Moreover, his original intention was to make Qiu Rong happy, and the current result was also what he wanted.

At this time, Qiu Rong, who had eaten some snacks in a hutong, went out again. She walked to a jewelry store and looked at Jiang Lin with a smile: "Mr. Jiang, Chow Tai Fook Jewelry Store is a century-old brand."

She looks like this, just saying: I want, buy it for me!

"Okay, a century-old brand."

Besides nodding, what else could Jiang Lin do?

As long as they are ordinary women, they have no resistance to jewelry such as jewelry.

Qiu Rong was a beautiful girl back then. When she was walking on the streets of Weinan County, she must have longed for the jewelry in this time-honored brand.

If so, just go in.

Just buy it.

All of today's consumption will be paid by Mr. Jiang!

Entering the jewelry store, a shopkeeper greeted him.

"Whatever I see in a while, just install it for me."

Jiang Lin didn't take out any money, but directly took a fist-sized gold nugget and placed it on the counter.


Seeing that Jiang Lin was so rich and powerful, the shopkeeper nodded and bowed, ignoring why Jiang Lin was still holding an umbrella on a sunny day.

Most rich people have weird tempers.

Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and then said to the shopkeeper, "By the way, are there any jewelry that were fashionable seventy or eighty years ago, or have been fashionable until now, take them all out."

"no problem."

The shopkeeper didn't care how outrageous Jiang Lin's request was, as long as he had money to make.

Before long, rows of hairpins, earrings, and necklaces were lined up on the counter of the jewelry store.


Jiang Lin stopped to the side and let Qiurong continue to lose.

"That... can all of them work? I think all of these seem to help me recover my memory."

Qiurong blinked a pair of watery eyes and looked at Jiang Lin.

She's really not talking nonsense. Most of these jewelry have a vague impression on her.

Although Qiu Rong didn't know anything about her relationship with the Jiang family, it was already a fact.

At that time, she was a maid in the Jiang family, and the Jiang family was a rich family. The gold and silver jewelry on the lady's wife's body were all valuable.

Many of them are similar to the jewelry styles shown here.

This is the main reason, and the other reason is that she herself has no resistance to these beautiful jewelry.

She wants it too.

After so many years in the Jiang Family Garden, where would she have any jewelry, among her sisters, Xiao Xie also had her mother's relics on her body, and she was also reluctant to wear them at ordinary times.

Now when she sees so many beautifully crafted jewelry, she also has a love for beauty.

"It's all."

Jiang Lin waved his hand and took them all away.

He asked the shopkeeper to pick out the styles that were popular seventy or eighty years ago, just to stimulate Qiu Rong's memory.

Since Qiu Rong has a slight impression, it is all inclusive.

"Young Master Jiang, it really cost you money."

After leaving the jewelry store, Qiu Rong looked at Jiang Lin embarrassedly.

She came out here, and it cost a lot.

"It's just yellow and white, I don't need it."

Jiang Lin waved his hand. He has always been a person with a strong purpose, putting his own purpose first. As for some expenses or costs, he basically doesn't care.

Qiu Rong smiled and felt that she was not so disgusted with Jiang Lin anymore.

"Mr. Jiang, Zuixianlou, a century-old shop, let's go in. Find a private room, and you have to eat what you bought."

After a while, Qiu Rong stopped again in front of a restaurant.

"This is a century-old restaurant, but you didn't necessarily have the money to eat here, did you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Qiurong suspiciously. He now doubted whether Qiurong had forgotten the main purpose of her coming out.

Forget the previous century-old jewelry store, how can I still get a little bit of it.

After all, those jewelry may appear in Jiang's house, but this Zuixianlou is a bit outrageous.

Now he really doubts whether Qiu Rong has really turned into a girl who can only shop and eat.

Jiang Lin is not afraid of spending money, he is not bad at all, he just doesn't want to waste more time.

"I smell it."

"Okay, let's go in."

Jiang Lin didn't stop Qiu Rong. As soon as Qiu Rong said smelling the smell, it made him think that if the Jiang family entertained distinguished guests, they might come to Zuixianlou.

And Qiu Rong's appearance can be regarded as a card face among the servants of the Jiang family, maybe she was really brought over.

After entering the Zuixianlou, Jiang Lin threw another gold nugget to the second shopkeeper and asked him to go to the boss and ask the chef to cook the signature dishes from [*] to [*] years ago.

As long as you can do it, it's not bad for the money.

When they got to the private room on the second floor, Qiu Rong opened the food in Jiang Lin's hand one by one, and tasted it happily.

After half an hour, the restaurant's dishes came up.

Then, Qiu Rong didn't smell anymore and started eating directly.

"Young Master Jiang, eat it. I'm so embarrassed to eat alone. It's delicious. Don't be polite to me. Treat this place as your home."

Qiurong moved his chopsticks and yelled at Jiang Lin to let him eat too.

It's already ordered, so don't waste it.

The veins on Jiang Lin's forehead came out.

Why don't you say smell?

Is this called smell?

When you're done eating, I'll ask you if you think of anything.

Jiang Lin picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

If Qiu Rong told him that he didn't think of anything after eating and drinking, then he would be mad.

Although it is indeed one of his goals to let Qiu Rong come to eat and make her happy, but that is not the main purpose.

He can still distinguish between major and minor issues.

Chapter [*] finally has eyes! (superior)

"You... are you starving to death?"

Jiang Lin watched Qiu Rong untie her belt and kept feeding food into her mouth, feeling that she was full even if she didn't eat much.

Ghosts don't need any food, even if they starve to death, they keep eating because of their own type attributes.

But now Qiu Rong's look of eating and drinking is really more fierce than a starving ghost.

Qiu Rong blushed when she heard the words, and then explained: "I don't even know how I died, maybe it's a starving ghost."

You can really break it!

Jiang Lin has also taken it, people who starve to death need to eat all the time, okay?

Before I took you out, I didn't see you eating everything when you were hungry.

Still starving.

After coughing twice, Qiu Rong avoided Jiang Lin's gaze and continued to taste the food.

She was actually a little strange in her heart. In the past, she would never have done this. Even if she had forgotten the past, she still felt that she would not be so indecent in front of a man.

I ate everything until I widened my belt.

In fact, Qiu Rong doesn't know now that not only does she dislike Jiang Lin, but subconsciously, she doesn't mind Jiang Lin seeing such a side of her.

Qiu Rong will have such a huge change. In fact, it is because of the short time she spent with Jiang Lin that she felt happier than ever before.

Because of the huge amount of resentment in her body, she never knew what real happiness was.

Today, with the help of Jiang Lin's protection, she saw a daytime street scene that she hadn't seen for decades. This made her feel very good. In addition, Jiang Lin let her free herself, which made her what she is now. look.

After so many years of repression, as soon as she was released today, she, who had always been glamorous before, turned into a girl who just wanted to go shopping, eat, and shop.

The dishes were presented in batches, but Qiu Rong didn't want to stop.

Until two hours later, the table was full of plates.


Qiu Rong was full of food and drink, and couldn't help but burp.

Then there was a red glow on one of her face, because Jiang Lin was looking at her with his arms crossed.

"I want to ask you, do you... smell, do you smell something ugly? Do you remember anything? Do you remember anything?"

"Back to... memories?"

Qiu Rong was stunned for a moment, and then the expression on her face became a little wonderful.

She was only concerned about eating just now, and didn't think about it at all.

Seeing Qiurong like this, Jiang Lin's eyebrows kept jumping.

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