"Miss Qiurong, go and tell your sisters about it. I need to know something about the strength of Miss Xie and their cultivation, so as to arrange unexpected situations."

At the door of the main room, Jiang Lin explained Qiu Rong and waved to Xiao Xie.

"My business, I don't really want to trouble the sisters, because I'm afraid they will be in any danger."

Qiurong felt a little embarrassed, this hatred belonged to her, and since Jiang Lin had given her a vaccination in advance, it meant that if something unexpected happened, Jiang Lin might let Xiao Xie and the others join the war.

That might put her sisters in danger.

"Don't worry about this, I will let Tian Daoshi's boy set up a magic circle, just borrow their power, and I will not let them fight with others. Moreover, this is also a kind of backhand, and it may not be used. ."

Jiang Lin knew what Qiurong was worried about, so he reassured her.

He really didn't plan to let those female ghosts do it, after all, he still has a lot of charms in his hands.

It's just that the more power the better, he understands it, so he can adjust it appropriately.

"That's good."

Qiu Rong was relieved now, as long as her sisters were not in danger, she would not be very resistant.

Then she smiled and said to Xiao Xie: "Xiao Xie, you should tell Jiang Gongzi about some of our sisters' situation, including the time of their cultivation and so on. My sister will tell the other sisters about today's situation first, and then follow up with them later. you say."

After talking to Xiao Xie, Qiu Rong entered the main room, ready to talk to them with the appearance of Mr. Jiang who was frightened into a dead dog today.


After Qiurong walked away, Xiao Xie glanced back, and then looked at Jiang Lin eagerly.

"Let's go, there's still business."

Jiang Lin handed the green bamboo umbrella forward, took Xiao Xie's hand, and went to the side room in Bieyuan.

"Come on, I'll teach you a way to command a ghostly spirit body and avenge your sister Qiurong. Maybe there will be some twists and turns like today, and you will need some effort."

After entering the side room, Jiang Lin took some white paper and talismans from the ancient mirror in his arms, and wrote some evil ways.

He has a lot of charm spirits in his hands, but all of them are at the level of ghost generals, and he also has charm spirits at the level of ghost kings, but he stayed with Qinger and the others when they entered the center of the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory.

Although the number of these Charming Spirits in his hand is not small, after all, the level is not too high. If he is only facing the ghost king, he can directly crush it with the advantage of the number.

But if you face ghosts at the level of ghost emperors, you can't rely on the number to leapfrog twice.

Chapter [*] Crush them! (middle)

To improve the fighting strength of the charm spirits, it is possible to let them break through collectively, but Jiang Lin can't use the means now, even if he has a lot of fairy treasures, he can't smash those charm spirits to the level of ghost kings.

Once the catastrophe appears, many charms may be filtered out, and he cannot afford such a loss for the time being.

Therefore, he planned to use another method, that is, a sorcery that the masked ghost witch performed when he first faced the masked ghost witch.

To superimpose ghosts and increase their combat power, that is, to temporarily make them a special evil such as ghosts.

To describe it in a simple way, it is to let his charms fit together to form one or a few charmed version of Transformers.

If this is the case, coupled with the formation of Qiu Rong's female ghost sisters, to provide power energy for those "Transformers", even in the face of the ghost emperor, this group of charming spirits have the power to fight.

Not to mention the two ghost kings Qiurong and Xiaoxie.

Although Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie didn't have any fighting skills, he was very knowledgeable, and with a little bit of advice, the two female ghost sisters could fully demonstrate the terror of the peak ghost king.

Of course, Jiang Lin was also reluctant to let the pair of female ghost sisters fight on the front line. He only needed them to play supporting roles and cooperate with the Transformers.

"Xianggong, you don't take me out now, people also want to see the scenery outside. It's fine if you don't take me, and you are still with Sister Qiurong. You're not in a hurry. As soon as you come back, Asking people to learn sorcery will not comfort them."

Xiao Xie sneered at Jiang Lin with an angry look on his face.

Jiang Lin now takes Qiurong out all day, leaving her aside.

"Okay, tomorrow, I will press down on that kid, Taoist Tian, ​​and ask him to make a few more umbrellas. I have been neglecting you a little bit, Mrs.

Jiang Lin grabbed Xiao Xie's hands, then leaned over and placed his forehead on his head.

As soon as the corpse's thoughts moved, Jiang Lin passed on some memories of what he saw outside to Xiao Xie, and then he took some fairy fruit Xianzhi from the ancient mirror and said: "Don't be angry with the little daughter-in-law, these fairy fruit have medicinal effects. It's very mild and quite delicious, try it."

After he finished speaking, Jiang Lin groaned slightly, using his abilities one after another in a day still made him a little overwhelmed.

"Xianggong, what's wrong with you? It's my fault for being too careful."

Xiao Xie heard the sound of explosions coming from Jiang Lin's body, and her face turned pale with fright. Jiang Lin's situation was something she had encountered before when she faced the calamity.

It was because Jiang Linqiang used his abilities that were not ordinary people.

Xiao Xie immediately blamed herself, and went to check the memories Jiang Lin passed on to her without hesitation.

When Jiang Lin took out the fairy fruit, she no longer had any desire to try it.

Now, in order to coax her, Jiang Lin made the old wounds in his body relapse.

Jiang Lin took a deep breath and waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, just be good."

"Well, I'm studying now, and I won't feel wronged just casually."

Xiao Xie nodded again and again, then picked up the sorcery written by Jiang Lin and began to study it.

While watching, she also told Jiang Lin about the cultivation of her female ghost sisters.

After Jiang Lin had a general understanding of the situation of the female ghosts, he sat cross-legged and began to absorb the evil spirit in this haunted house.

At the same time, according to the information provided by Xiao Xie, he was thinking about the arrangement of the magic circle in meditation.

If Xiao Xie has any doubts in the process of studying the magic of the imperial spirit, he will also answer it out loud.

It didn't take long for Qiu Rong to come to Jiang Lin's side. Looking at the method of controlling the spirit that Xiao Xie was studying, she couldn't help but be a little puzzled and asked, "Mr. Jiang, what tricks are you planning to do?"

Jiang Lin didn't even open his eyes, he said, "Look at you, you chase after me and ask, can't you learn from other people's little Xie girl and say nothing? I'm going to explain that people don't say anything, don't say anything. Ask long and short."

When Xiao Xie heard Jiang Lin taught Qiu Rong a lesson, she covered her mouth and smiled. It seemed that her sister Qiu Rong was not as comfortable as she imagined when she was with Jiang Lin.

Qiurong gave Jiang Lin a roll of eyes and said, "Forget it, I hate it."

"That is a method of controlling the spirit. I have some refined phantom rakshasas on my body. At that time, with this method of controlling the spirit, I can make them become one. Even the two who have been arrested. The guy has reached the level of the ghost emperor, and he will definitely not get anything good. If there is any change, if you have an accident, then I can't bear it, so I will not let you participate in the main battle. , just leave it to those charms."

Jiang Lin stood up, smiled at Qiu Rong, and continued: "You have the grievances I need, and I can't let you do anything until I get something in return."

He walked over to Xiao Xie, drew a map, and gave it to Qiurong: "Let your sisters practice according to the above content, maybe they will really use their power."

"You actually have a Phantom Rakshasa on you?"

Qiurong took a look at Jiang Lin, and she had been with Jiang Lin for a while, but she never noticed that Jiang Lin had other auras.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "It's not too many, only thirty or so. Unfortunately, they're all at the level of ghost generals, and they're not very useful. However, if that demon and Jiang Yaoxing appeared, there would be a girl named Xie Xie. The law of the imperial spirit, and with the arrangement of the magic array I designed with Taoist Tian, ​​it will be enough to crush them."

"Only thirty?"

Qiu Rong's cherry blossoms can't even close together, there are only thirty ghost general-level charms, this is too terrifying!

Not only her, but also Xiao Xie, who has become husband and wife with Jiang Lin, has the same expression as Qiurong at this time.

So many phantom rakshasas are enough to tear these sisters in the haunted house to shreds.

Chapter [*] Crush them! (Down)

"Really? Xiang... Young Master Jiang?"

Xiao Xie looked at Jiang Lin in shock. When she was trying to help Jiang Lin without her knowledge, her sister Qiurong had murderous intent on Jiang Lin, and if Jiang Lin had so many phantoms Rakshasa, then once her sister Qiu Rong really did something at that time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Of course it's true, otherwise, why did I know that there are so many female ghosts in your place at the beginning, and your cultivation base is not low, and you still dare to come here to stay?"

After Jiang Lin answered Xiao Xie, he looked at Qiu Rong, who was stunned, and said, "Look, I won't tell you, you have to ask, and you say I hate it. Isn't that afraid of scaring you?"

Qiu Rong was stunned for a while before she came back to her senses. She and Xiao Xie had just thought about it. If she said that she was really going to be disadvantaged to Jiang Lin, in that case, Jiang Lin would definitely protect himself. Will release the Phantom Rakshasa.

Although those phantom rakshasas only have the strength of a ghost general, she and Xiao Xie will feel very difficult when they really fight, not to mention other sisters who are not very strong.

Possibly a one-sided massacre.

"You...you really scared me."

Qiurong breathed a sigh of relief. When she had no contact with Jiang Lin before, her attitude towards Jiang Lin was not very good.

Moreover, she had offended Jiang Lin more than once, but there were no problems in the end, which was considered her luck.

"You are quite generous, so I thanked them for Xiaoxie."

Qiurong thanked Jiang Lin. Now she and Jiang Lin have a much closer relationship than before. Of course, this is because she is lucky, and there is no reason for Jiang Lin to be unfavorable, but if Jiang Lin has a small stomach, then Results are subject to change.

"Now you know that I am a generous person?"

Jiang Lin smiled, and then said: "Okay, hurry up and let your sisters go and practice with the orientation map I drew. If things are the same as what I think, you can come with me, Miss Xie and the others are here. in the dark."

Qiu Rong nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions. Now Jiang Lin has done enough. Even in the last case of killing the enemy, Jiang Lin continues to contribute. Of course, she also wants to give instructions to Jiang Lin as soon as possible. go down.

"Xiang Gong, I think even if Sister Qiurong doesn't have the resentment you want, you wouldn't have the heart to let her have an accident?"

After Qiurong left, Xiao Xie looked at Jiang Lin with a special look.

Jiang Lin said before that he couldn't bear to watch Qiurong have something to do, and later added a sentence, euphemistically, it was for the resentment of Qiurong.

In fact, it just depends on people.

"Cough, I'm speaking from your standpoint. You and your sister Qiurong are deeply in love. If you can't bear it, I naturally can't bear it."

Touching his nose, Jiang Lin then checked the progress of Xiao Xie's understanding of the method of Yuling.

Chong Jianglin wrinkled Qiong's nose, Xiao Xie stopped joking, and asked what he still didn't understand in his heart, and Jiang Lin answered her one by one.

Because Xiao Xie was originally a ghost, and Charming Spirit belonged to the same category as her, and Xiao Xie's cultivation level was high, so it didn't take long for her to completely learn the law of Yuling taught by Jiang Lin. .

Qiu Rong and the other sisters were busy, and Xiao Xie should not be friendly with Jiang Lin. She checked the memories that Jiang Lin passed on to her, and after tasting some fairy fruits, she went to the yard and tried to command some of the charms that Jiang Lin released. .

In the evening of the second day, Jiang Lin absorbed a lot of yin and evil energy and went straight to Taoist Tian's Taoist temple.

Although this kid is full of energy, this time the method of detention is still about the formation of the formation. Without his personal guidance, Tian Taoist would not be able to eat a few percent.

Five days later, at midnight, Jiang Lin, Qiurong, and Taoist Tian arrived at the place where the Jiang family's ancestral tomb was.

"Senior, I'm a little nervous. It's the first time I've used such a complicated Dao technique and formation. The formation just now pales in comparison to this."

"Look at your good luck!"

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