When Master Jiang heard that the county magistrate wanted to examine the case, he glared at him, but Tian Daoshi's words really made him a little worried, and in front of so many people, he didn't dare to make trouble in this court. .

"Your Majesty, this is what happened..."

Chunhua announced that she was murdered by Master Jiang, and then she said: "Master Jiang wanted to kill me because I was worried that I would know the big secret of their Jiang family. I was attacked by evil and was possessed by a ghost that day. , Later, Mr. Jiang became interested in killing me. As for why the ghost went to Jiang's house, it was because seventy or eighty years ago..."

Afterwards, Chunhua followed Jiang Lin's instructions and explained how Qiu Rong was persecuted back then, including the murder of her parents.

"Nonsense, it's all nonsense! Our Jiang family is a virtuous family bestowed by the saint, how could we do such a thing. You are just spitting blood!"

As Jiang Lin expected, even if Mr. Jiang was frightened, he was still reluctant to admit that the eldest son of the Jiang family, that is, Mr. Jiang's grandfather, murdered Qiurong.

It's just a tough mouth, a dead duck's mouth is tough.

However, no matter how stubborn Mr. Jiang was, he could only control himself. Those who were watching outside were all whispering at this moment.

The resurrection of a dead person had a great impact on their cognition.

When they couldn't find anything to explain this phenomenon, they naturally attributed it to the manifestation of the heavenly principle or the miracle caused by the gods.

Since it is related to heaven and immortals, how can they not believe it?

Therefore, these people basically have no doubts about what Chunhua said about Qiurong, and directly believe that this is the case.

Chapter [*] Hard-mouthed, then hard-mouthed (middle)

Qiu Rong, who had been watching the development of the situation, heard the voices of the people around her and burst into tears involuntarily.

She died with hatred and was persecuted by the Jiang family. Now the hypocrisy of the Jiang family has finally been torn apart.

At least these people will spread the matter after they leave, and her grievances can be regarded as clear.

Now only Mr. Jiang is left to admit this matter personally, and make it a final decision, so that the matter can really be concluded.

Seeing Qiu Rong's face covered in tears, Jiang Lin patted her shoulder with one of her free hands.

And Qiu Rong, because of her complicated inner emotions, wanted to rely on him, so she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Your Majesty, no matter what happened back then, this can be discussed later. Right now is the trial of Chunhua's murder, and the real murderer is still at large. Shouldn't your master immediately release the scholar Tao Wangsan and interrogate the real murderer?"

Taoist Tian reminded the county magistrate again that now Master Jiang refuses to admit what happened back then. San's suspicions were cleared and he was released.

"That's right, that's right. Tao Wangsan is accused of murdering the Jiang family's maid, Chunhua. Now that Chunhua is back from the dead, and it is clear that this matter has nothing to do with Tao Wangsan, he can naturally be acquitted."

The county magistrate immediately released the shackles from Tao Wangsan's hands.

"Sir county magistrate, I think this may be the villain's confusion. Maybe the servant caught the wrong medicine. The villain was in a hurry and failed to investigate carefully. This is the villain's fault. As for why I worry about my Jiang family's Murder in secret, this is absolutely the biggest joke in the world, and it is something that absolutely does not exist."

Seeing that Tao Wangsan was released by the magistrate, Master Jiang was about to interrogate himself, so he quickly found an excuse.

Anyway, seventy or eighty years have passed since Qiurong's matter, no matter who wants to investigate, there will be nothing to be found.

As long as he stubbornly refuses to admit it.

At least to keep his entire family safe.

As for the murder of Chunhua, he chose not to admit it.

Although what Tian Taoist said before did make him feel frightened, but at least it is not necessarily retribution on him now, of course he can live for a moment.

As long as he admits that he is the murderer, he will never be able to turn over again.

Once he was given time to procrastinate, he could find a scapegoat.

"This...it does make sense."

The county magistrate thought about it for a while and found that he really couldn't rely on the current evidence to convict Mr. Jiang.

Although Chunhua's testimony was the medicine given by Mr. Jiang, it does not mean that Mr. Jiang was the one who poisoned.

The magistrate didn't realize that when he tried Tao Wangsan before, he didn't consider any evidence at all, but now that the suspect turned to Master Jiang, he considered the evidence.

"This... hateful! I killed him!!!"

When Qiu Rong heard the county magistrate say such words, the resentment in her body spewed out for a while.

Today, she is going to watch Master Jiang be executed, and then watch the Jiang family's name completely shattered.

But now, not only did Master Jiang fail to subdue the law, but even the most concerned about Xue Xue did not appear!

Because the anger in his heart could not be suppressed, everyone who screamed Qiu Rong covered their ears.

Ordinary people can't hear Qiu Rong's voice. Under normal circumstances, the sound made by ghosts is a sound wave that is not within the range of human hearing.

Unless you deliberately control the sound, it can be heard by ordinary people.

"Don't get excited, it's okay, there is me."

Jiang Lin's palm exerted a little force and patted Qiu Rong's shoulder.

Qiu Rong turned her face to look, and immediately realized that she was leaning on Jiang Lin's body.

She quickly took a step back and asked, "What are you going to do? If you let that old man go back, today's affairs will be over."

"Don't worry, now is not the time. Let him continue with his stubbornness. I'll see how long he can be stubborn."

Jiang Lin raised his face and let Qiurong continue to watch.

After a while, he was going to cast an ability, but because his body was not in the state, he needed to brew a little.

Qiu Rong frowned, but she didn't ask any further questions. The progress of the matter so far is all relying on Jiang Lin. Now that Jiang Lin is not in a hurry, it means that Jiang Lin must have a way to deal with it.

Originally, with Qiu Rong's temperament, she would definitely not calm down so easily in the face of her grievances, but now that Jiang Lin was by her side, she felt an inexplicable peace of mind.

She subconsciously believed Jiang Lin.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean by this? Why didn't you say that when you interrogated Tao Wangsan before? Could it be that if the target is changed to Mr. Jiang, or a rich, powerful and powerful person, you This county magistrate has changed the rules of doing things?"

Tian Daoshi looked at the county magistrate with a smile, and he did not need to do anything to advance the matter of clearing up Qiurong's grievances, but Mr. Jiang murdered Chunhua and transferred the crime to his friend Tao Wangsan. Now Mr. Jiang is empty talk. He was about to postpone the matter so that Mr. Jiang could escape, but he was unwilling.


The county magistrate blushed slightly at the words of Taoist Tian, ​​and then he shouted: "This official is the local magistrate. How to investigate the case, will you know better than this official?"

If there was no doubt about the case, the magistrate would certainly not respond like this, but now what Mr. Jiang said is not unreasonable, and he is also a businessman.

Now being ridiculed and ridiculed by Taoist Tian in front of so many people, even if he was a little afraid, he still couldn't hold back.

"Hehe, you are a small county magistrate, you are such a powerful official!"

At this moment, a roar like a bell suddenly appeared, and the sound was so powerful that everyone felt their eardrums tingle.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound, and saw a middle-aged man in a red official uniform with a face like a jujube, with a red face and a long beard.

This big man wore a black crown on his head, held a large black pen in one hand, and a black and white book in the other, and slowly fell from the air.

"Sentence... judge?"

Someone in the crowd called out, and then they all knelt down one by one.

The middle-aged man who fell from the air was exactly the same as the ghost judges enshrined in some temples.

Chapter [*] is hard-mouthed, then hard-mouthed (below)

After everyone outside the courthouse knelt down, the county magistrate, Master Jiang, Taoist Tian and others inside the courtroom, including Qiu Rong, were shocked.

Then they didn't think about anything, they all knelt down together.


Why is there a judge?

Taoist Tian kept muttering in his heart, and he subconsciously thought that the judge was here to ask for trouble.

After all, the matter of resurrecting Chunhua belongs to the inversion of yin and yang, and this matter was achieved through his hands. Now he is really worried that something will happen.

After that, he raised his head slightly and looked towards Qiurong, but what surprised him was that his predecessor, Tianzun, had disappeared!

I'll give it a go, senior, don't throw the blame!

Taoist Tian glanced around again, but did not find Jiang Lin's figure, and his guilty conscience became even stronger.

He didn't dare to look any further, so he lowered his head and prayed silently in his heart that nothing would find him.

Not only Taoist Tian, ​​Qiu Rong was also very surprised at this time. She is a ghost herself, and she was quite frightened by the Nether Judge. Similarly, she felt very uneasy in her heart.

"Young Master Jiang..."

Qiurong turned her head to look at Jiang Lin, but what shocked her was that Jiang Lin was gone.

When she saw the frightened judge, she instinctively wanted to rely on Jiang Lin, but now there was no trace of Jiang Lin by her side.

Although she was anxious, she didn't dare to make trouble in front of a judge at will, so she stayed where she was and did nothing.

The red-faced judge ignored the kneeling crowd and walked straight into the court.

When passing by Qiurong's side, he casually pinched Qiurong's face.

Qiu Rong was stunned for a moment, then looked up, and after that, the red-faced judge winked at her.


Qiu Rong was so surprised that she didn't say a word, and a small mouth of a cherry could almost stuff an egg.

The reason why she was too surprised was because she discovered that the red-faced judge who suddenly appeared was actually Jiang Lin's disguise.

It was actually Jiang Lin!

Qiu Rong was really confused. Just now, Jiang Lin was still by her side, and she was still talking to her so she didn't worry.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, Jiang Lin transformed himself into a ghost judge who was not angry and mighty.

This is really surprising.

She knew about Jiang Lin's situation, and she couldn't use any abilities.

But even so, at this moment, Jiang Lin has become a judge.

Incredible, so incredible.

In fact, the so-called red-faced judge was really Jiang Lin.

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