The murderer has been found in the Chunhua case, and the murderer has pleaded guilty, so the crowd watching outside gradually dispersed.

Taoist Tian breathed a sigh of relief at this time, but luckily the red-faced judge didn't go to him.


However, after that, he was a little stunned.

Because he saw Jiang Lin actually reappeared, and he didn't know when he reappeared.

What made him even more stunned was that his predecessor, Tianzun, was hugging Qiurong now.

Fuck, fuck, fuck!

No way?No way!

Senior, is this asking the old cow to eat the tender grass?

As soon as he thought of this possibility, the expression on Tian Daoshi's face became very exciting.

Jiang Lin noticed Taoist Tian's gaze and glared at him.

At this time, Qiu Rong's mood also calmed down a little, and even though she realized her gaffe, she quickly took a few steps back.

She followed Jiang Lin's gaze and found that Taoist Tian was looking at her and Jiang Lin with a strange expression.

"Things... are... all over, hurry up and leave."

Qiu Rong was stared at by Taoist Tian for a while, and quickly snatched the green bamboo umbrella from Jiang Lin's hand, and trotted away from the county office.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly, then caught up with Qiu Rong and took the green bamboo umbrella in his hand.

"Master Tian, ​​this county still has official business to deal with. If there was an offense in the past, I also invite Master Haihan."

Just as Tian Taoist was about to follow, the county magistrate nodded and bowed to his side to apologize to him.

Now the magistrate felt that a red-faced judge suddenly appeared at this meeting, which must have something to do with Taoist Tian, ​​so he put down his posture and took the initiative to apologize to Taoist Tian.

"Pin Dao is also a well-mannered practitioner, so he doesn't care about ordinary people like you."

After making a perfunctory sentence from the magistrate, Tian Taoist ignored him and went after Jiang Lin and the others.

Now that the overthrow of the Jiang family has come to an end, he has contributed a lot to it, so there may be any rewards for his predecessors.

Later, Tao Wangsan and the maid Chunhua also left together. They were glad that this matter had nothing to do with the Jiang family. Otherwise, they would definitely be implicated by the Jiang family.

"Senior, when the red-faced judge appeared before, why were you not here, senior?"

After Taoist Tian caught up with Jiang Lin, he asked his doubts.

He still didn't know that the judge who appeared was Jiang Lin.

Qiurong also looked at Jiang Lin curiously, she also didn't know how Jiang Lin's trick was changed.

"That judge, the old man is inconvenient to see. Back then, when the old man traveled to the Netherworld, he had some inexplicable relationship with his wife, and it was indeed not appropriate to show up to meet him."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to say anything to Taoist Tian. Since Taoist Tian didn't find any clues, he didn't need to explain it to him.

"So it is."

Taoist Tian let out a weird smile, he really didn't expect this to happen.


Qiurong couldn't help laughing when she heard Jiang Lin's serious nonsense.

What's inconvenient to see, that's you!

You have an inexplicable relationship with your wife, and you really know how to break it!

Qiu Rong never expected Jiang Lin to say such a funny thing.

"Miss Qiurong, senior has something to do with someone else's wife, why are you so happy? Shouldn't you be jealous?"

Taoist Tian frowned, looking at Qiu Rong, he wondered if this female ghost was too big.

"Fuck you kid!"

Jiang Lin gave Tian Daoshi a kick, and then threw a few pieces of yellow paper from his arms, saying, "Hurry up for this old man, and get this through as soon as possible. If you are not satisfied with your performance, don't even think about getting it from this old man. It is possible to step into the realm of Fu Yun."

This Taoist Tian is talking nonsense here, and of course Jiang Lin can't let this guy go on.

Now the distance between Qiurong and him is gradually narrowing, if this kid makes Qiurong annoyed, it will be bad for him.

"Fuyun realm? Oops, senior, I won't let you down."

Taoist Tian screamed, then patted his buttocks happily and ran back.

He never thought that Jiang Lin would actually be willing to teach him about Fu Yun this time, knowing that none of his ancestors could master Fu Yun.

"This kid is so annoying!"

The words of Taoist Tian just now made Qiu Rong's face look like a red apple.

What's jealous, why should I be jealous?

Qiu Rong's annoyed cheeks were hot, and then she glared at Jiang Lin and said, " are his senior, and if you don't discipline him properly, you will talk nonsense!"

"Cough cough... I didn't teach this, so don't look for me."

Jiang Lin shrugged, and then changed the subject: "I asked him to study the method of imprisoning the soul through the corpse. If he wants to come, he will be able to find your two enemies in two or three days. Then I promise. Your business, even if it is completely completed."

"Yeah, I'm the only one left with my own revenge."

Qiu Rong was caught up in Jiang Lin's topic, and the focus of attention naturally shifted away.

Thinking of the two real murderers who persecuted herself and her family back then, Qiu Rong's calm mood was stirred up again.

I don't know what the expressions of the eldest son of the Jiang family and the Yao Dao, who was embarrassed by him, will look like when they see her.

"Let's go back to Bieyuan first, I still need to add some yin and evil spirits."

"What? The matter of detaining Jiang Yaoxing and that demon, shouldn't it be done by Tian Daoshi's kid?"

Qiu Rong was a little puzzled, now that she was only about to detain her enemy at the end, why did Jiang Lin still have to absorb the yin evil spirit.

Jiang Lin went to the haunted house yesterday because there might be an accident today, but there shouldn't be anything after that.

"What if Tian Xiaozi imprisoned Jiang Yaoxing and Yaodao's ghosts? Have you thought about it? Although things have entered the final stage, the end may not be smooth."

That's why Jiang Lin still went to Jiang's Bieyuan Garden instead of personally instructing Taoist Tian.

He didn't relax at all because it was almost over.

He had to take everything into consideration. As he said, the demon who persecuted Qiu Rong back then was a crooked sect. Even if he died, he would not necessarily be willing to reincarnate. eat.

Therefore, it is estimated that this product is still staying in the world of Yang.

And seventy or eighty years have passed, coupled with the abundant spiritual power of Da Luo Xianjie, maybe this demon has some chance, and even surpassed the level of ghost king.

After all, Xiao Xie and Qiu Rong, despite their mediocre cultivation qualifications, could take advantage of the benefits brought by the Sun Tribulation to break through to the level of ghost kings in one fell swoop. That demonic way of the practice method is gone.

That is to say, even if things are about to end, the ending may not be so smooth.

Jiang Lin must take such factors into consideration. In his current state, no accidents are allowed.

Once there is an accident, if he needs to solve it, then he will feel very difficult.

The [-]st chapter crushes them! (superior)

Seeing Qiu Rong's ignorant appearance, Jiang Lin explained: "Generally speaking, if a cultivator had a cultivation base before his death, even if he became a ghost after death, he would be much stronger than ordinary ghosts. If you are detained, there may be a fierce battle."

"Will it be so?"

Qiurong was a little surprised by Jiang Lin's words. In fact, she had always fallen into a misunderstanding. Jiang Lin was talking about detaining the eldest son of the Jiang family and the spirit of that demon, which made her think that she only needed two ghosts. After being detained, she can let her knead and take revenge.

This is also a normal thinking reaction. After all, if the two goods can be arrested, it is equivalent to arrest.

They've all been arrested, so it's not just how you want to deal with them.

However, in fact, Jiang Lin could only use the hands of Taoist Tian to transfer Jiang Yaoxing and the demon.

This is the more accurate expression.

Just because this kind of transfer will make the other party irresistible, there is nothing wrong with it being detained.

It's just that after being detained, it can no longer be restricted.

"You little head, your face is handsome, but your brain is not so bright. You and Xiao Xie can both become ghost kings, what about others? If they didn't go to reincarnation, wouldn't it be possible for them to be better than you? what?"


After Jiang Lin's words, Qiu Rong immediately reacted.

Makes sense!

"Let's go, don't be stunned."

Jiang Lin held the green bamboo umbrella and walked in front.Qiurong followed her heels, but now she didn't think about whether her enemy would also be a ghost king, what she was thinking was that Jiang Lin just said that her face was long and pretty.

That was enough to make her heart feel so sweet.

"By the way, Young Master Jiang, how did you make a trick? When you were in court, how did you turn into a red-faced judge?"

"Want to know?"

Jiang Lin turned his head to look at Qiu Rong, this time, he didn't have Qiu Rong's appetite anymore.

If you hang it again and again, it will easily make Qiu Rong really upset.

"Didn't I tell you long ago that I have a corpse? Those scenes were transformed by me using the power of the corpse, otherwise, do you really think that I can change my disguise and face instantly? Yesterday, I was going to absorb your resentment. , is because I want to suppress the chaos in my body, so that I can use the ability related to the corpse. Now you should understand?"

"It turns out that this is the case. It's nothing. You keep hiding it from me and keep me in the dark."

With a light snort, Qiu Rong pursed her lips. It wasn't a secret, Jiang Lin just didn't tell her.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "I just like you chasing after me and asking. When the old man's mentality is young, it's quite interesting to play with you, this little girl."

"Who are you going to be a little girl, you poor old man!"

Qiu Rong snorted, and then the two of them talked about you and me along the way, and there was a fight with each other.

Although Qiu Rong could hardly take advantage of it, she still felt that she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

After arriving at Jiang's Garden, Xiao Xie watched Qiu Rong chatting and laughing with Jiang Lin, and still felt a little jealous in his heart.

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