He can no longer ask the black judge to release Xiao Xie and the others.

Now, he's a no-brainer. If the black judge knows that he cares about Xiao Xie very much, he will give him an excuse, and the next thing will be even more difficult to handle.

Even in his heyday, it was quite laborious to deal with a ghost-level judge, not to mention that his body is not in the state at all.

Liu Sheng and Bao Yi were still in a coma, and he couldn't borrow any strength.

A group of charming spirits were also included in the other party's ghost collection bag along with Xiao Xie, and he could only rely on himself.

At this time, the black judge looked at Jiang Lin. To his surprise, Jiang Lin was seriously injured and his breath was very sluggish.

"Hey, what are you looking at? I'm already like this, seriously injured, what else can I do? Not to mention that you are a judge, just a few ghosts are enough for me to drink a pot."

Jiang Lin shrugged his shoulders, smiled and generously admitted that he was injured, and the injury was very serious.

Of course, he would not simply hand over his bottom line. In this situation, he can only play a trick.

Otherwise, once the black judge has nothing to fear, he will not only be unable to rescue Xiao Xie, but even Qiurong and himself will be in danger.

What are you doing?

Qiurong stared at Jiang Lin in a daze, not knowing what Jiang Lin was doing.

They were already seriously injured, and now they are generously telling the black-faced judge on the opposite side.

What play is this singing about?

Qiurong really couldn't understand what Jiang Lin was doing. She had never been able to turn her head around Jiang Lin, and in such a situation, she couldn't keep up with Jiang Lin's thoughts.

However, at this moment, she didn't dare to say anything more. As a woman's sixth sense, she told her that Jiang Lin would definitely save Xiao Xie and them.

I believe you a ghost!

Ghosts believe you!

The black judge let out a "hum" laugh.

Seriously injured?

A few ghosts are enough for you to drink a pot?

Damn you, when my brain gets into water, the cerebellum raises fish?

The black judge was beaten to death now, and he didn't believe Jiang Lin's words.

After all, when Jiang Lin suddenly appeared just now, the attack on him was not weak at all.

As for the attack that didn't seriously injure him, the black judge had the right to think that Jiang Lin's attack was too abrupt and didn't use all his strength.

In any case, the black judge didn't feel that the current Jiang Lin could let him knead.

How did he know that the reason why Jiang Lin was able to launch a tyrannical attack before was because he put Xiao Xie in the ghost bag.

Xiao Xie is Jiang Lin's wife, so even if Jiang Lin is injured or not in state, he will have to attack in anger.

Seeing Judge Black's suspicious and disbelieving appearance, Jiang Lin's smile grew even stronger, and he seemed very... harmless to humans and animals.

"You hand over those fairy treasures first."

After waiting for the battle, the black judge made his own request.

Jiang Lin's eyes flickered slightly, and now there are only two paths in front of him, either agree or refuse.

If you refuse, you may just talk about it directly, but if you agree, it may also make the black judge suspicious.

After all, he is willing to exchange fairy treasures for a group of useless female ghosts, which is too unreasonable.

As long as the black judge thinks about it a little, he can guess that those female ghosts have different meanings to him.

As for choosing neither, he directly attacked and rescued Xiao Xie, and Jiang Lin simply passed this choice.

He is not [*]% sure that he will take the ghost bag from the black-faced judge. If there is a problem, and Xiao Xie is hurt, he cannot tolerate it.

Moreover, Xiao Xie is now trapped and has no ability to protect himself. Once the black judge finds out that he intends to seize the ghost bag, and the fish die and the net is broken, Xiao Xie may face the end of the soul.

Such a result, he dare not gamble.

Jiang Lin's thoughts all turned around in an instant. After a quick assessment, he could only bet a small amount. The black judge was so excited that he didn't think much about the imminent arrival of the fairy treasure.


Jiang Lin took out the ancient mirror in his arms, and took out the storage magic tool in it.

Seeing Jiang Lin take out the fairy treasure, the black judge also subconsciously handed out the ghost bag in his hand.

Jiang Lin tried his best to control his emotions without any fluctuations, but things still changed.

What am I giving him the ghost bag?

The black judge saw the arm that he handed over, and had a moment of doubt, and then he reacted at this moment.

Jiang Lin is using Immortal Treasures in exchange for his ghost bag!

This is not right!

"What? You don't even want it?"

Jiang Lin still kept a smile on his face, but he was already screaming in his heart.

This time, he didn't gamble well.

"You exchange fairy treasures for some female ghosts? I know, I know!"

This time, a smile appeared on the face of the black judge.

Just now, he thought of something.

In addition to spreading some achievements outside, Jiang Lin's marriage with the Fairy Jade Remnant Flower will naturally spread.

After all, this marriage, in the eyes of good people, can be said to be a toad eating swan meat.

No matter how good Jiang Lin's record was, he was still a little cultivator. If such a person married a fairy, of course he had to be told.

Besides, when Jiang Lin was in the imperial city of Chu Kingdom, he made a great effort, saying that sleeping with the goddess of true destiny is equivalent to sleeping with the daughter of Wutian, and the matter of blowing Wutian's lungs will of course be praised.

In addition, Jiang Lin is also Yuan Detai's son-in-law, and he is often given a title when he is mentioned by good people, that is, Zhong Kui's friend Yuan Detai - the son-in-law of the old Yuan family.

The black judge has also heard some of these things, of course, from the mouths of some ghosts.

However, these are not the point. The point is that he remembered Jiang Lin, a romantic young man.

Since this is the case, it is impossible to only be windy outside the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory, and it is estimated that the same is true in the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory.

Thinking of this for a moment, the black judge understood why Jiang Lin would use Immortal Treasure for the female ghost in his hand.

Maybe Jiang Lin and those female ghosts both have romantic debts.

"Look at you, you represent the ghost city of the underworld. If I want to recover the fairy treasure, do I have any reason not to give it? Come, take it~"

If Jiang Lin didn't go to pick up the black judge, he still smiled, but his hand moved like electricity, hitting a storage magic weapon.

Everyone takes things from the air, and this time he sent things from the air.

When Jiang Lin was talking with a smile just now, he was already thinking about it, and finally thought of using the Maoshan method of extracting things in reverse.

This Taoist technique originally used the hand to reach into the closed sac and take away the objects inside.

But Jiang Lin can't use this method to take out Xiao Xie and the others. If they take them out, they need to go back and forth, and the risk factor will increase a lot.

But simply sending things, it will be a lot sooner.

What he sent in were all life-saving immortal treasures. When they arrived in the ghost bag, the magical storage tool that he applied with spiritual power would release the immortal treasures.

With these fairy treasures, Xiao Xie and the female ghosts can protect themselves even if they are attacked by the black judge.

Chapter [*]: Smiling Shura (Part [*])

Jiang Lin had never used this method before, but now he used it forcibly. Although it was successful, it still made the chaos that was about to stir in his body begin to intensify.

Resisting the discomfort of his body, Jiang Lin continued like a smiling tiger, "Look, I've put it directly into your storage bag for collecting ghosts."

The black judge immediately became vigilant. Jiang Lin's move just now had been confirmed by him. What Jiang Lin said before was all nonsense.

What is seriously injured, it's just a lot of nonsense!

"Don't talk about these things. If you want to collect ghost bags, you can find me in the black pine forest outside Weinan County after nightfall."

The black judge was not willing to agree to Jiang Lin's conditions at all, not to mention that he did not know whether Jiang Lin was injured or whether he was really willing to offer the immortal treasure. Even if the other party really did not hesitate to exchange the immortal treasure, he also disagreed .

Jiang Lin handed the fairy treasure to him, but it was purely handed over to him, and it was far from being completely black and black.

Even if he took this huge amount of immortal treasures into his pocket, as soon as the matter was exposed later, he would have to spit out these ducks that reached their mouths.

Such as the number of public transport.

That doesn't make any sense at all.

Therefore, the black judge planned to completely let Jiang Lin explain that he was in this Ermao country. Only in this way could he be completely at ease.

This was also his plan from the beginning, and he was not prepared to let Jiang Lin leave alive.

Now Jiang Lin suddenly appeared, although it brought him a surprise, it was also a surprise.

But at this time, the black judge has completely calmed down and no longer has the same desire for immortal treasures as before. Of course, this is only a temporary lack of desire.

Now he is not sure to kill Jiang Lin completely, so in this case, even if Jiang Lin offers all the fairy treasures with both hands, it doesn't matter if he accepts them or not.

At this moment, all he needs to do is to return to the Netherworld and recruit some cronies to make Jiang Lin a complete fan.

After the extermination of Jiang Lin, all the insiders will not be allowed to stay, which is of course.

Once he has the manpower and Jiang Lin's anti-rat weapon, he is confident that Jiang Lin will never return.

This is one of the reasons, and the other reason is that it is daytime, and he has become a ghost. Although he can appear in broad daylight, if it is a battle with an opponent of the same level or similar strength, it will still be somewhat affected.

Therefore, he set the time after nightfall.

"You're boring. You want it, I'll give it, but you don't want it."

Jiang Lin smiled helplessly, but his smile made the black judge look terrified again.

After that, the black judge didn't delay at all, and flew out of Jiangjiabiyuan.

"Don't go, I still have it."

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