"You want my resentment?"

Qiu Rong frowned, a reluctant expression appeared on his face.

In fact, she was not reluctant. As long as Jiang Lin asked for it, she would definitely give it. If she didn't give it anyway, in the end, the extra grievances would dissipate automatically.

It's just that Jiang Lin was trying to whet her appetite again and didn't tell her how to deal with what might happen tomorrow, which made her show reluctance.

Hang it, let you hang my appetite, I won't give it to you.

"What? I don't want it anymore? Although there is an agreement between you and me, the things I have done have been done step by step, and now it is the last step. I will advance some from you, is it not too much? "

Seeing the reluctance on Qiurong's face, Jiang Lin thought that Qiurong was really unwilling to give it to him.

One thing to say, one thing, seeking truth from facts, he felt that his request for advance payment was really not too much.

For many days, he has been accepting the younger brother and paying for the whole audience. Today, he has wasted some cold marrow and forbidden materials.

It is not too much to advance some of Qiu Rong's grievances in advance.

What's more, he obtained these grievances in order to avenge Qiurong.

It's the same for anyone to judge.

Qiurong smiled slightly and said: "You tell me what you want to do first, and I will let you take my grievances."

It was because of this.

Jiang Lin looked at Qiu Rong with some amusing, this girl was unwilling because he was cheating.

"I won't tell you, and I'll make you feel more itchy. Will you give me an advance? If you don't, the old man will be a choice."

Jiang Lin whistled and walked in a big way. He just wanted to hang Qiu Rong's curiosity.


Qiu Rong puffed out her cheeks, annoyed, she could only stomp in protest.

However, she was still resigned, and she wasn't really unwilling anyway.

With a light snort, Qiu Rong asked, "How do you want me to give it to you? I don't know how to transfer my resentment."

How to give it?Just sleep with me.

Thinking so in his heart, Jiang Lin couldn't help laughing.

Qiu Rong stared at Jiang Lin with her beautiful eyes. This was the second time she had seen Jiang Lin show such a smile of "people who understand naturally understand".

"Give me your hand, just don't suppress the resentment and ghosts in my body. The corpse poison in my body can automatically absorb your resentment."


Qiu Rong didn't think much, and then handed over her plain hand.

Then her hand was tightly grasped by Jiang Lin, and she was also clasped by Jiang Lin.

Fingers intertwined.

In fact, to transfer the resentment in Qiu Rong's body, you only need to touch Qiu Rong's ghost body with your palm.

But Jiang Lin took advantage of this opportunity to take advantage of Qiu Rong.

This female ghost has been eating and drinking here for so many days, and she has also gained memories and gained so many benefits. Therefore, Jiang Lin also feels that it is not too much to take advantage of himself.

"What are you doing? Why are you holding my hand like this."

"Don't move, don't you feel the resentment in your body is being turned away by me through your arm?"

Jiang Lin deliberately put on a serious expression, Qiu Rong felt it a little, and it was exactly what Jiang Lin said.

The resentment that grew in her body was channeled out of her body.

Therefore, it was not easy for her to shake Jiang Lin's hand away, and she could only feel her heart pounding like a deer colliding with her.

Chapter [*] Let's reincarnate

Jiang Lin took Qiurong's hand and walked in front, this time he didn't let Qiurong see his smile, otherwise, with Qiurong's temperament, he would definitely explode.

He can just have fun.

"Okay...Okay, it's almost done. Can you advance that much?"

When she arrived at the gate of Jiang's Bieyuan Garden, Qiu Rong was a little panicked. She was holding hands by Jiang Lin. If she was seen by Xiao Xie and the others, she would not know how to explain it.

As she said that, Qiu Rong broke away from Jiang Lin's hand. She was led all the way by Jiang Lin, how could she lead her hand into Bieyuan.

Jiang Lin didn't even have a chance to make further progress, and said seriously, "Well, that's almost it. Give me the rest when your revenge has been fully avenged."

Although he was very serious, there was still a faint smile on his face.

"You seem to be holding back your laughter, I tell you, you... if you are taking advantage of me, I... I can't spare you."

Giving Jiang Lin a roll of eyes, Qiu Rong said again: "Okay, there are a few dilapidated side rooms in there, you...you don't stay in the yard, just stay in the side room. I...I'll go. Tell Xiao Xie the good news and go."

After all, she walked into the gate of Bieyuan first.

Now that Jiang Lin's hand was released, she felt that her heartbeat was faster, and the throbbing in her heart made her less daring to stay by Jiang Lin's side.

Seeing Qiu Rong's appearance of almost fleeing, Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then entered the courtyard gate, went to the side room of this haunted house, and began to absorb the surrounding evil spirits.

When Qiu Rong returned to the main room, she adjusted her mood and informed Xiao Xie and other sisters that her grievances were about to be washed away.

All the female ghosts, including Xiao Xie, are happy for Qiurong. They have been with Qiurong for so many years, and they all know that Qiurong died wrongly, but they never thought that someone could help Qiurong find out. The cause of death that year.

After learning that it was the Jiang family who persecuted Qiu Rong to death, a group of female ghosts were fried.

This was beyond their expectations.

Even Xiao Xie, who knew something, was quite shocked.

Qiu Rong's death was really related to the Jiang family, and the eldest son of the Jiang family was the mastermind.

This Jiang family is really disgusting from the heart.

"Sister Qiurong, it's really thanks to Young Master Jiang that you can reconcile your injustice this time."

"Yeah, he actually has the ability to investigate these truths based on your name only."

"That's right. When he came to us, he was half-dead. When he left later, when he was walking, his footsteps were very vain."

After that, the group of female ghosts talked about Jiang Lin and praised him for being really capable.

It has been seventy or eighty years since Qiu Rong's death, and a hundred years have passed. The past is like smoke. This truth has become history and has been deeply buried.

But even so, Jiang Lin found out the truth, giving Qiu Rong the possibility of redress.

Is that okay?My husband, of course, is very patient.

Xiao Xie was very happy when he heard a group of female ghost sisters praising Jiang Lin.

As long as it is a woman, if she agrees to it, there is almost no one who does not want her man to be capable.

"People have the ability, do you know? His injury was caused by the bombardment of a Wangtian, my God, Wangtian..."

Qiurong couldn't help but tell a group of female ghost sisters about the past that she heard from Jiang Lin, and she also shared the splendid things that Tian Taoist was taught by Jiang Lin.

In the end, Qiu Rong said solemnly: "I see, even the cultivators at the Nascent Soul level and even the Spirit Transformation level may not be able to do better than others."

A kind of female ghost was surprised when she heard Qiu Rong's story, including Xiao Xie, but her surprise was not because of Jiang Lin, but because of Qiu Rong.

Why do I feel something is wrong?

What do you mean when you always praise my man like this?

The more Xiao Xie thought about it, the more it felt wrong. In the past, Qiu Rong's attitude towards any man was very obvious, except for disgust.

Want to hear what good things she hears about men, it's really the sun coming out of the west.

But now, Qiu Rong's evaluation of Jiang Lin can even be said to be full of praise.

"Oh, my sister Qiurong, what you're doing now is a little bit wrong. You're shouting 'people' one by one, and you even boast that Young Master Jiang is the same as the heavens and the earth."

"Yes, there is no disgust in his tone at all."

"Ah! Sister Qiurong, Young Master Jiang found out the cause of death for you, and made your wrongful death known to the world. Shouldn't you have the idea of ​​making a promise?"

Just when Xiao Xie felt something was wrong, the rest of the female ghosts played Qiu Rong's jokes and coaxed on the side.

"Go, go, don't talk nonsense, otherwise, sister, I will tear your mouths!"

Qiu Rong's pretty face turned into a tomato, and then she was both ashamed and annoyed and drove this group of coaxing sisters back to the room.

"Xiao Xie, talk to me."

After making a fuss, Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Xie with a bit of disappointment, because Xiao Xie was from Jiang Lin for a long time, and of course she would not joke about her and Jiang Lin like other female ghosts, so she did not Its kicked away.

Xiao Xie temporarily suppressed the doubts and unease in his heart, and asked, "Sister Qiurong, what's the matter with you, the great revenge is about to be avenged, why are you a little unhappy?"

"That's not what I'm thinking about. It won't be long before the resentment in my body will completely dissipate, and there will be no obsession. At that time, I'm afraid I won't be able to stay in the world."

Qiurong sighed, now that the grievances are about to be washed away, and her hatred is to be reported, it is estimated that it is only a matter of the past few days.

But what about after a few days?

At that time, she no longer had any obsessions, and she had to think about her future.

Is to reincarnate, or continue to stay in the world as a lonely ghost.

For many years, she has been living in the Jiang Family Garden in Weinan County, and she has no idea what the outside world is like.

If she doesn't reincarnate, she doesn't have any qualifications in cultivation. Is it possible that she will always be a ghost who can't see the light of day?

Then Qiurong continued: "It's not just me, our group of sisters have been in the world for decades, and we can't go on like this forever. If I leave, I'm still very worried about you, especially you Xiaoxie, you are too kind. , I don’t know how sinister people are. So, I was thinking, let’s reincarnate after a while.”


Xiao Xie was frightened by Qiu Rong's words, and Qiu Rong actually wanted to take her to reincarnate.

"Why are you so surprised? I said let's reincarnate."

Qiu Rong didn't understand why Xiao Xie had such a big reaction, and repeated her words again.

Chapter [*] Black Judge

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