Chapter [*] This little brother is worth it! (Down)

After the whole day, Taoist Tian was like taking stimulants. He accepted as much as Jiang Lin taught him, and he was not tired at all.

Because Taoist Tian was going to help him find the evil things tonight, Jiang Lin also instructed Taoist Tian in detail on the types of mountain topography in advance.

He also passed on the Maoshan magic technique to Taoist Tian.

"Senior, it's done, the lightning rune is done!"

In the evening, Taoist Tian again excitedly gave Jiang Lin the lightning rune he made in his hand.

Even Jiang Lin raised his brows. Taoist Tian's growth rate was far beyond his expectations. Although Taoist Tian's aptitude was relatively good, there was still a gap between him and some core disciples of Taoism in the Middle-earth world. Disciple, it is estimated that the speed of progress is not as fast as the current Taoist Tian.

Diligence can make up for clumsiness.

The passion of this guy really left Jiang Lin speechless.

However, Jiang Lin's contribution is also indispensable in this.

A teacher with the master level of Jiang Lin personally instructed him to teach everything, and he and Tian Daoshi jointly created such a result.

"I'll try the Sun-Inducing Talisman again."

Taoist Tian then returned to the table without looking back, and began to enthusiastically practice copying and painting the Yang Yin Talisman.

Half an hour later, Taoist Tian started dancing again, and he became again.

"Look at how hopeless you are."

Seeing that Taoist Tian was a little swollen, Jiang Lin spoke out and reprimanded the kid.

Although Tian Daoshi's progress is gratifying, if it continues to expand, it will definitely be impetuous. The light-avoiding spells behind it, and Taoist techniques such as the retrospective magic circle, are not as easy to master as this magic talisman.

Once Tian Taoist was delayed, the matter of finding an enemy for Qiurong would also be delayed.

"Senior, I feel that my speed is very good."

"Fuck it, get the pen."

Daoist Jiang Lin Chongtian hooked his fingers, and after taking Taoist Tian's talisman, he took the upper end of the talisman and asked Taoist Tian to hold his hand on the lower end to relax.

"Transmit spiritual power."

After explaining to Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin's hand moved, and after a while, a radiant lightning rune appeared on the table.

The spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body cannot be used at will now. If it is not for some crisis or difficult situation, he needs to try his best to make the spiritual power in his body dormant.

Therefore, he needs to borrow Tian Taoist's spiritual power to paint the thunder and lightning runes with rhyme and talisman.

" is this different from mine?"

Taoist Tian looked at the amulet drawn by Jiang Lin, and his eyes widened.

"Stinky boy, who do you think you are? The old man has already said that your aptitude, in the eyes of the old man, can only be compared with the old man's little fingernails. When the old man first learned Talisman, he only tried it. Twice, that's the effect. You're almost far away, and you're still complacent here."

Putting on the appearance of a teacher, Jiang Lin taught Tian Taoist priest a lesson, and then said: "Just relying on your thunder and lightning charms and sun-inducing charms, it is estimated that you can't help this old man. The power of your dozens or hundreds of paths."

A look of pride appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and then he drew a few Yang Yin Talismans in the same way as before.

Although Tian Taoist has made rapid progress, based on his current ability, it is estimated that it is not enough for him to find something evil.

After all, the evil spirits and ghosts in Daluo Immortal Realm are stronger than those in Middle-earth because of the abundance of spiritual power in this realm.

Jiang Lin originally thought that meeting Taoist Tian would be delayed for several days, but since he was already able to do things for him, he left a few tricks for Taoist Tian.

That way, things can go a little smoother.

"Senior, the kid knows he is wrong, he will calm down in the future."

Taoist Tian immediately bowed to Jiang Lin, and then put away those radiant charms like treasures.

After that, he put the ghost sealing bag and the evil storage furnace that he learned to make today into the shoulder bag.

After cleaning up, Taoist Tian said to Jiang Lin, "Senior, this kid will help the old man find what you want."

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Go ahead. By the way, I have taught you some terrain knowledge anyway. You can find a place with strong Yin Qi around the Taoist Church, buy some tents in the county, and there Set it up for me. Just come back and tell me the location."

Tomorrow is the fifteenth, the night of the full moon, Jiang Lin plans to absorb the essence of the full moon in a place with strong yin energy. Since Taoist Tian wants to go out, he will let this kid do it together.

"No problem, senior, wrap it on the boy."

Taoist Tian was very active, and he was just trying to confirm the knowledge he had learned that day.

Seeing the bright moonlight outside, Jiang Lin continued to guide the moonlight into his body.

At the fifth watch, Jiang Lin heard Taoist Tian coming.

This guy sang all the way, and I don't know how many people woke up on the road and opened the window and yelled at him.

"Senior, the boy is not disgraceful! I used the method taught by my senior to open my eyes on the road, and I saw a tuberculosis ghost preparing to harm others, and I also saw a green-headed ghost trying to harm the yellow flower girl..."

After seeing Jiang Lin, Taoist Tian was drooling with eloquent saliva, and finally took out the Ghost Sealing Bag and the Evil Storage Incense Burner in his satchel.

There are three little ghosts in the ghost sealing bag, and there are two groups of coffin bacteria in the evil storage furnace.

What the hell!

Even Jiang Lin was a little stunned this time.

This is the first day, the first day.

As soon as Tian Taoist went out this time, he came back with two groups of coffin bacteria, which can only be obtained from the zombie king.

With his current physical state, it is almost impossible to get two groups of coffin bacteria.

Although he has a lot of charm spirits, the level of the charm spirit and the zombie king is still one step behind, and the charm spirit has no means to target the zombie king. It is not easy at all to obtain coffin bacteria.

"Ruzi can be taught, and Ruzi can be taught!"

Jiang Lin looked at Taoist Tian with great satisfaction. The younger brother he received this time was really worth it!

When Tian Taoist heard Jiang Lin's compliment, he immediately felt like he was flying into the sky.

Then he talked to Jiang Lin about his achievements outside.

Because Tian Daoshi completely believed that his future was limitless, even if he met the Zombie King in a shady land, it was a whole body of courage.

Even if he meets another zombie king in the same place, he is still Yu Yongjia.

In addition, he has the Seven Star Treasure Clothes on his body, he has a magic attack technique, and Jiang Lin's Lightning Talisman and Yang Yin Talisman are reserved as a back-up. The mouths of the two zombie kings detonated, and the mouths of the two zombie kings could not be closed, and the coffin fungus between the throats was taken away by this kid.

The two zombie kings chased him for dozens of miles.

Even Jiang Lin didn't expect that he himself has fallen into this field now, and he could have such an effect if he just accepted a younger brother.

Chapter [*] Don't you want to eat him?

You must know that even if it is not a zombie king, it is only a ghost, and it is difficult to catch. Tian Taoist can actually use what he has learned in the past few days, put it into practice, and directly catch three little ghosts.

This effect can really be said to be immediate.

"Okay, it's been a hard night, rest early. Although your progress is gratifying, you should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest. If there is any injury, just say it directly. Now you are still shallow, and you can't ignore some injuries. If not , I will point you to Leifa tomorrow. Although you are not yet suitable for cultivation, you can use Leifa's mystery to prove your cultivation path."

Because he was quite satisfied with the evil things brought by Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin also planned to give more benefits to Taoist Tian.

With the thunder method of the Shenxiao faction, if this guy cultivates on his own in the future, his achievements may not be low.

Maybe condensing golden pills is not a problem?

"Lei Fa? Really? Senior, do you want to point me to Lei Fa? Five Thunders is the Fa?"

Taoist Tian was as excited as his daughter-in-law gave birth to a twin, and was so excited that he went over to hug the big water tank at the door.

Regardless of whether it is in the Middle-earth world or the Da Luo Xianjie, the spells of thunder or fire are the same top-level existences in the same level of mysterious arts.

Although Tianyi Dao and the others also had a period of glory, none of the secret techniques that could be passed down did not contain thunder.

Therefore, Taoist Tian was so excited now.

"Give me some peace, the old man told you a long time ago that when you meet the old man, your ancestral grave is full of blue smoke. Looking at your performance, if you really make the old man feel very satisfied, what kind of mountain and river formation, Buddhism The enchantment, the heaven and the earth, the art of calling the wind and the rain, the old man will give you a little advice. Go as you go, don't quarrel with the old man. "

When Jiang Lin saw Tian Daoshi's appearance, he knew that there was nothing wrong with this guy, so he waved his hand and told him to go to the side to cool off first.

"Yes, yes, green smoke, green smoke, it's good."

Tian Taoist resisted the excitement in his heart and ran into the Taoist hall in three steps.

Now he doesn't dare to let Jiang Lin feel a little bit of disgust for him, this senior Tianzun, he has to be like an ancestor.

Jiang Lin still sat down on the open space in front of the Taoist hall, ready to devour the ghosts of the three little ghosts in the ghost-sealing bag.

Anyway, these little ghosts are also evil ghosts who have caused harm to others, and it's okay to be devastated by him.

As for the two groups of coffin bacteria, Jiang Lin didn't plan to move them for the time being. He planned to wait for the night of the full moon tomorrow night to deal with the place where there was a lot of yin.

With two groups of coffin bacteria, he can slightly strengthen the corpse poison in his body. In that case, he estimates that he can walk a little far and return to the haunted house to continue to absorb the evil spirit there.

It was not until noon that Taoist Tian got up and went to the street to buy some food. He continued to be supervised by Jiang Lin and gave special training.

"Okay, you can't make a fat man in one bite. If you can't sleep, go and settle the methods pointed out by the old man."

After nightfall, Jiang Lin sent Taoist Tian and went to the place rich in yin that he had found.

Next, he wanted to let Taoist Tian learn some spells such as light-avoidance spells. In addition, this time Taoist Tian had brought a lot of gains, so he did not let Taoist Tian run errands for him again.

Later, he will let Tian Taoist go to some old people in Weinan County and inquire about Qiurong's information. If he can find any clues, it will be the best.

But if he can't find it, he has to instill some methods to solve the problem in Taoist Tian.

As long as Qiurong's affairs are done, his Youlong, who was trapped in the shoal, can be considered a little bit of water.

"This kid, he's studying pretty well."

When Jiang Lin arrived in a forest, he saw a tent in the forest, and the yin energy there was a little worse than the extremely yin land.

This is already a good result.

So, Jiang Lin got to the tent, sat down, took out the evil storage incense burner, and swallowed the two groups of coffin bacteria inside.

The medicinal power of the immortal treasure he takes will be seized by Wangtian's corpse poison, but this corpse poison is rootless after all. How nourishing it will be.

Just when Jiang Lin was bathing in the moonlight, in the Jiang Family Garden, Xiao Xie was using his blood to smear the burns on his neck.

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