It's just that now his appearance has changed into that of the red-bearded Judge Lu.

If you don't take a close look at his face, even those yin divisions in the underworld of Middle-earth, it is difficult to find that this is a high imitation A product.

Jiang Lin knew a lot about the Netherworld and the Underworld officials and Yin Sis. The red-faced judge he transformed into, no matter what the details are, can definitely stand the test.

If it wasn't for his wink at Qiu Rong, Qiu Rong wouldn't have found out that his Nether Judge was fake.

This is also Jiang Lin's plan. Whoever is stubborn, come and try, in front of a judge, how can any ordinary person in the Yang World dare to be stubborn?

Does the emperor dare?

Dare the emperor?

After death, don't you have to call him grandpa?

Jiang Lin is now holding the judge's pen in one hand and the book of life and death in the other. Whoever dares to speak harshly to whoever will die, not only the death of the individual, but also the fate and fate of the eighth generation of ancestors and the nineteenth generation of children and grandchildren depends on him. Judge's pen in hand.

Of course, these are not facts, and Jiang Lin does not have this ability.

But as long as everyone thinks he has such ability, it is enough.

Under Qiu Rong's shocked gaze, Jiang Lin swaggered to the court and stood.

Glancing at the county magistrate, Jiang Lin shouted, "It's you, a little official in the world, who is arrogantly arrogant, right?"

"Lord Judge, there is no small one, how dare a small one!"

The county magistrate was so frightened that he trembled like a sieve, and kowtowed to Jiang Lin again and again.

He is now very regretful, regretting that he did not really take Tian Daoshi's words to heart.

If he had done what he had done just now, and interrogated Mr. Jiang directly, he probably wouldn't have attracted the judge.

"Huh! How dare you? The Jiang family's maid, Chunhua, was murdered by Jiang Ziyun. The life and death book in my hand is clearly written, but you are trying to cover up because of his few words. Why, do you really think you can escape? Is it the punishment of the reincarnation of heaven? Believe it or not, this sentence will hook your soul away in an instant, and enter the nether purgatory, where you will suffer from purgatory for thousands of years?"

Jiang Lin's voice was like thunder, and with the content of his words, the county magistrate was stunned to the ground.

"Lord Judge, the villain has no intention to cover up, absolutely not! Come on! Put the murderer Jiang Ziyun on me, and serve me in chains!"

The county magistrate kept kowtowing to Jiang Lin while drinking the yamen who were kneeling in the court.

"Injustice, injustice, Lord Judge!"

Mr. Jiang was caught by a group of yamen and immediately shouted.

"Wronged? I know you, Jiang Ziyun, you are very hard-mouthed. Come, be hard-mouthed, and then be hard-mouthed."

Jiang Lin revealed murderous intent, opened the book of life and death in his hand, and sneered again and again.

It’s over.

When Master Jiang saw the murderous intent in Jiang Lin's eyes, his mind went blank.

Now that the judge is already turning the book of life and death, no matter how hard he speaks and denies it, it will be meaningless.

The first thousand eight hundred and twenty-ninth chapters

Jiang Lin was just pretending. Judging from the reactions of these people before, the people of the Yang world in Ermao knew about the existence of the judge.

Even if there is no reaction from these people, he also confirms in his heart.

When he first arrived at Jiangjiabiyuan, he heard about ghosts from the conversation between Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, and in some notes passed down by Tian Daoshi's family, he also mentioned the netherworld and the envoy.

Therefore, Jiang Lin pretending to be a judge this time does not have the nature of gambling.

But now it seems that the effect is much better than he imagined.

Here he pretended to flip through the book of life and death, and Master Jiang was so frightened that his soul flew away.

Even if the effect is not very good, he can use his own experience to fool this group of people for a while.

Turning the book of life and death in his hand to a page, Jiang Lin looked at Master Jiang coldly and said, "Jiang Ziyun, you have to think about it, if this official announces the contents of this book, you will not be alone. To be burned by the endless fire of purgatory, that is, the souls of your ancestors who have not yet reincarnated, and even your entire clan will not end well. The best is over, and I don't even have a chance to be a pig or a dog."

"Jiang Ziyun, I advise you to recognize it yourself."

At this time, the county magistrate exhorted Mr. Jiang that he confessed his guilt now, but it was only one death. At most, the nine clans were executed. If he still died in front of a judge, he would not be able to finish his life.

The county magistrate felt his whole body trembling now, and when he thought that he had heard of the tragic phenomenon in the nether purgatory, he felt that his soul was trembling uncontrollably.

That is a thousand times more terrifying than death.

If the judge in front of him really held him accountable, the consequences would be extremely terrifying.

Mr. Jiang didn't hear the county magistrate's advice at all. He couldn't kneel at all now, and his whole body was shaking like he had epilepsy.

"Look at you, what about the stubbornness of your mouth?"

Jiang Lin snorted, and then said: "The two bitter masters here, the maid Chunhua is here, come, look hard in front of me, the other bitter master Huo Qiurong, the sentence is also brought. Now so many people are watching, don't say that this sentence is intimidating you, there is a confrontation with the bitter master, you dead duck, try harder."

After saying that, Jiang Lin waved his hand, and Qiu Rong showed a ghost body and appeared in the court.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

The people kneeling outside suddenly found Qiu Rong appearing in the court, and they all screamed in fright.

However, they were not too frightened this time.

It is good for them to be afraid of ghosts, but when they think that there is a judge sitting in the court, what is there to be afraid of ghosts?

"Lord Judge."

Qiurong bowed to Jiang Lin, and tears appeared on her face again.

Now she only felt that it was absolutely right to believe in Jiang Lin.

No wonder Jiang Lin had always been confident and kept telling him that even if something changed today, it would not change the result.

It was said before that the emperor wanted to protect Master Jiang and the Jiang family, and it was useless.

In the current situation, everything Jiang Lin said.

Today, in the eyes of everyone, even in the eyes of Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin is a very majestic, red-faced ghost judge. Under such circumstances, who would dare to protect the Jiang family?

Not to mention the emperor of the current dynasty, even the first emperor of the Supreme Emperor or even the founding emperor of the Ermao Kingdom would not dare.

These guys had thousands of heads in their lives, but after death they can't take anything with them, and any power and wealth are nothing in front of a judge who holds the book of life and death in his hand.

So, the next thing is already a certainty.

When Master Jiang saw Qiu Rong, he slumped to the ground.

Now, he already believes that Chunhua's resurrection is because of this red-faced judge, and the appearance of the female ghost Qiurong is also because of this judge.

Now that the bitter master has found the Netherworld Judge to call the shots, if he wants to be stubborn, it is purely courting death.

Not only did he die alone, but he didn't end well after he died. His family members, including his clan, would all be implicated. He might not even be able to see the sun tomorrow.

"Lord Judge, Minnu Chunhua was poisoned to death by this master of the Jiang family. Mr. Jiang, in front of Lord Judge, you should continue to defend yourself."

Chunhua looked at Mr. Jiang with contempt. He had already reached that point before, but this shameless Mr. Jiang actually wanted to deny it.

It's really disgusting!

"Jiang Ziyun, I am Huo Qiurong, the maid of the Jiang family more than [-] years ago, but tell me, how did I die? Wouldn't it be the end of my life?"

At this time, Qiu Rong also questioned Mr. Jiang aloud. She didn't need to repeat what Chunhua had told before, and just let Mr. Jiang take care of it herself.

"People... people were killed by me. I poisoned Chunhua, and it was indeed because I was worried that she would know the secrets of our Jiang family decades ago. Back then..."

Mr. Jiang put his forehead on the ground and didn't dare to look up at all. Now that the victims are all there, and there are still people who think the judge is in the line, he can only tell everything he knows.

"Why are you standing still, write it down for this sentence!"

Jiang Lin glanced at the magistrate, and the magistrate felt his scalp tingling immediately, and immediately asked the chief clerk to record all the facts that Mr. Jiang had confessed on the file.

"It turns out that the Jiang family is actually such an aristocratic family."

"It's just scum!"

"It's also thanks to their Jiang family that they have been favored by the Holy Spirit for generations."

"It's like losing the face of the saint!"

At this time, the people in the audience who still did not get up began to discuss again, and many were scolding the Jiang family as a scum family.

Although they believed that the Jiang family had done something wrong before, Mr. Jiang did not admit it. They were all petty people, how could they dare to touch the bad head of the Jiang family.

But it's different now. Master Jiang himself admitted these things. When will they scold them if they don't scold them?

"Hmph, the dead duck is no longer stubborn? The matter in your world will be ignored by this sentence for the time being. In the future, you will be taken care of by the emperor's children here, and when you arrive in the underworld, see how this sentence will treat you!"

After leaving a loud voice, Jiang Lin waved his hand and made Qiurong disappear from the eyes of those ordinary people. After that, he walked outside the court and flew away.

In fact, Jiang Lin himself did not leave the ground at all. What everyone saw was just an illusion created by him.

"Respectfully send off the judge!"

The magistrate hurriedly climbed to the entrance of the court and bowed to the illusion in mid-air, while the rest of the crowd also kowtowed.

"Come here! Put the murderer Jiang Ziyun in jail, and execute the execution after the official sends the memorial to the capital. In addition, send someone to surround the Jiang family, and no one is allowed to leave!"

After that, the county magistrate issued an order to put Mr. Jiang on death row. The current direct line and clan of the Jiang family have become ready prisoners and must be guarded.

As long as the imperial city's orders arrive, he can execute executions.

"Okay, don't cry anymore. Didn't you feel wronged?"

After Jiang Lin returned to court, he softly comforted Qiu Rong, who had stood up but was still crying.

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang."

Qiurong couldn't help hugging Jiang Lin and put her face on his shoulder.

Although there were many twists and turns today, but fortunately Jiang Lin came forward, and the result did not change.

Her resentment and grievances for so many years have been washed away today.

Chapter [-] The ending may not be smooth

Now Qiurong only has the enemy who murdered herself and her parents back then. As long as the enemy is killed, her heart knot and resentment will no longer exist.

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