In addition to this reason, Taoist Tian also knew that the Nether Judge could not interfere with the life and death of people in the Yang World, so he felt that the Black Judge was intimidating him.

"This is up to you. Even if you don't say it, this sentence has a way to know."

The black judge sneered and rushed to the Taoist Tian on the wall.Even if Tian Daoshi didn't want to say anything, as long as he was attached to him, he could search for part of this kid's memory.

However, just when the black sentence was successfully possessed and wanted to probe Tian Taoist's memory, the amulet on the latter's body lit up.

What the black judge has to do is similar to the soul search, which will cause a lot of damage to Tian Taoist, so the amulet on his neck will naturally play a role.

If Taoist Tian hadn't removed the Seven Star Treasure Clothes before he went to bed, I'm afraid the black judge would have to face a lot of resistance if he wanted to attach himself to him.

"A magic talisman, can still stop this sentence?"

The black judge sneered, and then began to use his own means to attack the amulet on Taoist Tian's neck.

Chapter [*]: Trouble Come to the Door (Part [*])

Jiang Lin and the others didn't know anything about Tian Taoist being found by the black judge and possessed by him. Now they are rushing to the newly built Judge's Temple in the county.

"Good news, good news! The Jiang family is about to be smashed by the whole family!"

At this time, a young runner on the street shouted that today, the imperial edict of the imperial city has arrived in Weinan County.

Originally, it was impossible for ordinary people to know such an imperial edict, but when the emperor of Ermao heard about the Jiang family, he alerted the Nether Judge. It was the Nether Judge who overturned the case, so how could he dare to care about the face of the royal family.

This kind of thing does not give the people an explanation, and it is not a joke for people to start a rebellion from scratch.


Jiang Lin was also a little surprised by such news. He once guessed that the Jiang family would not end well, but now that the fact has been confirmed, it still makes him feel a little surprised.

"Chop all over the door?"

Qiu Rong was also very surprised. The Jiang family's population was quite large. Even excluding some servants and the like, there were nearly a thousand people, and all of them would be executed.

Not a single one remains alive.

Although she wanted to take revenge and discredit the Jiang family, she did not have much hatred for those who had not directly or indirectly persecuted her.

The Jiang family wall was pushed by everyone, and she was naturally happy to see it, but now that all the Jiang family members are going to die, thousands of people will die, which makes her feel a little guilty.

Seeing the astonishment on Qiurong's face, Jiang Lin touched her with his shoulder and said, "What? It's an accident? It's none of your business anymore. The Emperor of Heaven is here, and he can't change this principle. You little girl, you should blame yourself for something that should be happy, and forget it. Now, don't feel guilty about it. This is the emperor of the dynasty. Your will, or that sentence, has nothing to do with you. What you have done is just to make yourself feel guilty. Moreover, if you blame yourself for this again, it will make me not a human inside or outside. "

Jiang Lin didn't feel impatient because of Qiurong's inner changes. After experiencing some things, especially the kind of things that Qiurong has encountered, many people are easy to get into trouble.

Just like some movies and TV in the later generations of Middle-earth, some protagonists or supporting characters whose whole family was killed, or the whole village was killed, they were devastated and "blame me" one by one.

In fact, this is not a unique plot in film and television dramas, there are a lot of them in reality.

Qiu Rong now is the time when it is easy to get into the horns.

She pursed her lips, and Qiu Rong didn't think about it any more. Jiang Lin's words woke her up. Those Jiang family members who were not guilty of death were not her fault.

This order and imperial decree were issued by the emperor of Ermao, which is indeed a fact.

Could it be that she has grievances to seek grievances, and should she be blamed for it?

It is also because Qiu Rong is now relieved by Jiang Lin, her mood is much calmer, and she happily chose a bridal outfit with Xiao Xie just now, so she was changed by Jiang Lin with a single word.

"I don't blame myself, but well, I think you are really a bit like you are not human, but an old monster."

Qiu Rong covered her mouth and smiled, verbally taking advantage of Jiang Lin.

"I don't care about you."

Jiang Lin smiled slightly. He wasn't going to fight Qiu Rong. Now Qiu Rong took a small advantage of him. After that, he had to use his body to pay it back.

Qiurong's mood has gradually calmed down now, and he no longer has any thoughts of self-blame, and he can make it clear when he picks the time.

It's all like this, let's just promise you this little girl.

It didn't take long for Jiang Lin and the others to arrive at the Temple of Judges, because it was still early, and there were not many people in the temple.

After entering the hall, Xiao Xie and Qiurong were completely stunned.

Especially Xiao Xie, she asked Jiang Lin to bring herself here, just to see the statue of the red-faced judge here, but now, the statue of the judge in the temple has been shattered into pieces of earth and stones.

"Who did this!"

Xiao Xie was very angry. It was a trivial matter that she couldn't see what the statue was like, but the statue was Jiang Lin, her man, but it was actually destroyed.

Isn't this a sign of bad luck?

Jiang Lin looked at the earth and stones on the ground and frowned. He didn't care that his judge's statue was destroyed. What caught his attention was the ghostly spirit that remained in the temple.

The statue in the temple was destroyed by a ghost, and the power of the ghost was not low at all.

At this moment, Jiang Lin's brows furrowed even tighter. He smoothed his sleeves, and a magic charm inside was shaken out.

It's just that this talisman has now become smashed.

"Has something happened to Tian Xiaozi?"

Jiang Lin didn't know what was going on for a while. The broken talisman was the yin and yang talisman. He gave a copy to Taoist Tian before, and he kept the rest.

"Senior, there is danger!"

After a while, with a "whoosh" sound, a paper crane flew in from the outside and landed on the ground. After the voice of Taoist Tian came from inside, it burned to ashes.

This talisman paper crane was sent by Taoist Tian.

When the black judge wanted to destroy the amulet on his body, he took advantage of a rare opportunity to strike a thunderbolt on his body, hitting the black judge who had never taken him seriously.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Taoist Tian threw out the seven-star treasured clothes beside the bed, and bought a little time to report to Jiang Lin.

However, after doing this, he was completely controlled by the black judge, and after the black judge knew Qiu Rong's shelter, he went straight to Jiang's Garden.

"You two, go back to the haunted house first. I need to go to Tian Xiaozi's place to see what's going on."

After Jiang Lin confirmed that Taoist Tian had an accident, he let Qiurong and Xiao Xie go back temporarily.

It's still broad daylight, and these two ghosts have to rely on the green bamboo umbrella to protect themselves. If he goes to Tian Taoist Taoist Temple and encounters any unexpected situation, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie can't help him, they will let him Bend up.

Chapter [*] Trouble finding the door (below)

In the previous series of events, Taoist Tian had exerted so much power, and now there is danger, of course Jiang Lin could not let it go.

But he can't be good, but he can't let Qiurong and Xiaoxie have any accidents because of this.

Jiang Lin's intentions were good, and he didn't want the two female ghosts to suffer any harm. Although he usually couldn't use any abilities, he still had the power to protect himself if he encountered any danger.

However, he couldn't think of the black judge who came, and one of his goals was Qiurong. If Qiurong and Xiao Xie returned to Jiang's Garden, without him by their side, it would be even more dangerous.

"Let me go, I can control Charming Spirit."

Xiao Xie Buyi, from seeing the statues in the temple destroyed and Jiang Lin's abnormal expression make her feel a vague sense of unease. Now Taoist Tian has sent a letter for help, so she is worried about Jiang Lin. What danger will arise.

"Be good, be obedient, don't make me worry."

Jiang Lin looked at Xiao Xie and gave her a reassuring look, then left the Temple of Judges and went to Taoist Tian's Taoist Hall.

"Xiao Xie, let's go back. Young Master Jiang has always been prepared, so he should be fine."

Although Qiurong was also worried about Jiang Lin, since Jiang Lin had already asked them to go back, she could only comfort Xiao Xie aloud.

After comforting her, she glanced at Xiao Xie suspiciously.

Just now, Jiang Lin told Xiao Xie to be obedient and obedient.

The tone sounded a little spoiled.

However, she didn't think much about it. After all, Jiang Lin sometimes pretended to be an old man and called her a little girl jokingly. From this perspective, it seemed reasonable.

On the way back to Jiangjiabiyuan where Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie held umbrellas, Jiang Lin had already arrived at Taoist Tian's Taoist temple.

But there is no one in the Taoist hall.

"Where the hell did you come from?"

Jiang Lin looked at the cracked walls in Taoist Tian's room, and the seven-star robe on the ground that was broken into several pieces, feeling quite puzzled.

Tian Daoshi used to be a half-assed fake Daoist, and it was impossible to have a grudge against any ghost. Even if he learned some skills now, he only caught some little ghosts.

Those little ghosts are all lonely ghosts, and it is absolutely impossible for them to have any backers.

Who did Taoist Tian provoke?

Jiang Lin sensed a familiar ghost in the room, which was the same source he found in the Temple of Judges, and judged that what Tian Taoist met was not a minor character.

It's just that, for a while, he hasn't been able to connect this ghostly energy to the Nether Judge.

and many more!

Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in Jiang Lin's mind, the ghosts of Taoist Tian, ​​the ghosts of the judge's temple, and the destroyed judge's statue in the temple...

No, not some ghost!

It was only at this time that Jiang Lin suddenly realized that when he was in the Temple of Judges, he was a little puzzled. Under normal circumstances, even the Ghost King and the Emperor of Ghosts would not approach any Temple of Judges unless necessary, nor would they enter it. Needless to say, it's still broken inside.

The reason why Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie were not frightened at all was because they knew that the image of the judge enshrined in the temple was him, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Now that Jiang Lin has linked all the information, there is a guess in his heart that these ghosts should be left by ghost ghosts or ghost officials.

This can also explain why his judge statue will be destroyed, and Tian Taoist will also encounter an accident.

Tian Taoist did not provoke anyone, but this kid once brought Chunhua back to life.

That's why it was found.


After figuring this out, Jiang Lin felt a strong worry in his heart.

When Taoist Tian resurrected Chunhua, Qiu Rong was on the side.

Because he himself is not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, he will not be noticed, but Qiu Rong is different.

He ran out of the Taoist hall in a hurry, Jiang Lin's nose twitched, and the feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger.

The direction that these residual ghosts spread is the direction to Jiangjiabiyuan.

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