Do you also have Boren on this side of Da Luo Xianjie?

Jiang Lin raised his brows, but he didn't care about these irrelevant details. Seeing Qiurong's expression of self-blame, he said, "You're right, it doesn't matter if it's you or not, Chunhua's death. , you and I have an indirect relationship."

Jiang Lin didn't take all the responsibilities on himself. If Qiu Rong hadn't attached to Chunhua and made her weak, then Chunhua would never need to take medicine, and she wouldn't be poisoned to death.

The reason why Qiu Rong appeared at Jiang's house and found Chunhua was because he instructed Taoist Tian to possess the body and let Qiu Rong go to Jiang's house.

If it is really to blame, he can't get rid of it.

"This is how to do ah?"

Qiu Rong didn't know what to do for a while. If Chunhua died because of her, even if she had avenged her revenge, if she wanted to be reincarnated in the future, it would probably be difficult, and she might have to suffer a lot in the underworld.

These are all trivial matters, life is at stake, she killed an innocent person who shouldn't be dead, and that's the most important thing.

"What should I do? Cold salad."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, not blaming himself for indirectly killing a maid Chunhua by himself and Qiurong.

Because he doesn't need to blame himself, he has a way to make Chunhua come alive.

And spring flowers can also be a blessing in disguise.

"Young Master Jiang, how can you do this? We killed a person."

Seeing Jiang Lin's attitude, Qiu Rong was a little displeased. Jiang Lin had only admitted Chunhua's death before, and they were all responsible.

But just after that, Jiang Lin didn't take it seriously.

This made her feel a little disappointed with Jiang Lin.

"Look at you, why are you in such a hurry? Don't you feel disappointed in me now?"

"Why not? Don't say anything else, you... we, we have to find a way to make up for Chunhua. At least we can't let her be a ghost like me and still be full of resentment."

Qiurong spoke directly, but she was disappointed with Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin said lightly: "What compensation can be better than letting her return to the sun? I didn't say anything and do nothing. Moreover, this time, the death of Chunhua gave us a chance, maybe we don't need it. He detained other ghosts through the mouth of the eldest son of the Jiang family back then."

"You can make her return to Yang? That's great! Also, what do you mean by giving us a chance?"

After listening to Qiu Rong, a happy expression appeared on her face. Jiang Lin was right at all, and it was better that Chunhua could not be revived without any compensation.

As for what Jiang Lin said later, it made her feel a little unpredictable.

"I won't tell you, it makes your heart itch. Hmph, I'm disappointed in me. Ask yourself, after you met me, Jiang Lin, what did I do to disappoint you?"


Qiurong was speechless when asked by Jiang Lin, she really couldn't find out what Jiang Lin did that made her feel unsatisfactory.

"Tell me now, you are a manly man, how can you be so petty, what do you do with my daughter's anger?"

Qiu Rong was stared at by Jiang Lin anxiously, she hated it, and even compared to this little girl like me, you are still Shuimu Tianzun!

"Hey, now I'm complaining about me. I think I'm very generous. When you first saw me, if it wasn't for Xiao Xie to stop you, you would have kicked me out. I didn't care about you. , Now you say I'm a little pissed off?"

"You are really annoying, just tell me, I don't read much, so you can't have a lot of adults?"

Although Qiu Rong's mouth was still a little stubborn, her tone had softened, and she unconsciously acted coquettishly at Jiang Lin.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin also laughed, not embarrassing Qiurong anymore.

"The chance I'm talking about is that if Mr. Jiang really poisoned Chunhua, then he would be able to shoot himself in the foot. You might as well think about it this way, if Chunhua comes back to life, it would be a strange story. At that time, Tian Daoshi's kid will make more efforts from it, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods and the gods, do you think others believe it? Master Jiang believe it or not? Use him to be afraid of ghosts and do bad things for himself, for fear of ghosts knocking The door's psychology, you can directly pry the truth of your unjust case from his mouth. Well, it's called not attacking yourself."

Jiang Lin spoke out what was in his heart. In fact, it was a very simple matter. As long as Chunhua was resurrected, it would be almost impossible for Mr. Jiang to scare him out of a heart attack. At that time, if he scare him a little bit, he would do nothing. ?

Everything was frightened to come out.


The more Qiu Rong listened to the expression on her face, the more exciting it became, and a long exclamation came out of her mouth.

She never imagined that things would turn out like this.

With the help of Mr. Jiang's desire to kill and silence, he came to an army of anti-generals, and Mr. Jiang was afraid that he would go to hell directly.

After that, the truth about her persecution and death can be told by Master Jiang himself.

This really made Mr. Jiang shoot himself in the foot.

Originally wanted to kill and silence, but the events of the year were revealed.

However, there is a premise for all of this, to confirm the cause of Chunhua's death.

But Qiurong felt that even if she went to confirm, it must be closely related to Jiang Lin's guess.

"Young Master Jiang, Qiu Rong has really convinced you. You can actually come up with such a solution."

Qiurong gave Jiang Lin a thumbs up. When she blamed herself for Chunhua's death and didn't know what to do, Jiang Lin had already thought of a way to deal with it.

And it's an anti-customer-focused approach.

No wonder Jiang Lin had such a performance before. With such a method, the spring flowers can be returned to the sun. What does Jiang Lin need urgently?

"You just don't tell me anything, I can't keep up with you because of my brains, and then you are serious with me because of my anxiety."

After knowing Jiang Lin's plan, Qiu Rong muttered.

If she knew that there was such a solution, she would not have been disappointed in Jiang Lin before.

Hate you man.

"You're not thinking fast, can you just have me?"

Jiang Lin laughed and gave Qiu Rong a meaningful look.

Qiurong raised her face and pretended not to hear Jiang Lin's words.

"Let's go, I'll leave a note for that kid, Taoist Tian. Let's go to the mortuary of the county government first, lest the Jiang family do some tricks to make money and burn Chunhua's body. When Taoist Tian gets there, just You can conjure her soul, and ask her what the cause of death is. Once you ask, the next thing will be logical. "

Jiang Lin picked up the rune pen on the stone platform in the courtyard, left a message for Taoist Tian, ​​and then walked out.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of this!"

Qiurong patted her head, and she felt that her brain couldn't keep up with Jiang Lin's speed.

I didn't expect it to be okay, if you follow me in the future, you don't have to think about it, you just need to be favored.

Jiang Lin walked in front with a different kind of smile on his face.

Chapter [*] I'm walking against the sky like a commonplace meal

"Bring your umbrella, it is estimated that the county government will hear the case of Tao Wangsan tomorrow. You have to go there and you will be on the court."

Jiang Lin asked Qiu Rong to bring the green bamboo umbrella.

He rehabilitated Qiu Rong, and Qiu Rong still needed to be present. In addition, if Mr. Jiang died, Qiu Rong would be able to show up to confront him directly.

After answering, Qiu Rong took the green bamboo umbrella and followed Jiang Lin to the county office.

Although Jiang Lin couldn't use his abilities yet, his body had recovered a lot. It was a very simple matter to climb over the high wall and sneak into the county office.

"One corpse and two lives, this Jiang family can really do evil."

When he arrived at the mortuary of the county government office, Jiang Lin stabbed Chunhua's body with a silver needle. This unfortunate maid was indeed poisoned to death, and the poison was highly poisonous.

Chunhua was pregnant before, but it had become a scandal, and she naturally did not dare to expose it. Therefore, the embryo in her body naturally suffered the same fate.

"It's obvious that the Jiang family framed and blamed Tao Wangsan. It's really hateful!"

Qiu Rong felt sympathy and anger in her heart, and she ignored that Chunhua, the maid, was already pregnant.

"No [*]%, maybe [*]%. Anyway, as soon as that kid from Taoist Tian came and summoned her soul, everything would be clear."

Jiang Lin didn't really care too much about the result. It was true that he didn't like Tao Wangsan, and he even wanted to kick that guy again, but he said, Tao Wangsan's greed for money is good, and he wanted to use it. It is also true that the crooked brains have been fighting for less than [*] years, but there is absolutely no need for this guy to destroy himself because of a maid of the Jiang family who is just average in appearance.

If Tao Wangsan really has that lustful heart, he might as well go and attack Miss Jiang's family, at least that Miss Jiang's who is disguised as a man is quite beautiful.

Therefore, at present, Tao Wang is [*]% wronged.

It is self-evident who the real murderer will be.

At midnight, Taoist Tian returned from the suburbs of the county. After seeing Jiang Lin's message, he ignored his fatigue and went straight to the morgue of the county government.

As soon as he left, Jiang Lin went to work for him. No matter how hard it was, he had to hurry over to avoid making his senior wait too long.

Now that Taoist Tian has mastered the technique of divine fighting, even if the county government has already closed down, it will still be difficult for him.

"Senior, it's really hard for your old man."

After seeing Jiang Lin, Taoist Tian bowed to him again and again. He didn't know that Qiurong was possessed by Chunhua after entering Jiang's house, so he simply thought that Jiang Lin was here to help him deal with Tao Wangsan. The trouble of entrusting him made him feel very flattered.

"How about it, has the tomb of Jiang Yaoxing, the son of the Jiang family, been found?"

"Returning to the senior, the boy did not disgrace his mission and found it. The Jiang family can really hide it, and the others who hid their ancestral tombs can't find it at all. If it wasn't for the senior who taught the boy so many ways, the boy really wouldn't be able to do anything about it."

Taoist Tian told Jiang Lin about the location of the Jiang family's ancestral tomb, and he also found the tomb of Jiang Yaoxing that Jiang Lin told him to find.

"Your kid is quite reliable."

Jiang Lin was quite satisfied with the result, and then told Taoist Tian about Qiu Rong's arrival at Jiang's house and possessing Chunhua, which indirectly led to Chunhua's death by poisoning and Tao Wangsan's frame-up.

"This Jiang family, as well as the Dezhi family, are really hateful and hateful!"

When Tian Taoist learned about these things, his nose suddenly became angry.

Originally, because of Qiurong's incident, he had a lot of bad feelings towards the Jiang family, but now the Jiang family actually kills people.

Although such a thing is not uncommon, the Jiang family still wears a model plaque bestowed by the royal family.

How disgusting.

"Now, the old man will use your hand to perform the Yang-returning technique. Although I have the friend who is willing to help you, it still depends on whether you can contribute. However, the old man warns you seriously that things that disturb the yin and yang in this way, there is an old man. There will be no problem to be on the field. But if the old man leaves in the future, if you try to use it without authorization, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"What? Senior, do you want to use the boy's hand to perform such a heaven-defying technique?"

Taoist Tian was taken aback, this kind of secret technique is a way to deceive the sky, and Jiang Lin was willing to let him see it.

But he was pleasantly surprised.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Although this maid may have been killed by Master Jiang, she has something to do with the old man and Qiurong's daughter. The old man is not someone who is willing to owe debts to others."

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