Qiurong stared at herself in the picture scroll, and after a while, her head began to experience severe pain again.

The source of her discomfort was this picture.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin put away the scroll and put it into the ancient mirror in his arms.

He said to Qiurong: "Miss Qiurong, calm down first, the cause of your death may not be simple, it should not be an ordinary murder, it is probably related to some evil Taoist priests. In addition to your image, there are almost I tried to complete the disappearing spell pattern, and found that it might be a soul worship spell. I don't know the cause of my death or what happened that year."

"Soul Worship?"

Qiu Rong was stunned when she heard the words, she only knew that her death was wrong, and she was definitely persecuted to death.

However, he did not know that behind his death, there was a power beyond ordinary people involved.

The Jiang family...the home of virtue...

At this time, Jiang Lin also guessed what happened to Qiurong that year.

It didn't take long for him to think of a possibility.

First of all, Qiu Rong's appearance is beautiful, even in those days, it may be the level of a county's county flower.

And with such an appearance, it is impossible not to be missed.

Even the people in Jiang's family are the same.

If it was really the old master of the Jiang family or some young master who had a crush on Qiu Rong and wanted to get it, it would be very difficult.

Don't forget, there is a moral model plaque in the Jiang family that was bestowed by the emperor of the Ermao Kingdom. If you take a concubine or something, it is still possible, but the object will never be low-ranking.

After all, the more such people are, the more they pay attention to the right match.

In this case, if the other party's heart is not dead, he can only think of other ways.

It is definitely not possible to use force. Once the matter is exposed, the consequences will be very serious.

Other well-known families can ignore such a thing, and at most give the victimized woman some gold and silver to send her away.

But the Jiang family couldn't do that.

Under such a premise, if someone still has bad intentions towards Qiu Rong, it is very likely that they will go the wrong way.

This also explains why there is a portrait of Qiu Rong in the Jiang Family Garden, and there is a sorcerer spell on the portrait.

This soul-worship spell can worship the soul of a person, and finally turn the victim into a fool.

If you're a fool, you don't know anything.

You will never know how you have been treated by others.

Therefore, even if such a thing is a scandal, there is no possibility of exposure.

Chapter [*]: Gold and jade are outside, but it is ruined (middle)

Maybe Qiu Rong can enter Jiang's house, she has already stepped into the middle.

After all, Qiu Rong's parents were also bizarrely dead, and Qiu Rong herself was killed shortly after entering the Jiang family, that is, in the same year.

This is a bit too coincidental.

If it is said that behind the whole thing, there is the participation of heretics, then it makes sense.

In fact, Jiang Lin's speculation was inseparable from the truth of the year.

Back then, the eldest son of the Jiang family coveted Qiu Rong's beauty, but he couldn't get it, so he thought of this crooked mind.

This guy first asked a Yaodao to murder Qiu Rong's parents with sorcery, and finally he sent charcoal in the snow and brought Qiu Rong into the Jiang family as a maid, and then asked Yao Dao to use sorcery to draw a picture of Qiu Rong based on his painting. Perform magic on Qiu Rong.

However, the eldest son of the Jiang family was so anxious that he couldn't eat hot tofu, and before Qiu Rong completely lost his ability to take care of himself, he wanted to use his strength.

In the end, Qiu Rong overheard their plans, causing Qiu Rong to discover the truth. Before the robbery, Qiu Rong committed suicide with hatred.

And because her soul was incomplete when she died, the rest of her souls were unified after her death, but because her soul had been out of the body for a long time, she had forgotten many things, even why she committed suicide.

I only remember that I was persecuted to death by a man.

That's why she hated men.

Jiang Lin's ability to guess the truth closely is not because of his high reasoning ability.

It was the big family of the Jiang family, with a plaque bestowed by the royal family, which was too restrictive.

If you want to do something that violates the law and morals, there is no other way but to think of crooked ideas.

"Young Master Jiang, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was lost in thought, Qiu Rong asked.

"It's nothing, I just thought of a possibility. However, I can't confirm it now, so I won't tell you for the time being."

Jiang Lin shook his head, all of this is just speculation.

If he has the ability, he can go directly to verify and confirm this conjecture, but now, he does not have such ability.

Under the circumstances that he could not be sure, he still felt that he should not explain to Qiu Rong first.

In the same way, if he is fully capable, Jiang Lin will be able to go directly to the Jiang family with the help of this portrait and the incantation pattern on it that is suspected to be a Soul Worship Charm, and go there aggressively to ask for information.

But now, he has to follow the progress of ordinary people in handling cases.

Everything is about evidence.

Qiu Rong's enemy is long gone now. It's not a big deal. As long as he doesn't reincarnate, Jiang Lin can find him and detain him and beat him to pieces.

The same is true for the demonic path that may exist.

In addition to these, the Jiang family also has to take responsibility.

When Qiu Rong died in grievances, the Jiang family did not say anything, and now they are still using the plaque of the Moral Family to sway the world.

Therefore, if Qiu Rong wanted to take revenge, it was inevitable that the Jiang family would be discredited.

Other means can be used for the first two matters, but for the last incident, we have to ask for evidence and dig out what happened back then.

"Miss Qiurong, can you think of the names of the masters of the Jiang family or several young masters? After all, you were just a little girl back then, and very few people can remember the name Qiurong. In the hands of Taoist Tian, ​​things may not be so smooth. If you can know their names, it will be much easier."

Jiang Lin wanted to investigate, but there was really too little information at hand, and even if Tian Taoist went to the county government in Weinan County, he couldn't find the Jiang family's family tree.

Although the Jiang family was in Weinan County, it was deeply loved by the emperor. This kind of sect family tree belongs to their clan, and it would not be recorded in the county government like ordinary people.

"I'm sorry, Young Master Jiang, I can't remember."

Qiu Rong looked at Jiang Lin helplessly. She could think that she had been a maid in the Jiang family, and she knew that her death was directly or indirectly related to the Jiang family. The name taboo, which made her embarrassed.

"It's nothing, then in the next few days, I will still take you to the downtown area, it is best to let you think of some information. If it doesn't work, I will teach Taoist Tian some Taoism, So that you can possess the servants of the Jiang family in the daytime, and go to the ancestral hall there to find out who the head and son of the Jiang family were back then."

Jiang Lin had the same plan in his heart, to see if Qiurong could remember some names for him to ask Taoist Tian to verify.

If you can't remember, you will have to rely on Qiurong to go to Jiang's house for a while.

In fact, to go to the Jiang family's ancestral hall, Jiang Lin himself has a way to go directly.

However, with so many tablets in such a special ancestral hall, how could he know that those were characters from seventy or eighty years ago.

I can't let him write down all the names, let Tian Taoist ask them one by one.

This is also not realistic.

"That's fine. Young Master Jiang, please accept Qiurong's thanks."

Qiu Rong was also very supportive of Jiang Lin's request. If it wasn't for Jiang Lin, she wouldn't be able to remember the things she had forgotten.

Now the truth of that year is gradually becoming clearer. This is all due to Jiang Lin. She supports and cooperates with Jiang Lin in what Jiang Lin wants her to do.

Afterwards, Qiu Rong bowed to Jiang Lin, expressing her gratitude.

In addition to thanks, she actually had a little bit of joy in her heart.

Yesterday, she followed Jiang Lin to Weinan County, and finally came to the downtown, which made her feel unprecedented happiness.

Now, she even has some thoughts in her heart that she doesn't know, that is, she hopes that she can remember the name of the person Jiang Lin wants to know later. In this case, she can also be accompanied by Jiang Lin and enjoy more of that time.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "There's nothing to be thankful for, and Miss Qiu Rong doesn't have to be so polite to me. These are all what I should do. Next, I'll go to Taoist Tian's Taoist hall and listen to his questions. Shit, is there any progress?"

The first thousand eight hundred and tenth chapters are gold and jade, and they are ruined (below)

At this time, because of the sound of the conversation between the two, Xiao Xie and other female ghosts who were resting were woken up and appeared in the main room.

When Qiu Rong saw Xiao Xie and the others, she said to Jiang Lin, "Young Master Jiang, I will trouble you again. Since you are all here, let's sit in the hall. Yesterday, the young master arrived, but he couldn't sit in it. Woolen cloth."

Because she felt some gratitude towards Jiang Lin in her heart, Qiu Rong's attitude towards Jiang Lin also changed a lot from yesterday.

Jiang Lin had stayed in this haunted house before, but Qiurong, the owner, never took the initiative to let Jiang Lin go to the main room. The previous time, it was because Xiao Xie was injured that she allowed Jiang Lin to go there.

Even yesterday, when Jiang Lin came to look for her, she didn't have much enthusiasm.

Now when Qiu Rong thinks about it, she feels that she is indeed a little cautious and behaves improperly.

Compared to Jiang Lin taking her out and buying her things lavishly, she was a bit like a cheapskate.

In addition to this reason, she changed her attitude towards Jiang Lin because she was carrying a lot of jewelry at her feet.

These are things for her daughter's household. Since Jiang Lin bought them, she probably won't take them with her. She also wanted to give her sisters a share.

It's too outrageous to take the things people bought and not greet the guests.


Seeing that Qiu Rong's attitude towards him had changed drastically, Jiang Lin did not refuse. Now that Qiu Rong was no longer disgusted with him, he just wanted to instruct those female ghosts.

It would still be a waste of time to rely on Taoist Tian alone to ask questions about ghosts. Now that the progress of the matter has had a gratifying result, it is just time to strike while the iron is hot, so that these sisters of Qiurong are dispatched to seek news nearby.

Multi-pronged approach.

"Cough, that... Young Master Jiang, do you... do you still want these jewelry?"

"I bought everything, what else do I need? Isn't that what you all use?"

Jiang Lin looked at Qiu Rong with some amusement. He only now knew why Qiu Rong invited him in as a guest. It turned out to be the idea of ​​making these gold hairpins and earrings.

Qiurong Yanran smiled, grabbed the package on the ground, and entered the main room with Jiang Lin.

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