Jiang Yaoxing coveted her beauty back then, so he planned a poisonous scheme to kill her family. Now, seventy or eighty years later, this guy is still a thief and still coveting her appearance.

This was enough to make her angry, and with Jiang Lin by her side, she was coveted by other men, which made her unable to suppress her inner anger no matter what.

"Okay, you have taken these things, don't make me anxious."

Jiang Lin took a few fairy fruits with mild medicinal effects from his arms, and then pinched Qiu Rong's cheeks and put them into her mouth.

Qiu Rong's anger, he could feel it, since Qiu Rong asked for something, he didn't want to let it go.

Besides, there are three ghosts around, even if two of them are besieging Yaodao, the remaining one can protect Jiang Yaoxing while protecting her well-being.

Furthermore, under Qiu Rong's coat, like Xiao Xie, he also put on the seven-star treasure clothes he gave, and combined with the medicinal effects of these fairy fruits, there should be no problem.

"What are you doing?"

Qiurong shook her head and broke free from Jiang Lin's palm. Just as she was about to ask what Jiang Lin gave her to eat, she found that a warm feeling suddenly came from her body, which made her feel at ease.

It was similar to what she felt when she took a sip of Jiang Lin's blood, and it was much stronger than that.

This is... a treasure!

Qiu Rong grinned, her heart warmed, and then flew towards Jiang Yaoxing.

Now she feels like she has infinite power.

"What am I...what is this?"

At this time, Yaodao took a few steps back.

Seeing the huge pitch-black monster rushing towards him and Jiang Yaoxing, a pair of his eyeballs protruded.

What the hell is this?

However, before he could figure out what kind of monsters and ghosts were attacking, the two ghosts were under the control of Xiao Xie, raising their feet together and stepping on top of his head.

After flying to the battle circle here, Xiao Xie directed the remaining ghost to attack Jiang Yaoxing.

"Be careful, I'm here."

Jiang Lin stepped aside and blinked at Xiao Xie.

"no problem."

Xiao Xie Yanran smiled, and then continued to command the three ghosts to fight, and she herself was assisting them.

In the past few days, Jiang Lin also taught her and Qiu Rong some of the abilities and fighting skills possessed by ghost cultivators, which made her a little eager to try.

Jiang Lin stepped aside and paid close attention to the situation of the battle. Of course, he didn't just leave it alone, but played a logistical role here.

If he were to use the profession in some online games as an analogy, he would be ready to be a nurse or a nurse.

He can't do buffs or something. After all, he can't use Taoism or abilities now, but if he takes medicine, he still has no problem at all.

This is the first time he has played such a role.

In the past, most of him were the main c, and the last time he was the auxiliary c or assistant, but now, he can only be a nanny.

However, even so, that's nothing, he Jiang Lin is proficient in all professions.

You can do whatever you want, and the contribution is always the first.

After a while, when Xiao Xie was struggling to direct Gui Yan, Jiang Lin took a blood orchid from his arms and shouted, "Xiao Xie, open your mouth."

With a "whoosh", the blood orchid flew out of Jiang Lin's hands, Xiao Xie opened his mouth, and swallowed it with a whimper.

Afterwards, the medicinal power of this blood orchid was dissolved in her body, eliminating the fatigue in her mind, and enhancing the power of her mind.

After all, she has a short time to practice the method of Yuling, and she has mastered it, but she is not very good at actual combat. In addition, the demon has reached the peak of the ghost emperor. She has to command the three ghosts to attack in two places, to control her spiritual thoughts. The consumption is still relatively large.

But now, as soon as Jiang Lin gave her the tonic, he directly made up her consumption.

On the other hand, Qiu Rong was also struggling a little, not that she was struggling, but that she was always empty.

Although she was also instructed by Jiang Lin, she was similar to Xiao Xie. She didn't have any practical experience. In addition, she was in a fit of rage right now.

The fairy fruit that Jiang Lin gave her only had the effect of healing and protecting her body, and could not enhance the spiritual power in her body.

That is, to preserve blood but not to preserve blue.

"Qiurong, open your mouth."

Jiang Lin shouted again, preparing to take a sip of milk Qiurong.

He took a small medicine bottle from his arms and threw it out.


Qiu Rong turned her head and opened her mouth to ask. As a result, the mouth of the medicine bottle touched her teeth that were lined up like glutinous rice, and the cold marrow inside was naturally sent into her mouth.

Although Jiang Lin can't use any abilities now, he is even stronger than the head of any hidden weapon sect by his own precise control of strength.

"It's so sweet."

The cold marrow melted in the mouth, Qiu Rong touched it and smiled at Jiang Lin, and then she was again... empty.

Although Jiang Yaoxing is not as good as her in terms of cultivation, this person has also been beaten before. Compared with flowers in a haunted house like Qiurong, they are naturally stronger in strain.

Even if there is a ghost attacking together, it will only make it stretched and exhausted.

However, even so, Qiu Rong still played an assisting role. When Gui Yan was dodging Jiang Yaoxing, he slapped Jiang Yaoxing on the ground with a big hand.

"court death!"

On the other side, Yao Dao, who had been resisting the attacks of the two Gui Yan and Xiao Xie, took the previous scene into his eyes.

He had already noticed that Jiang Lin was injured at all, otherwise, he would not have been watching the battle and not participating.

But it's fine if this kid doesn't participate, and his mother is still causing trouble, and has been giving the two ghost kings tonic.

This made him pissed off.

Second uncle's, the wounded are the wounded, just cool off on one side, put it here to show your presence!

Chapter [*]: Embarrassed friends, walk hand in hand (below)

Yao Dao fought hard to bear the price of the two ghosts' attacks, broke through their siege, and flew over to attack Jiang Lin.

He wanted to completely immobilize the wounded Jiang Lin, otherwise, he and Jiang Yaoxing might be planted here if he kept going like this.

"Did I go to you!"

Seeing Yao Daofei rushing over, Jiang Lin lifted his foot and kicked him.

He directly kicked Yao Dao to cover his stomach, flew back upside down, and was grabbed by two ghosts.

Jiang Lin's current physical strength has recovered a lot. He stepped down, and at least he has five or six thousand pounds of strength, and almost spit out the yellow gall water in Yaodao's body.

This stupid bastard really didn't expect that Jiang Lin would be able to burst out with such terrifying power.

If he knew that this was just Jiang Lin's recovery of only [*]-[*]% of his physical fitness, he would be so angry.

"I'm just a logistics man, motherfucker. It's really shameful to come to steal the house!"

After kicking Yaodao back, Jiang Lin also scolded him, "If there is a frontal battle, don't stay still, raiding him, who is involved in logistics, is really shameless.

Afterwards, Yaodao was madly abused by two ghosts. These ghosts composed of charm spirits are not a simple one plus one. After organic combination, their combat power can even crush ordinary ghost kings. .

As long as the fighting time is a little longer, their advantages will gradually appear.

Although the combination of ghosts and ghosts will consume a lot of the charms themselves, but fortunately, the power of Qiurong and Xiaoxie's female ghost sisters is being transferred by the magic circle not far away, and it is transmitted to them through the air. on the body.

"It's not enough, I'll give you some medicine to kill them!"

Jiang Lin saw that although the two ghosts had the upper hand, it was still difficult to completely kill the demon, so he took some cold marrow and forbidden medicinal materials from his arms.

Then throw away.

Remedy is over.

The power transferred from those female ghosts alone is not enough for the two ghosts to completely kill the demon of the peak of the ghost emperor.

This guy has some foundation in Taoism and sorcery, even if other peak ghost emperors fight against it, they may not be able to take advantage of it.

Although the battle situation on Yaodao's side is not clear for the time being, Qiurong's place is almost over.

After a long time, the ghost staring at Jiang Yaoxing gradually squeezed Jiang Yaoxing out of breath.

Moreover, because Qiu Rong is familiar with the use of some skills, the role of assistance is getting bigger and bigger, which directly makes Jiang Yaoxing happen many times.

"I still want it!"

"I also want!"

Qiu Rong cooperated with Gui Yan to make Jiang Yaoxing bleed non-stop. She didn't know how happy she was, and Xiao Xie was also excited because he had the upper hand in controlling the three Gui Yan.

Therefore, the pair of female ghosts and sisters did not wait for Jiang Lin to take the initiative to give it, and they opened their mouths to ask Jiang Lin, the nurse, for supplementary medicine.

Jiang Lin naturally gave it to someone who asked him, anyway, he was not bad.

Now Qiu Rong already knew that he had so many charming spirits, even if he knew that he had some rare treasures on him, he didn't dare to think anything wrong.

This is not something that dares to dare, Qiu Rong will not have any crooked ideas about the treasure on his body at all.

A few days ago, when he was with Qiurong, he also asked Qiurong in a joking way if he had any idea of ​​simmering him.

As a result, Qiu Rong shouted that he was wronged, and Jiang Lin realized that Xiao Xie took the blood bottle he left to go to him and asked him to beware of Qiu Rong. It was purely a misunderstanding.

As for Xiao Xie, it is even more impossible for him to covet the treasures on him. Those are the property shared by her and Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin threw out some of the heavenly and earthly treasures and immortal treasures of inferior quality, either into the mouths of Qiurong and Xiaoxie, or into the bodies of the three ghosts.

If it wasn't for the fear that Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie might face a breach due to the medicinal power, he would have asked the two sisters to make up for it.

There has always been a supplement of blood bottle blue medicine, and some medicines that increase damage. It didn't take long for Jiang Yaoxing, who was staring at Qiu Rong, to scream one after another.

"You also have today? Have you ever thought about it, you have today too!"

Qiurong looked at Jiang Yaoxing's miserable state and made a cold voice.

Today, no one can save this murderer who persecuted her and her family, this scumbag!

"I forgot to tell you, not only you are going to die today, none of your Jiang family or your descendants will end well! Don't you know? Your Jiang family's reputation as a virtuous family for so many years has already It was completely ruined because my grievances were washed away! The entire Jiang family is waiting for the imperial edict from the imperial city!"

After drinking hard, Qiu Rong began to mobilize all the spiritual power in her body.

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