
Jiang Yaoxing's face was full of shock. He only now understood why his descendants in Jiang's family didn't burn incense and paper money for him these few days.

Although Jiang Yaoxing is dead, he still has feelings for his family. Hearing Qiurong's words really shocked him.

Just when he had not recovered from his surprise, Qiu Rong had already finished charging up, and a beam of blue Yingying beams came out from her palms.

At the same time, the Gui Yan who was collaborating with her also flashed behind Jiang Yaoxing, and a black gas bombarded the latter's back.

After a shrill scream, Jiang Yaoxing was completely killed by Qiu Rong's big move.

Directly dissipated.

"Come again! There's another one, let them, these embarrassed friends, go hand in hand and go on the road together!"

After killing Jiang Yaoxing, Qiu Rong shouted at Jiang Lin.

After taking Hansui and drinking, she flew to the battle circle on Xiaoxie's side, as did Guiyan, who was collaborating with her.

After Yaodao heard Jiang Yaoxing's scream, he turned his head and looked over, and then his scalp became numb.

His old friend, who had been thinking about taking possession of Qiu Rong not long ago, was so lost.

At this moment, Yaodao already felt bad and wanted to escape.

Maybe tonight he's really going to hit the road hand in hand with his old friend from decades ago.

But unfortunately, no matter what the demons do, they can't escape.

Three ghosts and two ghost kings surrounded him, how could he be allowed to escape.

Chapter [*]: The Resurrection of the Storm (Part [*])

"Tian Xiaozi, train your courage, this guy is a powerful ghost that is about to enter the level of a ghost. If you kill it, the eight generations of your ancestors will have to laugh at the bottom."

At this time, Jiang Lin snorted in the direction of Taoist priest Tian.

Although Jiang Yaoxing was killed, this fellow is just a ghost king, and the demon is a level higher than him. It is still a little uncertain to rely on Qiu Rong sisters and Gui Yan, who are also evil, to vanquish the demon.

However, with the participation of Taoist Tian, ​​and with the help of Taoism, it is enough for Yaodao to go on the road with the previous Jiang Yaoxing.

Now that Qiu Rong and their female ghost sisters can no longer play any role, Tian Taoist naturally no longer needs to maintain the transfer formation.

As for letting Daoist Tian do it, it would cause Yaodao, the peak ghost emperor, to be unable to transfer the suffocation value. Jiang Lin could only feel a pity.

Now he has no ability, not even making up the knife, he has to take it if he has to take it.

"Yeah! Oh hoo oh oh oh oh oh~"

Taoist Tian gave a strange cry, took out his bone sword and rushed over.

After he received Jiang Lin's instructions, he couldn't imagine that he could achieve such a record so quickly.

The pinnacle of life, the pinnacle of life!

However, although Taoist Tian was excited, his mind became much more shrewd after being with Jiang Lin for so long.

When he was near the battle circle, he cast the spell again, making the gathering spirit formation that activated the detention formation work again.

Relying only on himself, he does not have the ability to harvest the ghost head of a peak ghost emperor.

"Look at your grandpa Tian's palm thunder!"

With the blessing of spiritual power, Taoist Tian tried to use Jiang Lin to instruct him on the Five Thunder Dharma.

With a sound of "Boom", a thunder in the palm of the hand struck the Yaodao who had been completely suppressed by Qiu Rong, the others and the three Gui Yan.

This kid is really motivated.

Seeing that Taoist Tian was screaming because he successfully hit the palm thunder, Jiang Lin also raised his brows. He did not expect that this kid Tian Daoshi could use the blessing of the gathering spirit array to forcefully drive the palm thunder that he could not use.

After that, Tian Taoist bit his finger, smeared the blood essence on the bone sword with abundant spiritual power, and rushed towards the demon who had been seriously injured.

With the participation of Taoist Tian, ​​and the three ghosts also created opportunities for Taoist Tian under the command of Xiao Xie, and they themselves contributed, after half a minute, the ghost body of Yaodao was incomplete.

In the end, Xiao Xie Qiurong, three ghosts and Taoist Tian worked together again. In addition, Taoist Tian sacrificed two lightning runes and explosive flame runes, which directly smashed Yaodao into powder.

"Vengeance, I have revenge, I finally have my revenge!"

After beating Yao Dao to the core, Qiu Rong was stunned in place, and after a while, she shouted loudly.

Her revenge, her parents' revenge, finally had to be avenged!

Qiu Rong ran over and took Xiao Xie's hand, smiling with tears on her face.

"Sister Qiurong, I'm really happy for you."

Xiao Xie also shed tears. For so many years, she hadn't seen Qiu Rong Zhanyan smile a few times, all because her sister had resentment.

But now, Qiurong's grievances have been washed away a few days ago, and the original culprit has also gone on the road together, and the beatings have vanished. In the future, Qiurong will no longer need to live with such hatred.

"Young Master Jiang, I have my revenge!"

Wiping away her tears, Qiu Rong flew to Jiang Lin's side again, blinking at him with hazy tears.

After that, she couldn't help but bow her body and hug Jiang Lin.

Everything, everything, the reason for the change and the current result is because she met Jiang Lin.

"Okay, it's all gratifying, seeing you still crying with snot and tears."

Jiang Lin patted Qiurong's back lightly and comforted her softly.

"I'm happy, I cry when I want to cry, laugh when I want to laugh, I want to! Who's got a runny nose!"

After letting go of Jiang Lin, Qiu Rong glared at Jiang Lin, but then she realized that she took the initiative to hug Jiang Lin just now, and she quickly explained the gazes of Taoist Tian and Xiao Xie and her sisters around her. Said: "What are you looking at? I am a hug of thanks, none of you...you are not allowed to think wildly."

With a guilty conscience, Qiu Rong ran out just like a thief had been discovered.

Jiang Lin smiled softly, then walked over to Xiao Xie, took some forbidden material treasures from his arms, handed them over, and said, "Xiao Xie, please share these treasures with your sisters, after all, they consume a lot of money. Little, I also helped Qiu Rong."

"You have also worked hard. You can keep these fairy fruits and fairy grasses, take some, and you can replenish your consumption. Don't be greedy. As for these charms, you let them disintegrate and put them in the ghost bag, and you can use them when you have nothing to do. Train and train them, and I'll probably depend on you later."

After opening a little stove for Xiao Xie and giving her a ghost bag, Jiang Lin snapped his fingers at Taoist Tian.

Now that the matter has been completely settled, Tian Daoshi, the younger brother, has played an irreplaceable role in these matters, and of course he will not lack rewards.

This tool man younger brother whom he acquired on a whim, has brought the function of a tool man to the extreme.


Like an upright pug, Tian Taoist trotted over, his hands folded in front of him, and his eyes gleamed at Jiang Lin.

"Your boy has satisfied the old man very much during this period of time. The two fairy fruits and a bottle of true dragon bone marrow were brought by the old man from heaven, and they will be rewarded to you now. It will help you to improve your aptitude in the future and follow-up cultivation. Not a small thing."

Jiang Lin took two jade boxes and a small medicine bottle and threw them to Taoist Tian.

He begged a little Xie to be his wife in Weinan County, and Qiu Rong probably didn't run away later. Both of these things had the same reason for Taoist Tian.

Therefore, he is also quite generous.


Tian Taoist all made a husky-like cry in excitement.

Great, great!

The ancestral graves are full of gold smoke!

Afterwards, Jiang Lin raised his hand to cover his mouth and explained to Taoist Tian in a low voice: "Cough, boy, put it away first and use it later. It is estimated that in a few days, the old man will borrow your Taotang as a wedding hall for two marriages. My dear, hurry up and go back and clean up."


Taoist Tian was almost frightened by Jiang Lin's words. He borrowed his family's Taoist temple as a wedding hall and married two more marriages.

You old senior, you are really... old and strong.

Wait, one is Miss Qiurong, who is the other?

"What's your size! Hurry up and do some errands for the old man."

Jiang Lin slapped Taoist Tian on the forehead and kicked him again.

"Senior, rest assured, the boy will do it well, and he can be the best man for the senior. It is the boy who has three lives, not the lucky one!"

Taoist Tian touched his head and smiled, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and looked at this stubborn boy. It was estimated that when he met this Taoist priest again, it would be time for him to be the bridegroom.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that as soon as Taoist Tian left, there would be another storm.

Chapter [*]: The Resurrection of the Storm (Part [*])

Xiao Xie used magic to make the three ghosts disintegrate into charms, which were collected into the ghost-sealing bag, and some treasures given by Jiang Lin were distributed.

Now that the matter is over, it is estimated that Jiang Lin will also tell Qiu Rong that he is happy. If this group of sisters follows, maybe her sister Qiu Rong will not accept Jiang Lin because she is shy.

"Let's go, she's probably going to Huojia Town to pay her respects to her parents."

After Xiao Xie explained the matter, Jiang Lin took her to follow Qiurong.

The direction Qiurong was heading was exactly Huojia Town.

In fact, Qiu Rong did want to pay homage to her parents' graves.

Regardless of whether her parents were reincarnated or not, now that the family feud has been avenged, she still hopes to talk about it there.

On the way, Jiang Lin did not confess to Qiu Rong as Xiao Xie thought, but was very quiet all the way, allowing Qiu Rong to settle his mood.

No matter who it is, after so many years of revenge, it takes time to stabilize his mood.

Now that everything he promised has been done, and Qiu Rong is already emotional, he is no longer in a hurry.

When they arrived in Huojia Town, Jiang Lin and his party went to the burial place of Qiurong's parents.

Qiurong cried for a long time at the graves of her parents, and then complained about why she was born in a poor family and had such a charming face.

If she hadn't been born so beautiful, she wouldn't have been a disaster, hurting her parents and herself.

"Miss Qiurong, it's none of your business. It's not up to you to decide whether you are beautiful or ugly, nor can you decide. If you think this way, then when you compare it to a man, you have the ability. A capable man is envied by others or regarded as capable by others, and persecuted if he can't get it. Can we still blame others for his ability? Whose fault is his fault, and we can't feel sorry for ourselves just because we have suffered. If you want to complain, you might as well blame the heavens, this is the way of heaven that keeps good people from longevity and harms them for thousands of years.”

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