"Don't misunderstand him. What he didn't think about us at first was that my words reminded him. The ghosts in me and you have an effect on him, and he has thoughts about us. He wants to help you. When I found the murderer to avenge you, I didn't hit you."

Xiao Xie tried her best to protect Jiang Lin. She had been with Qiurong for so many years, and she still knew something about him.

If Jiang Lin had been interested in them from the very beginning, even if Qiu Rong had a crush on Jiang Lin now, he might have blown it directly.

Because of that, Jiang Lin really did what Qiu Rong had said before, and when he saw the handsome and handsome woman, he became excited.

But the reality is not like that.

It turned out to be the case.

Knowing the whole story, Qiu Rong understood what was going on.

It turned out that Xiao Xie was not forced or bullied by Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin did not do that, Xiao Xie would disappear into the catastrophe.

But even knowing this, it was too late. The resentment that had surged in Qiu Rong far exceeded her ghost body limit.

In a short time, her eyes were filled with resentment, and the spirit platform was also invaded by resentment.

Afterwards, Qiu Rong felt a terrible headache, holding her head, she looked at Xiao Xie with cold eyes, and said, "Why? Why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide it from me? I treat you as a sister, and you keep looking at me. It's a joke, he's your man, you just watched me fall in love with him, do you think of me as your sister?"

Now Qiu Rong doesn't even know what she is talking about, these resentments and resentments in her body can magnify even the tiny obsessions and resentments in her heart.

Chapter [*]: Qiurong's resentment erupts (below)

After all, Qiu Rong was still a young girl when she died, and she was at an age when she was prone to unpredictable thoughts when she was in love.

Even after hearing Xiao Xie's explanation, she couldn't be relieved immediately, and she would definitely feel a little resentment in her heart.

And these small resentments became the outlets for her own massive resentment and resentment.

After being dominated by resentment, Qiu Rong seemed to have changed a person.

When she was murdered by Jiang Yaoxing and Yaodao and chose to commit suicide, she was once dominated by grievances. It can be said that she didn't remember anything at that time.

Same now.

"You are hiding it from me, and you are taking me to the wedding shop to let me see how beautiful you are wearing a phoenix crown?"

Qiu Rong's beautiful eyes could no longer see the pupils, only a cloud of blue resentment remained, looking at Xiao Xie coldly.

Under normal circumstances, where would she say something to complain about Xiao Xie?

If she hadn't sipped Jiang Lin's blood and said something inexplicable, Xiao Xie would not have gone to Jiang Lin to prevent him.

There would also be no such thing as Xiao Xie and Jiang Lin getting married.

Xiao Xie's concealment of this matter is beneficial to both her and Jiang Lin. For Jiang Lin, it will not change things that get her grievances, and for her, it can be said to be a life-saving benefit.

If she turned against Jiang Lin because of this and wanted Jiang Lin's life, then Jiang Yaoxing, Yao Dao and the black judge would be the lessons learned.

Maybe she will die with no scum left.

As for Xiao Xie taking her to the wedding shop to see some wedding dresses and the like, even if she felt a little uncomfortable, she would not say it, nor would she complain about Xiao Xie Ming knowing that she had fallen in love with Jiang Lin, She also took her to watch Fengguan's wedding dress.

To be honest, she was very happy at that time.

But unfortunately, Qiu Rong is no longer able to control herself, and these rational thoughts are no longer in her mind.


Xiao Xie didn't know how to answer. The reason why she kept it from Qiurong was because at first she thought that Qiurong was going to stew Jiang Lin. If Qiurong wanted to know what happened between her and Jiang Lin, who would know what to expect.

Later, when she found out that something was wrong between Jiang Lin and Qiu Rong, Qiu Rong's heart was already sprouting, and Jiang Lin also expressed her intentions.

At that time, she continued to hide it, not only for Jiang Lin's sake, but it was true that the ghost energy in Qiu Rong had a good effect on Jiang Lin's recovery, but if Qiu Rong was like her, she would not have to use that in the future. A life that is not visible to the sun, without having to reincarnate to experience birth, aging, illness and death.

These are still small heads. The most important thing is that some people treat them as people. If they are not considered wandering ghosts, they will be loved and loved.

She and Qiurong experienced such a life before their death. One was frozen to death, the other was murdered, and after their death, they lived in a haunted house for decades, and any ghost sent a judge, and they wanted them to die. how to die.

Even if you are reincarnated into a good family in the future, you will have to reincarnate in a hundred years. I don't know what kind of life it will be.

Jiang Lin can make them change this situation, of course she also wants Qiurong, a good sister, to seize this opportunity like herself.

In that case, it would be good for both Jiang Lin and Qiurong.

Therefore, at that time, she stopped making a fuss and chose to continue to hide. In addition to Jiang Lin's consideration, there was also this aspect of consideration.

As for going to see Feng Guanxia, ​​she also thought that after Qiu Rong and Jiang Lin talked about it, Qiu Rong would probably not refuse, and she just wanted to see the wedding dress that she was going to wear soon.

But no matter what, she and Jiang Lin concealed the fact that Qiu Rong was the same iron.

Now Qiu Rong scolded her and asked her to eat Huanglian like a mute.

Xiao Xie didn't realize that something was wrong with Qiu Rong now, and thought that the latter was really angry because he had been hiding it all the time.

At this moment, Qiu Rong burst out automatically because of the sharp increase in the resentment in her body.

As soon as this massive amount of grievances erupted, it was like a dust explosion, directly blasting Xiao Xie out, and Jiang Lin behind Xiao Xie was naturally affected, hitting the wall and knocking Bieyuan's The walls all collapsed.

However, despite being bombarded by Qiurong's resentment, Jiang Lin was also blessed by misfortune.

A considerable part of Qiurong's grievances entered his body, supplying his own corpse poison.

Because of the resentment that erupted from Qiurong, the entire yard of Bieyuan was bombed into a shallow pit, and even the big trees in the yard were smashed.

Xiao Xie didn't know that such a thing would happen suddenly. Without being careful, he was bombarded with blood.

"Sister Qiurong, what are you doing!"

Xiao Xie didn't care about his injuries, and immediately flew to Jiang Lin's side.

Seeing that there were large bloodstains on the wall collapsed by Jianglin, Xiao Xie couldn't keep her sense anymore, she looked at Qiu Rong angrily, and scolded: "If you hide from you, you will know that I hide from you. I can't hide it from you! Don't you know what kind of yourself you are?! I don't hide it from you, you must not hide his cramps and skin? Why did Jiang Lin think so badly? Did he want to save your sister and use his wreckage to fight against the robbery? Did he want to save you and take his life to block the black judge's palm for you?"

The more Xiao Xie thought about it, the more angry he felt. Even Jiang Lin was like this, but Qiu Rong was still able to do it. He didn't remember the past kindness at all. The place.

If someone is willing to save her regardless of their lives, even if they have other intentions, she will recognize it.

Even if it is one shot and two scattered, it will not be a dead hand.

Xiao Xie mistakenly thought that Qiu Rong was killing Jiang Lin, so she didn't care about the sisterhood, and the words were very serious.

However, what she said really had some effect. Qiu Rong's current mind was dominated by resentment and resentment, and any kind words had no effect on her. Instead, some words that were usually unheard, some ugly and cruel words, were not good for her. There are also some stimulating effects.

Chapter [*] I'm here to save him!

Turning around to face Qiurong, Xiao Xie continued: "blame me for hiding you, blame him for hiding you, what do you want him to tell you? Let him say 'Hello, Miss Qiurong, I want to ask you to be my wife' Are you angry, why are you angry? What if he just has an idea for you? Did he harm you? Did he force you? Did he harm our sisters around you? Nothing! Nothing! But what about you, don't you think he is the same as the eldest son of the Jiang family? You are blind! You eat his flowers, and the smile that you haven't seen in so many years comes back to your face because of him , what if he just wants you to promise himself? He worked hard to save you and save me from what I am now, is it all the debt he owes you in vain!"

Blaming Qiu Rong, Xiao Xie's own tears kept dripping. Everything Jiang Lin has done during this time is really unspeakable, thinking that Jiang Lin was covered in blood before, and even the footprints left by walking are bloody water. , but now she was about to be killed by Qiurong, so she cried again.

What's the point of this?

"I won't let you kill him, he is my husband! We... we... woohoo~"

Xiao Xie looked at Qiurong resolutely, then squatted down and hugged Jiang Lin. She wanted to leave with Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin's injury required the evil spirit here, and she couldn't take him away.

When she lost her mind, she burst into tears.

And if Qiu Rong kills again, she will not be able to resist. She doesn't know which treasures in Jianglin's ancient mirror can heal wounds. environment, it is dangerous.

There are immortal treasures that can't be used, and they can't resist their injuries, and they can't protect their men.

She is so difficult.

"what happened?"

"What's the matter with you?"

"We are all sisters for decades."

At this time, the movement in the yard disturbed the female ghosts in the main room. After they came out, they looked at Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in surprise.

Seeing Jiang Lin and the collapsed wall, and hearing what Xiao Xie said before contacting them again, they stared at Qiurong blankly.

Is this Qiurong trying to kill Jiang Lin?

"Sister Qiurong, why did you kill Young Master Jiang? He... he saved us."

"Yeah, you can get your revenge by relying on Young Master Jiang."

"Without him, we would have already died at the hands of that black judge."

A group of female ghosts immediately persuaded each other. Although they didn't know what was going on, it was absolutely wrong for Qiurong to kill Jiang Lin.

Xiao Xie heard that so many sisters were thinking of Jiang Lin's hard work and hard work, but Qiu Rong didn't miss the old love, and cried even more fiercely.


At this moment, Qiu Rong's body swayed, shaking her head slightly.

Xiao Xie's previous words stimulated her, and although Xiao Xie is not from her family, she has regarded Xiao Xie as her own sister for so many years. Now that her sister is crying like this, it naturally makes her happy. Heart was touched.

Coupled with the persuasion of a group of female ghost sisters around Jiang Gongzi, she made her look at Jiang Lin who was holding Xiao Xie's arms.

Jiang Lin's appearance reminded her of some previous events, and the voice and appearance of Jiang Lin kept flashing back in her mind.

Especially when Jiang Lin faced the black judge not long ago, he first blocked her with a palm, and then blocked her with a blow, and even his skull was shattered.

These scenes can be said to have left an indelible impression on her heart.

Before long, under multiple influences, Qiu Rong's consciousness gradually began to wake up.

In fact, she was able to recover again because Xiao Xie explained the matter with Jiang Lin before.Jiang Lin didn't bully Xiao Xie at all, and he didn't have bad intentions for her from the beginning.

Qiu Rong's resentment increased sharply. The fundamental reason was that she thought she had been victimized a second time, but the truth was that she was not victimized at all. At best, it was concealed, not maliciously concealed.

If the victimization is not established, naturally it will not let her completely lose control.

I... what's wrong with me?

After a while, Qiu Rong woke up. She didn't remember everything that happened after she was dominated by resentment before, but she only had some very vague impressions.

Hearing the advice of the female ghost sisters around her, she was a little stunned. She...she wants to kill Jiang Lin?

When did it happen?

Qiurong was a little confused, why did she want to kill Jiang Lin?

But after seeing the situation in the yard, even she was puzzled. Did she really kill Jiang Lin?

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