After two or three hours of eating, I didn't think about anything.

"Jiang... Young Master Jiang, I... I don't usually do this, and I don't know what happened today. Maybe it's because I never thought that I would have such a day."

Qiu Rong's face was full of embarrassment. Jiang Lin was looking for the cause of her death and the murderer for her.

Jiang Lin was working hard there, but she was fine, but she was eating and drinking here.

It was all Jiang Lin's money.

Jiang Lin really didn't care about yellow and white things like money, but this matter was not about money at all.

"You, follow me and go directly to Huojia Town."

Jiang Lin threw Qiu Rong a blank eye, which delayed two or three hours, but Qiu Rong was just too eager to eat.

He originally wanted to say a few words about Qiu Rong, but when he thought that Qiu Rong had just said that she didn't know what was going on, he didn't have any more episodes.

If it weren't for being too relaxed and too happy, Qiu Rong wouldn't have forgotten the main purpose of her coming out.

Qiurong followed Jiang Lin out of the restaurant, not knowing what to say along the way.

She ate from Jianglin and Huajianglin, but she didn't help anything. In the county town, although she saw a few buildings that were slightly impressive, she didn't recall anything at all.

When she thought that Jiang Lin came to her this time, specifically for her business, her heart was full of apology.

"Okay, all the food is eaten, and the time has passed, what are you doing like this? I didn't say anything to blame you. You, the food is very interesting, I will watch it this time. Interesting scene. Guess what she would think if I told Xiao Xie that you've slackened your trousers to drink and eat meat?"

Seeing the shame and guilt on Qiurong's face, Jiang Lin also made a joke to her.

The matter is over, Qiu Rong has been so happy before, there is no need for him to let Qiu Rong take today's experience to heart, always feeling sorry.

" are not allowed to tell her!"

When Qiu Rong heard that Jiang Lin was going to tell Xiao Xie about her food, she was a little anxious.

Can you tell someone like that?

"You are so interesting. You are so relaxed in front of an outsider like me. Xiao Xie is your sister, but you don't want them to know. In the future, Miss Qiurong, don't make a bad face to me. When you meet me, You have to greet me with a smile, or else, I'll share your funny story."

Jiang Lin took the opportunity to hit the snake with a stick. Now that there is such a farce, it has brought him and Qiurong closer.

" are such a rascal."

Qiu Rong stomped her feet angrily, but there was nothing she could do.

But Jiang Lin's footsteps didn't stop, she couldn't even stomp her feet, so she could only step up and follow.

An hour later, at dusk, Jiang Lin took Qiurong to a low mountain, and below it, in the mountains, was Huojia Town.

Jiang Lin pointed to Huojia Town and said to Qiurong: "There is Huojia Town, time has changed, so many years have passed, and it must have changed a lot, but the surrounding landscape is still not easy to change, you look around Let’s see if there is still an impression.”

", I...I remembered something."

After Qiu Rong looked around, she was stunned, and then some memories appeared in her mind at this time.


Jiang Lin's eyes lit up, as long as Qiu Rong could recall some things, even if he couldn't recall all of them, it would make his next things easier.


Qiurong nodded, and then said: "Huo Qiurong, I am really Huo Qiurong, that's my home!"

Pointing to Huojiazhen below, the expression on Qiurong's face was extremely excited, and she finally recalled who she was.

Finally got eyes!

Seeing this, Jiang Lin felt relieved. If he could confirm from Qiurong that Qiurong had been to the Jiang family as a maid, then he could directly investigate the Jiang family.

Chapter [*] finally has eyes! (middle)

Now, Jiang Lin didn't mind Qiu Rong's previous humiliation. He brought Qiu Rong to the downtown because he was worried that even when he came to Huojia Town, Qiu Rong might not remember anything.

After all, so long has passed, no matter where there are people living together, great changes will take place.

However, Jiang Lin didn't expect that neither he nor Qiurong had really entered Huojia Town, and the familiar scene made Qiurong react.

If Qiu Rong remembered everything because of this, then he wouldn't need to trouble him any more, and Taoist Tian would also no longer need to be busy, looking for ghosts to interrogate.

However, next time, Jiang Lin's heart tightened again.

Qiu Rong's state seems to be a little wrong.

At this time, Qiu Rong stared blankly at the surrounding landscape, especially with the sunset on the horizon, which made her extremely familiar, which led to the memory deep in her mind being excavated.

She is still trying hard to recall, but she has not noticed that her breathing has begun to become heavy.

"My father, my mother, were killed!"

Recalling some of the events of the year, Qiu Rong's eyes began to turn red, and then her own resentment erupted uncontrollably.


Jiang Lin was also a little surprised when he heard Qiurong's vicious words.

According to information obtained by Taoist Tian in the Weinan County Government Archives, Qiu Rong's parents died in a strange way, and finally became an unsolved case.

But now it seems that the tragedy of Qiu Rong's parents back then definitely had something else hidden.

At the same time, Jiang Lin also understood why Qiu Rong had such strong resentment. This female ghost not only bears the hatred of being persecuted and died, but also the hatred of family feud.

"Who is it? Who is my enemy!"

Because of the resentment in Qiu Rong's body, the neat blue silk became scattered and fluttered.

After that, she hugged her head and let out a scream.

Because she tried her best to recall the past, her mind seemed to be stabbed by ten thousand needles.

"If you can't remember, don't think about it for the time being. Quickly, suppress the resentment in yourself."

Jiang Lin hurriedly approached Qiurong, telling Qiurong not to continue reluctantly.

Although he wanted to help Qiurong find the cause of death and the enemy as soon as possible, and get Qiurong's grievances, he didn't want to see Qiurong suffer so much because of it.

However, because of the severe pain in her mind, Qiu Rong couldn't hear Jiang Lin's words at all. She hugged her head, squatted down, and kept making sounds of pain.

Jiang Lin saw that the sun had set on the horizon, so he put away the green bamboo umbrella, hugged Qiu Rongheng, and went under the big tree not far away.

Sitting on the bulging roots of the big tree, Jiang Lin let Qiurong sit on his lap, took out two blood orchids from his arms, and put them into Qiurong's mouth.

"Hurry up and eat, these have a very good effect on relieving the pain in the mind."

After saying these words in Qiurong's ear, Jiang Lin put his hands on her eyebrows and temples to relieve the pain in her mind.

After a long time, Qiu Rong's situation was stopped.

Jiang Lin looked at Qiurong and asked, "Is it better? If it isn't, I'll have to give you a needle."

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang, it's much better."

Qiurong breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin's help, she might have gone mad because of the severe pain in her mind. At that time, if the resentment all over her body broke out completely, there would be a big mess.

"Young Master Jiang, you...I..."

At this time, Qiu Rong suddenly realized that she was actually being held by Jiang Lin and was sitting on Jiang Lin's lap. Her face suddenly became a little rosy, she quickly pushed Jiang Lin and stood up.

She naturally felt some anger in her heart, after all, she didn't have any good feelings for all men before.

However, Qiu Rong still took the initiative to put out some of the flames in her heart.

Jiang Lin is helping her and massaging some acupoints on her head. If she gets mad at Jiang Lin again, it will be inappropriate.

"Miss Qiurong, follow the power in a hurry, don't take offense."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then asked, "How is it, did you remember something?"

"I remembered something. Young Master Jiang, you did a good job of investigating. I was born in Huojia Town, and I was the Huo Qiurong you found. But..."

Qiu Rong pursed her lips regretfully, and continued: "I only remembered some memory fragments in Huojia Town and my parents died in vain. I don't recall the rest."

Is that so?

Jiang Lin couldn't help feeling a little pity, but considering that Qiu Rong's memory recovery process would cause mental trauma, he didn't care.

Now that Qiu Rong has remembered some things, some of the following memories will gradually come to mind.

This thing can't be rushed yet.

"It doesn't matter, at least you already know who you used to be. Do you still want to go to Huojia Town? Do you want to go back first?"

Now that it is night, Huojia Town in the night scene is not expected to stimulate Qiurong, so Jiang Lin asked Qiurong, if the state is not good, it is okay to go back to Jiangjiabiyuan first.

Jiang Lin didn't tell Qiurong about the Jiang family for the time being, he was afraid that Qiurong would appear in the previous situation again.

"No need, although it's already night, I still want to go and see the town where I gave birth and raised me. By the way, Young Master Jiang, didn't you say you'd give me some reminders? What you found should be not only me identity?"

"Indeed, I found it, but it's hard to tell you now. If you are stimulated and try to recall, you will be tortured again. Although I covet your resentment, I can't bear to see you like that. Anyway, the ship has reached the bridgehead. Naturally, wait for your physical condition to improve before thinking about it.”

Jiang Lin didn't hide Qiu Rong. Now that Qiu Rong herself has confirmed her identity, it was very likely that seven or eighty years ago, the maid of the Jiang family surnamed Huo was Qiu Rong.

That is to say, the information he has is basically the same, it only needs Qiu Rong to confirm it himself.

But for now, it's better for him to keep it a secret.

At least he won't be able to say it until Qiu Rong has recovered for a while.

Chapter [*] finally has eyes! (Down)

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang, for your understanding."

There was some gratitude in Qiu Rong's eyes.

Jiang Lin has a cooperative relationship with her, which was already agreed a few days ago.

Jiang Lin found the cause of death and her enemy for her. After she sought revenge, she handed over the grievances in her body to Jiang Lin.

If it's a matter of fact, Jiang Lin can completely ignore her physical condition, and just shoot and break up after they achieve their goals.

But Jiang Lin delayed the matter because she couldn't bear to see her endure the torture, which made her impression of Jiang Lin much better.

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