Maybe men aren't all that disgusting, and they're not all bad.

At this time, Qiu Rong's thoughts changed because of her experience with Jiang Lin.

"It's nothing, let's go. Since it's your hometown, let's go and see."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, and then went down the low mountain with Qiurong to Huojia Town.

On the way, Qiu Rong didn't know why she was, she was always looking for some topics, chatting with Jiang Lin and asking why Jiang Lin was injured.

"I was injured so badly because I bombarded and killed a Wangdi, which is an alternative among the monster corpses, and the peak of the monsters. As for why I have a conflict with a Wangdi, it is Because I also have the identity of a demon corpse."

After explaining to Qiu Rong, Jiang Lin released part of the corpse poison in his body, causing his two fangs to come out.

Qiurong was stunned when she heard Jiang Lin's words.

Jiang Lin actually killed a Wangdi!

It was a terrifying corpse that she could not even imagine.

Not to mention a cultivator of Jindan level like Jiang Lin, even if he is one level higher, two levels higher, or even three levels higher, he is lucky to be able to escape from the claws when he meets Wang Tianqi.

But Jiang Lin actually killed such a terrifying existence.

It's just a fantasy, isn't it?

Moreover, what surprised her even more was that Jiang Lin, a cultivator, was actually a monster corpse.

"So, you understand, I don't actually have much malice towards you ghosts. If you don't provoke me, I generally don't take action."

"I see."

It was only then that Qiu Rong understood why a cultivator like Jiang Lin didn't show any contempt or expression to their female ghosts.

It turned out that Jiang Lin himself also had the body of a demon corpse.

"Tell me how you bombarded Wang Dijian."

The curiosity in Qiurong's heart was lifted by Jiang Lin. Anyway, there is nothing to do now, so she has the right to listen to interesting stories.

Jiang Lin told some things about himself in Liang and Jian, but he also concealed Jiang Ting and Peony.

Qiu Rong had always been disgusted with men, but now if he said this, the image in Qiu Rong's heart might have changed a bit badly.

After he and Qiu Rongmu have settled down later, he will explain these things to them one by one.

After that, Jiang Lin and Qiurong chatted while walking, and it could be regarded as a pleasant conversation.

They walked around Huojia Town, and finally arrived at the cemetery of Huojia Town.

Qiurong found the tombs of her parents and knelt by the tomb several times.

After finding a deserted house at the end of the town, Jiang Lin and Qiurong took a break.

The next day, they visited Huojia Town again.

It's a pity that Huojia Town has changed too much, and nothing can remind Qiurong of other things.

After leaving Huojia Town, Jiang Lin and Qiurong returned to Jiangjiabiyuan.

Because Qiu Rong's spirit was better, Jiang Lin mentioned the Jiang family and told Qiu Rong that seven or eighty years ago, after her parents passed away, she had received support from the Jiang family, and later the Jiang family also had a family member. Huo's maid.

"Young Master Jiang, do you mean that the maid surnamed Huo is me? And I died in the Jiang Family Garden?"

After Qiu Rong heard Jiang Lin's remarks, the resentment in her body fluctuated again.

Jiang Lin's guess was good before. Qiurong, like Xiao Xie, had a good impression of the Jiang family. Now that he learned that his death may be related to the Jiang family of this virtuous family, Qiurong was shocked and at the same time expressed There was quite a bit of anger.

"In my opinion, this possibility is relatively high, but in the end it still needs to be confirmed by you, or let that Taoist Tian ask for more powerful information or evidence. I didn't tell you before because you told the Jiang family. Bieyuan is too familiar, so it will ignore some things. Now that you have thought about who you are, it depends on whether you can find some places that can stimulate your memory in Bieyuan, which is very familiar to you. "

Jiang Lin pointed to Jiang's Bieyuan Garden not far away, and now it's up to Qiurong to fully confirm this possibility.

If you are not sure, go to Jiang's house to check, it is very likely that you will not say anything in vain, and will lead the truth of the whole thing in the wrong direction.

That will waste a lot of time.

"I'll go take a look, Young Master Jiang, and please speed up your walking."

Qiurong didn't delay at all, she just wanted to rush to Jiangjiabieyuan as soon as possible to see if there was anything she had been neglecting.

Jiang Lin also increased his speed, letting the green bamboo umbrella cover Qiu Rong.

After returning to Jiang's Garden, Qiu Rong's eyes completely changed, turning into a very serious scrutiny.

If it wasn't for what Jiang Lin told her before, she would never have imagined that the place where she had been staying might be the place where she died.

The fragments of memory in his mind began to be pieced together gradually, and Qiu Rong's face became more and more solemn.

"Young Master Jiang, what about the jewelry that Qiurong asked you to buy before?"

"It's all here."

Seeing Qiu Rong's thoughtful look, Jiang Lin immediately took out a package from the ancient mirror, which contained the gold hairpin earrings and other jewelry he had purchased in the downtown jewelry store.

After Qiu Rong took the package, she placed it directly on the ground in the yard.

After opening the package, Qiu Rong began to rummage.

Not long after, she found some jewelry with her extremely vague memory.

"This... This is the golden hairpin worn by the old lady of the Jiang family."

"These are Miss Jiang's earrings."

"This is……"

Qiu Rong looked at the pieces of jewelry in her hand, and some fragments of memory in her mind were finally put together.

She had stayed in the Jiang's family and worked as a maid in the Jiang's family!

The [*]th chapter is gold and jade, but it is ruined ([*])

"What do you remember? Don't get excited yet. I have everything. I told you to help you find your enemy, so you won't break your promise."

Seeing Qiurong's resentment growing stronger, Jiang Lin put his palm on her shoulder.

If Qiu Rong directly remembered her enemy and knew that her cause of death was directly related to the Jiang family, that would be no problem.

But if he just remembered that he was a maid in Jiang's family, then now he still needs to help Qiurong to suppress his anger.

Once Qiu Rong finds the wrong revenge, the resentment in her body will not dissipate.

"I... I remembered that I was a maid in the Jiang family and served the old lady and Miss Jiang of the Jiang family."

Feeling the temperature from Jiang Lin's palm on her shoulder, Qiu Rong also tried her best to control her emotions.

She still can't remember who her enemy is or how she died.

As far as the current situation is concerned, she can't go to seek revenge, and there is still no hurry for revenge.

"Young Master Jiang, don't worry, I won't force myself, now things are about to come to an end, I believe that one day I will know the truth, and this day will not be too far away. I won't lose control anymore, please rest assured."

Qiurong took a deep breath. Her purpose was to find her enemy. Even if she recalled some things at this time, she was still far from knowing the truth.

Now, if she is acting out of her temper, it will interfere with Jiang Lin and easily lead Jiang Lin's investigation progress into a misunderstanding.

Jiang Lin had spent a lot of time and energy on this matter, and she didn't want to cause trouble for Jiang Lin because of herself.

Qiurong looked around and continued: "I also have some new impressions here, but my impressions are relatively shallow. This seems to be the residence of the eldest son of the Jiang family."

With that said, Qiu Rong took a step and walked towards the most dilapidated room by the yard.

Jiang Lin also followed with a green bamboo umbrella.

Before arriving in the dilapidated room, Qiu Rong felt a little uncomfortable and said, "Young Master Jiang, why do I have an abnormal headache when I approach this place now?"


Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes and said, "I'll go in and see if I can find anything."

With that said, he handed the green bamboo umbrella to Qiu Rong, and walked into the dusty room by himself.

After some searching, Jiang Lin finally set his eyes on the table that had fallen into the room.

Under the table is a picture scroll covered with dust.

"This is... Qiu Rong?"

Jiang Lin picked up the scroll in the past, only to realize that the character in the painting was actually Qiu Rong.

Although so many years have passed, the ink on it has faded a lot, but Jiang Lin still sees the clue.

Should not be ah.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly. If it was ink, it wouldn't fade if it wasn't soaked in water.

And this picture scroll has no folds and no ink smudges.

Focusing on the ink marks on the scroll, Jiang Lin stretched out his fingers to wipe it, and then let out a light yawn.

In this ink, there is actually some cinnabar, and it is still the first-class cinnabar.

Then Jiang Lin let the yin fire in his body dissipate, and his palms ran over the scroll.

After that, some traces that had disappeared above appeared.


"It's kind of like a soul-worship spell."

Seeing the spell patterns appearing on the scroll, Jiang Lin tried to complete them in his heart, but found that these spell patterns seemed to be a vicious spell.

How did this thing get so confusing?

Jiang Lin didn't expect to investigate Qiu Rong's cause of death in the past, looking for enemies for him, and now he actually found that there were traces of sorcery and spells in it.

Then Jiang Lin walked out of the room, took out the picture scroll, and showed it to Qiurong.

"This is my portrait? How can there be a portrait of me? I was a poor girl back then, so I wouldn't have the ability to learn to paint."

Qiurong was quite surprised when she saw the scroll in Jiang Lin's hand. Although she had forgotten many things, she had already remembered her origin.

A daughter from a poor family, where does she have the material basis to learn painting.

Even eating is not necessarily enough to eat, let alone spiritual pursuits.

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