Jiang Lin looked at Pan Xuemei with a hopeful expression on her face. According to Pan Xuemei's previous explanation, the reason why she had the fate of losing her soul was because she no longer had the obsession with revenge, and the rest of her soul had already been reincarnated and died. Grid's dividend, she can persist until now.

Even if Jiang Lin cultivated Taoism for more than [*] years, he had never encountered such a thing.

Therefore, whether these immortal treasures are useful to Pan Xuemei, he can't make sure that he can only ask Pan Xuemei himself.

He can only hope that Pan Xuemei hasn't run out of fuel yet, as long as he can buy some time, he can still make up for it, it's not too late.

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin with a look of anticipation and worry in her eyes, and her tears burst again.

If Jiang Lin didn't care about her, there would be no such expression at all.

Now she also began to understand why Jiang Lin was so angry before. They were both husband and wife, and she still kept Jiang Lin from knowing about such a big incident.

"Jiang Lang, what did you give me? I feel much better now. By the way, you also gave me some liquid medicine when the dog thief attacked Wang Dianshi that day. What is that?"

After crying for a while, Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin. She recalled that when she was injured last time, Jiang Lin also gave her some cold marrow fluid, which was very effective.

It's just that there was a sudden problem with her ghost body, so she ignored it.

Chapter [*]: It's not too late to mend the prison (middle)

Hearing that Pan Xuemei felt a lot better, Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and then explained to her, "These are immortal treasures, the nectar and elixir in heaven."


Pan Xuemei looked puzzled, she didn't know what Jiang Lin was talking about.

"Didn't I tell you before that I have something to explain to you? In fact, I am not a scholar, but a monk, a monk at the peak of Jindan. At the same time, I also have the identity of a monster corpse."

Jiang Lin told Pan Xuemei what he had always wanted to tell him. Pan Xuemei didn't let him speak because he didn't want to be wasted by other things, but now that he knew the truth, he naturally wouldn't let Pan Xuemei continue. Do not explain.

After Haosheng explained, Jiang Lin laughed bitterly at himself and said to Pan Xuemei: "Xuemei, I have something to hide from you first, and you hide from me later, I should not accuse you of anything. But what you have concealed may make I'll lose you forever. I've never experienced such a situation, and I can't control my emotions. You can blame me or blame me, it doesn't matter, I just want to save you now, nothing else matters I don't care at all."

After kissing Pan Xuemei's hair, Jiang Lin continued, "I have injuries on my body, and my condition is not good. I originally came to this Pan Mansion because of the yin qi here, so I borrowed a scholar under the guise of a scholar. Afterwards, I fell in love with you, and I should have explained it to you, but I was worried that because of your fate of six thieves, you would suspect that I came here with bad intentions, and it might even disturb Hongma and the others. It took necessary trouble to postpone the frank statement. Before I knew your fate, I never thought about hitting you, and later, I did take advantage of you. "


After Pan Xuemei listened to Jiang Lin's words, her mind was lost for a while. She never thought that Jiang Lin was not a scholar, nor an ordinary person, but a cultivator with great ability.

Thinking of this, Pan Xuemei finally understood why Jiang Lin, an "ordinary person", always acted so extraordinary.

Moreover, this can also explain why the "person" Jiang Lin can combine with her ghost without any influence.

"That is to say, what you gave me is really a fairy treasure that only exists in heaven?"

After returning to her senses, Pan Xuemei asked Jiang Lin, if Jiang Lin really had an immortal treasure, it might really change her current situation.

As for what Jiang Lin said she had concealed before, she didn't care at all, she was already Jiang Lin's person, and this was already an established fact.

Even when Jiang Lin decided to make progress with her, she had no other plans.

Jiang Lin protected Han Jizu when she was about to pick red plums, and later relieved her of the pain of hanging her neck, and finally avenged her.

Even if Jiang Lin knew from the beginning that there was a ghost like her in Hongmei, but she simply didn't want to cause trouble, that was a favor to her.

Even if she promised to repay her kindness, there was nothing wrong with her, not to mention, she was the one who first fell in love with Jiang Lin.

At that time, Jiang Lin was just like an old monk, she wasn't happy.

The most important thing is, how Jiang Lin treats her during this time, she is like Der Spiegel in her heart, that is really treating her as his wife.

With all these reasons, what else would she mind.

Jiang Lin nodded and said: "Yes, it's a fairy treasure that only exists in the heavenly court. I went to the heavenly court and searched for the treasures there, and then the master of the heavenly court, Wutian, died. In my hands. However, I will explain these things to you one by one later. The most important thing now is to find a way to keep you alive. I don't want the death of my wife to happen to me. "

Other things, Jiang Lin did not explain to Pan Xuemei, as he said, the first task now is to do everything possible to make Pan Xuemei survive.

This is the most important thing, and everything else has to be left later, including getting married and engaging with the mud demon that Wang Dianshi relied on, and where to hang it.

"Jiang Lang, you...you save me, I don't want to disappear like this, I want to marry you and serve you forever in the future."

After getting Jiang Lin's affirmative answer, Pan Xuemei didn't care how Jiang Lin went to Heaven and how he killed the Lord of Heaven. She grabbed Jiang Lin's hands and begged Jiang Lin.

If she can continue to live, how can she be willing to disappear.

Now, she has completely regarded Jiang Lin as a life-saving straw.

Before that, Pan Xuemei thought she had no hope, but she didn't expect things to take such a twist.

Knowing this earlier, when she found out that she was abnormal, she didn't care about anything and explained it to Jiang Lin directly.

In that case, there are still some ways to think about it.

But unfortunately, the matter has come to this point, it would be meaningless to know anything earlier.

The most important thing right now is to find a way to make up for it.

She didn't know how much she wanted to continue to survive. When Jiang Lin Mingmei's wife was married, she would be tired of Jiang Lin's side for the next hundred years, hundreds of years, thousands of years, and even forever.

Before, Pan Xuemei had been pretending to be strong, but now that she had hope, she was gradually broken.

The desire to survive and her lack of clarity about her future made her reveal her vulnerable side.

"Don't worry, everything is up to me, I'll find a way."

Jiang Lin raised his hand and rubbed Pan Xuemei's face. No matter how tricky the solution was, he would still do it.

"I will set up a formation here to gather the vitality in this forest area to gather on you. What is lacking now is time. After that, I will think about a feasible method."

Jiang Lin patted Pan Xuemei on the back and asked her to sit beside the bed.

After calming Pan Xuemei's emotions, Jiang Lin started to set up the formation. Now Pan Xuemei's situation is in a precarious state. Therefore, the formation must have a good filtering effect, so that these complex and different vitality cannot appear in Pan Xuemei's body. situation.

Busy until the night, Jiang Lin finally arranged the big formation.

After that, he left the cabin and went to a remote place in the wooded area.

When arranging the magic circle, he was also thinking about how to solve the current problem. Unfortunately, Rao was a self-confessed Taoist, and he couldn't think of any effective method at all.

There is no good way to do it, and he can only ask his own system for help.

Chapter [*]: It's not too late to mend the prison (below)

What a headache.

Jiang Lin sat down cross-legged, his brows furrowed, this time his wife Pan Xuemei really gave him a problem.

Pan Xuemei is a remnant. Jiang Lin knew this from the very beginning, but later he learned that Pan Xuemei had the fate of six thieves, and he didn't pay attention to it anymore.

After all, at that time, Pan Xuemei did not show any abnormality.

Therefore, Jiang Lin always thought that Pan Xuemei had disappeared because of some accident.

If it didn't dissipate, Pan Xuemei had been staying in the Pan Mansion for so many years, those souls should have returned long ago.

And if that's the case, Jiang Lin only needs to use some blood orchid and other immortal treasures that nourish the soul to let Pan Xuemei regenerate the soul, or directly use those immortal treasures to let Pan Xuemei break through the realm and regenerate the innate spirit. The same will not let Pan Xuemei have any hidden dangers in the future.

But the fact is that Pan Xuemei had been reincarnated long ago, but because she couldn't let go of her hatred, some of the remnants escaped.

This made his idea impossible to implement at all. With the rest of Pan Xuemei's soul still in existence, it was impossible for Pan Xuemei to truly become an independent individual.

Logically speaking, this kind of problem can be solved as long as the rest of Pan Xuemei's soul dissipates.

In that case, Pan Xuemei is still in the state of a remnant soul, and there are no restrictions, and she can be reborn with the treasures of heaven and earth such as fairy treasures.

But this is not the case. Because of Pan Xuemei's previous concealment, there is no such time difference at all.

The current situation is that not only Pan Xuemei is going to dissipate, but the reincarnations of the rest of her souls will also die suddenly, and their souls will also be dissipated.

Both will die at the same time.

As for Pan Xuemei's remnant soul to fuse with the original soul, to continue the ghost life, this is not a solution.

Once that is done, Pan Xuemei's personality will probably disappear in the process of fusion.

This point, even Jiang Lin had nothing to do. The rest of Pan Xuemei's souls had drank the forgotten potion similar to Meng Po Tang. If Pan Xuemei reunited with those souls, it would definitely be affected.

Otherwise, as long as the ghosts who want to be reincarnated use such a clever way to achieve the effect of not forgetting the past, the reincarnation system established by the underworld and the netherworld will be in chaos.

This kind of soul fusion method would cause Pan Xuemei to forget everything, and of course it was not what Jiang Lin wanted to see.

"Hopefully I can make amends, system, system, don't let me die."

With a murmur, Jiang Lin took a deep breath and called out the system interface.

Glancing at the more than [*] million anger points on the interface, he was not in the mood to ask how much the system would consume, and directly asked the thorny problem he encountered.

At the same time, he also submitted Pan Xuemei's current situation and difficulties.

It didn't take long for the system to integrate the information he provided and come up with a solution.

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the answer given by the system. If even the system couldn't handle this kind of problem, he would really be at a loss.

However, Jiang Lin frowned again. The method provided by the system was to reunite Pan Xuemei's remnant soul with the rest.

"You can do it. I said you don't let me die. You give me the whole method. In this case, what is the difference between me and losing her?"

Before he finished speaking, the system interface displayed some new content.

It turned out that this method given by the system did not take into account the situation he wanted to avoid.

It just needs a special method to seal Pan Xuemei's memories. After her remnant soul and other souls are completely integrated, these memories will still wake up.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin immediately exchanged the method that could seal Pan Xuemei's memory. After that, he spent a lot of stubborn energy to let the system provide an effective method to delay Pan Xuemei's disappearance.

In order to ensure that there was no mistake, Jiang Lin also asked the system about all possible situations.

Even if consulting the system would consume the suffocation points he had worked so hard to accumulate, he would not be at all distressed.

Even if the nearly two million anger points are gone, as long as Pan Xuemei is fine, he can squander his savings without even blinking his eyes.

After taking back the system, Jiang Lin went directly back to the wooden house in the forest area.

At this moment, Pan Xuemei was sitting cross-legged on the bed, absorbing the vitality gathered by the magic circle.

Seeing Jiang Lin come back, Pan Xuemei looked at him expectantly.

"Xuemei, there is a way."

Jiang Lin walked over, sat beside the bed, and put Pan Xuemei in his arms.

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