However, it turned out that his worries were a bit unnecessary, and the clear sky above did not show any abnormality because Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie started to break through.

About a quarter of an hour later, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's aura rose sharply again one after the other.

In their bodies, the medicinal essence that they have absorbed is being controlled by them and regenerated into the innate essence.

In the end, the momentum of their ghost bodies reached a critical point at almost the same time.


At this moment, Jiang Lin's entire body was enveloped by the extremely rich ghost qi, which burst out from Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's ghost bodies.


Feeling the situation in his body, a gratified smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face.

At this moment, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's cultivation realm has broken through the shackles, and has advanced from the ghost king level to the ghost emperor level.

"Quick, cut off my heart veins, and lead the medicinal power in my blood into the body, so that your ghost body can generate spiritual power on its own, otherwise it will cause a big movement."

Jiang Lin spoke immediately, directing Qiurong and Xiao Xie.

His two wives broke through together. After breaking through, the ghost body spontaneously burst out with a huge suction force, forcibly absorbing the spiritual power from the outside world.

Once it is not controlled, I am afraid that this mid-air can form a terrifying tornado of spiritual power.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie didn't ask any further questions, and immediately did as Jiang Lin said.

Therefore, they were like two pumps, using themselves as a relay and filter to thoroughly filter the remaining medicinal power in Jianglin's blood.

For half an hour, Jiang Lin's body surface turned red due to the accelerated blood flow inside his body.

"Xianggong, we should have stabilized our cultivation, please let us go out."

After the break-through was completely over, Xiao Xie's joyful voice came from Jiang Lin's chest.

As soon as Jiang Lin opened his mouth, two streams of light, one purple and one blue, emerged.

Then, the figures of Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie appeared in front of him.

A pair of ghosts.

Such a strong breath.

Jiang Lin raised his brows, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie used the medicinal power accumulated in his body to accumulate and thin hair, and then used those medicinal powers to stabilize their cultivation. The effect was much better than he imagined.

Although this pair of ghost sisters just broke through, but if he and these two sisters are on the right side, even if he has the cultivation of the peak of Jindan, he may not be able to stabilize them.

Chapter [*] is so blessed!

Of course, Jiang Lin's assumption was based on Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's ability to fight.

But even if Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie don't have any battle experience now, it's not bad that they have this level of cultivation.

The benefits don't stop there.

After the two of them broke through, they were not ordinary ghost emperors, but heavenly ghosts, which meant that their cultivation path would be much smoother in the future.

At least to a certain extent, it is better than the ghost emperor.

Heavenly ghosts and ghost emperors belong to the same level, but the paths they take are somewhat different. The fundamental difference is whether there is any karma generated by killing evil when breaking through the level of ghost kings.

If there is, these karma will inevitably enter the reborn innate essence when it breaks through, and the innate qi and the innate spirit will be regenerated later, which will also be contaminated with karma, which will make the follow-up cultivation. The road is very rough.

This is the case of the ghost emperor.

However, because the ghosts are freed from the karma, the later cultivation road will be much smoother, and when the cultivation base reaches a certain level, it will be able to carry out corpse disintegration and military disintegration to make the cultivation base go further. It will be much better.

It won't be like the ghosts on another road, maybe dismantling the soldiers, they can completely dismantle themselves directly.

However, the way Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie took has a disadvantage, that is, the process of dismembering and dismantling soldiers will last for a long time.

Hundreds, hundreds or even thousands of years are possible.

Because of this, more than [*]% of ghosts or ghost repairers may not choose to become ghosts. After the corpse is dismantled, they can't do anything. The risk is too great for such a long time.

This is still another story. In fact, it is very difficult to become a ghost. If you want to become a ghost, the prerequisite is to reach the level of the ghost king.

But how can the ghost king be so easy to change? Ghosts who die with hatred and grievances may quickly advance because of their own grievances.

Just think about revenge, and there are not many at all.

If you commit murder, you are also infected with karma, and naturally you do not meet the conditions.

And those ghost kings who came up step by step, did not kill people to get blood and blood, and they did not have the capital to climb high.

Therefore, even though Jiang Lin has encountered so many evil spirits over the years, he has never seen a single ghost.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie still managed to climb to the level of ghost king after eating the benefits of the previous day's robbery. Under normal circumstances, this is their limit.

If they hadn't met Jiang Lin, they would have missed the heavenly ghost by bumping their heads.

"Sunlight, Sunlight, I'm finally not afraid of you."

After Xiao Xie came out, she was illuminated by the sun and instinctively raised her arms to protect her face, but now she has successfully transformed, the sunlight will naturally not cause any harm to her.

Looking at the sun high in the sky, Xiao Xie jumped up happily, just like a little rabbit.

Qiu Rong also had a look of joy on her face. She had never thought that she could truly stand under the sun without any scruples.

"Xianggong, we are really reborn, right?"

Xiao Xie squeezed her face excitedly, and touched her body again, and found that her body temperature was exactly the same as that of a normal person, so she blinked her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin.

"Yes, in some ways, you are just like a newborn baby."

Jiang Lin smiled and patted Xiao Xie's head. If he returned to Middle-earth in the future, Xiao Xie wouldn't have to hide from Jiu Shu and Zhang Han.

"It's great, it's great! There is no one here, Xianggong, so I'll just fly around and open my eyes."

Saying that, Xiao Xie rose into the air, reaching a height of several hundred meters to look at the distant scenery.

Seeing Xiao Xie so excited, Jiang Lin didn't stop her.

"Xianggong, are we almost like normal people now? There are no more taboos and taboos?"

Qiu Rong also pinched and pinched herself, and looked at Jiang Lin with excitement.

How could she have thought that she would have such a day before, it doesn't need to be reincarnated.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "Yes, let's not say anything else, in the future, you and Xiao Xie will be able to wake up at dawn and rest at night."

"Okay, really nice."

After receiving Jiang Lin's answer, Qiu Rong was also happy like a little girl.

After being happy for a while, Qiu Rong asked again: "Then... Xianggong, I... Can I be like normal women and have children like them?"

Being asked by Qiu Rong, Jiang Lin was also slightly stunned, he didn't expect Qiu Rong to ask such a question.

After that, there was a warm feeling in his heart. Since Qiu Rong asked such a question, she must have wanted to give him a big fat boy.

Although Qiu Rong married him, after all, he did suffer some grievances before, and he still wanted to make up for it.

But now Qiu Rong has forgotten all the grievances, and wants to pass on his lineage to him.

This wife is so nice.

Jiang Lin took Qiurong into his arms, kissed her, and said, "Try more in the future."

Qiu Rong smiled and nodded slightly.

"Xiang Gong, what's going on? Why has the sky suddenly changed?"

At this moment, Xiao Xie's surprised voice came from the air.

Jiang Lin looked up at the sky, his brows furrowed.

This is a sign of the calamity to come!

"Xiao Xie, come down quickly, you have avoided the catastrophe, but you have just appeared after breaking through. Without my corpse shelter, it may have leaked your breath and been locked."

Jiang Lin immediately guessed what was going on. When Xiao Xie and Qiurong broke through, they were blinded by his corpse, and there was no catastrophe.

But now that the two sisters have left his body, I am afraid they are being targeted again.

Xiao Xie heard what Jiang Lin said, how dare he stay in mid-air, and immediately flew down.

She knows the horror of the catastrophe, and she almost died under the catastrophe before.

Since this sudden change in the sky is a precursor to the arrival of the catastrophe, why does she have to look at the scenery.

After Xiao Xie landed down, Jiang Lin didn't delay at all, he immediately took her and Qiurong into his body, and he swallowed a lot of forbidden materials.

However, the dark clouds in the sky showed no sign of subsiding for the time being. Jiang Lin also took care of his horse, and immediately released the golden wheel of the sun and galloped away.

The second uncle is so blessed!

It's just that Nima can't see your grandfather and I'm good!

Jiang Lin gave this day a good greeting in his heart.

Originally, after Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie broke through to Heaven, he was really relieved.

After all, even if it is still inconvenient for them to show up, if he encounters some unsolvable situation, he can let the two ghost wives come out, and the three husband and wife will advance and retreat together.

But now, that idea simply doesn't hold.

Depending on the situation, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie don't know how long they need to hide in his body before they can completely get rid of the catastrophe caused by breaking through the realm.

Once they show up easily, there is no need to solve any trouble, and the robbery may solve them.

Chapter [*]: Encountering the Yin House Again (Part [*])


The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and Jiang Lin scolded him directly.

He really doesn't know how long Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's situation will last. After all, this is the first time he has done this kind of thing to avoid the calamity for others.

I don't know how long it will take to completely eliminate the hidden danger.

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