"Oh, by the way, Young Master Jiang doesn't say it, the little girl really forgot that you have a scent on your body."

"Medicinal fragrance, right?"

Jiang Lin's face became serious. It seemed that this Pan Xuemei was not really a ghost king, and he could actually find that he had the medicinal power of an immortal treasure in his body.

Pan Xuemei shook her head and said, "It's not a medicinal fragrance, it's a floral fragrance, a bit like the fragrance of peony, and it seems to be the fragrance of roses."

Since her death, Pan Xuemei's soul has been attached to Hongmei. Although she was reincarnated in the middle, she finally escaped and hid in Hongmei again. At that time, her soul was incomplete and formed with Hongmei. With a relationship similar to lips and teeth, he is considered a half-flower demon, and naturally he can find the scent of peony and concubine Jiang Lin on Jiang Lin.


Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses. When Concubine Jiang was by his side, it was because he smelled the fragrance of flowers on his body that he unconsciously fell in love with him.

Since Pan Xuemei coexists with the red plum, it is not too strange to be able to detect the fragrance of flowers on his body.

Could it be true that this Pan Xuemei had a huge opportunity to master such a rare ability?

And is it really a weak ghost king?

Jiang Lin pinched his chin and thought, recalling the scenes after Pan Xuemei appeared.

If everything Pan Xuemei is pretending to play, then this female ghost's acting skills are too powerful.

Can kill the Oscar queen in seconds.

"If there is nothing wrong, the little girl will go back first. If the two friends of Young Master Jiang came here and saw the little girl, they would be terrified."

Pan Xuemei saw that Jiang Lin had been pondering and didn't know what he was thinking, so she wanted to return to Hongmei.

In addition to being afraid of scaring Han Jizu and Feng Yunting, there is another reason, that is, she can't touch the ground with her feet like ordinary ghosts, she is always floating in the air.

Rather than floating, it's better to be hung.

Bai Ling was hanging on her neck all the time, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, she wanted to return to Hongmei, at least to feel better.

"My two friends shouldn't come. Anyway, I feel a little lonely by myself. If Miss Pan has nothing to do and doesn't mind, how about being with Jiang?"

Jiang Lin didn't let Pan Xuemei go back. Now he wasn't sure if Pan Xuemei had any purpose, so he wanted her to stay with him for a while longer.

Over time, there will always be the possibility of revealing flaws.

He didn't have to let Pan Xuemei reveal his flaws, he just wanted the other party to give him a letter of approval.

If the two do not violate each other, he will be able to absorb Yin Sha Qi here with peace of mind, otherwise, he will have to sit on pins and needles.

Jiang Lin was in urgent need of Yin Sha Qi supply because of another change in his body, but he was carrying an immortal treasure, and there might be a great power here.

Maybe when he was concentrating on absorbing yin qi and evil qi, someone suddenly gave him the next killer, and he couldn't prevent it.

As long as Pan Xuemei doesn't play dumb riddles, it doesn't matter if she wants to deceive him and deliberately say something.He Jiang Lin is not so easy to deceive.

Better than not being able to figure out anything right now.

No matter how bad it is, the reply he gets is the result he doesn't want to see, that's fine, he just leaves.

No matter how much Yin Shaqi is needed, it is better than confessing it here.

Therefore, Jiang Lin asked Pan Xuemei to accompany him. After a long time, maybe Pan Xuemei would feel that it was useless to continue playing dumb riddles, so he directly gave him the exact answer.

Chapter [*]: Six Thieves Earth Life ([*])

"Young Master Jiang, I... I look like this, don't you think I'm ugly?"

Pan Xuemei really didn't understand why Jiang Lin wanted her to stay. She was a ghost, and her death was rather ugly.

Just like that, someone still wanted her to accompany her.

Jiang Lin shook his head and said, "It's not ugly either. If I read it correctly, you should have been pretty beautiful during your lifetime. It's estimated that you have a bad face."

What he said is true. The reason why Pan Xuemei is ugly is because her tongue is stretched out very long and her face is extremely pale, but if her tongue is restored to its original state and her face is more bloody, she is also a rare beauty. .

"Since Young Master Jiang doesn't dislike it, then the little girl should accompany Young Master."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Pan Xuemei felt a burst of warmth in her heart. She was indeed beautiful before her death, but after she was hanged, she became like this, and she has no relationship with beauty ever since.

She knew it was ugly, but she couldn't help it.

But now there are people who are not only not afraid of her, but also dislike her ugly.

Jiang Lin smiled, and then pretended to pick up a book, but his attention was not on the book at all, and more on Pan Xuemei who was on the side.

It didn't take long for Pan Xuemei to feel a little embarrassed, because she noticed that Jiang Lin would glance at her every once in a while.

If she was her original appearance, she would definitely feel a little disgusted with Jiang Lin's rude behavior.

Naturally, it is disgusting that people coveted her appearance, but now that she is so ugly, people will definitely not have any unreasonable thoughts on her.

But I have no idea, and I can't keep peeking at her.

What does this mean?

Near midnight, Jiang Lin looked at Pan Xuemei and said, "You've been floating, aren't you tired?"

Pan Xuemei gave a wry smile and said, "Because I died by hanging myself, I can't fall on the ground, I can only float like this."

Is there such a thing?

Jiang Lin had never heard of the fact that a hanged ghost could not touch the ground.

"Or... sit."

He pointed to the desk. There were no extra stools in this room, just a space above the desk.

"Is this... indecent?"

Pan Xuemei was a little embarrassed. She wanted to find a slightly higher place to rest, but sitting on someone's table, what kind of formality was this?

"If there are extra chairs and stools, you naturally don't need to do this, but now that the conditions do not allow it, it can be regarded as a short-term solution, and there is nothing indecent."

Jiang Lin smiled, he didn't care about that.

So, Pan Xuemei floated over and sat in the empty space beside Jiang Lin's desk.

After sitting down, Pan Xuemei felt a little embarrassed.

No matter when she was alive or after her death, how could she ever get along so closely with a man?

Moreover, she was sitting on the desk and Jiang Lin was sitting on the chair, which made her appear to be a head taller than Jiang Lin.

In her cognition, this is absolutely not allowed.

The tutoring she received during her lifetime was that her daughter's family was in front of others, especially in front of men. She had to keep her stance low, and there would never be such a thing.

Unless she was married and became a shrew, she would dare to be so presumptuous.

Pan Xuemei's pale face turned a little red when she thought about it like this. She also secretly glanced at Jiang Lin, only to realize that Jiang Lin was really a talented person, and Jiang Lin was fearless when he encountered ugly ghosts. The temperament made her feel a little admiration.

In addition to admiration, of course, there is also some psychology of appreciation.

What is this scenario?

Jiang Lin had been paying attention to observe Pan Xuemei, but now he noticed that Pan Xuemei was peeking at him and showed a little daughter's attitude, and suddenly he didn't know what was going on.

You should be a hidden talent, why is it like spring is sprouting now?

The special object is still me.

I'm going big!

Jiang Lin raised his head and glanced at Pan Xuemei, just in time to meet Pan Xuemei's gaze, Pan Xuemei suddenly turned over and fell from the table.

Just like that, because her feet couldn't touch the ground, her neck was slammed.

"Jiang... Young Master Jiang..."

Pan Xuemei covered her neck, her tongue seemed to stick out longer, she looked at the beam above, and said to Jiang Lin, "Young Master, the little girl died by hanging on this beam and was restricted by it, can you ask for help? Young Master, did you help to dismantle or replace this beam? I think Young Master is full of anger, so he should have a life of fire and be born with me, just to help me out of the siege, so that I can also gain freedom."

If it wasn't for being hanged so fiercely, Pan Xuemei wouldn't be able to remember to ask Jiang Lin to help out.

It's easy to remove the beam, but if you want to solve her problem, you must be someone who lives with her.

She is a hanged ghost, people and ghosts have different paths, and she is afraid of scaring people on weekdays, so where can she have the opportunity to ask people for help.

Even if he had an idea, it was dismissed because it was difficult to meet people with fire lives.

Now that Pan Xuemei was hanged like this, she thought that if the beam could be removed or replaced, she would be able to regain her freedom.

Fortunately, she was surprised to find that Jiang Lin had a lot of yang energy and anger, maybe it was the person she was looking for.

She hadn't noticed it before.

"The beam restrains you?"

Jiang Lin looked at Pan Xuemei with a puzzled expression. In his knowledge, there was no saying that the hanged ghost was restricted by the beam.

Pan Xuemei nodded and said, "Yes, a little girl is born with an earthly life. This beam is a thousand-year-old lightning strike wood. The white silk on my neck can't be freed because of it."

"Okay, I'll change the beam for you. It's not difficult."

Since Pan Xuemei had something to ask for, Jiang Lin would naturally not agree. After all, those who asked for help were as soft-hearted as those who took them.

No matter why Pan Xuemei asked him to help, after he helped, he made the other party owe love.

Hearing Jiang Lin's promise, Pan Xuemei's face was filled with joy, and she looked at Jiang Lin with a heartfelt gratitude.

"Miss Pan, you are born with a natural destiny, will you be restrained by this beam?"

Jiang Lin asked Pan Xuemei, and he wanted to hear how Pan Xuemei explained.

In his impression, even if the wood overcomes the earth in the five elements, there will not be a situation like Pan Xuemei. People are like this, even their feet can't touch the ground.

Even if the hanging beam is a lightning strike wood, it will not cause such a situation.

And even if Pan Xuemei couldn't handle this beam, would it be difficult for other ghosts to move a beam?

Why does Pan Xuemei keep hanging like this?

"No, Hong Ma said that my fate is very strange, not an ordinary earth life. Oh, Hong Ma is also a ghost living in Pan Mansion, she is much stronger than me, but you can rest assured, son, Hong Ma is a very good person. , it won't be bad for you. It seems that I can restore the destroyed items because I have such a fate. According to Hong Ma, what kind of life is my fate, it is actually a scourge, except for myself It's useless, it's of great benefit to others, especially evil spirits and monks. That's why I'm not welcome by the gods, and the thunder contained in the thunderbolt tree is the real thing against me. "

Pan Xuemei didn't even think about whether Jiang Lin could understand, so she explained it to him.

Mainly because Jiang Lin agreed to her request and made her feel grateful to Jiang Lin, she said more.

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