To say that Jiang Lin didn't have any problems, they could still accept such a big movement.

But the premise that Jiang Lin was seriously out of state made them a little confused.

Not to mention other female ghosts and Qiurong, it was Xiao Xie, who had slept with Jiang Lin early in the morning and became husband and wife. At this moment, he was a little suspicious whether Jiang Lin wanted to coax people from the beginning.

Maybe there is any injury, even walking swayingly, all of them are fake, in order to take all of their female ghosts and sisters.

But then, they no longer have any doubts, because now Jiang Lin is bending over, his hands resting on his knees, and his mouth is like a broken faucet, blood gushing continuously.

At the same time, his body was surrounded by blood mist not long after.

Some of these blood mists were directly blown out from his body, and some were caused by the explosive force generated in his body, which directly squeezed his internal organs and sprayed his blood from the pores all over his body.

By now, Jiang Lin could no longer suppress the chaos and injuries in his body.

How easy is it to kill a judge at the level of a ghost.

Even if Jiang Lin has some corpse emperor fortune, he can't pay no price at all.


Seeing Jiang Lin spewing blood, and some visceral fragments could be vaguely seen in the fountain-like blood, Xiao Xie screamed out.

Although she was very shocked and had some doubts and doubts in her heart before, the main body was still happy. After all, Jiang Lin killed the hateful black judge this time.

But as soon as she saw Jiang Lin vomiting blood like a drunk man, she no longer cared about her own injuries and rushed towards Jiang Lin.

Xianggong? ? ?

This time, Qiu Rong heard Xiao Xie's shouting, her face was covered with many big question marks, she didn't understand how Xiao Xie called Jiang Lin Xianggong.

But before she could continue to wonder, an extremely sharp ghost scream came from the dust area formed by the explosion: "I want you to die, I want you to die!"

Then a black shadow rushed out of the smoke.

It is the black judge, who is not dead!

"Xiao Xie, don't come here!"

Jiang Lin was also extremely shocked at this time. This method of his did not kill the black judge!

If he was dealing with a demon ancestor or Fei Zong of the same level, he could still accept such a result.

But it's unscientific that a Ghost Venerable actually survived under his attack!

Relatively speaking, the vitality and defense of ghosts are the lowest among the spiritual masters of the same level, so ghosts are the best to kill, but this kind of evil is very mobile, which makes it difficult to deal with.

But Jiang Lin had completely restrained the black judge before enlarging his moves, not to mention the slow poison gas, and the ice sculptures formed by Lan Xinyan.

This is equivalent to Jiang Lin's direct standing and shooting, but even so, he paid such a huge price that he didn't kill the black judge.

Jiang Lin was really puzzled, but since Judge Black was still alive, there was no point in tangling with the reason, so he gave Xiao Xie a shout and told her not to come closer.

The black judge was so tricked, even if he didn't die, it would definitely not be a good thing, but it is conceivable that the anger of this guy could be equally monstrous.

At this time, once Xiao Xie is captured again, it will not be a matter of spurting blood, and the black judge will definitely vent all his anger on her.

Even if he vomited eight liters of blood, Jiang Lin still didn't care. If he could let the black judge plant him once, he could let this idiot plant him a second time.

But in his current state, he couldn't protect Xiao Xie once and protect her again.

After Xiao Xie heard Jiang Lin's shout, she stopped reluctantly. Of course she didn't want to leave her man. At this time, Jiang Lin was in need of someone to take care of her, but, in the same way, she also knew that after she passed Not only can it not help Jiang Lin, but it may also put himself in danger. In that case, even Jiang Lin will face the predicament again.

She was put into the ghost bag before. Although her freedom was restricted, she still knew something about the general situation outside.

It can be said that Jiang Lin is now vomiting blood like crazy, which is why he wants to save her.

In fact, it was precisely because Xiao Xie stopped and was still some distance away from the black judge that the black judge concentrated all his hatred on Jiang Lin.

Otherwise, the black judge will definitely vent his anger on Xiao Xie.

Before Jiang Lin could bear his anger, let him experience the pain of relatives and enemies, so that he could feel a little more at ease.

However, today's black judges can be said to be extremely embarrassed, and there are no humanoids.

The black hair on this guy's head is completely brown, and a considerable part is completely bald.

His ghost body has also become incomplete, just like the one that just came out of the oil pan.

Being hit by Jiang Lin's mortal blow, the black judge had absolutely no reason to survive, but at a very critical moment, he forced his troops to resolve, and only got this chance of life.

However, under normal circumstances, ghosts can only be solved by soldiers if they have reached the level of ghosts and immortals. Otherwise, they will drink poison to quench their thirst anyway.

The reason why the black judge is so decisive is because under the current circumstances, he still has a chance of dying if he chooses to solve the problem.

Because Jiang Lin has immortal treasures on his body, and it is still a huge amount of immortal treasures.

This can infinitely increase his chances of survival.

However, even if he temporarily survived the disaster, the black judge paid a heavy price.

He has now been considered a self-abolished Taoist body and has completely turned back into a ghost.

Chapter [-] The present world newspaper, it's so fast (middle)


  The black judge laughed loudly: "You are hurt, you are really hurt!"

  Even though the black judge paid a painful price before, and even the innate spirit that he had cultivated through hard work was destroyed, he still did not have much negative emotions at this time.

  Because he has seen Jiang Lin's current state.

  Now Jiang Lin was so weak that he couldn't even cover up his problems and injuries.

  Although the black judge has lost the body that he has worked so hard to cultivate to overcome the calamity, it is the body of rebirth that can make him not afraid of the blazing sun and allow him to appear in broad daylight, but what if he loses the body of law?

  As long as he destroys Jiang Lin and captures those immortal treasures, everything he has lost can be regained.

  Not only can he regain what he has lost, but he can also go further.

  The black judge had smelled the immortal treasures thrown by Jiang Lin before, so he had no doubts about the benefits of taking those immortal treasures.

  Now, all he has to do is to kill Jiang Lin, directly kill and capture the treasure, and then everything will be peaceful.

  Everything is perfect.

  But Jiang Lin is now vomiting blood and vomiting blood. Does it take much effort to destroy it?

  Of course not.

  Therefore, the black judge's anger in his heart has been washed away by more than half of the surprise.

  Sai Weng loses his horse, how can we know the good or the bad.

  He was treated so miserably by Jiang Lin that he was extremely embarrassed. As a result, Jiang Lin kept holding on, and after he made such a big somersault, there was no more drama.

  Can't stand it anymore.

  Next, the black judge couldn't think of any other possibility except that those immortal treasures were in his own pocket.

  This is not the lost horse what is it?

  Not only can he regain his cultivation, but he can also rebuild the road to the level of ghosts and immortals. With the supply of immortal treasures, the innate spirit that he has re-derived is definitely better than any ghost emperor, ghost or even ghost fairy. many times.

  Not only can all the losses be made up, but also a super-enhanced version. This is not a blessing or a curse, but what is it?

  Thinking of this, the black judge is like the signature laughter of the protagonist in Zhou Xingxing's (Chi) movies, laughing wildly there.

  The black judge also wanted to understand why Jiang Lin had to admit that he was injured before. This was purely a trick to dig a hole for him.

  Because if he didn't dig a hole, Jiang Lin wouldn't have any ability to confront him head-on.

  No, once the agency's calculations were effective, Jiang Lin could no longer hide it.

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