However, Jiang Lin's thoughts were so strong that he was a little weak in guarding the spiritual platform, and he was attacked by the last corpse poison.

Because of this, a sharp pain like being stabbed by an iron rod appeared in his mind, causing him to pass out.

Lying on the desk, Jiang Lin knocked down the candlestick on the table with his hand, and the candlelight immediately ignited the books on the table.

As soon as the wind passed outside, the sparks were blown away and landed on the curtain not far away.

Before long, the curtains and table tops began to burn, and the fire gradually became larger.

"Young Master Jiang!"

At this time, the scorching heat in the room alarmed the hanged ghost in the red plum.

A petal of petals flew out, and then a hanged ghost wearing a white dress and a white silk neckband appeared in the room.

This hanged ghost sticks its tongue out, its feet do not touch the ground, and it floats in mid-air.

Looking at the fire around her, she could only move her arms and put out the raging fire with her own ghostly energy.

Coincidentally, Feng Yunting had some academic questions at the moment, and wanted to come to Jiang Lin to discuss it, but he saw a big fire in Jiang Lin's room, and in the middle of the flame there was a foot that did not touch the ground, a pale face and a tongue. The female ghost who stretched out the elders directly scared him stupid.

After a whimper, Feng Yunting fell to the ground, and was immediately stunned.

"Young Master Jiang, Young Master Jiang!"

After the hanged ghost put out the fire, he floated to Jiang Lin's side and pushed his body, feeling extremely anxious.

As for Feng Yunting, who was frightened outside, she couldn't care less.

Now, Jiang Lin already had a lot of burns on his body. Before hanging the ghost, he was only concerned with putting out the fire and didn't notice Jiang Lin.

The burns on Jiang Lin's body were caused by the chaos of the Yang Yan in her body, but she mistakenly thought that Jiang Lin was burned by the fire.

Chapter [*] What is this ability? (superior)

"What are you arguing about, Xiaomei, you are preventing me from doing business."

At this time, a woman in red appeared in the room, frowning at the hanged ghost.

Like a hanged ghost, she is also a ghost, and her cultivation has reached the level of a ghost emperor, but she is weaker than ordinary ghost emperors.

The evil spirit of the Pan Mansion was restrained without revealing it, which was the means used by this red-clothed ghost emperor.

"Hong Mom, I'm sorry to bother you."

The hanged ghost immediately apologized to the red-clothed ghost emperor, and then said, "Hong Ma, look at this Young Master Jiang, whether he is alive or dead."

Hong Ma looked at Jiang Lin and said, "He's not dead, he's still alive."

Because Jiang Lin used some concealment methods on his body out of caution, so even if Hong Ma was a ghost emperor, he did not discover his true identity and roots.

"He's not dead? That's great, that's great."

The Hanged Ghost breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Jiang Lin with joy.

"Since there is a fire here, it means that there should be fire calamity in his hit. You are really nosy if you take action to save her. If you can be reincarnated in the future, this account will be charged to you."

Hong Ma glared at the hanged ghost. These ghosts were originally here based on the principle of not committing crimes to me and not others, and never minding their own business, but now this hanged ghost actually kindly saved people.

The hanged ghost explained: "Hong Ma, he is my benefactor, he transplanted the red plum I was attached to into the flowerpot, and helped me water and irrigate every day, I am not as weak as before, and I am She's even prettier than before."

"You're still pretty. If you don't retract your tongue for a day, you're pretty for ghosts to see."


When Hong Ma said this, the Hanged Ghost's expression darkened.

She was also a very charming flower before her death, but the place where she was hanged just restrained her fate, which caused her to be dead even after [*] years of death, and she couldn't even restore her original appearance.

"Hong Mom, this Young Master Jiang is a good person. He moved the red plum that I was attached to, so that the evil spirit leaked out. This time he was robbed, maybe it was because he absorbed a lot of evil spirit in his body that he was unlucky. You do it. All right, save him. He's burned so badly he probably won't survive."

The Hanged Ghost didn't feel any sense of her life anymore, and she was now afraid that Jiang Lin would still be unable to escape the calamity.

"You don't have to ask me about it. He has burns on his body. You can heal him with the ghost energy in your body. By the way, don't let him wake up directly, or he might even be scared when he sees you like this. Dead. It's almost dawn and I should go too."

Hong Ma took a few steps and then warned: "Don't forget to restore this place to its original state, otherwise your kindness will be in vain. The fire has started, and he didn't burn to death. If he is suspicious, he will also expose us. "


The Hanged Ghost nodded, and then he took a few breaths to heal the burns on Jiang Lin's body.

It is precisely because of these unusual ghostly breaths of hers that the corpse poison in Jiang Lin's body was replenished, thus suppressing the chaotic corpse poison that hit Jianglin Lingtai again.

As for the other two corpse poisons, they hit Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie, causing them all to lose consciousness.

That's why they didn't appear when there was a fire before.

Seeing that the burns on Jiang Lin's face and body gradually disappeared, the hanged ghost smiled slightly, and then used his means again, so that the traces of the fire in the room gradually returned to their original state.

This is not to cast some illusion, but to restore those things to their original appearance.

If Jiang Lin was awake at this time, he would be extremely surprised to see this situation.

Because this hanged ghost's cultivation was at the level of a ghost king, and he was still the weakest ghost king, and he didn't even have a stable foundation.

But it is such a weak ghost king that can actually restore the books, desks, and pillars and other utensils that have been burnt to their original state.

Not to mention a ghost king, even a ghost god or even a ghost immortal has no such ability.

Over the years, Jiang Lin has also seen similar abilities from the immovable monks of Zhantan Temple.

It's just that the immovable monk is using the power of nirvana retrospection, which is completely different from this hanging ghost.

The burnt objects in the room were restored one by one, and the hanged ghost nodded slightly when she saw it, but she still ignored some details. , was not found by her.

Seeing that the room had completely changed back to the way it was before the fire, the hanged ghost lifted Jiang Lin on his back and made him lie down on the bed. After that, it turned into a shadow of plum blossoms and returned to the red plums in the flowerpot on the table.

"Ghost! There's a ghost!"

The next morning, Jiang Lin was woken up.

Feng Yunting woke up earlier than him, and then the kid recalled the hanging female ghost he saw yesterday, and cried out in fright.

"What's the noise, it's early in the morning."

It didn't take long for Han Jizu to come to Fengyun Pavilion and look at him complainingly.

It's a sin to disturb people's dreams!

Feng Yunting pointed at Jiang Lin's room and continued to shout, "It's on fire! There are ghosts, there are ghosts!"

At this time, Jiang Lin had already sat up from the bed. He sensed the situation in his own body and found that there were three strands of Wangtian corpse poison in his body, one of which was completely suppressed by his own corpse poison, but the other two gone.

And the Yang flame and spiritual power in his body were also returned to his dantian and hidden.

How is this going?

Jiang Lin was a little surprised. Judging from yesterday's situation, the chaos in his body shouldn't be dealt with so quickly.

He only remembered that before he fell into a coma, the mind in Lingtai was fighting against a corpse poison from Wangtianjian.

He doesn't remember what happened after that.

Autumn Rong!Thank you!

Thinking back for a while, Jiang Lin's heart suddenly panicked, and he immediately checked the situation of Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie in his heart.

Chapter [*] What is this ability? (Down)

After carefully examining Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie's status with his mind, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief after a while.

Although the ghosts of the two sisters were attached to Wangtianjian's corpse poison, their own ghost qi was fighting against these two corpse poisons, and there was no danger to their lives in a short period of time.

So, he mobilized his corpse poison to wrap up Qiu Rong and Xiao Xie.

The ghost bodies of the pair of ghost sisters are absorbing the medicinal power of his flesh and blood, and if this continues, the two corpse poisons will only continue to grow.

However, as long as he used his own corpse poison, this situation could be improved.

It's a pity that, at present, it will take a while for Qiurong and Xiaoxie to wake up.

"A hanged ghost?"

The mind was removed from Qiurong and Xiao Xie, and Jiang Lin's brows began to wrinkle.

From just now until now, Feng Yunting outside his room has been shouting that he saw a hanged ghost last night.

Could it be that the Hanged Ghost in Hongmei appeared?

Jiang Lin turned to look at the flowerpot on the desk.

If Feng Yunting yelled at the hanged ghost, he could understand it, but this kid kept shouting about the fire, so he didn't know what was going on.

Last night, when he was hit by a corpse poison from Wangtianjian, he fell into a coma completely, so he naturally didn't know about the fact that his hand touched the candlestick and caused a fire.

And everything in this room was restored by the hanged ghost, no matter how much he could infer, he couldn't understand what Feng Yunting was howling.

"I said you were talking nonsense."

Han Jizu folded his arms and looked at Feng Yunting, who was talking incoherently. He really doubted whether Feng Yunting stayed up late to study, causing his brain to be stupid.

Well, let's not talk about the hanged ghost, let's talk about a fire, a fire!

So Han Jizu pulled Feng Yunting into Jiang Lin's room, pointed around, and said to Feng Yunting: "Okay, okay, what you say is what you say, if there is a fire, it is a fire, and then, the traces of the fire. Woolen cloth?"


Feng Yunting was speechless by Han Jizu's words.

Yes, there is a fire, what about the traces of the fire?

What about charred?What about ashes?

"Trust me! I really saw it, such a big fire, and a hanged ghost in white clothes, a female ghost, with a long tongue sticking out, and a white silk around her neck, she was still floating in the air. As for the middle, I really didn't read it wrong. I wanted to ask Brother Jiang for advice yesterday because of some academic problems. I remember clearly that it was the hanged ghost that scared me out."

Feng Yunting still didn't believe that the scene he saw last night was because he was dizzy, and hoped that Han Jizu could believe him.

"Alright then, I'll ask Brother Jiang for you."

Han Jizu shrugged, then looked at Jiang Lin, and said, "Brother Jiang, Yun Ting said that there was a fire here last night, do you know? Do you have any burns or scars on your body? Yun Ting insists that you have a fire here. , and said that there was a female ghost in your room."

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