Without thinking much, Qiu Rong entered Chunhua's room, and in Chunhua's terrified eyes, she attached to her body.

After being possessed, Qiu Rong controlled Chun Hua's body to find the location of the ancestral hall in the Jiang family.

Before long, she saw Mr. Jiang who was worshipping her ancestors.

Qiu Rong saw the many tablets in the ancestral hall, and walked in directly, looking for the name that impressed her among the many tablets.

"Chunhua? Why are you? What are you doing here! I think you're sick and confused. Is this where you can come? Hurry up and get out."

When Master Jiang saw Chunhua entering the ancestral hall, he scolded sharply.

But Qiurong didn't pay any attention to him, but continued to fumble on the tablet.

Before long, she saw a name that made a deep impression on her: Jiang Yaoxing.

"Jiang Yaoxing, Jiang Yaoxing! The eldest son of the Jiang family!"

After seeing this name, many memories immediately appeared in Qiu Rong's mind.

"You... how do you know my wife?"

Master Jiang looked at Chunhua in surprise, which was actually Qiurong.

His grandfather had been dead for many years, how could he still be remembered.

"It's you, it's you who hurt me!"

Qiu Rong let out a terrifying scream, and she completely remembered how the eldest son of the Jiang family provided her with assistance, and how prudently made her think that the Jiang family was doing good deeds.

But in the end, these are all hypocrisy and all traps!

Her parents were also killed!

Although Qiu Rong listened to Jiang Lin's restoration of the events of the past, she didn't have too strong feelings at that time because she didn't remember those events, but at this time, she remembered the past, and even brought her feelings towards the Jiang family and the eldest son of Jiang in the past. Gratitude also emerged.

She was killed by her enemy, and now, thinking of her gratitude and gratitude back then, Qiu Rong felt extremely disgusting.

With a glance, Qiu Rong saw the portrait hanging on the side wall. In the portrait, the eldest son of the Jiang family looked young.

"You sanctimonious beast! You made me suffer so much! Can't think of it? I'm Huo Qiurong, and I'm here to seek revenge!"

Qiu Rong took the portrait on the wall into her hand and tore it into pieces.

After that, Qiu Rong could no longer control her anger, and she made a lot of trouble in the Jiang family ancestral hall. She didn't know how much the tablets on the ancestors of the Jiang family were smashed by her.

After the memory came back, the resentment that soared to the sky also came back, causing Qiu Rong to be like crazy, venting the resentment in her heart.

The [*]th Octopus Out of a Bay, Turtle Out of a Beach (Part [*])

"Come on, come on, come on!"

Seeing Chunhua's crazy appearance, Mr. Jiang was so frightened that he hurriedly called.

He was frightened by the Chunhua possessed by Qiurong, and besides being frightened, he also had a huge fear in his heart.

Huo Qiurong, as the contemporary head of the Jiang family, naturally knows it.

What happened seventy or eighty years ago has always been the secret of their Jiang family.

That incident that year, their Jiang family did not know how much work they put in to cover it up.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, there have been twists and turns.

If this matter spreads out, their Jiang family will not be discredited.

That could be all beheaded.

Even if they are now the descendants of the parties involved, they cannot escape the end of being implicated.

The matter was many years ago, which also means that the emperors of that year have become the first emperors.

Their Jiang family is equivalent to embarrassing the late emperor, and the deceased is the greatest. The current emperor is the descendant of the late emperor. If they know about this, they will definitely deal with it strictly.

There is a high probability that one of their families will be wiped out to comfort the spirit of the late emperor.

Just when Master Jiang panicked, seven or eight servants rushed into the ancestral hall.

As for Qiu Rong, because she couldn't control her grievances, her body was surging with ghostly energy, which directly affected the possession spell that Taoist Tian had put on her.

This also caused her to no longer be attached to Chunhua.

Because of this, Qiu Rong could no longer effectively control Chun Hua's body, and was dragged out of the ancestral hall by a group of servants.

In addition to the magic spell of possession, there was also a problem with the light shielding spell on Qiu Rong's body.

After all, Taoist Tian was still at the entry-level with the light-avoiding spell, and he was also attacked by ghosts. Therefore, as soon as Qiu Rong was exposed to sunlight, he noticed something was wrong.

After that, she didn't dare to delay, she could only suppress the anger and resentment in her heart, left Chunhua's body, and went to find Taoist Tian.

Taoist Tian was also startled when he saw Qiu Rong appearing in front of him.

At this time, Qiu Rong no longer had the quiet appearance before, and was completely no different from a ghost.

"Miss Qiurong, you are... come in."

When Tian Taoist saw that Qiu Rong's ghost energy was corroded by the sun, he immediately realized that there was a problem with the light-avoiding spell on her body, and immediately opened the green bamboo umbrella to take Qiu Rong in.

It didn't take long for Mr. Jiang to lead someone to find Taoist Tian, ​​and after saying a few polite words, he temporarily invited Taoist Tian out of Jiang's house.

Now that such a major event has occurred in the Jiang family, he must find a way to deal with it. As for the bloody disaster that Tian Taoist said, he has no time to deal with it for the time being.

After Tian Taoist left, Master Jiang asked people to tidy up the ancestral hall, and at the same time asked the housekeeper to see Chunhua.

When such a thing happened, Mr. Jiang already knew that Chunhua was an evil spirit and had nothing to do with Chunhua.

However, he was afraid that Chunhua would learn something because of the evil spirit.

Once Chunhua knew the secret of their Jiang family, it would be quite troublesome.

Just when Mr. Jiang was pacing in the room, not knowing what to do, Miss Jiang's family, the daughter of Mr. Jiang, came to him with tears on his face.

"Father, you have to decide for your daughter, that Tao Wangsan, he is about to sever ties with her daughter."

Miss Jiang's family was very angry. The cause of the incident was that when she and Tao Wangsan were walking on the street yesterday, a group of people asked Tao Wangsan for trouble. That group of people was the one they met at the tea stall outside the county. the liars.

When a few liars saw that Tao Wangsan was no longer around the "Jiang family son", they chased and shouted at them, and happened to bump into Mr. Jiang, who was out in a sedan chair to run errands.

Mr. Jiang was very disgusted with Tao Wangsan at first, and when he saw Tao Wangsan being chased by the rude people, he immediately said that his Jiang family had nothing to do with Tao Wangsan.

At that time, Tao Wangsan asked Miss Jiang Jia to testify to prove that those perverts were liars, but Miss Jiang Jia took into account her family's reputation and did not want people to know that she had disguised herself as a man and affected her own image, so she flatly denied it.

This led to Tao Wangsan being beaten badly.

Tao Wangsan was so angry on the spot that he explained it to Miss Jiang today, and it will be irrelevant in the future.

Originally, this was a normal thing, after all, what Miss Jiang's did was too unkind.

But Miss Jiang's family has been pampered since she was a child, so how could she tolerate a man dumping her, so this scene appeared at this time.

"Don't bother me, isn't it a good thing? That kid is like a shit stirrer in the latrine. He can't write or use force. He has nothing to do with you, what's wrong with that?"

Master Jiang scolded his daughter. He had long been displeased with that useless Tao Wangsan, and he was begging and beggars to haunt his daughter. He didn't know how comfortable it was.

"Father, although he Tao Wangsan has no advantages, he also knows some medical skills. Oh, these are not important, the important thing is that the children of our Jiang family were dumped by outsiders, how can I bear this sigh If this matter is spread out in the future, your daughter will become the laughing stock of others, and you will be laughed at secretly even with your father."

Miss Jiang's family still refuses, and must let Master Jiang decide for her.

"Yeah, he still has medical skills. He also wrote a prescription for soothing tea to Chunhua before."

A flash of light flashed in Master Jiang's mind, and then he muttered to himself.

Some time ago, Chunhua was sick in bed and went mad because she was frightened by a ghost. Tao Wangsan wrote a prescription for soothing tea in order to show himself in front of Master Jiang, and asked Master Jiang to order the servants to give Chunhua the medicine.

"Daughter, you're right, how can people in our Jiang family be bullied casually. Since he makes you so sad and annoyed, I won't let him go. Anyone who will threaten our Jiang family, I'm not going to let them end well."

There was a sinister light in Master Jiang's eyes. If it wasn't for his daughter's trouble, he really didn't know how to deal with the changes that occurred.

He was worried that Chunhua would learn something she shouldn't know because of Zhongxie, but now, there is no need to worry.

Dead people can't speak, and people can't believe what ghosts say.

Even if Chunhua knew something, as long as she died, everything would be fine.

As for Tao Wangsan, he planned to make this kid a bad guy.

With the prescription in hand, as long as Chunhua dies after taking the medicine, the responsibility will naturally not fall on their Jiang family's head.

The [*]th Octopus came out of a bay, and the turtle came out of a beach (middle)

With a plan in mind, Mr. Jiang left the room immediately. He didn't worry about telling others to do such a thing. The fewer people who knew about it, the better.

At this time, the Taoist Tian with the green bamboo umbrella was about to return to the Taoist temple, and Qiu Rong, who was in the umbrella, could not have imagined that she would possess Chunhua this time, but it would bring death to Chunhua.

Back at the Taoist Temple, Taoist Tian gave the green bamboo umbrella to Jiang Lin.

After Jiang Lin released Qiu Rong, he found that Qiu Rong's state was a little wrong and asked, "Miss Qiu Rong, what's wrong?"

At this time, Qiu Rong's resentment increased a lot more than before, and it continued to radiate outward.

"Boy, that's what this old man is going to point you to next. Take it and think about it."

Jiang Lin pointed to some spells he had written on the table before, and asked Tian Taoist to go to the side to cool off first.

Although Qiu Rong hasn't spoken yet, he feels that Qiu Rong's state should be because he remembers some things from that year.

In this case, the next step is to smash Qiurong's enemy back then, and this matter still has to be carried out by the hands of Tian Taoist.

Taoist Tian responded, took the paper on the table, and went directly to the backyard.

"Young Master Jiang, I have already remembered everything. I have already remembered everything."

After Qiurong calmed down, she looked at Jiang Lin.

Her hatred for so many years has finally found her exact target.

In other words, she remembered how she died back then, and she also remembered who her enemy was.


Jiang Lin was quite surprised. He asked Tian Taoist priest to bring Qiurong to Jiang's house. His original intention was to let Qiurong confirm the name of his enemy back then. impression.

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