Chapter [*]: Qiurong's resentment erupts ([*])

Xiao Xie saw the unstoppable blood hole in Jiang Lin's body. He cried and didn't know what to do. He could only take out the ancient mirror from his arms, and took out a lot of elixir and cold marrow inside. Either he fed it to Jiang Lin in his mouth, or sprinkled it directly on Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin was in a coma, and he didn't have time to tell Xiao Xie not to give him medicine.

Although these immortal treasures can heal the wounds on his body and quickly repair the damaged internal organs and internal tissues, they will also make the corpse poison belonging to Wangtianjian in his body stronger.

For the time being, these immortal treasures are very effective life-threatening poisons for him.

When Qiu Rong saw that Xiao Xie took out the ancient mirror directly from Jiang Lin's arms, she had a different feeling in her heart.

There are some extremely rare and rare fairy treasures in this ancient mirror. Jiang Lin must attach great importance to it, but Xiao Xie can take some things from it at will, which is enough to show that Xiao Xie is quite familiar with this ancient mirror.

In other words, the relationship between Xiao Xie and Jiang Lin is absolutely extraordinary, and it may be a husband and wife.

But she didn't know anything about these things.

Back at Jiang's Family Garden, Xiao Xie asked those charming spirits to put Jiang Lin in the courtyard where the yin and evil spirits were most intense.

After that, she put away the remaining charms, and the other female ghosts went back separately, and they all needed to rest.

Moreover, they also felt that Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie had something to say.

After all, Qiu Rong's performance during this period seems to be that the girl is pregnant, but Xiao Xie calls Jiang Lin her husband.

They don't plan to get involved in such a thing for the time being.

"He should be fine."

Seeing that the yin and evil spirits around him were gradually converging towards Jiang Lin, Xiao Xie's heart calmed down a little.

Qiu Rong on the side was also slightly relieved.

However, they did not see that the stretcher under Jiang Lin began to emit a little smoke.

"Xiao Xie, and Jiang Gongzi he..."

After hesitating for a moment, Qiu Rong still asked.

Because the situation did not allow it before, she suppressed the doubts in her heart.

"Sister Qiurong, I... I am already married to him, he... he is my husband."

Xiao Xie looked at Qiu Rong in embarrassment, and now it would be meaningless for her to hide it, after all, she had called Jiang Lin Xianggong in front of so many sisters before.

"You... when did you..."

Qiu Rong has mixed feelings in her heart. Now that Xiao Xie admits her relationship with Jiang Lin, she doesn't know how sour she is.

"Actually, I was forced by him... oops! What's going on!"

Xiao Xie originally wanted to explain it to Qiurong in detail, but at this moment, she noticed that the stretcher under Jiang Lin was smoking, and smelled a burning smell, so she turned her head and looked over.

Looking at it, she saw that the back of Jiang Lin's neck was a piece of barbecue. After that, she didn't bother to explain it to Qiu Rong, and was as anxious as the ants on the hot pot.

"What? He...he bullied you?"

Qiu Rong was stunned for a moment, and then her expression changed.

Xiao Xie only said part of the facts, which of course made her misunderstood.

At this time, Qiurong only felt that Jiang Lin's image in her heart was a little blurry. Her best sister was bullied, and she didn't know anything.

That's not to mention, Jiang Lin, who was the victim, acted like nothing had happened, and kept talking and laughing with her.

Qiurong clenched her hands, looked at Jiang Lin with disappointment, and then said to Xiao Xie: "Xiao Xie, tell me, how did he bully you, why don't you ask your sister to tell her, she is in charge of you? ."

Hearing Xiao Xie's previous explanation, Qiu Rong made Xiao Xie so nervous about Jiang Lin and regarded him as her husband. It was all due to Xiao Xie's psychological changes caused by her loss of life.

He directly identified Jiang Lin.

But in her opinion, this was caused by Xiao Xie's too weak character.

If this girl is bullied, she can only recognize it, and she will have to live by it in the future.

Thinking of this, she felt that her sister was too pitiful, and Jiang Lin was too hateful.

Now, Jiang Lin's impression in her heart is declining little by little.

But where can Xiao Xie hear Qiu Rong's words now, and her man is in danger again, she really doesn't hear the outside world.

"This is the flame in his body, by the way! He said that absorbing the yin evil energy here is to balance the yin and yang in the body."

Xiao Xie remembered what Jiang Lin said when discussing the transaction with Qiu Rong, and he reacted, thinking that the yin qi here was not enough, which made it impossible to suppress the flame in Jiang Lin's body.

So, she looked at Qiurong and hurriedly said: "Sister Qiurong, save him quickly, the resentment in your body can save him, and the ghost energy in you can also save him. He is the yin and yang in his body. I'm out of balance. After he asked me, the situation has improved a lot. The ghost in you is also useful to him, and he... he also has ideas for you. "

Because Xiao Xie was anxious about Jiang Lin's situation, he didn't organize the language at all, and didn't think much about it.

She felt that now Qiu Rong likes Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin also has ideas for Qiu Rong, even if she doesn't say it, Jiang Lin will say it.

At present, Jiang Lin needs a lot of grievances and ghosts, and Qiu Rong can provide it, so she will clarify some things on behalf of Jiang Lin.

However, Xiao Xie did this with a good heart, but he ignored Qiu Rong's mood now, and also forgot that the things he was going to explain before were not finished at all.

"What? He...he still has..."

For a moment, Qiu Rong's entire expression stiffened, and then she murmured to herself: "It's fake, it's all fake, it's all a lie!"

After that, the resentment in her body was like being ignited, and it suddenly soared, and it rose again and again.

The same, they are all lying to me, they are all lying to me!

At this time, Qiu Rong's mind only had this thought.

She connected Jiang Lin with the former Jiang Yaoxing.

Both are people she is grateful for, but they are both the same, with ulterior motives.

Chapter [*]: Qiurong's resentment erupts (middle)

Originally, Qiu Rong's resentment had subsided a little because she had recovered her original identity and memory, as well as her great revenge.

After all, her heart is revenge. Jiang Yaoxing and Yao Dao, who murdered her and her parents, were beaten to the core. Even if she didn't hand over her grievances, it would disappear automatically.

But now it's different.

All of this made her feel like she had fallen into a trap again.

Moreover, what Jiang Yaoxing did back then and what Jiang Lin did today were so similar.

It was all to make her feel that the other party was a good person, and being able to meet him was already a blessing from her previous life.

The difference is that back then, she only had a pure repayment mentality towards Jiang Yaoxing and the Jiang family, but she was very emotional towards Jiang Lin.

It was precisely because she was emotional, that she had such a sudden and violent reaction to Jiang Lin in addition to her gratitude and love.

This is equivalent to the second time she was deceived, and she was deceived even more ruthlessly, and she was willing to give up her heart and soul.

"Cheat me, one by one, they are all cheating on me! Evil thoughts, all are evil thoughts!"

Qiu Rong laughed, and in the laughter, she didn't even know what it meant.

"Sister Qiurong, you... what's the matter with you?"

Xiao Xie was taken aback when she saw Qiurong's resentment rising sharply.

Even if Qiu Rong lost control of her resentment because of the Jiang family's maid, Chunhua's lover, she was not as terrifying as it is now.

At this moment, Qiu Rong's resentment even wrapped up his whole body.

During this period of time, Qiu Rong's appearance has been much brighter, but now it has become like Wannian Xuanbing, icy and terrifying.

And the grievances on her body have changed to killing intent.

Xiao Xie doesn't know Qiu Rong's psychological changes now. If she knows, maybe she can understand why Qiu Rong has such a change.

The secondary damage is much more serious than the first damage.

Needless to say, Jiang Lin is a living example.

The second injury, now has to go through the test of life and death.

Although Qiu Rong was psychologically injured, the reason was the same.

Because the information obtained was incomplete, Qiu Rong's thinking went straight to the very tip of the horn.

This is one aspect, and another aspect is that she can't accept the Jiang Lin she knows, and the young master Jiang she favors is actually the same type of person as the first son of Jiang.

Of course, this is what she thinks.

Equating Jiang Lin with Jiang Yaoxing, she was almost willing to give up her body and heart voluntarily, and her grievances naturally contained some killing intent.

"You asked me to save him?"

Qiu Rong looked at Xiao Xie with some pity, and at the same time laughed at herself. Her sister was bullied. Instead of finding an explanation, she asked her sister to save the abuser.

After laughing at herself, Qiu Rong felt self-pity. Seventy or eighty years ago, she was murdered alone, and the other party's main target was her. , I also held my heart to give it away.

The two sisters were pitted together because of her.

"Sister Qiurong, you... what do you want to do?"

Xiao Xie was taken aback. Although Qiu Rong only asked in a questioning tone, because she was now full of resentment, and the resentment was mixed with killing intent, her voice was unusually cold. Thank you, it doesn't sound right at all.

At this time, because Qiu Rong fell into a misunderstanding of thinking, he blamed Xiao Xie's loss on himself, which led to an increase in his negative emotions, so that he was affected by resentment.

With her hands in claws, she tried her best to control her mind. She knew that once she was completely dominated by resentment, she would have to kill and vent like she did back then.

And in that case, these female ghost sisters, including Xiao Xie, will suffer unpredictable disasters.

But the way she tried her best to control herself, in Xiao Xie's opinion, was a little hideous, just like a madman who was going to go crazy and hurt others.

Then Xiao Xie put Jiang Lin behind her, she had already reacted, Qiu Rong would become like this, she must have misunderstood what she said before.

"Sister Qiurong, listen to me, he didn't bully me or force me, he was forced to."

Xiao Xie hurriedly explained to Qiu Rong that he went to find Jiang Lin that day, asked Jiang Lin to beware of her sister, and later Jiang Lin explained frankly to her and presented Hansui and Xianbao.

As for the subsequent breakthrough experience, Jiang Lin married her without letting her disappear, and she also told Qiurong about it.

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