Because the mourning stick has white flowers on it, it looks a bit like a feather duster, and Jiang Lin, while beating and scolding, is like a parent who hates iron and steel to beat his child.

In fact, Jiang Lin didn't need to beat the black judge here. He only needed to have enough spiritual power in his body to blow him away in one fell swoop.

But he is angry, if he doesn't fight this shit, where will his anger go to vent?

Jiang Lin fought while standing, squatting, spinning, jumping, and finally all with his eyes closed.

Spinning and jumping, I closed my eyes.

Jiang Lin beat for half an hour, which was longer than the previous beating.

Oh my God……

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie watched from a distance. They didn't know that Jiang Lin couldn't use the mourning stick to its full potential. They all suspected that Jiang Lin had serious violent tendencies.

It seems that they all take pleasure in listening to the pigs and dogs barked by the black judge.

"Brother, brother! Stop fighting!"

"Father, Father Jiang! Don't fight again!"

"Grandpa, Grandpa Jiang, spare me!"

At this moment, the black judge called his father directly.

He already wanted to die. Although Jiang Lin beat him with a mourning stick, this stick restrains ghosts. It's not the same as being hit by a sap. When a stick falls on him, it's really sour. .

If you compare it to the black judge as a person, this mourning stick is equivalent to a baseball bat full of steel spikes and barbs, as well as torture instruments coated with various concentrated acids.

It's sour he doesn't want it.

That's not all, Jiang Lin was afraid that something would happen, and let him escape, so he greeted all the spiritual powers such as the lightning magic rune and the explosive flame rune in his arms.

Moreover, Jiang Lin also threw some of the Yang Yan and a tiny bit of real fire immortal fire that could be used on him.

Having been suffering all the time, the black judge felt that it would be better to just lose his mind. Anyway, there was almost no room for turning around.

In the end, Jiang Lin was a little tired from playing, so he sat on the side and rested. Even if he was resting, he was still bleeding.

"Say, in the underworld below, how much do you nigger know about me?"

Anyway, it would take a while for the spiritual power in his body to accumulate, so Jiang Lin asked the black judge.

Before, he wanted to solve the black judge quickly, so he didn't think about it that much, but now he remembered it. If there are other guys next to the black judge who attack him, he has to guard against it.

Hearing Jiang Lin's questioning, the black judge didn't take it seriously. He hummed and crawled from the ground with difficulty, ready to take a breath and return.

"I think you're taking it lightly!"

Jiang Lin picked up a stone like a brick from the ground, and gave the black judge a look.

After being bored with the black judge, Jiang Lin thought the hit was too light, so he changed to a narrower face and used the edge to deal 1.5 times more damage to this guy.

"My, my, my, your second uncle's stuttering?!"

Hearing the black judge put me there, Jiang Lin scolded him and smashed it again with the edge of the brick. This was the critical strike point of the brick, and it gave the black judge a critical blow.

The black judge was smashed as if he had been hit by a high-voltage electricity, and lay on the ground with epilepsy, but in order to no longer suffer, he still squeezed the potential of the ghost body and told his situation in the underworld jurisdiction.

After Jiang Lin heard it, he nodded slightly, and the answer he got was similar to what he thought. The black judge is a black-hearted character. Since he made the idea of ​​Xianbao, he must be prepared to eat alone and will not share it with others.

After getting a response, Jiang Lin picked up the mourning stick again, and was ready to continue beating the black judge.

He was a little addicted.

"Grandpa! Grandpa Jiang, don't... don't fight, just kill... kill me! I... I just want to die quickly."

When the black judge saw Jiang Lin lifted the mourning stick, he knelt down to Jiang Lin like a mourning mourner, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and begged Jiang Lin to kill him directly.

Seeing Jiang Lin like this, maybe he was really going to hit him until dawn, let him be exposed to the sun and dissipate on his own.

Hit till dawn!


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment. He had never encountered an enemy opponent begging him to kill.

This guy used to beg for abuse, but now he just wants to die quickly.

"No, how good it is to live, life is so beautiful, the night is so beautiful, it should be enjoyed..."

Jiang Lin continued to work, and gave the black judge chicken soup for his soul, so that he could live for a while.

An extra second of life is earned.

In fact, he still wanted to destroy the black judge, but now that the time has not come, he is really powerless.

And he doesn't want to be idle, so... let's fight.

"I %¥#@*&..."

The black judge burst into foul language and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

You don't want me to live at all, and you want me to survive, second uncle, let you fight for a while longer?

Thinking that Jiang Lin would use some lightning charms and flames to greet him, the black judge madly sprayed a blood mist and passed out.

This time, the idea was wrong, and he couldn't even ask him to die!

After another half an hour, the black judge's barking of pigs and dogs gradually softened, and with the last scream, Jiang Lin completely activated the mourning stick, and the stick was rammed until it vanished.

Chapter [*]: The Test of Life and Death


After waiting for a while, Jiang Lin spat without hearing any prompt from the system.

A ghost-level ghost like the black judge cannot transfer his anger to his system.

This kind of situation has happened before, even when he and Baoyi picked up the real dragon that leaked out of the heavenly court together, they also didn't have any contribution of anger value.

It seems that if you follow the orthodox way of cultivation, even if you have a little bit of wickedness, you will not necessarily provide the system with ill will.

Although this black judge is wicked and not a good bird, he is an underworld official and should not be within the scope of evil.

However, Jiang Lin didn't struggle too much. Anyway, the difficulty this time was finally over.

Although the target he was dealing with this time was not too terrifying, he was relatively in a very poor state. After all, the degree of danger was not low at all.


At this moment, Jiang Lin spit out a blood mist, and then he fell down on his back.

Originally, his state was not good, and there were twists and turns in the process of dealing with the black judge, which caused him to forcibly squeeze himself, causing all indicators to seriously exceed the standard, and his body was overloaded. Now the side effects have finally begun to appear.

As soon as it appeared, it was as violent as a landslide and tsunami.

At the same time as he collapsed, Jiang Lin's body began to explode everywhere, turning his body into an area of ​​blood mist.

Spiritual power, Yang Yan, and two kinds of corpse poisons were completely in chaos, making Jiang Lin's entire body feel as if it was stuffed into a large cannonball.

It was crackling non-stop.

Even the explosion caused by the rejection in his body caused his lying body to be blown up and fly into the air.

Right now, Jiang Lin's body was like a leaking balloon with a valve at the leak. As his body fell in a parabolic shape, it exploded and leaked again, changed its trajectory, and rammed around.

After several times, Jiang Lin fell to the ground again.


When Xiao Xie saw that Jiang Lin's body was blown to the sky by the self-destruction of his internal organs and various parts of his body, he screamed and rushed towards him.

Qiu Rong was also so anxious that she quickly followed.

Before, when the black judge was completely wiped out by Jiang Lin, she and Xiao Xie felt a lot more relaxed, but they didn't expect Jiang Lin's body to be so bad.

The explosion in the body can blow the body away. How powerful is this explosion?

"Go back...go back, hurry up, here...the death of a judge will disturb the Netherworld. I also... also need to absorb the evil spirit in Bieyuan."

Jiang Lin explained to Xiao Xie while trying his best to control the yang flames and spiritual power in his body dormant.

He will become like this, or the yin and yang in his body are no longer compatible but repel each other. Now as long as he tries his best to suppress the yang flame and spiritual power, so that the corpse poison in his body can control the invading corpse poison, he can gradually recover.

However, this time, his injuries have increased, and the chaos in his body is more serious than before. I am afraid that it will not be so easy to recover.

This time, it's really a test of life and death.

Jiang Lin sensed the situation in his body, and even he was not optimistic.

When he killed Wangtian, he was counterattacked by that guy on the verge of death. This alone is enough to explain his situation. Now, he has been injured a second time, and even a body that has been tempered a lot, can't stand such a toss. .

A lot of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and then Jiang Lin's consciousness became blurred.

"Okay...go back, go back."

Xiao Xie's face was pale, and even his voice changed because of Jiang Lin's current situation.

She immediately cast a spell to summon those spirits in the distance, and put some of them into the ghost bag, and the remaining few were relatively lightly injured, and quickly went around and folded some branches, trunks and vines to make a simple stretcher, ready for them to carry Jiang Lin carried it back.

Qiurong and other female ghosts also helped, and finally flew back to Weinan County while taking advantage of the night.

On the way, Jiang Lin's condition was still deteriorating. All the wounds were bleeding profusely, turning a simple stretcher red.

The fact is even more terrifying than what can be seen on the surface. Jiang Lin is only controlling the spiritual power and Yang Yan in his body to dormant, and does not come into contact with the corpse poison in his body.

But Wang Tianjian's corpse poison was working hard while he was away, which made him unable to suppress his spiritual power and Yang Yan.

The sun fire and immortal fire in his body are the same as the defense system of the human body.

And his own corpse poison needs to suppress the invading corpse poison, so the inside of Jiang Lin's body is really the same as the Great Seal of the Six Nations.

One word, chaos.

Its own corpse poison is better, as for Yang Yan and the like, it will not work.

Now, quite a few of Jiang Lin's internal organs have been destroyed by the Sun Fire.

Jiang Lin and these corpse poisons can only keep one.

For Jiang Lin, this time, it was really a test of his own life and death.

It depends on whether he can handle it or not, and whether his luck is as good as before.

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