The palms in the eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and Qiu Rong has given up resistance.

She and the black judge are two big realms in terms of cultivation. The black judge's sure-kill blow, even if she resists, is in vain.

But just at the critical moment, a stalwart back appeared in front of her.

Then she felt as if she had been sprayed with warm tea on her face.

Jiang Lin has teleported one after another at the most urgent moment, came to her and blocked the attack for her.

This time, Jiang Lin really took it hard, and it was too late for him to take any countermeasures.


Jiang Lin looked at the surprised black judge and let out a meaningful laugh. Then he smiled and said to the black judge: "Very good, you have successfully angered me."

"Very good, you, you succeeded in angering me."

Squinting his eyes, Jiang Lin could no longer see his eyeballs and pupils, just two flames.

The black judge was like a big enemy, and the killing intent that erupted in Jiang Lin's body made him feel a little breathless.

Chapter [*] How do you change someone like you?only to die! (superior)


Xiao Xie in the distance saw Jiang Lin blocked Qiurong's attack, and exclaimed. Although Jiang Lin had an angry smile on his face, it seemed that there was no serious problem, but Qiurong behind Jiang Lin, But blood dripping all over his face.

It was all ejected from Jiang Lin's back.

She wanted to go help, but her injuries were too severe to pass, and after spitting out blood, she could only swallow some of the cold marrow and other treasures that Jiang Lin left him in order to recover as soon as possible.

Xiao Xie's cry didn't attract anyone's attention. The female ghosts around were all hurt and dizzy. Naturally, they didn't pay attention to the sounds around them.

As for Qiurong, she didn't hear it either. She was anxious now and only worried about Jiang Lin in front of her.

Jiang Lin's blood was sprayed onto her face like tea just now.

not good!

After hitting Jiang Lin with one blow, the black judge didn't have time to feel the surprise in his heart, and even retreated.

He had a premonition of a strong crisis.

"I don't think you know how to write dead words!"

Jiang Lin sneered again and again, and an arm rushed out like a long snake, directly strangling the black judge's neck.

With a muffled groan, Jiang Lin's other arm holding the Zhengbone Sword extended extremely quickly.

It's a pity that he was hit by the black judge in the front, and the explosions that appeared in his body made his attack miss the best time and didn't get much effect.

At the critical moment, the black judge broke out of ghostly energy, and to a certain extent got rid of Jiang Lin's imprisonment, but was pierced through his shoulder blade by the sword.

Suppress me!

Jiang Lin felt the chaos in his body, forcibly resisted the urge to spurt blood, and disappeared in place as an afterimage.

Now as long as one minute and one second more, the chaos on his body and the injuries caused by the chaos will become more and more serious.

Therefore, he must end the battle as soon as possible, and completely kill this black judge who is courting death.

Even if the price to pay is more serious than when he killed Wang Di, he has to pay.

The black judge is naturally incomparable to Wang Tianjian at the beginning, but Jiang Lin is now seriously injured, and there is still a time bomb in his body. Even a normal battle is enough to make his recovery during this period of time in vain. will make the injury worse.

But even so, he had no choice.

Once the black judge is allowed to return the tiger to the mountain, he will have to face a large number of ghost soldiers and generals, and he will really be unable to escape.

Fortunately, he now has a ghost wife, Xiao Xie, who will take care of him even if he is in danger again, falls into a coma, and even cannot wake up for a long time.

Jiang Lin rushed in front of the black judge and waved his bone sword to attack the black judge wildly.

Every time he moved now, his entire body seemed to be scorched by a cannon, and his entire body was also filled with lead.

But even so, the murderous intent and anger in his heart were enough to overcome it.

The black judge kept parrying, but it didn't take long for his arms to go numb while holding the mourning stick.

This made him a little frightened.

His cultivation level is higher than Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin was hit in the chest by his attack before. It is impossible for him to have nothing at all, but this is the case, and now he is suppressed by Jiang Lin and can only parry.

It's just like a joke.

Jiang Lin doesn't rely on any external power now, he relies entirely on his own ability!

The black judge even wondered if Jiang Lin was a humanoid monster.

The power was so great that he couldn't even imagine it.

While attacking, Jiang Lin also used the Yang Yan in his body to refine the corpse poison to obtain the essence of the corpse poison, and also extracted the medicinal power that remained in his body.

Since it was impossible to avoid the repulsion between yin and yang in the body, he couldn't care so much.

It's nothing more than chaos.

The wound on his back needs to be healed quickly, at least not for the black judge to discover that he has such a terrifying wound on his body.

In the process of the strong attack, Jiang Lin not only used his own brute force and spiritual power, but also used his own abilities. Although he can't use his abilities and Taoism at the same time, he can't switch in a short time, but fortunately, His strength is also very powerful, and he can use his own physical strength to fill the vacuum period of switching between abilities and Taoism, but it has made him receive a lot of effects.

After Jiang Lin repeatedly suppressed it, within a short while, the black judge was hit in the heart by his blind eye evil eye ability. The fire tortured it and let out a shrill scream.

"I'm going to let you die today!"

When the black judge screamed, Jiang Lin stabbed his ten fingers into the black judge's body, bursting with yang fingers, and then he kicked it away.

His eyes suddenly opened, and two slow poisonous gases shot out from Jiang Lin's eyes.

If it wasn't that he couldn't immediately condense the corpse poison in his body into slow poison gas, and he couldn't directly connect the Dao technique with supernatural powers, he would just stare at the black judge directly.

The reason why Jiang Lin didn't take out a meal first was because the rest of his methods were relatively useless, and he couldn't make the black judge crippled or bleed, and he would continue to stir up the chaos in his body.

Therefore, he felt that he would try it out directly.

Generally speaking, ghosts are much more mobile than other evil spirits, which is why he uses the slow poison technique.

Restrict the mobility of the black judge, and another mystery super kill.

During the process of flying upside down, the black judge saw a beam of light shoot out from Jiang Lin's eyes again. He didn't dare to delay at all, and immediately cast his life-saving technique.

His entire ghost body turned into a ghost, as if being projected, it appeared directly on the ground and became a pool of black shadows.

Because of this, Jiang Lin's two slow poisonous gases failed.

Chapter [*] How do you change a person like you?only to die! (middle)

After escaping Jiang Lin's blow, the black judge who turned into a shadow on the ground spread to the rear at a very fast speed, and behind him were the storage instruments thrown by Jiang Lin.

Tonic, tonic, recovery!

Now he is not seriously injured, just not far away, is the supply of blood medicine blue medicine.

Although the black judge suffered a lot of injuries, at this moment, he was a little fortunate in his heart.

Jiang Lin actually took the initiative to kick him in this direction.

This is God helping him too.

This idiot, thinking that if I throw the fairy treasure aside, I will throw the ghost bag away?

The black judge sneered in his heart, thinking that Jiang Lin was really like a big idiot. If these immortal treasures were put on him, they could be replenished at any time, but this kid actually threw them several feet away.

Stupid one!

Although he suffered some injuries, the black judge is more confident now. He at least has a certain understanding of Jiang Lin, the rumored god, and knows what kind of methods this kid has.

Next, as long as he uses these immortal treasures to recover to the peak period, and then collects all the immortal treasures and uses them at any time, he may not need to use the Netherworld to find someone at all, and he can completely kill Jiang Lin.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow formed by the black judge arrived at the place where the fairy treasures gathered, and then the shadow wrapped around the fairy treasure like a dark slime.

"Is my stuff so easy to hold?"

At this moment, Jiang Lin's voice came from in front of the black judge.

The black judge thought that he was being kicked in this direction by Jiang Lin as if he was being helped by God. Unfortunately, Jiang Lin kicked him in this direction on purpose.

Otherwise, he is really stupid, throwing out so many fairy treasures?

When his pupils were about to fire the slow poisonous gas, Jiang Lin had already made plans to miss the target.

"You... how are you?"

The shadow that the black judge turned into let out a shocking cry.

No matter how fast Jiang Lin was, he couldn't have come here one step ahead of him!

Before that, although Jiang Lin had shown his ability to teleport, once was when the black judge was using the ghost bag to collect Xiao Xie and Qiurong, and the other time was when the black judge was killing Qiurong.

These two times, the black judge didn't expect Jiang Lin to appear suddenly, and naturally he didn't see with his own eyes how Jiang Lin came to him in an instant.

"Is my stuff so easy to touch!"

After drinking, Jiang Lin's whole body erupted with extremely dazzling glare, which directly caused the black judge to cover his eyes and scream.

After Li Yang's profound light bloomed, Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

After the blood spurted out, it was burned into nothingness by the Yang Yan released by Jiang Lin.

On the other hand, Jiang Lin himself had to endure it again and again, repeatedly suppressing the chaos and injuries in his body.

"I fucking blast you to death!"

After gathering most of the spiritual power in his body, Jiang Lin put his palms in a row, and a jet of jet-black light with the thickness of the wellhead shot out from his palm.

Super Black Turtle School Qigong, Boom is over.

After being bombarded by Jiang Lin's turtle qigong, the black shadow transformed by the black judge also changed back to its original body.

After Jiang Lin blasted the black judge, he quickly put all the storage instruments into the ancient mirror, and then he forcibly switched to the corpse state and teleported one after another.

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