Qiu Rong, Xiao Xie!

Jiang Lin immediately ran towards the haunted house.

He really regretted it in his heart, he should not have let Qiurong and Xiao Xie leave him long ago.

At the same time, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie had already returned to Jiang Jia Bie Yuan, and Tian Daoshi, who was controlled by the black judge, also arrived.

However, until now, the black judge still didn't know that Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie were related to Jiang Lin.

When he wanted to search for Taoist Tian's memory before, he only found some things about Qiu Rong. When he tried to search again, he encountered some resistance.

When Jiang Lin was teaching Tian Taoist cramming, he also considered whether this kid could always focus on his mind, so he also gave Tian Taoist some medicinal herbs such as blood orchid to enhance spiritual consciousness.

This led to the black judge's search being blocked, but he would definitely be able to find it, but it would only waste a little time. After all, even if Tian Taoist used some medicinal materials to increase the strength of his spiritual thoughts, it was relatively speaking.

Since the black judge knew Qiu Rong's whereabouts, he didn't make much effort. Anyway, he could continue to search at any time, and he was not in a hurry.

It was precisely because he didn't know the relationship between Qiurong and Xiaoxie and Jiang Lin that these two female ghosts were not targeted by him deliberately.

After seeing Taoist Tian in the main room, Xiao Xie didn't notice anything unusual at all, so he said, "Taoist Tian, ​​why are you here? Young Master Jiang is looking for you."

"No, he's not right."

Seeing the strange smile on Taoist Tian's face, Qiu Rong immediately became cautious.

Although she and Xiao Xie were familiar with Taoist Tian, ​​but Taoist Tian never knew where they lived.

He also didn't know that they were the same group of female ghosts who had taught him a lesson.

Therefore, there is something wrong with Tian Taoist suddenly appearing in this haunted house.

Jiang Lin might explain it to him, but he couldn't keep up with the time.

"Are you the group of female ghosts who act as demons? And disturbing Yin and Yang!"

A look of contempt appeared on Tian Taoist's face, and then with a move of his hands, the bamboo curtains and windows and other obstructions on the doors and windows of the main room were all shattered.

Chapter [*] speaks better than sings


Qiu Rong, Xiao Xie and the other female ghosts screamed at the same time, and then squeezed together into the corner where the sun could not shine.

"A group of ghosts, make me a monster!"

Taoist Tian flicked his arms, and a mourning stick and a ghost bag appeared in his hands.

"Morning stick? Sealing the ghost bag? He...he is the Nether Judge!"

After Qiu Rong saw the object in Taoist Tian's hand, she immediately reacted.

The other party is not a Taoist Tian at all, but a judge of the Netherworld!

"It's good to know, your end is coming!"

Taoist Tian smiled coldly, and then sacrificed the ghost bag in his hand. After the bag was opened, a powerful suction force burst out in an instant.

"Xiao Xie, run away!"

Qiu Rong reached out and grabbed the green bamboo umbrella not far away, and stuffed it into Xiao Xie, letting him escape with a group of sisters.

She now knew that the reason why the Nether Judge appeared this time was because Jiang Lin had brought the dead Chunhua back to life before, and Jiang Lin would do that because he wanted to help her clear up her grievances.

So, in the final analysis, it was because of her that the current result was caused.

She didn't want to implicate a bunch of sisters because of herself.

"Run? Let me see who of you can run!"

Taoist Tian stretched out his finger and shot out a ray of spiritual power, the mouth of the ghost bag suddenly opened wide, and Xiao Xie and a group of female ghosts were taken in in an instant.

Qiu Rong's body was also sucked into the air, and it was because her position was on the verge of absorbing force that she was not taken away in an instant like Xiao Xie and the others.

"court death!"

At this critical moment, Jiang Lin had already arrived.

Seeing the scene where Xiao Xie was being collected into the ghost bag just now, he shouted loudly.

Jiang Lin didn't care about his physical condition, so he directly let the corpse poison enter his flesh and blood, and then teleported out.

Flashing in front of the possessed Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin punched out with a punch containing spiritual power, and the Yang Yan in his body also rushed out, pouring directly into Taoist Tian's body.

He had already seen that the Taoist Tian in front of him was not himself at all, but possessed.

Jiang Lin could say that the power of this punch did not hold back at all, but he adjusted his strength so that it was directly applied to the black judge possessed by Taoist Tian.

With a "bang", Taoist Tian flew upside down and hit the big tree in the yard.

And the black judge was also forced to leave Tian Taoist's body under this blow.


The black judge's black face burst with blue veins. Jiang Lin's appearance was too abrupt. He had no defense at all. He was hit by this punch, struck by spiritual energy, and burned by Yang Yan, which made him feel good. .

"Looking for death! You are looking for death!"

With a gloomy face, the black judge looked at Jiang Lin who suddenly appeared.

As soon as his eyes fell on Jiang Lin, his whole person, no, the whole ghost was stunned.

This man... this man... this man!

It's that Jiang Lin!

After being stunned for a moment, the black judge let out a wild laugh: "Hahaha... There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you vote!"

At this moment, the black judge didn't even bother to pay attention to the injury he suffered just now, and he ignored the intense burning pain on his body.

Now, he just feels that he is too happy, too excited.

As early as a month or two ago (Netherworld time), he was eager to find this Jiang Lin with a huge amount of immortal treasures immediately. For this reason, he did not hesitate to use a lot of human and material resources to find Jiang Lin in other areas. trace.

He didn't want to waste a bit of time even when he was doing business in the realm of the world.

But how could he have thought that he was facing Jiang Lin face to face at this time.

There is no need for him to look for it, they are delivered to the door by themselves.

Jiang Lin squinted his eyes. Before he started, he saw the black judge attached to Tian Daoshi. At the same time, he was also surprised that this incident had disturbed a judge-level judge.

But now, he felt something else in his heart.

This black-faced judge, know him.

Not only that, but this guy just said, "There is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no way to hell, you cast yourself."


Very unreasonable.

"Young Master Jiang, Xiao Xie and my sisters have all been accepted by him. Please help them."

Qiu Rong knelt down directly to Jiang Lin. Now, the agreement between Jiang Lin and her has been completed, and only her side is left to fulfill the promise.

So, as far as the matter is concerned, she shouldn't let Jiang Lin do more work, but Xiao Xie and the others are her best sisters, and she can't help but help.

Therefore, she could only kneel down to Jiang Lin and beg Jiang Lin for help.

"I know, I will save it."

Jiang Lin nodded and stretched out his hand to pull Qiu Rong up.

Even if Xiao Xie is not Qiu Rong's sister, even if Qiu Rong doesn't kneel down, he will still save him.

That was his wife, of course he wanted to save it.

"Hand over those fairy treasures you took away!"

The black judge looked at Jiang Lin and called out almost like a roar.

But then he felt that what he said was too obvious, and added: "You have privately collected many immortal treasures in Heaven. Now this sentence is in the name of the ghost town. If you want to recover those immortal treasures, please hand them over."

Hehe, you black-faced judge, you really speak better than you sing.

Jiang Lin sneered in his heart, now he doesn't have to speculate at all, he can know what the black judge on the opposite side is playing.

The euphemistic name is to recover the immortal treasure in the name of the ghost town, but in fact, it is just trying to enrich one's own pockets.

From the stunned look on the black judge just now and the ecstatic expression on his face, and the fact that he just asked him to hand over the immortal treasure, all these can explain this.

Although his heart was like a mirror, a smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face, and he said to the black judge: "Well, let's put those female ghosts away first."

With that said, Jiang Lin stepped forward and walked towards the black-faced judge.

Chapter [*] The Smiling Asura (Part [*])

"You...don't come here!"

The black judge looked at the smile on Jiang Lin's face. He didn't know why, but he always felt something in his heart.

At this time, he had recovered from the incomparably excited emotions just now.

The reason why he changed his mood so quickly was because Jiang Lin's smile was really scary, to be precise, a ghost.

In his eyes, Jiang Lin looked like a smiling Shura, which made him feel goosebumps all over his body.

This made him quickly calm down.

The one in front of him, but outside the sand sea in the Northern Territory, personally killed Wutian's ruthless stubble.

Even with the help of a lot of external forces, the black judge thought that he had replaced Jiang Lin, and could not do such a thing.

Jiang Lin's outstanding record was naturally spread outside, and the black judge certainly knew about it.

He even ignored these things because he was too excited before.


Jiang Lin stopped and didn't speak anymore, but he still had a smile on his face.

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