking at rice, and then he resisted the excitement in his heart and read the Liangyi Palm Exercise in his hand.

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