"You mud thief, destroying my homeland will be detrimental to Xuemei, pay the debt with blood!"

After Hong Ma severely injured the mud demon, she rushed to kill it again.

Originally, she thought that she couldn't do much actual damage to this mud demon. After all, Wang Dianshi was still a puppet of the mud demon. It was so difficult to deal with. The horror of the mud demon itself was evident.

But now it seems that the mud demon really has serious old wounds just like Jiang Lin said.

This led to her all-out blow, which made you a blood loss.

Therefore, Hong Ma just strikes while the iron is hot, and pursues her with victory.

However, the mud demon is not a parallel importer. It was so badly injured back then that it was able to escape from the opponent's hands until now, which also proves that it is definitely not a throwaway.

In a very short period of time, the mud demon reacted, and at the same time, it also guessed that the ghost emperor-level female ghost that attacked itself just now had a lot to do with the ghosts it destroyed in the Pan Mansion.

"you wanna die!"

After sensing the state of his demon body, the mud demon had a grim expression on his face, and could not wait to smash the red mother into powder.

Over the years, in order to recuperate the old wounds as soon as possible, it even avoided walking, and usually left everything to Wang Dianshi and the others.

It has been twenty years in a row that the injuries on its body have gotten to the point where it is now.

As a result, just because of this sudden appearance of the female ghost, it has been in vain for five or six years.

Now, it may be because of these five or six years of retrogression that even if it wins Pan Xuemei, it may not be able to go further.

One can imagine how strong the anger in the mud demon's heart is.

When Hong Ma's attack was about to come, the mud demon's body instantly divided into several mud dust, and rushed forward with lightning speed.

Almost instantly, Hong Ma was hit by the dust, and then she spit out blood and flew out.

The mud demon was burning with rage, and with an angry blow, it almost brought out its full strength.

If it wasn't for the fact that Pan Xuemei was about to be captured, it would be very anxious now, and he would not have attacked so recklessly.

Jiang Lin took this scene into his eyes, and the expression on his face was rather solemn. He had naturally seen the fact that the mud demon was injured by Hong Ma just now.

But he didn't expect that this mud demon would be able to fight back immediately under such circumstances, and he beat Hong Ma to the point of vomiting blood.

However, Jiang Lin didn't say much. He didn't expect Hong Ma to play a big role. The most important thing must be done by himself.

Therefore, even if Hong Ma was injured, he could not go over, otherwise, the mud demon would not fall into the pit he dug.

After the mud demon blasted Hong Ma, he turned to look at Jiang Lin.

At this moment, it has already smelled the special aura emanating from the people of earth destiny from Jiang Lin's body.

"Where is Pan Xuemei? Hand it over quickly!"

Then the mud demon rushed towards Jiang Linji without thinking about it.

"Monster, monster!"

Jiang Lin was so frightened that his face turned green, he couldn't stop backing away.

Of course, these expressions were all faked by him.

As a talented Taoist priest who is a director and an actor, pretending a little bit does not challenge his acting skills at all.

At this moment, the mud demon's mood is really agitated, and it won't take long for the wound on its back to be completely healed.

Back then, it used Pan Xuemei's blood and tears before her death to make her wounds much better, but because she was worried that there would be ghosts approaching her door after Pan Xuemei's death, it did not dare to take the risk of catching Pan Xuemei.

But now it's different. Pan Xuemei didn't reincarnate and became a lonely ghost, so it doesn't need to worry about anything.

However, before it rushed five feet in front of Jiang Lin, the surrounding ground made a series of explosions.

An array of flags burst out from under the ground, and then five different light walls rose from the ground, sealing off the three-foot space around it.

"what happened?"

The mud demon collided with the wall of light, and suddenly felt the stars in its eyes, and then it looked around, and for a while, it felt that its whole body was about to explode.

Kill the array!

It was also at this time that it saw Jiang Lin, who had been terrified before, changed his face and looked at it with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Then, the expression on the mud demon's face changed from bewilderment to shock. At this moment, Jiang Lin was making complicated seals in his hands, and at the same time, a raging fire rose in the area where it was located.

"You... are you a monk?"

The mud demon's face gradually became gloomy, and now the danger around him has made him have to suppress his inner excitement and calm down.

Only at this moment did the mud demon realize that he had ignored some extremely fatal problems from the beginning.

That is how the female ghost that was blown away by it before was so effectively hidden.

Although its attention was not halfway at the time, with its ability, a ghost at the level of a ghost emperor, it is impossible to hide from its perception.

Unless, the female ghost just now used the formation to hide herself.

Thinking of this, the mud demon regretted that he was too careless.

"Who are you? I have nothing against you."

Squinting his eyes, the mud demon stared at Jiang Lin tightly. It didn't care what the other party was, but what it wanted to convey was that there was no grudge between him and Jiang Lin.

The opponent can set up such a terrifying killing formation, and if it joins forces with the female ghost just now, its situation will become extremely unfavorable.

If it is a head-on confrontation, in its current state, even if it is faced with a cultivator at the Nascent Soul level, even if it is defeated, it can retreat completely.

But if the other party can rely on some external means, it can be tricky.

"Who am I? You're asking a good question. I'm Pan Xuemei's husband. Didn't you chase after her this time? So, there is no injustice or hatred between me and you. Now, you have nothing to do with me. It's a big hassle."

Jiang Lin's eyes gradually became cold, and then he said: "Don't think about negotiating with me in a good voice, even if there is no Pan Xuemei, we will probably never die. Those magic circles around your cave. , can it be broken smoothly?"

"What? Those magic circles, are you?!"

After the mud demon heard Jiang Lin's words, killing intent also appeared in his expression.

When it didn't know that Pan Xuemei's soul was still alive, it never thought to capture the daughter of the earth, but at that time, the young cultivator on the opposite side had already set up a trap around the cave where it was hiding. .

This shows that he wants to kill it early in the morning.

"Yes, it's me. I let you go before, but you mud demon dare to come to me and cause me trouble. It's been hard work for so long, right? Now, I'll let you Not even a chance to work hard!"

With a loud shout, Jiang Lin bent down and slapped the ground with a palm. Then the Bagua furnace array he had arranged was fully activated, and at the same time, the rest of the killing array and the auxiliary array gradually began to operate.

After starting the great formation, Jiang Lin gathered the spiritual power in his body, and his hands spun like windmills.

Behind him, a three-legged Golden Crow with a height of [*] meters began to gradually form an outline.

Now, it's time for Jiang Lin to prepare to throw the king and blow up.

This mud demon should never have to, just shouldn't choose this time to find him trouble.

And the end of doing this is that he is directly bombarded with the king.

It didn't matter if it was bombed, Jiang Lin was going to see if he could refine this mud demon.

The first thousand nine hundred and thirty-nine chapters left behind


Hong Ma, who was not far away, was stunned when she saw Jiang Lin's formation.

The magic array that Jiang Lin arranged gave her the feeling that if she accidentally stumbled into it, she would not even have a chance to survive.

Whether it was before or even earlier, Hong Ma had seen Jiang Lin set up the magic circle, the magic circle that Jiang Lin arranged for her to hide her breath, and the light-proof magic circle set up when she married Pan Xuemei. The magic circle is not too advanced, so she didn't think too much about it.

But looking at it now, Jiang Lin's accomplishments in formation are simply too terrifying.

It hasn't been too long since Jiang Lin started to act just now until the mud demon caught up.

In such a short period of time, Jiang Lin arranged a killing game for the mud demon. This ability is really no one.

"I'm going to tear you apart!"

At this time, the mud demon trapped in the killing formation desperately used the demon power in his body to protect himself, while staring at Jiang Lin with cannibalistic eyes.

It also didn't know what formation method Jiang Lin used. The flames in this formation were extremely tyrannical.

If there are no old wounds on its body, it doesn't have to worry too much in the face of such a large flame formation, but now it can survive it, it still doesn't know at all.

Although the mud demon is a demon body made of muddy soil, it is not afraid of flames to a certain extent, but this is based on the premise that it is not seriously injured.

Now, the wound on its back has not healed completely, as long as the flame penetrates there, it can directly damage its demon body origin.

The killing formation that the mud demon encountered this time really had the possibility of threatening its life.

Moreover, it is not only the flame formation and other formations that pose a threat to it. Now outside the formation, the young cultivator is casting a spell. This is what really makes his scalp feel numb.

The mud demon tried to force the formation, but unfortunately, it underestimated the gossip formation arranged by Jiang Lin.

In order to solve the trouble of the mud demon, Jiang Lin not only used his own spiritual power, but also released a part of the Yang Yan and the Sun True Fire that had been hidden in his body, and sent them into the eyes of the formation in advance.

Even this might cause him some troubles of his own in the back, but at least it's manageable.

Moreover, during this period of time, he had gained a lot of vitality from Pan Xuemei, as well as Yuan Yin and Ghost Qi. Even if there were signs of chaos in his body, he could still suppress it.

Therefore, this time, Jiang Lin was able to use all his strength under the constraints of his state.

With the real fire of the sun, the mud demon will not be so easy to rush into the formation, not to mention that it was hit hard by the red mother before it was unprepared, and the old injury was added to the new injury. It wants to forcibly break the formation, then Just like a joke.

It didn't take long for the mud demon to be repulsed by the raging fire, just like an ant on a hot pot.

Previously, it did intend to forcibly break through these trapped and killing formations. If it rushed out, it would still retain a lot of vitality. In that case, even if it paid some price, it would be able to forcibly return to its peak period in a short period of time. End the fight as quickly as possible.

Even if there is a price to be paid, as long as Pan Xuemei can be obtained, the later side effects will not be a problem.

But now, this kind of thought has been directly dispelled by it.

The current situation is that even if it rushes out of these circles, the price it pays is too heavy, and it will inevitably cause its own weakness.

And once it is in a weak state, then the young cultivator outside the formation will take a chance to give it a big one, and then join a female ghost at the level of ghost emperor, and it will explain it completely.

How to do?

At this moment, the mud demon was only anxious, and couldn't think of a good way at all.

It is also because it has been hiding for the past [*] years, and has never fought at all, so it has not much proficiency left at all.

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