But the more he saw it, the more fearful he became.

This hanged ghost, but he can restore everything that has been burned, and his ability is not small.

It is simply not the ability that the ghost king level can have.

"Young Master Jiang, aren't you afraid of me?"

Seeing Jiang Lin's reaction, the Hanged Ghost couldn't help but be stunned.Jiang Lin said that he was not afraid of any ghosts, but now that she has appeared, normal people would panic even if they didn't scream when they saw her like this.

But Jiang Lin didn't have such a reaction.

Could it be that you were frightened stupidly?

"I don't have to be afraid of you, ghost, I'm not afraid."

Jiang Lin shook his head, but he was a little confused about the situation.

The hanged ghost actually asked him why he was not afraid?

What does this mean?

Don't you know I'm a monk?

Chapter [*] Fortunately, I scare myself (in)

"Since Young Master Jiang is not afraid, then the little girl is relieved. The little girl is also worried that her death will scare the Young Master."

The Hanged Ghost was really not afraid when he saw Jiang Lin, nor was he scared stupid, and he felt a lot more relieved.

However, she was indeed a little surprised, and felt that Jiang Lin was really courageous.

Her current appearance is not ugly and can be described, it is simply terrifying, and her face makes it easy for people to associate with evil ghosts and ghosts, and then think of life, and trembling all over in fear is normal.

But Jiang Lin didn't seem to think about anything else at all, and he didn't seem to be at all afraid.

"Thank you, Young Master Jiang, for stopping your friend from picking that red plum before, and the son took good care of it after transplanting it. The little girl is really grateful. By the way, the little girl's surname is Pan and her boudoir name is Xuemei. After death, her soul still exists there. On Zhu Hongmei, speaking of which, if there is a problem with Hongmei, the little girl may lose her soul."

After Pan Xuemei thanked Jiang Lin, she introduced herself again. Although she said that Jiang Lin helped her and she rescued Jiang Lin later, it was considered to be even with each other, but Jiang Lin was not afraid of her now, which made her feel a lot of goodwill. So she still chose to thank Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin didn't care about Pan Xuemei's surname or her acknowledgment. The only thing he felt was wrong was the attitude of the ghost.

This attitude is not right.

After examining for a while, Jiang Lin saw that the Hanged Ghost did not seem to be acting, so he asked tentatively, "My friend named Feng said that the Hanged Ghost he had seen should be you, right? So, in my house The fire happened, too. But...but why is everything back to the way it was?"

Now he didn't know what was going on with this hanged ghost Pan Xuemei, so he didn't choose to confess.

At least look at the situation first.

At present, he doesn't know whether this Pan Xuemei is really thanking him, or where to act.

It's not a script at all.

Because there is no need to act like that.

"Young Master Jiang, I'm very sorry, the little girl scared your friend. At that time, you were tired from reading and probably didn't rest well, so you fell on the desk, knocked over the candlestick, and caused a fire. See you, little girl. It was an emergency, so I showed up without thinking.”

Pan Xuemei's face showed some apology, and then explained: "After the fire broke out, the little girl put out the fire, because she was worried that Young Master Jiang and you all knew that there were ghosts and ghosts here, so she restored everything in the room to its original state. "

Sure enough it was you.

Hearing Pan Xuemei's voluntary admission, Jiang Lin no longer doubted it.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Lin said, "You must be joking, girl, I know a little about ghosts, and I have heard a little about ghost kings, but as far as I know, ghosts have the ability to create illusions, but only if It seems a little far-fetched to say that the burnt objects are restored to their original state."

"Oh? It turns out that Young Master Jiang has also heard stories about supernatural beings. No wonder she is not so afraid after seeing the little girl. The little girl doesn't know why she has such abilities, but apart from this trivial ability. , there is no other ability."

Pan Xuemei said, her expression became a little lonely. If she could, she would be willing to turn this useless ability into a means of killing. In this case, she would not have been unable to avenge her enemy for so many years.

I don't know why it has such an ability?

Jiang Lin frowned, he really couldn't tell the truth from what Pan Xuemei said.

It was mainly because Pan Xuemei's method of going back in time was too heaven-defying, and it was really hard for him to believe that he didn't know why he had it.

Not to mention a small ghost king, even his wife Yu Canhua, who was transformed into a ghost fairy body after being resurrected from the dead, does not have such ability.

But Jiang Lin couldn't think of any reason why this Pan Xuemei wanted to conceal and deceive him.

Because Pan Xuemei has no reasonable motivation at all.

If it was because his true strength could not be maintained after he was rebuilt, and he was afraid of him, he kept playing quizzes with him, then this female ghost didn't have to show up to meet him.

Moreover, Pan Xuemei didn't have to tell him that the red plum was his dependency, and that if there was a problem with the red plum, he would lose his mind.

Didn't this clearly expose his weakness to him?

Could it be intentional?

Are you testing me?

Jiang Lin has too many question marks in his heart now.

Huh?Not right.

At this time, Jiang Lin suddenly discovered that Pan Xuemei's ghost body was abnormal.

This ghost is not complete at all.

To put it bluntly, Pan Xuemei is now just a ghost turned into a remnant.

Having discovered this, Jiang Lin felt even more that the hanged ghost in front of him made him unable to see the depth.

That's why he thinks he has reason to believe that Pan Xuemei must have some purpose or intention, so he has not revealed his extraordinary identity.

In other words, Pan Xuemei has been testing or testing him all the time.

"That's it, Miss Pan, let's get straight to the point, and people won't speak secretly. I'm here, Jiang Lin, just to borrow a place to stay temporarily, and have no other ideas. As for my two friends, I'll keep an eye on them. Don't let them offend you. We have nothing to do with Qiu, do you think it's okay?"

Jiang Lin also stopped thinking about Pan Xuemei's purpose, and he was not going to play any more riddles with her, so he made it clear.

If the well water does not make the river water, don't embarrass anyone.

"Young Master Jiang, you have misunderstood. I came out just to thank you, Young Master. I don't mean to hurt you and your friends."

Pan Xuemei waved her hands again and again, she thought Jiang Lin said that because she was wrong to ask her to kill someone, so she solemnly promised not to do anything offensive.

Then she added: "Although there are other ghosts in the Pan Mansion, they don't have any ill will towards people like you. Therefore, you don't have to worry about your own safety. However, Young Master Jiang, the little girl advises you. , it's better to change a place."

Speaking of this, Pan Xuemei realized that there was an ambiguity in her words, she waved her hands slightly again, and explained: "No no no, I mean you change rooms, not to drive you away. There is a strong evil spirit in this room. Qi, it's not good for your health. Before you suffered a fire disaster, it may be because you absorbed these evil spirits that the disaster came. "

Chapter [*] Fortunately, I scare myself (below)

What are you talking about?

Jiang Lin was really speechless.

What he wanted to see and heard wasn't Pan Xuemei's response. If Pan Xuemei's expression changed, her face changed, and she said "It's so good" or "It's a promise", it would make him feel a lot more at ease.

Even when Pan Xuemei directly said to let him go, he felt that he could accept it.

I don't leave my father here, my father just leaves.

But now, Pan Xuemei seems to be trying to play some kind of mystery with him.

He has clearly stated his meaning, and the other party is still like this.

Frowning his brows, Jiang Lin felt that he might really be thinking too much.

After all, he had made his intentions clear, and he was willing to open the skylight to Pan Xuemei to speak eloquently. As long as the hanged ghost would stop being a good boy, he would be able to make a choice.

But at this point, the other party won't act like this anymore.

Seeing Pan Xuemei's sincere expression, Jiang Lin pointed at himself again and said, "Miss Pan, you...you didn't realize that I was different from ordinary people?"

Jiang Lin was planning to reveal his identity as a cultivator, but considering that if he thinks too much and exposes his identity directly, it will cause inconvenience to his next affairs.

Pan Xuemei also said just now that she is not the only ghost in this Pan residence.

Maybe Pan Xuemei didn't mind, but what about the other ghosts.

Once you know that he has the status of a monk, there must be people who don't want him to stay here.

The yin and ghosts of the Pan Mansion are not exposed, and they should not want to cause trouble, but for some ghosts, as long as he is a monk, it means that he is a trouble himself.

In fact, it is fortunate that Jiang Lin did not reveal his identity as a cultivator. Otherwise, his troubles would be more than one or two, and there would be big troubles.

Not only the Pan Xuemei in front of him would have a big change in his attitude towards him, but some ghosts in Pan's mansion would also be dispatched together, which would be detrimental to him.

Even Jiang Lin didn't know that this time he was just frightening himself. Pan Xuemei was not a ghost who killed himself and rebuilt himself, nor was he a character with great ability, just an ordinary ghost king.

However, Pan Xuemei's life was very strange.

But this peculiar fate could not bring her any benefit at all, instead she was killed because she had such a numerology.

Even after her death, Pan Xuemei would be in danger of being lost at any time because her physique was too rare.

She is similar to Jiang Lin who was full of medicinal power before, she is a sweet pastry.

If Jiang Lin knew this, he would be glad.

Fortunately, he scared himself this time, causing him to think too much.

He regarded Pan Xuemei as a dangerous character, so he has been cautious, and has not revealed his identity until now.

Jiang Lin felt like he was giving Pan Xuemei a show in his heart. He felt that Pan Xuemei had never opened the skylight, there must be a reason and a purpose, and he was very jealous of Pan Xuemei. When the other party was "playing crazy and selling stupid", he would have There are many scruples, and I dare not take the initiative to pierce this layer of window paper. I can only convey my meaning cautiously, hoping to get a more positive response from the other party.

Whether it succeeds or not, he can make plans early.

If he didn't have too many scruples and confessed to Pan Xuemei when he thought that Pan Xuemei was not a simple ghost king, then he would now be at war with these ghosts in the Pan House.

And once that happens, in his current state, he will definitely not take any advantage.

Even if he can win in the end, the sequelae are not something he can easily solve.

"what's the difference?"

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin again, she didn't know why Jiang Lin asked that.

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