Can Zhong Kui come to trouble him because of this?

Chapter [*] Those who understand naturally understand

Jiang Lin really didn't take what Qiurong said seriously, and aside from other reasons, he also wanted to make Qiurong his wife.

Moreover, it is not necessarily that because of this little thing, there is really trouble.

What's more, if he didn't do his best and let Qiurong take revenge himself, he still didn't know when it would be.

Qiu Rong stared at Jiang Lin blankly, then pursed her lips and smiled.

What Jiang Lin said was true, since she met Jiang Lin, she had never seen anything that Jiang Lin was afraid of.

Not to mention what she heard from Jiang Lin about killing Wang Tianxuan, that was when Jiang Lin first arrived at Jiang's Bieyuan Garden, it could be said that he was powerless and extremely weak.

But there were a group of female ghosts in Bieyuan. If they were going to be unfavorable to Jiang Lin at that time, they didn't know what the situation would be like.

But even so, Jiang Lin was so bold that he didn't leave in the yard of the haunted house.

They didn't take their group of female ghosts seriously at all.

Later, Jiang Lin boldly made an agreement with her when he could not use any abilities.

Facts have proved everything, even if there is nothing, Jiang Lin can still do things that make ghosts feel incredible.

"Young Master Jiang can rest assured that if Qiurong's great revenge is avenged, the resentment in Qiurong's body will be handed over to you without reservation."

Qiurong solemnly gave Jiang Lin a promise.

As long as she takes revenge, she will definitely not be dishonest.

Even after finding out the name of her enemy, Jiang Lin offered to take away her grievances, but she felt that she would not refuse.

Cough, what if I want your body?

Hearing Qiurong say this, Jiang Lin didn't know why he had such an idea.

However, at this moment, Qiu Rong's expression suddenly changed.

She was just aroused by her own hatred and ignored a problem.

Jiang Lin said that the young master of the Jiang family, but with the help of that demon's soul-worshiping spell, she worshipped her soul away, making her lose the power of judgment and self-care, and wanted to take away her innocence.

So, did she lose her clean body long before she died?

"what happened?"

Seeing Qiurong's face turning pale, Jiang Lin didn't know what happened to Qiurong.

Wasn't it all fine just now?

" chastity..."

Qiu Rong murmured, and his fists made a clucking sound because they were clenched tightly.

She didn't know why she had such a big reaction. She was already dead, and if she had hatred and resentment, it was enough to report it all.

But now her mood is completely unable to let go even after revenge.

At this moment, Qiu Rong only felt that she should not stand with Jiang Lin, let alone have a happy conversation together.

She should be so ashamed that she doesn't say anything.

Qiurong looked at Jiang Lin, her footsteps could not help but step back, she didn't know what kind of identity she should use to face this young master Jiang.

It was because of this.

Jiang Lin immediately reacted when he saw Qiu Rong's performance.

Qiu Rong thought that he had lost his innocence.

"Don't be like this. Although Young Master Jiang coveted your beauty, things didn't work out. I don't know exactly why. But, you are still perfect whether you are alive or dead."


Qiurong immediately opened her mouth to confirm, and she almost screamed and asked. Because of her excitement, she grabbed Jiang Lin's arm and pinched her nails into Jiang Lin's forearm.

"of course it's true."

Jiang Lin looked at Qiurong quietly, of course he was right.

Otherwise, he thought about Qiurong, did he want to give himself a love that would be a light?Three thousand green silk on the top of the head becomes a prairie?

Qiu Rong let go of her hands, the smile on her face could not be hidden.

There was also a smug smile on Jiang Lin's face at this time. It seemed that Qiu Rong didn't realize that something was wrong with him now.

Qiu Rong's gaze and reaction just now made it clear that she was worried that he would dislike him.

Qiurong looked at Jiang Lin's smile and asked, "Young Master Jiang, what are you laughing at?"

Jiang Lin shook his head, since Qiurong didn't know what he was laughing at, he should just smile and not talk.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Nothing, those who understand will understand naturally."

Then Jiang Lin added: "Since you don't understand, I said you don't understand either."

He pretended it on purpose. In fact, as soon as he said it, Qiu Rong would understand, but he couldn't say it yet.

Now that Qiu Rong has a feeling of caring about him in her heart, she might be agitated to deny it, or she might take the initiative to distance herself from him.

Know what?

Qiurong still didn't know what Jiang Lin was talking about, but now Jiang Lin's smile made her feel a little flustered for no reason.

"Cough cough, then... Then let's go to Tian Taoist's place quickly, don't make him wait."

Qiurong linked Jiang Lin's laughter with her gaffe and excitement just now, and seemed to feel that something was wrong, so she quickly found an excuse.

In fact, she was completely unfamiliar with Tian Daoshi, and Tian Daoshi waited in a hurry, and it had nothing to do with her.

She just didn't want Jiang Lin to laugh anymore.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin and Qiurong arrived at Taoist Tian.

Jiang Lin said to Taoist Tian, ​​"Boy, now you have a bit of a reputation in Weinan County. Everyone knows that you have had a fortune and learned some real skills. Now, the old man will let you cast spells on Miss Qiurong. , and then take her to the Jiang's house. When you arrive at the Jiang's house, use your kid's ability to cheat and deceive before, just fool the Jiang's house, and let the master of the Jiang family invite you in. "

Chapter [*]: Crazy Qiurong

Now Taoist Tian's image in the county has changed a lot. As long as this kid fools people, it is Mr. Jiang, and he will not doubt it.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Tian Taoist to enter the gate of Jiang's house.

"Senior, don't worry, the boy is different now. I used to be afraid of fooling people, but now I am afraid that they will believe my words and fool them, and I feel uneasy."

Taoist Tian had a very stinky smile on his face.

Once upon a time, when he was bluffing and cheating, he was praying that his ancestors would not reveal their secrets, but now, he doesn't need to think about anything.

When Qiu Rong heard this, she raised her hand to cover Sakura's mouth, afraid that she would laugh out loud.

This Taoist Tian is still fooling people. You have been fooled by Young Master Jiang until now.

Although she heard Jiang Lin say that Taoist Tian was very obedient, but now seeing it with her own eyes, she still finds it funny.

"Okay, Miss Qiurong, show up."


Qiu Rong responded and revealed her ghost body.

"Senior, this... this is Miss Qiurong, so... so beautiful."

After Tian Taoist saw Qiu Rong, his eyes almost straightened.

No wonder the county government's archives say that Qiu Rong is extremely beautiful. This is true.

Jiang Lin reprimanded: "You boy, see no evil! Look at me again and poke you in the eye."

Tian Taoist immediately lowered his head, not daring to let his eyes have any rudeness.

A smile appeared on Qiurong's face. Jiang Lin didn't let other men look at her, which made her heart feel a little sweet.

"Many thanks to Senior Shuimu for helping the little girl to be fair, the little girl has nothing to repay."

Since Taoist Tian was here, Qiu Rong did not destroy Jiang Lin's plan, did not call him Young Master Jiang, but just like Taoist Tian, ​​treating him as Tianzun Shuimu.

"Take action."

Jiang Lin signaled to Taoist Tian, ​​and Taoist Tian walked in front of Qiu Rong, and applied a spell on Qiu Rong according to the method that Jiang Lin had pointed out.

"Qiurong, when you arrive at the Jiang's house, find someone with a weak will, just rush to the body, so that you can attach to others. Go to the Jiang's ancestral hall to find a tablet that impresses you, and see if you can think of anything. "

After explaining Qiurong, Jiang Lin asked Tian Taoist priest to put away the green bamboo umbrella.

Putting the green bamboo umbrella into his satchel, Tian Taoist went straight to Jiang's house.

Arriving at the gate of Jiang's house, Taoist Tian followed Jiang Lin's instructions, and pointed at the Jiang's house in a dazzling manner.

The servant of the gate also changed his previous attitude, calling Tian Taoist a master and asking what was going on.

Taoist Tian made a fool of himself, and the servant went to invite the housekeeper over.

After that, the housekeeper reported the situation to Mr. Jiang, who was worshipping his ancestors in the ancestral hall.

Master Jiang also heard about Tian Daoshi, and when he heard the butler's message, he immediately asked the butler to invite Tian Daoshi into the Jiang family mansion, and asked him to help him check Feng Shui.

After entering the Jiang family's mansion, Taoist Tian took out the green bamboo umbrella and released Qiu Rong when no one was around.

After that, Qiu Rong acted on her own. In addition to the spells that could possess her, she also had a light-avoiding spell on her body, so she could act during the day.

Not long after, Qiu Rong saw a woman in the servant's room.

It was the maid Chunhua who went to Jiang's Bieyuan to have sex with her lover a while ago.

That day, Chunhua's lover was going to kill her because Chunhua was pregnant. As a result, Qiu Rong's resentment was uncontrollable. She was frightened by the appearance of Qiu Rong and fell into the well in the other garden and drowned.

And Chunhua herself was also frightened by Qiurong and the others, and she never got better.

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