Chapter [*] Yu Family

" don't want it, it's not good for you!"

When the hanged ghost saw Jiang Lin brought a flower pot, he knew that Jiang Lin wanted to transplant the red plum she was attached to.

But once this is the case, the yin and evil spirits that have been restrained will be released continuously.

No, I want it!

Jiang Lin acted as if he hadn't heard the nonsense of the hanged ghost. When he got to the wall, he knocked off a lot of soil and stones in the corner. After that, he uprooted the red plum and planted it in a flower pot.

"Beautiful, so beautiful!"

After transplanting the red plum so that it would no longer block the air vent on the wall, Jiang Lin nodded in satisfaction.

No, you are like this...

The hanged ghost was a little anxious. After Jiang Lin removed the red plum that she was living in, the whole house was filled with an evil spirit.

But at this moment, the red plum that she was attached to absorbed the cold pith nutrients in the soil in the flowerpot, which soon made her feel a little weak and fell into a coma.

And the resentment in her body also dissipated because the ghost body was nourished.

"That's right, don't block me."

When he noticed the situation of the hanging ghost in the flower, Jiang Lin laughed.

The hanged ghost passed out, which saved him a lot of trouble.

At least this female ghost won't always hurt him because of gratitude.

After nightfall, Jiang Lin's absorption of the evil spirit was interrupted, and it was time to eat.

There are not many servants in the Pan House, so naturally there will be no cooks, so he and Han Jizu need to solve the three daily meals on their own.

Originally, at the level of Jianglin, it was not a problem for him to go for three to five or seven days, but now he is with two ordinary scholars, so naturally he can't be so bizarre.

Moreover, he also needs to walk around the street. On the way, he has borrowed the basic book cover of Feng Yunting. Now that he lives in the Pan Mansion, he also needs to play the role of a scholar a little more.

In addition, he also thought of looking for some strange legends and unofficial books in the book stall or study.

Maybe you can find some information about Anyang City or its predecessor, the Millennium Mass Burial Mound.

"Eh? Brother Jiang, why did you pick that red plum? Didn't you let me pick it?"

After Han Jizu discovered the red plums in the flowerpot on Jianglin's desk, he was a little upset.

When he was about to do it before, Jiang Lin not only persuaded him not to pick it, but also recited a poem, but now Jiang Lin actually picked the red plum by himself.

"Uh... Brother Han, well, you really can't pick it, but I can. If you pick it, it will destroy the flowers. Well, I can display the flowers it grows."

Jiang Lin smiled. Originally, he didn't intend to smash this red plum. It was because the hanged ghost in the flower had no eyesight, so he had to start.

Moreover, his picking flowers is fundamentally different from Han Jizu's hands-on. If this kid starts, he will definitely cause trouble, but he is different, he just changed a better environment for the hanged ghost's nest.

Naturally, it will not cause people's disgust and hatred.

"Trust you asshole."

Han Jizu pouted, and then didn't bother about it.

In fact, he saw that the red plum on the desk looked too gorgeous before, almost bewitching, so he felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

The three of them arrived at the Wangjiang Building on the street. During the banquet, they heard the owner of the restaurant complaining to the guests, saying that there are now a group of wealthy businessmen who specialize in purchasing land, and they are looking for places where the owner of the land has long been unable to contact them. The venue sold by people, this Wangjiang Building was sold on behalf of others before.

"It's too much, and there's such a thing!"

When Han Jizu heard the conversation not far away, he was filled with righteous indignation. In this reasonable and legal business among the common people, the local government was in unison with those wealthy businessmen, and deliberately found reasons to seize the people's real estate.

"That's right, is there any more king law!"

Feng Yunting also echoed his words. Those wealthy businessmen grabbed the holder of the land deed and house deed and falsely accused the transaction of being illegal. As a result, the government still strongly supported it.

It is absolutely impossible to say that there are no tricks in this.

Jiang Lin didn't open his mouth to comment, but he frowned slightly. Han Jizu and Feng Yunting were so angry that they didn't even think that the Pan Mansion where they were temporarily living now belonged to the same situation.

If there is a contradiction later, there will be some trouble.

Hope it doesn't have so many twists and turns.

Jiang Lin only hoped that such a thing would not fall on Han Jizu's cousin. In that case, it would be inconvenient for him, an outsider who was borrowing, to stay in Pan Mansion in the future.

After leaving the restaurant, Jiang Lin and the others strolled around the downtown area. Jiang Lin also bought a lot of books in several study rooms and book stalls, including many unofficial biographies and novels about searching for different minds.

In these kinds of books, he has obtained a lot of information that he has not inquired about before.

There is a profession of a demon hunter in Wen Erguo, and the occupational orientation is similar to that of Taoist priests in Middle-earth. Among them, the more famous is the Yu family.

In the Taoist temple of Tian Daoshi, he had seen some information about the Yu family from the notes of Tian Daoshi's ancestors.

"Crescent knife..."

Walking on the road, Jiang Lin flipped through the strange legend in his hand and murmured.

Just now, he saw from this legend that the Yu family has two treasures, one of which is the moon-shaped knife.

This heavy treasure can absorb a large amount of yin evil spirits and turn it into the essence of the yin moon. Practitioners who hold a moon wheel knife are called Yue Lian in the Yu family.

It would be great to have this treasure.

Jiang Lin couldn't help but think a little more. He needed a lot of Yin Sha Qi, but they were all directly stuffed into the corpse poison in his body. There was a process of assimilation.

If these yin evil energy can be directly transformed into the essence of the yin moon, it would be more convenient for him.

Moreover, if the Millennium Mass Burial Mound is really completely remodeled, and there is no more yin and evil energy, then having the Moon Wheel Saber can also be of great help to him.

However, Jiang Lin also knew that he was just thinking about it.

Although it is recorded in this legend that the Yu family has fallen, after all, it was once a huge family. He wanted to beat the family's treasures. In his current state, it may be that he doesn't have enough troubles.

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin stopped making such unnecessary fantasies.

However, what Jiang Lin never expected was that Yue Lian, the previous generation of the Yu family, had an irreconcilable conflict with the family and left the family, and the Moon Wheel Saber he held was also passed on to his descendants.

Now the Moon Blade is in Anyang City.

When Jiang Lin gets there, there will be another chance.

Chapter [*]: An accident occurs in Jianglin, and the female ghost saves the fire

When he returned to Pan Mansion, Jiang Lin did not waste time with Han Jizu on the grounds that he wanted to study.

He has to continue to investigate the information to absorb the evil spirit, and he has no time to continue with Han Jizu.

For the next few days, he basically did not go out except for necessary activities.

Not only himself, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in his heart were like him, madly absorbing the evil spirit that leaked out of the room.

As for the hanged ghost hidden in the red plum, she had already woken up, but she could only be in a hurry.

Show up, she is afraid that she will scare Jiang Lin, and may even scare her benefactor to death, but if she doesn't show up, Jiang Lin, the "scholar", will always be attacked by Yin Qi.

Not only the yin qi and evil spirits, but also the resentment in her body for no reason.

But she was in a hurry, but what Jiang Lin absorbed continued.

Originally, Jiang Lin thought that as long as he continued like this, he would be able to let the corpse poison in his body suppress Wang Tianjian's corpse poison all the time. In that case, as long as he completely hibernated the spiritual power and Yang Yan in his body, he would still be able to dormant. Use some abilities of the corpse.

However, what surprised him was that the suppressed Wangtian corpse poison broke out.

Although the owner of these corpse poisons, Wang Tianqi, has completely dissipated, it still has some spirituality left.

This is also the horror of Wangtianjian.

These scourge toxins sensed Jiang Lin's current state. Not only was Jiang Lin constantly absorbing a large amount of yin evil energy, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie were also absorbing it, and they were also continuously delivering ghost energy to Jiang Lin.

The medicinal power in Jiang Lin's body was also decreasing day by day, which made him feel the crisis and could no longer be suppressed, otherwise he would not be able to turn over.


Jiang Lin also didn't want Wangtian's corpse poison to settle down before, but now it has started to make trouble again, and there is no sign yet.

These scourge toxins completely rioted, and after breaking through the suppression of Jiang Lin's own corpse poison, they rushed directly to his dantian position.

It has to be said that Wangtianjian's corpse poison is so troublesome that he has a lot of experience.

Only by arousing Jiang Lin's dormant spiritual power and Yang Yan, can he continue to be the prime minister of the Six Nations within Jiang Lin's body.

The body suddenly became chaotic, and Jiang Lin spat out a mouthful of blood.


Jiang Lin's internal organs were damaged again, and he hurriedly mobilized the corpse poison in his body to deal with the sudden pain.

However, this time Wangtianjian's corpse poison seems to be ready to kill the fish and the net is broken, and it seems to be a master of learning. It is directly divided into three strands, two of which directly rushed to Qiurong and Xiaoxie in Jianglin's heart, and the other one soared up. , going straight to the Lingtai of Jianglin.

At the same time that Wang Tianjian's corpse poison was in chaos, both the Yang Yan spiritual energy in Jiang Lin's body and his own corpse poison chased after him.

I call your grandma!

How could Jiang Lin dare to let the spiritual power Yang Yan and corpse poison in his body rush to his heart, these Yang Yan spiritual power and corpse poison are still pinching each other in the process of chasing each other.

Years of neighborly feelings don't work.

Either you die or I live.

In this case, if the two rushed to his heart and used Wang Tianjian's corpse poison as a battlefield again, Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie would be in danger.

The power of yin and yang repulsion is not ordinary horror, Jiang Lin's physical strength is stronger than steel.

In this way, when the body exploded, the blood hole was directly blown out of his body.

If such blasting power falls on Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, or if it continues to blast, the consequences can be imagined.

What's more troublesome is that Jiang Lin can't let the sisters Qiurong and Xiao Xie out. Once they are released, there will be a catastrophe.

That's even more dangerous.

Therefore, Jiang Lin could only forcibly suppress Yang Yan's spiritual power and his own corpse poison.

Although two strands of Wangtian's corpse poison rushed towards Qiurong and Xiaoxie respectively, these two sisters are now ghosts, and they have always been nourished by the medicinal power of the fairy treasure. Not life-threatening.

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