Even if he wanted to cover it up, he couldn't cover it up, the medicinal power was too strong.

Jiang Lin guessed that at this moment, his flesh could really be compared with that of a Tang monk.

This had to make him keep a low profile.

In the past, all his immortal treasures were in the Mirror Void Realm space inside the ancient mirror, and he didn't worry much about being probed.

But now it is different, he is equivalent to a humanoid fairy.

If there is a monk or a capable person who specializes in Taobao, there is still a certain chance that he can be found.

After all, there are also some magical instruments with special functions in this world, as well as some rare treasure-hunting beasts.

If he's too flamboyant, he's just asking for trouble.

Even a few days ago, when he was driving the golden wheel with Tian Taoist to wash the ground, he controlled his spiritual power in a relatively subtle way, so as not to let it leak out, he was just worried that something unexpected would happen.

However, Jiang Lin still didn't explain these things to Qiurong and Xiao Xie. His two wives had fantasized about having a grand wedding of their own before and after their death, and he couldn't bear to let them feel any regrets.

"You just spoil Xiao Xie. Although money and the like are nothing to our family, it is obvious that we have to spend money to buy it, and we will lose the family before we get in."

Qiu Rong murmured, now that Jiang Lin is about to give her a home, of course she has the mind of housekeeping. She doesn't like Xiao Xie's extravagant behavior.

"What's wrong with pampering me? Before you got married, your husband bought you so much gold and silver jewelry."

Xiao Xie pouted and continued: "I should be favored by Xianggong, I am not like you, you all want Xianggong's life. I don't know what happened to our two sisters, whether they are really family. Don't go into the family. When Xianggong said he wanted to pursue me, I gave him a lesson. It was obvious that I had him in my heart at that time. Sister Qiurong, it's even more outrageous. Knowing that Xianggong wants you, It's like Shura opened his eyes and wants to kill people under the condition that his heart is promised to Xianggong."

Saying that, Xiao Xie couldn't help laughing. The two sisters probably couldn't find a third one like this after searching all over the world.

It's already a situation where Luohua is interested in water and affection, and it has to be all outrageous moths.

"What? Qiurong wants to kill me?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, but he never knew when Qiurong had murdered him.

"Jing nonsense! When am I going to kill Xianggong? If I want to kill him, why would I sacrifice myself to save him? You naughty girl just provoke me!"

Hearing what Xiao Xie said, Qiu Rong immediately defended herself. She recalled a lot of what happened after she was dominated by grievances a few days ago.

Only then did she realize that she had no intention of harming Jiang Lin at all, and after regaining her sobriety, she went to rescue Jiang Lin without thinking much.

So, Qiu Rong told Jiang Lin what happened that night. She couldn't be misunderstood, so that her man would not hurt her in the future.

"Whoever said nonsense, I didn't know who was like a tigress and yaksha."

"Xiao Xie, I think your cheeks are itchy!"

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie kept chasing and making trouble on the street.

Jiang Lin didn't stop them either. The two sisters were deeply in love, and now they were just joking with each other.

Alas, it is also true that there is no dead end for auspicious people.

Seeing Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie having fun, Jiang Lin also showed a gratified smile on his face.

More than a month ago, he encountered the death catastrophe brought by Wang Tianjian. It can be said that he experienced the lowest and most difficult period in his life.

But fortunately, he met Xiao Xie and Qiurong in Jiangjiabiyuan, and now he can have a continuous supply of ghost energy, so that the road ahead is not too rough.

But even so, if he wants to completely return to his previous state, I am afraid there is still a long way to go.

Chapter [-] Low-key, not low-key can't do it (below)

I don't know what kind of place Wen Erguo's Millennium Mass Burial Mound is.

Jiang Lin pinched his chin. Now, including Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, there are three containers that can carry the yin and evil spirits. If both of his two female ghost wives succeed in breaking through and become heavenly ghosts, their ghost bodies will also change. It's on the same level as his corpse.

In that case, when they reach the Millennium Mass Burial Mound, they can collect and store a large amount of Yin Sha Qi for him, and then he can go to find the meteorites and shark beads mentioned by the system. Not a lot.

"Xianggong, you don't care about Xiaoxie, she is getting smaller and smaller."

At this time, Qiurong ran back to Jiang Lin's side and asked Jiang Lin to decide for her. Xiao Xie always took advantage of her, saying that she would only be stubborn, but her body was very honest.

"Sister Qiurong, I'm not big or small. After passing the door, why don't you call my sister."

Xiao Xie also returned to Jiang Lin and looked at Qiu Rong with a smile.

Jiang Lin wanted her first, and Qiurong was behind her. After passing through the door, she could really be a sister.

Qiu Rong rolled her eyes and said annoyed: "Stinky girl, you want to climb on my head before I go through the door, I hurt you in vain, little white-eyed wolf."

"I'm not thinking of myself too? Sister Qiurong, you used to be jealous of me. In the future, when my husband is away, I can't help you if you want to put on small shoes for me."

"Who is jealous of you, my sister is much more handsome than you."

Qiu Rong snorted lightly, not admitting that she had eaten any vinegar at all.

When she knew about Xiao Xie and Jiang Lin, she was really jealous, but because of the urgency of the matter, she had to save Jiang Lin, and all these things were turned over.

Now that she and Xiao Xie have the same identities, they will both belong to the Jiang family in the future. The vinegar jar should have been thrown away long ago.

Looking at the two sisters who were bickering, Jiang Lin felt a bit of a headache. He tapped the two sisters' foreheads and said, "You two have been sisters for decades, and your relationship has always been very good. Why now? We are going to start a family, and we really become a family, but instead we are making trouble."

Glancing at Xiao Xie, Jiang Lin continued, "Sister Qiurong has been wronged a little bit. You still make fun of her, and don't let her have any fun."

"I'm just teasing her."

Xiao Xie stuck out her tongue, then went to Qiurong's side, and shouted like a good sister.

After that, Jiang Lin took them for a walk in the downtown area and prepared everything that needed to be purchased.

He also bought a good horse in advance and planned to use it as a means of transportation after the marriage was over.

Now, although there is a lot of evil spirits in his body, he has to keep it for later use.

Once he uses spiritual power or supernatural powers, these evil spirits and ghosts will become fuel for indirect consumption, so he must save it and save it for the event that he encounters any unexpected situation again, so as to support him in his attack. cutting means.

On the second day, Taoist Tian's Taoist hall was very lively and festive early in the morning.

Tian Daoshi, this kid, was too honored to be able to officiate the wedding of this senior Jiang Lin.

As the bride, Xiao Xie and Qiurong never stopped smiling.

Originally, Qiu Rong was worried that because she had appeared in front of people, she would be recognized by many guests, but she was dressed up by several female ghost sisters, and after putting on makeup, she almost didn't recognize herself.

She's the same beauty, but it's a little different from when she was plain.

If you're not an acquaintance, you won't recognize it at all.

Their marriage to Jiang Lin was completed in the festive atmosphere of Daotang.

The next day, Jiang Lin took Qiurong and Xiao Xie out of Weinan County with the horse, and Taoist Tian was behind them all the time.

"Tian Xiaozi, fate is over, go back. You'd better keep the matter of meeting the old man in your heart, and pretend that you have never encountered it before, lest you get into any unsolvable cause and effect because of the old man in the future."

Jiang Lin looked at Taoist Tian and smiled slightly. He was very pleased with the ability of his little toolman to do things.

"These are three life-saving elixir, which can save your life at a critical moment. Remember to store them well. Everyone is innocent and guilty. Don't be ostentatious."

After telling Taoist Tian, ​​Jiang Lin took a jade box from his arms and threw it to Taoist Tian.

After Taoist Tian knelt down again and again, Jiang Lin led the horse and Qiurong Xiaoxie on the road.

Qiurong and their female ghost sisters did not plan to reincarnate after negotiation, and planned to travel with Tian Taoist to practice.

It was said that they were traveling together, but Jiang Lin felt that they seemed to want to learn from Qiurong and Xiao Xie, and be near a capable man.

Although Taoist Tian's cultivation base is still low, his attitude towards cultivation is very positive now. In addition, he has many opportunities given by Jiang Lin, and at least there is no problem in achieving Jindan in the future.

Until then, even a union with a ghost will have no effect.

It can be said that this kid is really on the peak of his life. Although Qiu Rong's female ghost sisters are not perfect in appearance, the worst ones are more attractive types.

Therefore, Taoist Tian was really moved to tears when he saw Jiang Lin and the others leaving.

"Xianggong, do you think our sisters will tell Tian Xiaozi the truth in the future? He doesn't even know that we are the female ghosts who scared him."

Xiao Xie asked Jiang Lin, and Jiang Lin made Taoist Tian cry. If this kid knew the whole story in the future, he didn't know how he would feel.

"Just say it, we probably won't have any intersection in the future."

Jiang Lin smiled. In the future, whether Tian Daoshi knew that his Shuimu Tianzun was fake, it would have nothing to do with him.

"That's right. Hey, by the way, Xianggong, where are the three of us, why did you bring a horse? It's quite crowded."

Xiao Xie nodded slightly, and then her eyes fell on the horse that Jiang Lin was holding, and she was stunned for a moment.

As for himself, Qiurong and Jiang Lin, Jiang Lin only brought one horse.

"Yes, just bring a horse, I can ride it, and you don't show up."


Xiao Xie immediately pouted, now that she and Qiurong both have a light-avoiding spell, they don't need to be afraid of the sun, but Jiang Lin has to put them away.


She also wanted to see the unexpected landscape of Weinan County.

"Why, why do you say? You two sisters are more beautiful than flowers, don't you have any points in your heart? We have to keep a low profile now, even if we don't keep a low profile."

Jiang Lin looked at Xiao Xie angrily. The wedding had already been staged, and it was too high-profile. Now it's time to keep a low profile.

The two sisters, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, have been living in the Jiang Family Garden all the time, and they rarely leave the haunted house, so they didn't get into any trouble.

If it really changed to an area that did not belong to the sphere of influence of the Netherworld, it is impossible to guarantee how many evil spirits and evil cultivators would be attracted because of its beauty.

Originally, I didn't know what kind of unexpected situation there would be on the road ahead. If Qiurong and Xiao Xie were to show their faces again, would it be called low-key?

Come and come, come and see, my wife is a handsome man.

Chapter [-] serves multiple purposes

Jiang Lin has never had such a show-off mentality, he just wants to do the best for everyone.

Show off a yarn?

Can you grow a few more meats?

Not to mention that he doesn't like to show off, he just seeks truth from facts. The central area of ​​the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory is not a stable area. Now it is an extraordinary period. Supplies themselves such as treasure and material treasure.

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