"But senior, this is going against the sky, you won't have any major cause and effect, right?"

Taoist Tian couldn't help but ask one more question. Although he used to be half a bucket of water, he was still a half-hearted cultivator. He still knew the importance of resurrecting the dead.

Ordinary people are born, old, sick, and dead.

But now Jiang Lin wants to bring the dead back to life, which is no small matter.

"What's the big cause and effect? ​​It has a half-cent relationship with the old man? The old man, it's like a commonplace meal for me to go against the sky."

Jiang Lin didn't care at all. He was able to get to this point, and he didn't know how many times he had gone against the sky.

If nothing else, he himself is marching towards the road of the corpse, that is the will of God, not to mention that he has also jumped the life level of his wives to a higher level.

Now that he resurrected a maid Chunhua, it was a trivial matter.

Wow~ Oh, strong!

Seniors walking against the sky are like eating, and they are bad and bad.

Tian Taoist worshipped Jiang Lin to the extreme.

Qiurong on the side couldn't help but glance at Jiang Lin, she subconsciously felt that Jiang Lin was blowing in the sea.

But when she thought that Jiang Lin had said before that he had killed Wang Tianxuan, she felt that Jiang Lin was not bragging.

Later, Jiang Lin asked Tian Taoist priest to take the hair and nails of Chunhua's body to calculate the birth date of Chunhua, and then conjured the soul of Chunhua.

Although Jiang Lin was talking about the art of returning Yang, it was nothing. He participated as a person who was not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and then used some forbidden medicinal materials and cold marrow to deceive the heavenly secrets and make Chunhua's soul return to the body. That's it.

"Qiurong, mix these herbs and give her a drink."

Jiang Lin took out a lot of treasures and a golden bowl and handed it to Qiu Rong, and sat cross-legged. He also needed to release part of the corpse poison in his body, so that the corpse gas could wrap Chunhua's body.

Not long after, Qiu Rong followed Jiang Lin's instructions and mixed those treasures into medicinal liquid and poured it into Chunhua.

Chapter [-] Let you dead man speak

On the side, Taoist Tian took action under Jiang Lin's signal. After he calculated Chunhua's birth date, he started the work of conjuring souls.

After about half a stick of incense, a gloomy wind blew in the morgue, and after a while, a ghost appeared in front of Jiang Lin and the others.

Chunhua's soul has been recruited.

However, at this time, Chunhua had become a serious ghost. She died of injustice, and the fetus in her womb also died, causing her to be full of resentment.

"It's you?"

After Chunhua saw Qiu Rong, her face immediately became hideous.

As Jiang Lin said, although her death was not directly caused by Qiurong, if it wasn't for Qiurong's attachment to her body, she would not have suffered such an innocent disaster.

"If you still want to return the sun and bring your mother and son back to life, then put down the resentment for me."

At this time, Jiang Lin snorted when he saw that Chunhua wanted to attack Qiurong.

This roar suddenly made Chunhua tremble with fright. Jiang Lin now has some corpse aura emanating from him, and naturally he also has a part of Mao Zhuang's aura.

"You... you can make us return to Yang? How is this possible?"

After Chunhua's resentment calmed down a little, she looked at Jiang Lin in shock.

She is dead, how can she be resurrected there?

Seeing this, Taoist Tian explained to Chunhua: "Don't worry, this senior has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth. This time we came to your body to bring you back to life."

Jiang Lin stood up and said: "Now your body has regained its vitality and can be united with your soul. As for the fetus in your womb, it can also be revived. However, before that, you still need to follow Tell me how did you die?"

After Chunhua was shocked, she looked at her body and found that the signs of poisoning had completely subsided, as if she had fallen asleep.

"Master Tian, ​​I believe in you."

Chunhua had also heard about Taoist Tian, ​​and knew that Taoist Tian was no longer the same as before, and he already had a lot of skills.

With Tian Taoist as a bailout, she no longer doubted Jiang Lin's words, and responded: "Senior, Chunhua is very grateful for your re-creation. It's like this, during the day, I was possessed by that female ghost. My body became weak, and it didn’t take long for Mr. Jiang to bring a bowl of medicine to me and told me that it would nourish my body. I didn’t expect that Mr. Jiang would take care of a servant like me so much, not much. After thinking about it, I drank the medicine. But before I finished drinking it, I felt abdominal pain like a cramp, and then I died of poison."

After saying that, Chunhua's face was full of resentment again. She was already unlucky when Qiu Rong found her to be possessed, but after the bad luck, she didn't even know what wrong she made, and she was going to be poisoned to death.

"Sure enough."

Jiang Lin was not surprised by Chunhua's answer, he had already guessed it before.

It was confirmed from Chunhua's mouth that Qiu Rong hated the Jiang family even more, and as for Taoist Tian, ​​she felt even more disgusted.

A virtuous family made such a killing and killing of one corpse and two lives.

"Although this matter has something to do with Qiu Rong, this old man has already allowed you to return to Yang and save the fetus in your womb. Apart from that, you can say that you will have no more pain in your life and you will be able to end your life. For you It's a blessing in disguise, so, in return, you need to do something for the old man. You can go back to your body now and verify it first."

Jiang Lin told Chunhuaming directly that Chunhua died in vain, and there was indeed a relationship between him and Qiurong, but now, everything has been made up, and the benefits Chunhua got are something that an ordinary person would never dare to think about in his life, so he also Not ready to be polite to Chunhua.

The next thing needs some cooperation from Chunhua.

If you want to frighten Master Jiang and scream, you have to hand it over to Chunhua.

"Then please let the seniors allow Chunhua to confirm first."

Chunhua bowed to Jianglin, and her soul flew to her body.

After the body and soul returned to their positions, it didn't take long for Chunhua to open her eyes.

"I... I really came alive!"

Chunhua was overjoyed, and then she raised her hand and touched her belly, feeling that the fetus in her belly was the same as before, and she was even happier.

"Senior, thank you for the grace of rebirth, but if there is an explanation, Chunhua will definitely do her best."

Chunhua got off the mortuary platform and immediately knelt down to Jiang Lin. Since she had confirmed that she had really come back from the dead, she didn't dare to think of not doing it.

Since this young man, who was called a senior by Master Tian, ​​could resurrect her, it would be easy for her to die again.

"That's good."

Jiang Lin nodded and continued: "Actually, it's nothing, just use your mouth to let you dead man speak."

Seeing Chunhua's dazed look, Jiang Lin explained, "That's right, after Mr. Jiang killed you, he put the blame on Tao Wangsan, a scholar who temporarily lived in your Jiang's house. The case should be heard tomorrow. , when the time comes, the deceased will send you to the county government office. Next, I will let Tian Xiaozi cast an illusion on you, so that you will still look like a corpse to outsiders. When the time comes, you will listen to Tian The boy's commander woke up in court and explained his cause of death."

After saying this, Jiang Lin made another color on Qiurong and said, "Qiurong, you told her about your affairs. This is the reason why she was killed. I will use her words to overturn the case for you tomorrow."

This is Jiang Lin's plan, to let the dead man Chunhua speak, and turn out Qiurong's case back then.

Since the cause of death of this maid Chunhua has been determined, his previous guesses are not bad.

Master Jiang must know what happened in Qiurong back then.

"Girl, please speak."

Chunhua looked at Qiurong, now that she has come back from the dead, and she has been blessed by misfortune, naturally she has no resentment towards Qiurong.

And she listened to Jiang Lin's meaning, this female ghost also seems to be related to the Jiang family, and it may be similar to her situation.

In this case, she actually felt sorry for Qiu Rong.

Chapter [-] I'll advance a little, isn't it too much?

So, Qiu Rong told Chunhua about her experience back then. When Chunhua cheated on her body in court tomorrow, and then told everything about it, there would be nothing better than this way of overturning the case.

After Qiu Rong finished speaking, Jiang Lin asked Tian Taoist priest to draw the phantom runes on Chun Hua's clothes.

During this period of time, Taoist Tian has mastered this kind of blindfolding technique very well, and even this advanced Taoist technique has already started.

"Okay, in order to prevent any accidents, you kid should stay in this morgue tonight to prevent the Jiang family from sending people to destroy the corpse."

After Jiang Lin explained that Taoist Tian was protecting Chunhua as an important witness in the morgue, he and Qiurong left the county government office and went to Jiangjiabiyuan.

The matter of overturning the case has been basically completed, but it still depends on whether Mr. Jiang will die.

This is also the reason why Jiang Lin is going to Jiangjia Bieyuan.

As long as he uses his spiritual power or supernatural power, the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body will take the opportunity to cause chaos, and the corpse poison belonging to his corpse needs to fight to pacify the chaos.

This needs to consume the Yin Sha Qi that he absorbed.

Therefore, once Jiang Lin takes any action, the Yin Sha Qi stored in the body will be indirectly consumed.

Before tomorrow, he needs to go to the haunted house to replenish a part and keep it for backup.

In addition, he also prepared to transfer part of Qiu Rong's resentment first.

"Mr. Jiang, I didn't expect that tomorrow, my grievances would be washed away. It's been so many years, so many years. The ugly face of the Jiang family will finally be exposed in front of everyone."

Qiurong couldn't help but feel relieved. Her grievances had been buried for seventy or eighty years, and they will be revealed to the world tomorrow.

And as the murderer of her persecution, the Jiang family will definitely not have any good end.

The Jiang family swaggered in the world with the family of morality, and made a name for themselves. With the good name of the family, I don't know how many people have been deceived. Tomorrow will come to an end.

"Although everything has been arranged, if you want to overthrow the Jiang family, you still need to consider whether Mr. Jiang would rather die by himself than deny what happened in the past. If he carries the crime of murder on his own, the Jiang family will Maybe it's just a change of owner."

Jiang Lin shook his head, Qiu Rong was about to be wiped out because of his grievances, and he never thought of the possible twists and turns.

"Will it be so?"

Qiu Rong was stunned for a moment, she really didn't think so much.

"Acknowledging what happened back then, do you know what this means for the Jiang family? Their entire clan may be wiped out. If they don't admit it, they will kill him and give other members of the family a chance to save their lives. What do you think?"

"Then what can we do?"

Qiu Rong clenched her fists. According to what Jiang Lin said, even if she showed up tomorrow, Mr. Jiang might not even recognize her.

"Don't worry, I already have a plan in my heart. Otherwise, I won't go to Jiang's Bieyuan Garden with you. When I get there, I will absorb some evil spirits, and tomorrow's affairs will probably be fine."

Now that he thought of this possibility, Jiang Lin had already simulated the preparatory plan in his heart.

"What are you going to do?"

"Tomorrow you will naturally know, you girl, your curiosity is too heavy. By the way, by tomorrow, your grievances will be washed away, and the extra grievances on your body today may be automatically because of the snow. Dissipate. Since it has increased, instead of letting it dissipate, it is better to transfer it to me first."

Jiang Lin smiled, which was another reason why he and Qiurong returned to the haunted house together.

He was reluctant to waste so much resentment dissipated out of thin air.

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