Jiang Lin walked to Qiurong's side and persuaded her.

If it is Qiu Rong's own beauty, she has to show off everywhere, every day, for fear that others will not know how beautiful and beautiful she is, there are other reasons to say that it is Qiu Rong herself going to death do.

But in fact, Qiu Rong had never been like this before, she was just quietly being a beautiful woman. In this case, she suffered a misfortune, so she could be blamed.

Blame her for not being so pretty?

There is no such reason.


Qiurong had nothing to answer again, what Jiang Lin said still made sense.

Putting it on herself, because she was in the authorities, she didn't understand the reasoning, but Jiang Lin gave her an example of a man, and she instantly understood.

"Don't blame yourself. If your parents didn't go to reincarnate, they probably wouldn't want you to be like this. How can parents be unhappy with a beautiful daughter? It's almost dawn, let's walk around, you have the right to be too. Relax."

Jiang Lin took out two green bamboo umbrellas from the ancient mirror, hit Qiu Rong with one, and put the other on Xiao Xie's head.

In the past few days, he put some pressure on Tian Taoist, and this kid really made a bamboo umbrella with a light-proof spell.

"Sister Qiurong, Young Master Jiang is right. What's your fault? Originally, our lives were miserable enough. If you blame yourself for this, isn't that self-loathing?"

Xiao Xie also spoke out to persuade, Qiu Rong nodded after hearing the words, and stopped resenting herself.

The sky gradually brightened, and Xiao Xie looked at the surrounding scenery like a lively little white rabbit.

Although Jiang Lin sent her some memories before, but it was not what she felt personally. Now that she sees scenes that she has not seen in decades, she is of course full of joy and joy.

Qiu Rong was infected by Xiao Xie, and her mood gradually became brighter.

Jiang Lin held two bamboo umbrellas and walked on the street with two beautiful ghosts. After listening to the comments of the people around them, they realized that during their busy time, Weinan County had already exploded.

The scandal of the Jiang family has been thoroughly publicized, and Tao Wangsan was dragged to be a scapegoat because he offended Miss Jiang's family.

For a time, the Jiang family could be said to be pushed down by the wall, and the tree fell and scattered.

Many melon eaters applauded.

"It's so heartwarming, so heartwarming!"

"A family that deceives the world and steals its name deserves such an end."

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie under the umbrella didn't know how happy they were when they heard the comments from the passers-by around them.

At the same time, they also heard pedestrians on the street exaggeratingly recounting the appearance of a majestic judge in the county court that day.

This matter is bigger than the publicity of the Jiang family's scandal.

In the eyes of ordinary people, judges are almost like gods.

"Young Master Jiang, did you hear that? The magistrate used a lot of manpower to build a temple for you in the county seat."

When Qiu Rong thought that the red-faced judge at that time was faked by Jiang Lin, she felt very funny.

"Go, go, go! I'm going to see."

Xiao Xie shook Jianglin's arm. She missed the famous scene of Jianglin pretending to be a red-faced judge at the time. She felt very uncomfortable. Now that the county government has built a temple for Jianglin, of course she wants to visit the temple. What the Judge sculpture looks like.

"Okay, let's go, anyway, as they said, it's not far, just a few miles ahead."

When Jiang Lin saw Xiao Xie acting coquettishly, he let her alone.

At the same time, an uninvited guest had already arrived at the newly built Judgment Temple in Weinan County.

Black Judge.

The black judge looked at the big red statue in the temple, and his face became hideous.

He never knew where a red-faced judge appeared in Ermao Kingdom.

He is black face, others are red face.

This is so fucking interesting.

Chapter [*]: The Resurrection of the Storm (Part [*])

"Hum hum……"

There was a chilling laugh in the black judge's throat, no matter where in Ermao country, as long as there was a judge's temple, the statues should all look like him.

But now, ironically, there is only one judge of unknown origin in the temple, and the incense is far more vigorous than his temple.

"I want to see what kind of character you are, and you dare to come to the territory of this sentence to grab the site."

After a while, a cold light flashed in the black judge's eyes, and the red judge statue in the temple exploded into a pile of broken clods.

He had already been around Weinan County two days ago, but it took some time to deal with some ghosts and ghosts, and only arrived in Weinan County today.

But when he got here, he heard that a judge had appeared in Weinan County to overturn the case for Huo Qiurong a few days ago, and the county magistrate also built a new temple for the judge.

Therefore, he will appear here.

After destroying the statue of the judge in the temple, the black judge walked out of the temple of judges.

On the other side, Jiang Lin and the others were not far from the Temple of Judges.

If they keep going, they'll bump into the black judge.

Fortunately, Xiao Xie saw a wedding shop on the street and couldn't move.

Now that Qiurong's matter is over, in just one or two days, she will be able to confess everything to Qiurong, and after that, she can marry Jiang Lin in an open and honest manner.

So, after seeing the wedding shop, she wanted to go in and have a look.

It was because of her whim that she wanted to choose a bridal outfit that she liked, so that she, Qiurong and Jiang Lin could temporarily avoid a big trouble.

"Precise play."

Jiang Lin smiled and walked directly into the store.

"Xiao Xie, what are you going to see here?"

Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Xie with a strange expression, you don't have a lover, and you don't get married, so why are you so excited?Still going in?

Xiao Xie Nu pouted and said, "Sister Qiurong, if you don't look at me, I just want to see what I look like in Feng Guanxia and Dahong's wedding dress."

Xiao Xie's words made Qiurong also interested. She had never married anyone before, but at that age, no one imagined that she would be a bride.

So, Qiu Rong didn't ask any more questions, and followed in.

It took half an hour for Jiang Lin to walk out of the wedding shop.

He really convinced Xiao Xie and Qiurong, and Xiao Xie didn't care. He wanted to take a look inside, but Qiu Rong asked Xiao Xie what he was doing at first.

But after entering the wedding shop, she was assimilated by Xiao Xie. The two female ghosts were like brides. They saw everything and liked everything.

If he hadn't taken out some tickets and told the wedding shop to close the door first, and then let the shop owner leave first, he would probably have scared people and screamed.

What red hijab, what phoenix crown, they all floated all over the house by themselves.

Jiang Lin didn't know that this wedding shop was originally chosen by Taoist Tian. Since he asked this kid to arrange it properly, then his little brother would definitely not be stingy with spending.

After Tian Taoist prepared to wake up, he came to buy some festive items such as red candles, red lights and red silk.

It's a pity that when he fell asleep, he suffered a big disaster.

At this moment, Tian Taoist was lying on the bed, talking in his sleep: "I am a master of a generation, with boundless mana, monsters, ghosts, all of them... retreat!"

"Hehe, what a big tone, a little Taoist, dare to call himself a real person."

The black judge suddenly appeared in Tian Daoshi's room. Seeing Tian Daoshi's great power in his dream, he walked over, pinched Tian Daoshi's nose, and then slapped the boy on the face. Two slaps.


Taoist Tian opened his eyes, looked around, and felt that something was wrong. Then he cast a spell to open his eyes, but still couldn't see anything unusual.

Even if he has opened his eyes, his cultivation is only a small Taoist, and he is not even qualified to carry shoes for the black judge.

After muttering twice, Tian Taoist continued to lie down.

After a busy night, he often concentrated on studying Taoism and magic circles before, which made him very tired.

After falling asleep, his body moved involuntarily. First he got up in the air and then slammed heavily on the bed. Then he started jumping on the bed like a little gymnastic prince. Seven hundred and two came. Ten degrees of Thomas rotation.

Another ear scraper was eaten on his face, and Taoist Tian was beaten up again, and he saw the black judge standing in the room.

"Who are you? How dare you make fun of this master!"

Tian Daoshi looked at the black judge with an angry face. Although he could not see the depth of the black judge, the time he spent following Jiang Lin cultivating was not in vain. The other party was a ghost, and he could still see that.

Seeing the black judge staring coldly, Tian Taoist immediately stepped on the cloth gang, performed the magic attack, and continued to shout: "This master asks you in the name of my Tianyi Dao, who are you!"


The black judge's squinted eyes suddenly froze, and Taoist Tian flew out, knocking a large crack in the wall of the room.

"It's so daring, you dare to judge me rudely."

He glanced coldly at Taoist Tian, ​​and when the black judge's eyes moved, Taoist Tian's body uncontrollably stuck to the wall, his feet did not touch the ground, and he couldn't even move.

"Are you actually a black judge?"

Taoist Tian's eyes widened. As a descendant of Tianyi Dao, he naturally heard the information about the black judge from his ancestors once or twice.

The black judge glanced at Taoist Tian and said, "This is just a small punishment for disturbing the order of Yin and Yang."

"The Netherworld still knows about Chunhua's resurrection from the dead."

Only then did Taoist Tian understand why he was recruited, and he sighed. When he saw the red-faced judge in the county court before, he was worried that something would happen, but now he has escaped the first day of the first year of the new year, and he has not escaped. fifteen.

"You kid is so daring, how dare you intervene in the reincarnation of yin and yang, I don't know whether to live or die! Now I will give you a way, and explain the female ghosts who accompany you and the guy who instructed you to use this heaven-defying technique. Where are you? The sentence will spare you a life, otherwise, you will just wait for the death to come!"

Now that he saw Tian Daoshi, this little scoundrel, the black judge has already concluded that bringing Chunhua back to life is definitely not something this kid can do, at most it is an assistant.

Now that he wants to find someone in Weinan County, he has to delay a little time. The reason why he didn't go to the world right now is because he is waiting for the news of those errands.

But after waiting for so long, there was no feedback, so he decided to go out in person, of course he didn't want to waste any time here.

"Don't even think about it!"

Taoist Tian directly rejected the black judge. Now that he has such a change, his ability to shine on the lintel is all the credit of his predecessor, Tianzun, and Qiu Rong is going to marry his predecessor. The two have such a relationship, he How could it be possible to supply Qiu Rong.

In that case, the eighteenth generation of his ancestors would have to deny his unworthy descendant.

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