If he said to wait, he couldn't wait, otherwise, he didn't know when he would be able to get rid of this predicament completely.

Now Jiang Lin really wanted to solve his own problems as soon as possible, find Gu Mengxue's phantom bodies as soon as possible, and return to Middle-earth as soon as possible.

He misses home, misses Chen Yu and Ren Tingting at home.

Moreover, now his trace was discovered by the people in the ghost city after all. Although he has dealt with everything, he is not afraid of ten thousand just in case.

If Zhong Kui finds him, will his immortal treasures still be left on him?

Those are all good things for him to support his family and wife in the future. Even if Taiyi came to save the suffering Tianzun, he had no reason to spit out the fairy treasure.

But I don't want to spit it out and I don't want to, but at that time, he can't help it.

So, he just wanted to go home as soon as possible.

Isn't it beautiful to go home and make a fortune?

But now that his situation was just showing signs of improvement, he was blocked by Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's calamity.

No wonder he didn't yell.

But the scolding is scolding, the matter has come to this point, he can only think of another way.

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Lin also relaxed his mind a bit. After all, he still got benefits from Qiurong and Xiao Xie.

At least the medicinal power in his body was digested by Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie with the opportunity of breaking through the realm.

At least he is not a Tang monk who everyone wants to take a bite of now.

The medicinal power in the body has been digested a lot, and it is no longer so strong, so he does not worry about being hunted and killed everywhere as a sweet pastry.

After that, he just needs to keep a low profile.

"Qiu Rong, Xiao Xie, you guys will probably stay in my heart for a while. It just so happens that I still have some medicinal power in my body. You can use this time to transform it into your ghost body as soon as possible."

Since Qiu Rong and the others couldn't come out, Jiang Lin planned to let the sisters continue to absorb the medicinal power of their own accumulation and completely eliminate this hidden danger.

The medicinal power in his body can be captured by Wangtianjian's corpse poison. If it is not removed as soon as possible, Wangtianjian's corpse poison may give him another shot.

Xiao Xie said: "It doesn't matter, I still want to be in your heart forever, I just don't know when I can help you share your worries."

"Xianggong, we are now subject to the catastrophe, you must be careful in everything."

Qiurong reminded Jiang Lin aloud that she did not expect things to go so smoothly, but unexpected twists and turns occurred.

"Don't worry, my situation is much better now, and I will be cautious."

After comforting Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, Jiang Lin drove the Japanese Golden Wheel to gradually lower the flight altitude.

Now that he is far away from the cloudy area, the front is the area with many people in Wen Erguo. He is worried that if he is flying in the air, he will bring disaster to himself.

When he entered the area where the crowd gathered, Jiang Lin was not in a hurry. Now Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie had become pure vases. He couldn't help him for the time being. Inquire clearly.

Moreover, he also needs to walk around in Wenerguo and buy some spiritual stones for backup.

When he was in the Sword Country, he had asked Liu Sheng and Baoyi to prepare a large amount of spirit stones, but unfortunately, when the monks in the Sword Country he assisted Yin Wangtian, they used up all these reserves.

Wen Erguo is not peaceful, he has to be prepared for anything.

During this period, he also found an inn to release Liu Sheng and Bao Yi in the ancient mirror to check their condition, but unfortunately, neither of the two girls showed signs of waking up.

Jiang Lin could only use fairy treasures to nourish their bodies first.

Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie learned that Jiang Lin was still with Liu Sheng and Xiao Xie, and they made a little noise in his heart, saying that he had been hiding in ancient mirrors, but they didn't know anything.

"Okay, don't make trouble, maybe we will all be a family in the future."

Jiang Lin coughed twice, and then sent Liu Sheng and Bao Yi back to the ancient mirror. After inquiring about something from the inn clerk, he continued on his way.

It didn't take long for him to see two scholars walking in front of him carrying book baskets on the official road.

One of them looked like a child from a rich family, and the other scholar was dressed a little more modestly.

Jiang Lin moved his ears and heard some conversations between the two.

The two scholars originally came to the county town where the general examination was hosted.

The scholar from the rich family folded a fan and said to his companion, "Yunting, I heard that there is a flat lake in front of it. It is very beautiful at dusk. Let's go there and take a look."

"Aren't you? We are all about to take the exam. Don't say that you are still going to continue to watch the scenery. We have lost a lot of time."

The other scholar was suddenly speechless. The exam day was approaching. He didn't hurry up to study, and he kept looking at the scenery.

"Hey, you guessed it right, as expected of my good friend Han Jizu since childhood."

The wealthy scholar nodded and smiled, seeing that his companion Feng Yunting was going to object, he continued: "I am not purely playing, as the saying goes, traveling from afar will open your eyes, we can't read dead books all the time. Take my father as an example. , Although my father is a businessman, isn't it because the business is spread all over the place, he often travels, and he has a lot of experience, so he became a friend with your father? This means that watching the scenery is also a kind of self-cultivation. "

"You don't read as much as I do, but you have a lot more falsehoods than I do."

Feng Yunting looked at his friend helplessly, even if he didn't want to go with him, he couldn't do it.

Yo, what a coincidence.

After Jiang Lin heard the conversation between the two scholars, a smile appeared on his face.

Originally, he paid attention to the content of the conversation between the two scholars, just wanted to talk to him and continue to investigate some information about Anyang City.

Since the father of the scholar named Han Jizu is a businessman who often runs outside, he must have some knowledge. Maybe this Han Jizu has heard a lot.

It just happened to let him and these two scholars walk along the way and ask questions.

"But if you keep going like this, when will we be able to get to your cousin's place? If we can't pass the test, how will we explain to our parents when we go back?"

"Hey, don't you really want to go to my cousin's side earlier. I heard from my father that the new house they bought is not clean. It's very evil. Don't scare us to wet our pants."

While Jiang Lin was picking up his pace, the two scholars continued to talk again, which made Jiang Lin really interested in going on the same road with them.

Chapter [*]: Encountering the Yin House Again (Part [*])

Gaoping County, the county seat where the two scholars were going to take the exam, was on the way to Anyang City.

Therefore, Jiang Lin now not only wants to talk to them, but also wants to make friends with them.

He doesn't need to rub the food and drink, he just needs to rub a place to stay.

Although Jiang Lin now has Qiurong and Xiao Xie, who can provide him with ghost energy, the more yin evil energy, the better, the more the better.

If the house that Han Jizu said was really evil, it might be an unlucky place for feng shui.

All he needed was a place to live.

"The two brothers in front, are you also going to take the exam?"

Jiang Lin stepped up and greeted Han Jizu and Feng Yunting.

Feng Yunting turned his head to look at Jiang Lin, then nodded slightly at him, and asked, "This brother, according to what you mean, is it possible that he also went to take the exam?"

"Exactly, in Xiajiang Forest, I really went to Gaoping County to take the exam. What are the two brothers' names?"

Jiang Linchong made a Confucian ceremony for the two of them, deliberately pretended not to know anything, and asked their names.

At this time, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, who were in his heart, couldn't help but laugh.

Their men don't know why they have given themselves the status of a student who is rushing to the exam, and now they are fooling people again.

"Bencai Feng Yunting, this is my classmate and friend Han Jizu, we are all going to take the exam."

Feng Yunting immediately introduced himself and Han Jizu. He was very enthusiastic about Jiang Lin, mainly because Jiang Lin said that he was the same as them.

Since they are all students who are rushing for the exam, it is nothing to make friends with each other.

"Brother, forgive the abruptness, you don't look like a scholar."

Han Jizu's mind is more than Feng Yunting's. Jiang Lin has no scholar temperament, and he has no book basket on his back. He really doesn't look like a scholar rushing for the exam.

"Hey, I'll be honest, I became a monk halfway through, and I learned some boxing and kung fu before, but I always felt that learning martial arts is worse than writing. Ah, you can also cultivate your temperament and understand the principles of sages and sages."

Since Jiang Lin wanted to get closer to these two scholars, he naturally wanted to brag about their identities.

Sure enough, Han Jizu and Feng Yunting felt a little proud when they heard Jiang Lin said that he was good at reading, and their impression of Jiang Lin was much better.

"This time, although I'm rushing to take the exam, but because of lack of preparation, I just went to see the world. Even if I don't pass the exam, I can come again next time. I think it's better to open my eyes than to keep reading, reading [*] volumes. Books are worse than traveling thousands of miles."

Jiang Lin continued to refresh his impression of Han Jizu and the others.

He could see that although the two scholars were good friends, it was obvious that Han Jizu, a scholar from a wealthy family, had more weight in speaking, so he also catered to the boy's hobbies in words.

"Yunting, listen to me, listen to me. I'll just say it, we should open our eyes more, you see how well they say, reading ten thousand volumes of books is worse than traveling ten thousand miles, this is so insightful."

Han Jizu was so held by Jiang Lin that he immediately got up with his companion Feng Yunting.

Now, how can he doubt whether Jiang Lin is a scholar? Jiang Lin has raised his cultural level by "doing nothing outside the window, and only reading only the books of sages" and "reading ten thousand volumes of books is worse than traveling ten thousand miles". went up.

If you have such a level, if you haven't read a few books, how can you get it at your fingertips?

Then he said to Jiang Lin: "Brother Jiang, to be honest, I just wanted to go to Pinghu, which is dozens of miles away, to have some fun. To open my eyes, Yun Ting was still a little unhappy. Brother Jiang, what do you think? ?"

"Wonderful! The moon will be bright tonight. Why don't the three of us raise our glasses and invite the bright moon together? Actually, I think that scholars like us usually read enough scriptures. Before the exam, the most important thing is to let the Keep your mind stable. Because if you are in a bad state in the exam, you may forget the words of the sages that you have long remembered in your heart. It is also very good to relax your body and mind properly.”

Of course, Jiang Lin had no objection to what to do in the lake. Not only did he have no objection, but he also wanted to order a small drink.

That way he can chat with Han Jizu and Feng Yunting and ask for the information he wants.

"Okay! What a toast to the bright moon. Brother Jiang, I think we are really destined, you know? What you said, Xiongtai, is exactly what I thought. Fate!"

Han Jizu held Jiang Lin's hand excitedly. In fact, there is no fate. As long as anyone agrees with him to go to the mountains and waters, he has fate with everyone.

As long as we play together, we are good friends!

MMP, I am being held by a man.

Jiang Lin felt tired and crooked, but he still didn't show it.

Later, Han Jizu taught Feng Yunting a lesson with Jiang Lin's words to calm his mind, and Feng Yunting nodded repeatedly at what he said.

In fact, it was because what Jiang Lin said did make sense, so he didn't say anything more.

In this way, the three walked all the way to the location where Pinghu was located dozens of miles away.

"I don't know if Brother Han and Brother Feng have acquaintances in Gaoping County. This is the first time I have been there. Some people are not familiar with each other."

Taking advantage of Han Jizu's good mood now, Jiang Lin threw a brick to see if he could make arrangements for this kid when he went to Gaoping County.

"Yes, yes, my cousin is there. Since Brother Jiang and we are so lucky, after you get there, the place where you will stay will be handed over to me."

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