Why don't you keep a low profile at this time?

Let him be stewed and eaten with dipping sauce, will his wife be taken away?

Not only gold can move the heart, but also beauty.

Bringing a beautiful wife is almost the same as wearing jade, and they are both easy to be missed and malicious.

Moreover, the place he was going to was the Millennium Burial Mound of Wen Erguo, where the ancestors of Taoist Tian had teamed up with others to go there. If this place still exists, there are probably many monks.

He is not very clear about Wen Erguo's situation. If he encounters some kind of capable person who uses some kind of dog to take mice, he has to use some kind of person and ghost to do things in a different way, which will add trouble.

It is not a big trouble to encounter any monks who exterminate ghosts and demons. Anyang City in Wenerguo is a thousand-year-old mass grave with extremely strong yin, so there may not only be monks, but there may also be people who go the wrong way. Practitioner Priest.

As long as you encounter one, it's a big problem.

Gently scraping the bridge of Xiao Xie's nose, Jiang Lin continued: "Your husband, my predicament is far more serious than you think, and I still have strong medicinal power..."

Jiang Lin explained his current situation to Xiao Xie. He may have become the target of public criticism by accident. If he brings two beautiful and beautiful wives, isn't that equal to playing with fire?

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, some small emotions in Xiao Xie's heart were dispelled by herself. No matter how curious she is, no matter how curious she is, no matter how much she wants to see the mountains and rivers outside, it is not as important as the safety of her own man.

"It turns out that you can no longer take Xianbao, Xianggong. I don't know why I always do this, always doing bad things with good intentions."

Xiao Xie couldn't help but blame himself, blaming himself for always doing bad things.

When Jiang Lin first arrived at Jiangjia Bieyuan, he just happened to absorb the evil spirit, but she was destroyed by her kindness.

After the battle with the black judge, Jiang Lin couldn't touch any immortal treasures, but she still used so many immortal treasures for Jiang Lin.

It's just poisoning my husband.

Jiang Lin stroked Xiao Xie's hair and comforted: "It's all a blessing in disguise, don't blame yourself, and don't blame you."

"Xianggong, how do you deal with the medicinal power in your body? If it has been like this, how can you guarantee that there will be no accidents? If Xiao Xie and I can break through to become a ghost, we can also share some things with you, but the breakthrough will lead to The catastrophe is still a big trouble."

Qiu Rong on the side frowned, Jiang Lin's situation had to be resolved.

Otherwise, where will it be stable all the time.

Jiang Lin is now an immortal treasure in the form of an adult. As long as someone finds out the clues, you don't have to think about it to know what the situation will be.

If she and Xiao Xie's cultivation can go further, the situation will be much better.

However, if they want to break through, there will inevitably be a catastrophe, and there will be two battles. If they choose to break through together, the catastrophe may be superimposed.

No matter how you choose, Jiang Lin needs to deal with it.

But once that happens, Jiang Lin's achievements in this period of time may be restored.

"I've thought about it for a long time. The two things can be handled together."

Jiang Lin smiled, of course he couldn't keep himself like a Tang monk, everyone wanted to take a bite.

The medicinal power in his body, his own Yang Yan and Immortal Fire cannot be refined because they have to be hidden all the time, but Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie can help him solve it.

Looking at Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's expressions waiting to explain, Jiang Lin said, "You have all made a breakthrough once, and you have failed. You need to use immortal treasures to smash them, so that your ghost body background will automatically skyrocket, and you will break through again, but you There is no need to take Immortal Treasure, I can provide other methods. As for the calamity, you are my partner, not only a humanoid Immortal Treasure, but also a personal protective umbrella."

Jiang Lin explained to Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie that his body was not in the Three Realms and Six Paths, and he had eaten a lot of rare materials, among which there were many treasures that could deceive the secrets.

As long as Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie entered his body, using his corpse as a cave, and breaking through in it, they should not attract the calamity.

And the immortal treasure they need to break through can also directly use his corpse as a breeding ground to absorb the medicinal power in his flesh and blood as a substitute for the immortal treasure.

In this way, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie can break through to become a ghost, and the resulting calamity can also be avoided, and they can take this breakthrough opportunity to completely digest the medicinal power inside his body.

There are three benefits.

In addition to these, in the process of the two sisters breaking through to become heavenly ghosts, the ghost qi in the body will increase sharply as before, and some of the overflowing ghost qi will naturally be attracted by the corpse poison in his body.

This is also a small amount.

Get more in one fell swoop.

"Also... can it still be like this?"

After Qiu Rong heard Jiang Lin's words, she was stunned.

Just now, she was thinking of ways to solve Jiang Lin's current situation, but she didn't think of anything, but Jiang Lin had already planned it.

Still a multi-pronged strategy.

While solving the problem, there are four more benefits.

Is this a way people can come up with?

Now Qiu Rong really doubts whether Jiang Lin's head is human.

No matter what the situation is, her man can always find a way to solve it.

"Then sister Qiurong and I are attached to your body? But if we are attached, aren't we all one-to-one?"

"You don't need to be possessed, you guys, just go directly into my heart, where my whole body is exchanged for blood. My heart has two atria and two ventricles, you can enter wherever you want. In my hometown, your four female ghost sisters like to occupy a room each, and they just want to fill my heart."

Jiang Lin couldn't help thinking of Xiaoqian and Xiaoli at home. When he went to the Rahu forbidden area, these four sisters were hidden in his heart.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie looked at each other, and both pursed their mouths slightly. There are four female ghosts in Jiang Lin's family!

Jiang Lin walked in front of Qiurong, leaned slightly and kissed her cherry lips, then he opened his mouth and took a breath, which turned Qiurong into a streamer and sucked it into his belly, and Xiao Xie was also sent in by him. in vivo.

After Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie entered Jiang Lin's heart chamber, they were shocked beyond words.

They even suspected that they had entered a medicine jar, and the jar was still full of elixir.

In the blink of an eye, they felt that their ghost body had been greatly nourished.

"You don't have to be in a hurry to make breakthroughs. Anyway, your husband and I are a big medicine. Use those medicines to fill the gaps in your cultivation, and strive to achieve a solid accumulation."

After explaining Qiurong and Xiao Xie, Jiang Lin jumped on the horse and drove away.

Go to Wen'er Country.

Chapter [-]: A pair of ghosts

The reason why Jiang Lin didn't let Qiurong and the others break through immediately was because he was afraid that if something happened, it would be difficult to deal with.

At the junction of the two countries, there should be a relatively desolate place, and there will be much less risk.

Moreover, the two sisters need to be contaminated with a lot of corpse gas to be safer, which will take some time.

In addition, in the next period of time, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie will use the medicinal power in his body to nourish, and they will also increase a lot of ghost energy, which can be transmitted to the corpse poison in his body.

Traveling on horseback, more than a thousand miles a day, seven days later, Jiang Lin left Ermao and entered the border of Wener.

Fortunately, he didn't encounter any unexpected situations along the way.

Now, the news that the black judge has been dissipated, it is estimated that it has spread below.

But even if the forces of the underworld under the Ermao Kingdom were aware of it, it would be of no use. The black judge completely disappeared, and the crime scene was cleaned up. What can be found?

At this moment, Taoist Tian and Qiurong and their female ghost sisters may have all left Weinan County, and they may not even be in Ermao.

In the Netherworld, if you want to investigate, you can't find anyone.

After crossing the border between the two countries, Jiang Lin wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but he felt that there was nothing to be happy about.

Before, he was worried that he would be found because of the black judge, so he did not reveal any traces.

It is basically impossible to detect his traces by capturing residual spiritual power or breath.

But after leaving Ermao, it may not be much better.

Along the way, he also inquired about Wen Erguo and gained some understanding of it.

This country is not at all peaceful.

Because the country of Ermao is the sphere of influence of the ghost city, there are no talented people in the world.

It's not difficult to understand. There are not many good stubborn cultivators in this northern area of ​​Shahai. In terms of cultivation, there are not many people who take crooked paths.

And once these guys do something out of the ordinary, in order to maintain the order of reincarnation, the Netherworld will never spare them lightly.

With this heavy restriction, there are naturally not many practitioners in Ermao Kingdom.

But after leaving the Ermao Kingdom, no one will buy the account of the Netherworld.

Therefore, his destination this time was a mixed place, with many evil spirits, and many evil evil spirits that could not be seen outside gathered there.

In Wen'er Country, the country lord is a relatively powerful cultivator, but this country lord is unable to subdue some evil cultivators and demons. In general, the order of this country is not as good as the sword country he has been to before.

Fortunately, there are no characters who are as powerful as angels.

Whether it is Ermao country or Wener country, they belong to the edge of the sand sea in the northern region, and those who are really capable will not come to this corner.

But there is no cultivator of that level, and it has nothing to do with the current Jiang Lin. As long as it is a cultivator and a demon at the Nascent Soul level, it is enough for him to drink a pot.

"Qiurong, Xiao Xie, prepare yourself, you should be able to break through together."

After finding a wasteland, Jiang Lin rode his horse to check the surroundings several times before he was completely relieved.

After taking a lot of forbidden material treasures, Jiang Lin sat cross-legged and let part of his corpse poison enter his flesh and blood.

At the same time, he also informed Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in his body to prepare them for a breakthrough.

Now his physical condition is not bad, and the medicinal effect of the forbidden ground material treasure is much weaker in comparison, so in order to ensure the smooth breakthrough of Qiurong and Xiao Xie, he used the characteristics of these material treasures to deceive the heavenly secrets. Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie escorted him.

"Understood, Xianggong!"

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's voices came together, and then the two of them began to unscrupulously absorb the medicinal power in Jiang Lin's body.

And Jiang Lin himself began to make his own qi and blood surge, and even directly returned to his heart.

It didn't take long for him to feel that the thickness of the blood in his body began to slow down, and he no longer had the same swelling as before.

The blood burning situation also gradually began to show signs of improvement.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, who are in the two heart chambers in Jiang Lin's body, are now rapidly rising with ghost energy. They have all made breakthroughs before, and they have all failed because they actively interrupted the breakthrough process, but this time, the previous failures were fundamentally It didn't affect them in the slightest.

Because the medicinal power accumulated in Jiang Lin's body was extremely concentrated.

As long as Jiang Lin's blood energy poured into their ghost bodies, it would be able to give them a boost.

At this moment, they just don't want to break through.

Jiang Lin looked at the sky with a solemn expression, he was worried that his body would not be able to provide Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie with [-]% protection.

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