"I didn't find anyone, I did it myself. You shouted that you wanted to live here, and you still look forward to it. Then I must fulfill your wish earlier."

Jiang Lin smiled, then hugged Pan Xuemei's waist, jumped up, and went to the wooden house on the tree.

Pan Xuemei looked at the arrangement in the wooden house, and tears overflowed from the corners of her moved eyes. When she met such a good man, she really wanted to enjoy this feeling of being loved all the time.

But unfortunately, she didn't have much time.

"You silly girl, what's there to cry about? It's only right and proper for a man to love his wife."

Jiang Lin scratched the bridge of Pan Xuemei's nose, and then took her to sit down on a tree branch. Under the moonlight, countless fireflies were flying in the forest, which was also a rare beauty.

Pan Xuemei snuggled in Jiang Lin's arms, and told Jiang Lin a lot of things about her life. Although she was about to disappear, she still wanted to exist in Jiang Lin's memory.

For the next three days, Jiang Lin did not go back. The trees in this forest area covered the sky and the sun, so he did not need to cast a light-proof spell on Pan Xuemei, and Pan Xuemei was like a bottle of [-] glue, directly sticking to him. I don't want to let go.

Early in the morning, Jiang Lin got up and released the charming spirit in the ancient mirror to watch over the sleeping Pan Xuemei.

He was going to ask Han Jizu how the marriage was going.

"Xuemei, what's going on?"

On the way, Jiang Lin couldn't help muttering to himself, Pan Xuemei was not even twenty years old when she died, but in these few days she has behaved like a woman in her thirties and forties who is like a raging fire.

desire dissatisfaction.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. If Pan Xuemei was alive and after his death, the time would be about the same, and it wasn't like he couldn't hold on to such a situation.

Back at the Pan Mansion, when Jiang Lin passed by Han Jizu's room, he saw that this kid was chatting and laughing with Gu Shulan, and he even handed the candied haws to Gu Shulan's mouth, very attentive.

Seeing this, he didn't bother to mess with Han Jizu, and went straight back to Pan Xuemei's room.

"Why is the smell of blood strong again?"

As soon as he entered the room, Jiang Lin touched his nose. The smell of blood in this room was much stronger than what he had smelled before.

Following the direction of the smell, Jiang Lin walked to the bedside, and when he bent over, he found a red plum in the corner under the bed.

The smell of blood comes from the red plum flowerpot.

Jiang Lin frowned slightly and looked at the table not far away. There was also a red plum on the table, and there was almost no difference between the two.

"No! This is Xuemei's red plum."

After a little closer inspection, Jiang Lin found the clue, and then he stretched out his hand and moved the red plum in the corner of the bed into his hand.

Snake blood?Turtle blood?

With a slight movement of his nose, Jiang Lin immediately identified the source of the blood in the flowerpot.

This is nothing, what surprised him was that the red plum in his hand was about to die.

How is this going?

For a time, Jiang Lin's back felt a little chilly. This red plum and Pan Xuemei belonged to a symbiotic relationship. If the red plum died, it also meant that Pan Xuemei was about to die.

Now, he has no time to think about why Hongmei has become like this.

"Why didn't Xuemei sense this situation?"

Jiang Lin was very puzzled. Since Hongmei has been in such a situation, it is impossible for Pan Xuemei not to know.

As soon as the words came out, Jiang Lin realized that something was wrong, and it was absolutely impossible for Pan Xuemei to be unaware.

Under this premise, Pan Xuemei has never mentioned this to him, which means that the other party must be deliberately concealing him!

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin didn't have time to worry about the marriage at all, so he rushed out of the room and ran to the forest area where Pan Xuemei was.

"What's going on? Don't say you don't know, this red plum is your life, it's about to wither. What's going on?"

After entering the wooden house on the tree, Jiang Lin took out the red plum he brought, and looked at Pan Xuemei, who had already woken up, with a cold face.

"Jiang Lang, this red plum has nothing to do with me, my one is fine."

Pan Xuemei's heart tensed when she saw Jiang Lin brought her own red plum, but she still forced a smile and lied that Jiang Lin had made a mistake.

"Are you really lying to me? What the hell is going on!"

Jiang Lin's volume grew uncontrollably. Pan Xuemei's situation was definitely not normal, but at this juncture, his wife still didn't tell him the truth.

Being drunk like this by Jiang Lin, Pan Xuemei was also quite frightened. In desperation, she could only reveal her true situation.

"Pan Xuemei!"

Jiang Lin's palms were shaking and clenched into fists.

"I treat you as my wife, and I am sincere and good to you, but you, who do you think of me? Who do you think I am?!"

Jiang Lin's throat let out a low roar, and then he laughed angrily, and continued: "Do you think of your men as those who go out and go in and out of Huajie and Liuxiang, looking for fun? You think I'm a female ticket. guest!"

This time, Jiang Lin was really angry. The reason Pan Xuemei gave him just now was that he knew that his time was short, and that he wanted to give him a happy time in the only time left.

It's so, so interesting!

Chapter [-]: It's not too late to mend the prison (Part [-])

Pan Xuemei didn't say a word, but she felt extremely uncomfortable. She had always been worried that Jiang Lin would know about her situation, which would make Jiang Lin feel pain and sadness, but now that Jiang Lin knew, the only emotion she showed was anger.

And, still angry.

As long as she has a little way, she will not choose to hide everything in her heart like this.

Pan Xuemei thought that Jiang Lin was so angry because she concealed him.

In fact, this is just a causal relationship on the surface.

The reason why Jiang Lin was full of anger was indeed the reason why Pan Xuemei was hiding it from him, but the fundamental reason was that Pan Xuemei concealing such a thing would make him lose Pan Xuemei completely.

That was the real reason he was so angry.

"Do you think that I will not care about eternity, but only about what I have? Do you think I am such a person? In your eyes, am I the kind of man who is satisfied with being a dewy couple with you?"

Jiang Lin became more and more angry the more he thought about it, he had never encountered such a situation before.

In the past, he never even spoke aloud to his woman, but now, he really couldn't control his anger.

Because of Pan Xuemei's concealment, he had to face the situation of his dead wife for the first time in his life.

He was promoted to get rich and killed his wife, but he had nothing and wanted to kill his wife.

If he hadn't found out that the red plum in Pan Xuemei's boudoir hadn't had an abnormality in advance, I'm afraid Pan Xuemei would have vanished completely while he was sleeping.

Others were shot while lying down, and he was lying without a wife.

This is one aspect, and the other is because Pan Xuemei said to give him more happy time in the remaining time, which really made him speechless, that is, to sleep with him.

But doing so would be harmful to Pan Xuemei herself.

Jiang Lin didn't know about this situation before, so these few days, he was still transferring the vitality in Pan Xuemei's body as before.

This undoubtedly made Pan Xuemei even worse.

Moreover, in view of the previous situation of Qiurong and Xiao Xie, he was worried that if Pan Xuemei's cultivation increased, it would lead to a catastrophe, and the catastrophe at that time might be completely extraordinary.

Therefore, during this period of time, he has not used any materials such as cold marrow and fairy fruit for Pan Xuemei.

Pan Xuemei couldn't get supplies, and he kept asking for it. The result is predictable.

It can be said that if Pan Xuemei disappeared, there must be his reasons.

But he was kept in the dark from start to finish.

Jiang Lin was very angry, angry that Pan Xuemei was hiding something from him. Although he had concealed something from Pan Xuemei before, it was one thing.

He has always been very generous towards his woman, it's not something he can't accept, it doesn't matter.

But this is a matter of life and death, but Pan Xuemei made him a monk with two feet in length. If he doesn't get angry, could he still smile?

In this situation, it is no longer about facing unknown dangers, but it will become a situation where the soul is scattered.

At this moment, Jiang Lin finally understood why Pan Xuemei always behaved a little strangely these past few days. Moreover, when he wanted to confess to Pan Xuemei, Pan Xuemei wouldn't let him say it, just wanted to cherish what was left. Time, don't want to be occupied by some unimportant things in the past.

But it is because of this that the situation is now almost out of control.

"Jiang Lang, I...I..."

Pan Xuemei couldn't catch a breath in her throat, and tears were dripping down.

She was about to die, but Jiang Lin was still complaining about her. If she died, she would probably have regrets forever.

Jiang Lin's heart softened when he saw Pan Xuemei's helpless and sad appearance.

No matter how angry he was, he was doused by Pan Xuemei's tears.

Only distressed.


Jiang Lin walked over and took Pan Xuemei in his arms.


Jiang Lin shook his head and let out a long sigh. Only now did he realize that he was so angry at Pan Xuemei just now.

This was the first time in his life.

After calming down a little, Jiang Lin couldn't help but blame himself.

Speaking of such things, Pan Xuemei is the biggest victim, not to mention other things, Pan Xuemei pretends to be smiling and hides all the negative emotions when she knows that she will die soon. .

"Come on, you take these."

After that, Jiang Lin immediately took some medicine bottles from the ancient mirror in his arms.

These are some healing materials with extremely strong medicinal effects, which can more or less restore Pan Xuemei.

"This is……"

"Don't ask, just take it and say, these are the treasures that can only be enjoyed by the gods."

Jiang Lin didn't allow Pan Xuemei to be stunned, so he opened the bottle and let Pan Xuemei swallow it.

After the medicinal liquid and the elixir entered the body, Pan Xuemei's eyes widened. She could obviously feel that her condition was much better, and the little vitality left in the ghost body was almost recovered within a few blinks of an eye. Replenish.

"How is it? Are you better? Blame me, blame my husband for losing his temper just now. These past few days, I've been suffering for you."

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