"I don't know what happened to Young Master Jiang. He was in poor physical condition. He suffered heavy injuries before, and now he has poured so much blood on me."

Xiao Xie couldn't help but miss Jiang Lin, she hadn't seen Jiang Lin for a few days.

At this moment, Qiu Rong walked in.

"What a strong medicinal fragrance, Xiao Xie, what are you eating?"

Qiu Rong moved her nose, her eyes lit up, Xiao Xie's room was filled with the aroma of the precious medicine that made her fascinated.

On that day, although Jiang Lin released blood in front of Qiu Rong and the other female ghosts, he also deliberately restrained the scent of elixir in his blood.

Now that the blood-filled porcelain bottle next to Xiao Xie was not sealed, the medicinal power inside naturally evaporated.

It was also discovered by Qiu Rong.

"I didn't eat anything."

Xiao Xie was a little puzzled. Because she had been in contact with Jiang Lin's blood, she had never noticed a scent in the blood.

Now that Qiu Rong said this, she also reacted: "Is it Jiang Gongzi's blood?"

"His blood?"

Qiurong walked to Xiao Xie's side, picked up the porcelain bottle and sniffed it. This sniff made her feel that her ghost body was incomparably smooth.

Her lips moved, and Qiu Rong couldn't help but bring the porcelain bottle to her lips and took a sip.

Then, she seemed to have discovered a new world.

Just this small mouthful of blood made her feel that the yin qi in her body suddenly became a lot richer, and her cultivation base increased.

She knew that Jiang Lin's blood could heal Xiao Xie's burns, but she didn't know that his blood could still have such an effect.

It can directly improve her cultivation.

This is simply precious blood!

"Sister Qiurong, what are you doing?"

Xiao Xie hurried over and snatched the porcelain bottle. The blood was left to her by Jiang Lin to heal her injuries, and she could also ensure that no scars would be left on her body.

As a woman, even if she becomes a ghost, she still pays great attention to her appearance.

Especially a female ghost like Xiao Xie, who has a beautiful appearance.

Therefore, even if Qiu Rong was her sister, she couldn't care less.

"Xiao Xie, this... this is a baby!"

Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Xie excitedly, and then said: "I didn't expect that Young Master Jiang, the blood in his body would have such an effect. I thought he was spending his original cultivation, but I didn't expect his blood to have such an effect. , it has such a medicinal effect. I took a sip just now, and my cultivation has increased a little, but this is only a small sip."

"Can this blood improve cultivation?"


Qiu Rong nodded, and then her eyes lit up again: "His blood has such an effect, so his flesh... He shouldn't be a person cultivated from the fairy grass and Ganoderma lucidum, right?"

Seeing Qiu Rong's appearance, Xiao Xie suddenly froze and asked, "Sister Qiu Rong, you... don't you want to eat him?"

My God, Sister Qiurong is going to eat Young Master Jiang.

Xiao Xie was stunned, she was frightened by Qiu Rong's gluttonous expression at this time.

If Jiang Lin was present and knew about this, he would probably have laughed.

It's really interesting that Qiu Rong wants to eat him. I don't know who will eat who in the end!

Chapter [*] Do you think I am a Tang monk?whoever wants to eat

"How can this be, your sister, how can I eat people casually?"

Qiu Rong glanced at Xiao Xie, she was just surprised by the medicinal effect in Jiang Lin's blood, so she thought about it a little more.

As a result, my sister suspected that she was going to eat people.

Is she a devil who can eat people?

However, even though Qiu Rong denied it, the expression on her face remained the same, still showing some joy.

Taking a sip of the blood in the porcelain bottle really made her feel very comfortable.

Because Qiu Rong rarely shows a smile, her smile makes Xiao Xie look very strange.

Even though Qiu Rong's smile was beautiful, now Xiao Xie felt that it was a gloomy smile.

A conspiratorial laugh.

"Xiao Xie, is the burn on your body healed? If so, if there is any blood left..."

Qiu Rong rubbed her mouth and looked at Xiao Xie. Although she didn't make up her mind about the flesh on Jiang Lin's body, she was still very interested in the blood.


Xiao Xie shook his head quickly and continued: "The burns on my body are not over yet. If there is no blood, scars will be left, which is ugly and dead."

After that, she didn't wait for Qiurong to respond, and said again: "Sister Qiurong, these bloods need to cooperate with the full moon to exert their medicinal effects. I went out and found a place suitable for recuperation."

Saying that, Xiao Xie walked out of the room with the porcelain bottle.

In fact, she didn't need any moonlight at all, and she also didn't need any Yin Qi, she just wanted to find Jiang Lin and remind Jiang Lin to guard against her sister.

Even if there is no such thing, she also intends to leave Bieyuan.

She always wanted to see Jiang Lin.

After leaving Bieyuan, Xiao Xie sniffed the blood in the porcelain vase to find Jiang Lin's location.

An hour later, she arrived at the mountain forest where Jiang Lin was, and saw Jiang Lin who was absorbing the light of the moon.

"Young Master Jiang."

Xiao Xie flew over and landed beside Jiang Lin.

"Xiao Xie?"

Jiang Lin opened his eyes and saw Xiao Xie Zheng who was dressed in purple looking at him with a smile.

"How did you find me?"

Jiang Lin smiled slightly, the moonlight tonight is really good, and now that there is a beautiful woman to accompany him, it is also very good.

"It was the blood you left for me, and I found you only by relying on the blood in it."

Seeing Jiang Lin's smile, Xiao Xie also smiled brightly, and then her face changed and she called out, "Oh! That's right!"

"Young Master Jiang, you have to guard against my sister, she...she wants to eat you."

Xiao Xie quickly informed Jiang Lin of what happened between him and Qiurong before, and asked Jiang Lin to be careful with Qiurong.

Must be on guard.

Hearing Xiao Xie's words, Jiang Lin was dumbfounded.

He had thought about Qiurong before, but now it's better, but Qiurong has reversed his idea.

Xiao Xie was just greedy for his prosperous beauty, but Qiu Rong was even more outrageous, greedy for his body.

"It's nothing, I'm not a waste person who can eat whatever they want."

Jiang Lin smiled, so Xiao Xie didn't have to worry.

Although his physical condition is extremely poor now, at the very least, the golden core in his body has been condensed again.

If there is any danger, he still has the power to protect himself.

Besides, it's impossible to eat him with just a Qiu Rong. I'm afraid that when the meat is not eaten, she will go to the bed first and use it as a warm water bag for him to warm the bed. .

"Don't take it seriously. It's difficult for you to walk long distances now, so what's your arrogance? If Sister Qiurong is really going to be against you, those sisters probably won't oppose her. They always listen to Sister Qiurong very much. If there are so many ghosts, what will you do? And I just let you take precautions, you still don't want to."

Seeing Jiang Lin's indifferent attitude, Xiao Xie felt a little anxious.

Now, in her mind, the expression on Qiu Rong's face after sipping the blood in the porcelain vase can still emerge.

Even if she was a female ghost, she felt terrified.

But she came to remind him, but Jiang Lin didn't care.

"Also, your blood can directly improve your cultivation. If those sisters knew about it, they might not have eaten your heart."

Xiao Xie continued to warn Jiang Lin, this is a problem that will be stewed as a delicacy at any time, not a trivial matter.

"Eat, eat, eat, do you think I am a Tang monk? Whoever wants to eat can eat."

Jiang Lin was a little speechless. He is not only blood, but also has a lot of medicinal power remaining in his muscles. This is indeed good, but if anyone wants to taste something, he can come up and take a bite, then It's a fantasy at all.

If nothing else, it is said that as soon as the sun's true fire and immortal fire in his body erupt, it can directly burn those things that have bitten a bite or two, and even the slag will not be left.

In the end, Jiang Lin told Xiao Xie that he really had the power to protect himself and would not be eaten by ghosts. No one could bear to stew him.

"Thank you for your hard work. My blood will have such medicinal effects because I have taken a lot of rare heaven and earth treasures. If you want, I will give you some. You are worried about me. Come and let me know?"

Although he didn't care about Xiao Xie's reminders and warnings, Jiang Lin still expressed his gratitude to Xiao Xie.

The sister relationship between Xiao Xie and Qiurong is still quite deep, but Xiao Xie came to inform him because he was worried about him, which was equivalent to leaving the sisterhood behind.

"Not all, I just want to see..."

When Xiao Xie heard Jiang Lin said that she would send a rare treasure, she was excited and said what she was thinking, but she stopped in time when she was halfway through.

Chapter one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five

Fortunately not finished.

Xiao Xie breathed a sigh of relief. She had said something extremely embarrassing in front of Jiang Lin before, but now if Jiang Lin knew what she was thinking, she didn't know what she would be ashamed of.

Jiang Lin glanced at Xiao Xie and asked deliberately, "What do you want... Do you want to see me?"

"Who... Who wants to see you, you stinky."

Xiao Xie suddenly looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and even his voice was a little sharper.

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