Eight flashes.

Every time it flashed, there would be an extremely dull banging sound from within his body, and where the footsteps landed, there were pairs of bloody footprints.

"I'll see you hide again this time!"

After teleporting to catch up with the black judge who flew upside down and was completely embarrassed, Jiang Lin's eyes were covered with cobweb-like blood lines, and then his pupils instantly turned white.

Slow Corpse Poison, launch!

"You're actually~is~demon~corpse~"

Because Jiang Lin was completely unable to control the corpse poison in his body, he had completely manifested his corpse appearance. His furry face was naturally seen by the black judge.

Not many outsiders know about Jiang Lin's identity as a demon corpse.

This is also the result of Zhong Kui's intentional concealment.

Therefore, the black judge was so surprised when he discovered that Jiang Lin still had the identity of a zombie.

And at this time, he also understood why Jiang Lin's speed was so fast, and ordinary monster corpses had some strange abilities on their bodies.

And Jiang Lin is a demon corpse with self-awareness, and he will inevitably develop abilities that belong to the demon corpse.

But even if he knew about this, it was useless. Now that he had been poisoned by Jiang Lin's slow poison, even speaking, the speed was much slower.

"Don't you know how to make ghosts? I'll let you make another one for me to see!"

Jiang Lin opened his mouth and released Lan Xinyan, which froze the entire Black Judge into an ice sculpture and formed a huge ice block.

After swallowing a mouthful of blood, Jiang Lin pressed his palms and sent all the Yang Yan in his body into the black judge's ghost body.

At this moment, the black judge's whole body is like being tortured by various purgatory punishments, and he is extremely happy.

However, his ghost body was injected with slow corpse poison, and he was trapped by the extreme cold formed by Lan Xinyan, so he didn't even have the chance to scream.

No, no!

My black sentence will never be planted here like this, I still have the power of life and death here, and I still want those fairy treasures!

The black judge roared wildly in his heart to suppress the incomparable fear in his heart.

By now he had foreseen a crisis of death.

No matter what, the black judge never thought that he would encounter Jiang Lin unexpectedly, and he met this guy with a huge amount of immortal treasures, but not only did he not take those immortal treasures from Jiang Lin, but he was now in a Jedi.

He had previously thought about blackmailing and blackmailing Jiang Lin's treasure and life, but now the situation is reversed.

He has a life-and-death crisis!

Chapter [*] How do you change a person like you?only to die! (Down)

Too fast, really too fast.

Planted really fast.

Now the black judge has too much unwillingness in his heart, and there are too many accidents. It didn't take long for him to meet Jiang Lin until he was completely planted.

With his current state, what he has to meet next is definitely Jiang Lin's terrifying means.

But he can't do anything now, even if he still has some abilities that he hasn't shown, and now under the slowness of ghost poisoning, he can't play any role at all.

Such a situation, such a change in the situation, made the black judge really unacceptable.

So frustrating!

It was such a beautiful and good hand, but it didn't take long for it to be completely rotten in the hand.

At the beginning, not to mention that his state was considered a peak, but to say that he had a ghost bag in his hand, and in the bag was a female ghost that Jiang Lin cared about, which was enough to make him invincible.

However, this was a powerful threat to Jiang Lin, and the ghost bag that made him feel tied was taken away by Jiang Lin and Qiurong not long after he landed.

If it's gone, it's gone. Even if this trump card is taken away, he still has a lot of hard power, but after the battle started, Jiang Lin actually forcibly suppressed him regardless of the consumption of spiritual and physical energy.

After that, he was injured and wanted to supplement himself with those immortal treasures thrown by Jiang Lin.

As a result, Nima directly let him fall into the ditch.

If the black judge said that he didn't understand that Jiang Lin threw those immortal treasures to dig a hole for him, then he really had his brain flooded with cerebellum to raise fish.

Don't say that the black judge was surprised, but Qiu Rong, who had been watching the battle outside the battle circle, and who was relatively familiar with Jiang Lin, was also speechless.

Now she finally understands why Jiang Lin threw those fairy treasures out before.

It's clear that the black judge is going to drill.

What's interesting is that the black judge really took the initiative to drill.

It's not a big deal if the black judge is convicted, but this guy has no chance.

"He He……"

Qiurong stared at Jiang Lin blankly, she really didn't know what words to say to describe Jiang Lin.

Under normal circumstances, even if the cultivation base is one level lower, there is indeed a leapfrog challenge or even a leapfrog kill.

But Jiang Lin, this is not a normal situation at all.

Jiang Lin was seriously injured. When chasing the black judge before, he swallowed blood more than once, and he was hit by the black judge's tyrannical attack in front of him to save her. You don't need to think about it. .

However, under this circumstance, Jiang Lin was able to counterattack and turn the black judge into a huge ice block, so he could only passively wait to die.

This is simply impossible.

For a long time, Qiu Rong felt that the reason why Jiang Lin dared to avenge her was because there were many phantom rakshasas in hand.

But now it seems that even without the Charm Spirit at hand, Jiang Lin is still a very terrifying character.

In addition to Qiurong, Xiao Xie and the others were also stunned by the situation on Jiang Lin's side.

But they were all just surprised, they didn't notice what price Jiang Lin paid to make the situation become what it is now.

Jiang Lin was able to make a character like the black judge fight, mainly by taking advantage of his own scheming.

But even so, he still has to work hard, which makes his entire body almost completely unconscious.

"People like you, who hold the power of reincarnation granted by the ghost town, become the emperor here, and use the name of the ghost town to want to swallow the fairy treasures and take the life of people and ghosts. I want to ask you, do you like this? Man, how do we change it? Huh?"

Jiang Lin looked at the black judge in the ice, and all the murderous intentions burst out in his heart.

For so many years, he has never had such a serious murderous intention in his heart.

The black judge belongs to the ghost town, and the ghost town was built by Zhong Kui. That is to say, if we really want to talk about the relationship, the black judge can really have some kinship with him.

This is from a personal point of view, he is a friend of Zhong Kui, that is, a friend of the boss of the black judge.

In addition, he Jianglin is also the yin division in the underworld of Middle-earth, and also belongs to the underworld official. In this way, he is still a colleague with the black judge.

But with so many relationships, the black judge actually wanted to make a black hand on him.

He also used this method to hold his wife hostage.

One can imagine how high the anger in Jiang Lin's chest can be.

"Tell me, how can someone like you change!"

While Jiang Lin was shouting, the movements of his hands did not stop. When his hands formed seals, the Yang Yan and True Fire in his body began to release, making a roaring sound.

Then, behind Jiang Lin, the outline of a three-legged Golden Crow gradually appeared a hundred feet tall.

Now that the black judge had finally been poisoned by the slow poison gas and was sealed in ice cubes, Jiang Lin was ready to do whatever it took to blow this idiot into ashes in one fell swoop.

The black judge saw the outline of the three-legged golden crow behind Jiang Lin from the ice cubes, and his emotion was as if he had eaten a large pot of dead mice.

A black face turned from black to green.

He had never seen such a scene.

"Why, answer me, how can someone like you change! I'll tell you, you can't change, only death! Only death can do it!"

After a loud shout, Jiang Lin forcibly controlled his trembling hands and pushed Yin Knot out.


With a clear cry, the three-legged Golden Crow manifested behind Jiang Lin seemed to have spirituality, and his neck squeaked, and then the eyes of the huge Golden Crow stared at the ice cube that trapped the black judge.

With a flick of his wings, the three-legged Golden Crow leaned forward and rushed forward. The third leg pinched the huge ice block and flew to the open space in the distance.

"I can't die, I can't die! I'm the judge of the underworld, only I control other people's lifespan, no one can decide my life and death!"

At this critical moment, the extremely frightened black judge, regardless of any cost, actually made Jiang Lin's slow poison gas ineffective in a short period of time, and roared wildly.

"No one can save you! Blast me!"

Jiang Linka let out a mouthful of blood, causing the three-legged Golden Crow to explode in an instant, and then a loud noise came, and the smoke and dust rolled up by the terrifying explosion spread out around.

Everything a little closer to the center of the explosion, including trees, sand, etc., were all blown to dust.

The area at the center of the explosion was blown up by Jiang Lin's super sure-hand kill, creating a deep pit with a depth of tens of meters.

Chapter [*]: The Present World News, It's So Fast (Part [*])


The explosion in the distance made Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie and other female ghosts squat down, squat or lie down, avoiding the strong wind and flying sand and rocks caused by the strong explosion.

Although Jiang Lin said that he was severely injured this time, the ultimate move he unleashed was not ambiguous at all.

And because he can only put it out now and can't put it in, it caused the gust of wind that broke out and the extremely high temperature on the sand and gravel.

Even Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie didn't want to be touched.

After that, they looked at the center of the explosion, and they also set their eyes on Jiang Lin.

So scary, so scary!

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie are now doubting whether Jiang Lin has been deceiving people all the time.

Jiang Linke has always said that his body is not in a good state, and the fact is exactly the same as what he said. After he used some means, he either vomited blood or hemoptysis, or there was a loud noise in his body.

There was nothing to doubt about it at first, but now that Jiang Lin had created such a terrifying explosion, it made them a little unsure.

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