In fact, even after she was dominated by resentment, she didn't do anything to Jiang Lin, but her resentment broke out uncontrollably, which caused Xiao Xie to misunderstand him.

When Qiu Rong was confused, Jiang Lin's situation became not optimistic again. Before, his body got some resentment from Qiu Rong, but after all, there was no follow-up, and it did not change the overall situation of his body.

Xiao Xie felt the high temperature from Jiang Lin's back, and he really didn't know what to do for a while.

"If you don't save him, you will kill him. I will save him! Even if my soul is gone, I want him to be well."

Looking at Qiu Rong with disappointment, Xiao Xie then took out some immortal treasures from the ancient mirror. She decided to use the ghost energy in her body to save Jiang Lin.

When she was about to break through last time, because of the surge of ghost energy in her body, she was absorbed by Jiang Lin, which solved the problem of her facing the catastrophe, and also made Jiang Lin's situation much better.

This time, she was ready to repeat the previous situation again, relying on her own breakthrough, to transfer the massive ghost energy created by the medicinal effect of the fairy treasure to Jiang Lin's body.

Even if this time she might be robbed and unable to survive, she couldn't care less.

"How do you save him?"

Seeing that Xiao Xie took out the fairy treasure and prepared to take it, Qiu Rong suppressed the confusion in her heart and walked over.

Before Xiao Xie could answer, Qiu Rong remembered what Xiao Xie had told her before, that is, the calamity with Jiang Lin.

At that time, Xiao Xie's body had a sharp increase in ghost energy, which had a miraculous effect on Jiang Lin's recovery.

" can't do this, he is fainting now, if there is a catastrophe, he can't help you, and you are likely to be doomed. And your body is not in the state at all, forcibly break through, even if there is no catastrophe , you may end up in a vanishing atmosphere."

Guessing Xiao Xie's plan, Qiu Rong quickly held Xiao Xie's hand to prevent her from swallowing the fairy treasure in her hand.

"I won't save him, are you here to save him? I'm very grateful if you don't kill him."

Xiao Xie shook off Qiu Rong's hand. Although she and Jiang Lin didn't know each other for a long time, she also knew that she was fortunate enough to meet the right person in three lives.

When facing the black judge, Qiu Rong was in danger, and Jiang Lin did not hesitate to rescue her. If she was the one who was robbed, Jiang Lin would definitely do the same.

Such a man will never fail her in the future.

Now that Jiang Lin's life is in danger, she will save her even if she no longer exists.

Anyway, without Jiang Lin, she doesn't want to live anymore. As for reincarnation, she has no idea at all.

She was Jiang Lin's person in this life, and she will always be in the future. She is not willing to be reincarnated as a human being.

Then Xiao Xie was about to take Xianbao down, but she was still stopped by Qiurong.

"I'll save him!"

Seeing Xiao Xie's sullen expression, Qiu Rong took a deep breath and clenched her hands.

Chapter [*] wake up

Before, Qiu Rong had become angry and thought she had been deceived again, so she ignored many details.

Now that she was close to Jiang Lin, she realized that the clothes on Jiang Lin's back had turned into charred gray, and the skin on the back of his shoulders and back of his neck had been charred.

If it goes on like this, how can Jiang Lin have any reason to survive?

The method that Xiao Xie wanted to rescue didn't work at all, but if the object of execution was changed to her, it was still possible.

In any case, after the black judge appeared, she was not hurt. One time the black judge's palm was blocked by Jiang Lin, and one time the mourning stick was smashed by Jiang Lin.

Compared with Xiao Xie and other female ghosts and charms, she has always been at her peak.

Even if she tried to break through with Xianbao, her situation was much better than Xiao Xie's.

" want to save him?"

Xiao Xie froze in place, not responding to Qiu Rong's transformation.

Before, Qiu Rong was full of resentment and had killing intent. Obviously, she didn't want to let Jiang Lin go, and wanted to settle accounts with him. Later, she and Jiang Lin Zhenfei were killed.

But now, Qiurong actually said that she wanted to save Jiang Lin.

Xiao Xie really suspected that she had heard it wrong, but in fact, she had always misunderstood Qiurong.

No matter what, Qiu Rong fell in love with Jiang Lin, even if Jiang Lin really hurt him, Qiu Rong might not have a fight with Jiang Lin.

After all, everything Jiang Lin had done was laid out there.

Which one is not the grace of life-saving and rebirth?

If they really fell out, they would end up like strangers at most, fighting for life and death, and it would be impossible to live differently.

"I save him."

Qiurong nodded. She had made up her mind. Before being dominated by grievances, she heard Xiao Xie's explanation. In a word, Jiang Lin's image in her heart did not collapse.

And at this moment, some cruel words that Xiao Xie had said before appeared in her mind.

Although Xiao Xie's words are not good, the reason is still the same. She is beautiful and beautiful, Jiang Lin is interested in her, can she still not allow it?

Moreover, Jiang Lin's interest is fundamentally different from Jiang Yaoxing's coveting of her back then.

The former was plotting to hurt her, but Jiang Lin kept paying.

In addition, Qiu Rong also knows her feelings for Jiang Lin. If Jiang Lin is not in danger, then she may make a long-term plan, whether to commit herself to Jiang Lin like Xiao Xie.

But now Jiang Lin may not be able to get through the hurdle in front of her. If she doesn't save her, who will save her?

If Xiao Xie saves him, he might even lose his life.

Leaving aside any personal feelings, Jiang Lin had an agreement with her before, and now Jiang Lin has fully fulfilled her promise, but her promise has not been fulfilled at all.

When she first encountered the black judge, she even begged Jiang Lin for help, and Jiang Lin helped too. Now that Jiang Lin is in trouble, can she just sit back and ignore it?

Even if she had to pay some price, she had to rescue Jiang Lin.

As soon as she grabbed the fairy treasure in Xiao Xie's hand, Qiu Rong swallowed it whole, and then she took the bottle of cold essence in Xiao Xie's hand.

Squatting down and grabbing Jiang Lin's arm, Qiu Rong put it on her back and went straight to the main room.

The price she has to pay is to have a husband and wife relationship with Jiang Lin just like Xiao Xie.

Although she has a lot of grievances, in Jiang Lin's current state, even if all her grievances are adopted, it may not take effect.

In this case, she will give everything she can give.

"Qiu...Sister Qiu Rong..."

Xiao Xie still didn't understand the situation, but just as she was about to ask, the injury on her body just now erupted and she vomited blood.

"You can rest and recuperate. The resentment on my body has increased a lot, and... plus my ghost anger and those that will increase sharply, it should improve his situation."

Turning her head and admonishing Xiao Xie, Qiu Rong entered the main room and went to her own room.

Putting Jiang Lin on the bed, Qiu Rong tore off the sheets and soaked them with cold marrow, and wiped some blood on Jiang Lin's face and body.

Then, with a move of her finger, the curtain of the bed fell.

It didn't take long for a plain hand to stick out of the curtain and put a belt on the old cabinet beside the bed.

"I don't know if Xianggong will be okay."

After Xiao Xie returned to her room, she was still a little worried, but now she couldn't do anything, so she could only wait patiently.

After calming her mind, she sat up cross-legged and began to recuperate the injuries in her body.

Without Jiang Lin, she couldn't identify those immortal treasures that could be used, and could only recover by the way she absorbed Yin Qi.

In the evening of the second day, there was movement in the pupils under Jiang Lin's eyelids, and it didn't take long for him to open his eyes.


Sitting up, Jiang Lin inspected the situation in his body and found that the chaos in his body had actually settled down.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin was quite surprised. In his expectation, even if he absorbed the evil spirit in this other garden, and Qiurong handed over his grievances to him, it might not have such an effect.

Now his body can be said to be very good, of course, this is also relatively speaking.

Even better than the state before the black judge.

At the very least, within three to five months, there should be no problem with no accident.

Now the corpse poison in his body is quite powerful, and the corpse poison of Wangtianjian has been completely suppressed, and this is not enough, these corpse poisons in his body still store a lot of resentment, ghost qi, and evil spirits. gas.

Enough to deal with a situation like the Black Judge once or twice before.

Chapter [*] Why did you lose money? (superior)

After sniffing the medicinal fragrance on his body, Jiang Lin was even more confused.

This must be because Xiao Xie used a lot of immortal treasures and cold marrow for him when he saw that he was seriously injured.

And it should be the kind that can be used both internally and externally.

This made him really wonder what was going on.

He has the corpse poison that Wangtianjian injected into his body before he died, and this thing can grab the medicinal power of the immortal treasure that entered his body.

According to this, the situation in his body should be getting worse and worse.

But after using a lot of immortal treasures, he can still get better, and it is very good. What kind of luck is this?

Or is it not known how much time has passed?

Jiang Lin recalled, he only remembered that after he lost consciousness, the sun fire and immortal fire in his body could not be suppressed, and the two corpse poisons regarded his body as a battlefield, making him feel like his whole body was like a flame like mountains.

There was fire everywhere and smoke everywhere.

Later, perhaps it was because he arrived at the haunted house that he had some cool breezes in this flaming mountain.

As for the back, he didn't know why there was another continuous downpour. He really didn't know what was going on.

"woke up?"

At this time, Qiu Rong, who was sitting not far away, looked at Jiang Lin and spoke quietly.

"How long have I been asleep?"

Only then did Jiang Lin realize that Qiu Rong was also there, so he asked aloud.

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