"No need, I'll just call you. Next, when you get to the street, do whatever you want, and that's it. Wherever you want to go, just tell me, what you want to eat, and I'll buy it for you."

"What are you doing?"

Qiurong looked at Jiang Lin strangely. Jiang Lin said such words, which made her feel very strange.

Just like a man chasing a girl he likes.

"Why do you always have so many questions? I said, today, you can do whatever you want, and you just do it."

Looking at the doubts in Qiu Rong's eyes, Jiang Lin could only explain to her: "Because you have forgotten a lot of things, of course you have forgotten what you liked in the past. All I want to do is to let you go with your heart. , that is, let you follow the things you care about or obsess about in your subconscious, which will help you restore your memory. Can you guarantee that when you return to Huojia Town, you will have any impressions? "

This is indeed Jiang Lin's purpose and the main reason.

If you want Qiurong to recall her past, this method is the most effective.

In addition to these, there is another small reason.

Now that Xiao Xie has become his wife, the best thing is to have another Qiurong.

The most important thing when chasing a girl or a female ghost is to make the other party happy.

Therefore, on the way here, Jiang Lin had already made up his mind.

"So this is ah."

Qiu Rong suddenly realized that she did not think of this episode.

Chapter [-] All the consumption today is paid by my son Jiang (Part [-])

"That umbrella..."

"I'm returning the umbrella. You didn't show up. Could it be that I'm going to be scary on the street? Let's go."

Jiang Lin laughed, even if Qiu Rong wanted to open an umbrella by herself, that would not do.

This light-shielding spell was not directly applied to Qiu Rong, so Qiu Rong could not show a ghost body, that is to say, in the eyes of outsiders, she was just a mass of air and did not exist at all.

Outside, if a pedestrian sees a green bamboo umbrella and follows Jiang Lin actively, it is not a day-to-day hell.

"Oh yes."

Qiu Rong patted her forehead. As soon as she left the haunted house, she subconsciously thought that she had become a normal person, and didn't think about it that much.

After getting Jiang Lin's explanation, Qiu Rong no longer bothered about these details, and went to the bustling part of Weinan County with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin walked very slowly, allowing Qiu Rong to feast his eyes as much as possible, especially when passing old houses or buildings with traces of time, he gave Qiu Rong enough time.

Now let's see if Qiu Rong can recall anything.

In fact, Jiang Lin now thinks that the place where Qiu Rong died was Jiang Jiabiyuan, but he didn't tell Qiu Rongming.

Qiurong has been in the haunted house in Jiangjiabiyuan for decades, and she is quite familiar with it, which can easily form a subconscious darkness under the lights.

Therefore, he planned to let Qiurong walk around Weinan County, then go to Huojia Town, and finally return to Jiangjiabieyuan.

At that time, Qiu Rong may find some details that she has been ignoring under some stimulation.

"By the way, Young Master Jiang, how did you find out my identity?"

Qiurong felt that she had kept Jiang Lin waiting, and felt a little embarrassed, so she found a topic.

She really wanted to know how Jiang Lin could find this useful information in such a short period of time in his current state.

"Remember the little Taoist priest surnamed Tian who pretended to be a ghost? It's the kid you and Xiao Xie taught. I..."

Jiang Lin pretended to be Shuimu Tianzun and told Qiurong about taking Tian Taoist as his younger brother.


Qiu Rong couldn't help laughing when she heard that Jiang Lin pretended to be a god with great powers and kept fooling Taoist Tian.

This is simply too funny.

Seeing Qiu Rong's smiling branches trembling, Jiang Lin couldn't help but glance at her.

Since he met Qiu Rong, he had never seen the smiling face of this female ghost.

Now Qiu Rong smiles, it is really beautiful.

"Young Master Jiang, you... what are you looking at? Qiurong is disrespectful."

Qiu Rong found that Jiang Lin kept looking at her, so she suppressed her smile. She used to laugh very rarely, and thought her smile was ugly.

"Nothing rude, I just think Miss Qiurong, you look beautiful when you smile."

Jiang Lin didn't shy away from compliments, Qiu Rong was already pretty, and with a smile on her face, it would be even brighter.

"Young Master Jiang made fun of him."

Qiu Rong showed shyness, then pointed to the tall tower in the distance and said to Jiang Lin, "Let's take a look over there."

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin to accompany Qiurong to the underside of the tower. Qiurong looked at the tower and her eyes became a little blurry.

Jiang Lin was silent on the side, but after a while, he only saw Qiurong shaking his head, not thinking of anything.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also said something. It is good to have results as soon as possible. If not, he will continue to walk around with Qiurong.

After that, Jiang Lin chatted with Qiurong and strolled to the main street of the county town.

"I didn't expect you to have such patience, Young Master Jiang."

Qiurong heard from Jiang Lin that Taoist Tian had now gone to the villages and towns around Weinan County under the jurisdiction of his subordinates, and used Taoism to ask ghosts and ask evil, and his evaluation of Jiang Lin became higher and higher.

For a fake Taoist who can only pretend to be a ghost, to be reborn and learn so many Taoist techniques in such a short period of time, this is not something ordinary people can do.

Jiang Lin did not use any external force. In this case, I am afraid that even a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level or even a god-turning level might not be able to do better than Jiang Lin.

"Miss Qiurong, you praised Jiang, but Jiang was very surprised."

Jiang Lin thought it was very interesting. Qiurong had doubted his ability before, but now he is praising him.

"This man is sick."

"Who are you talking to?"

At this time, the pedestrians on the side of the road looked at Jiang Lin, wondering if there was something wrong with his brain.

Even if it’s sunny on a sunny day, it’s okay to use an umbrella, and he’s still talking to himself.

"Young Master Jiang, we'd better stop talking, I'm really embarrassed."

Qiu Rong felt a little ashamed when she saw the gazes of the pedestrians around Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin talked to her, but was regarded as a lunatic by passers-by.

"What's the matter, I don't stay here, and I don't care about their eyes."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, pointed to the front and said, "Okay, crossing the bridge in front is the most prosperous area in the county. Go ahead, give full play to the nature of your girls, go shopping and eat."

Qiu Rong's reaction at the tower had convinced Jiang Lin that his stimulation method was effective.

Therefore, he is ready to let Qiu Rong let go of himself, maybe the taste buds and optic nerve can taste and see the impressive taste or thing, and there will be other effects.

"Who said that the nature of our girls is to go shopping and eat?"

Qiurong gave Jiang Lin a roll of eyes, this was purely a misunderstanding!

It is said that thousands of girls are like greedy snakes.

Jiang Lin smiled casually and said, "You can't be reasonable, what you say is what you say. Go ahead, I will pay for all the consumption today, Mr. Jiang."

When he was at Tian Taoist Taoist Hall, Jiang Lin asked Tian Taoist to run errands on his behalf, and exchanged some gold and jade items on his body for a lot of tickets.

Therefore, this time, let alone one Qiurong, even if there are one hundred and eighty, he can still pay for it.

"Che, look at your wealthy appearance, it's so vulgar."

Qiurong pouted, and then followed Jiang Lin into the busiest part of the street.

Then, Qiu Rong, the girl, gave Jiang Lin a ghost version of True Fragrance.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Jiang, I like that one."

"Young Master Jiang, glutinous rice cake, I seem to like it very much."

"Hey, Young Master Jiang, Rouge from Natural Hall, why do I think I want it so much?"

"Young Master Jiang, it's so fragrant, I want to eat it!"

After entering the market, Qiu Rong, who was originally a glamorous female ghost, seemed to have changed a lot after a while.

She turned into a chopping party, a sister in the shopping world.

Buy, buy, buy, and you're done.

Anyway, Jiang Lin said that all the consumption today will be paid for by his son Jiang.

Chapter [-] All the consumption today, I will pay for Jiang Gongzi (Part [-])

Hearing Qiurong's continuous opening, Jiang Lin's face turned dark.

Why are you able to walk around like this?

Better than those wives in my house, they are not tired at all!

Jiang Lin is now carrying dozens of kilograms of packages in his hand, and he has to carry an umbrella for Qiu Rong. If it weren't for his physical condition getting better and his physical strength recovering a lot, he probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

No wonder the female characters in TV dramas in later generations go shopping in department stores when they are unhappy. Even Qiu Rong, a ghost girl who hardly ever smiled, became like this when she arrived in the downtown area.

Not to mention ordinary women.

Shopping is really a miracle drug for a woman to change her mood.

Jiang Lin really wanted to ask Qiu Rong, this girl said before that he was very rich and rich. Could it be that the street is full of cosmetics, food, and clay figurines?

However, Jiang Lin still didn't go to spoil the scenery. Originally, he just wanted to stimulate Qiurong with some affairs that interest Qiu Rong.

Since Qiu Rong is interested in so many things in the downtown area, he can just do it.

We don't have money!

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