Under such circumstances, it suddenly fell into the big pit dug by Jianglin, and it was really at a loss.

The turn of events was far beyond its expectations.

At this moment, Jiang Lin didn't give the mud demon any more time. After the formation of the Baizhang Golden Crow behind him, his hands suddenly formed a seal, causing the three-legged Golden Crow to fly out.


The three-legged Golden Crow made a long cry from the neck, and then flew to the sky above the killing formation. The third leg directly made the mud demon too late to react, and directly grabbed the mud demon in its claws.


The mud demon screamed again and again. The three-legged golden crow that appeared in Jiang Lin's spell was derived from the Yang Yan in his body. Now it directly touches its demon body, and the extremely high temperature is directly transmitted to the wound on its back.

Sprinkling salt on the wound is painful enough, and Jiang Lin is now barbecuing on his wound.

Even if the mud monster has a special body, the pain sensation is much slower than that of ordinary monsters, and it really can't stand this kind of stigma.

Afterwards, the three-legged Golden Crow with a height of [-] meters was gradually reduced in size under Jiang Lin's control, and finally the Golden Crow's wings were folded up, encompassing the entire mud demon.

Gradually, the three-legged Golden Crow turned into a black-red fireball, completely trapping the mud demon in it.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin rushed over directly, slapped his palms on the light curtain formed by the trapped formation, and the Yang Yan in his body sprayed into it according to the limit power he could bear.

At the same time, the spiritual power in Jiang Lin's body also fell along his feet and poured into the Bagua Array.


The flames of the Bagua Furnace roared again, and the resulting heat wave shocked Hongma in the distance.

"I hate it, I hate it!"

The mud monsters in the formation roared loudly, feeling that they were suffocated to death.

It has been stubborn for twenty years, and the most difficult times have been passed, and now there is a good opportunity for it to completely recover as before, or even go further.

However, things took a turn for the worse at this juncture.

Just make it feel like falling from heaven into purgatory.

At this moment, the mud demon can clearly feel that the source of its own demon power is rapidly evaporating, and even its demon body is gradually sublimating and disappearing.

Not even powder left.

Jianglin's three-legged Golden Crow originally had a powerful offensive power, but now it has evolved into a fireball, turning the terrifying power of destruction into a refining effect, plus the gossip furnace outside, even if the mud demon is in its peak state, Not to die will be crippled.

Now it, let alone.

"I asked you to trouble me."

Jiang Lin felt the situation in his body and frowned slightly. He had reached his limit now, so he didn't insist any longer, and went straight back out, causing the Golden Crow fireball in the Bagua Furnace to explode.


There was a loud noise, and the ground seemed to be hit by a missile, and there was smoke and dust everywhere.

After a few blinks of an eye, seven or eight streaks of gray mist rushed out of the smoke and scattered and shot out in all directions.

"Didn't he die?"

Jiang Lin narrowed his eyes, but in the end he didn't plan to pursue him.

Even if he failed to completely kill the mud demon, the effect he expected had already been achieved.

The reason why he wants to waste time here is to solve the trouble of the mud demon.

Although this mud demon survived by chance, it is no longer a climate, at least for a considerable period of time in the future, it will not pose any threat to him.

In fact, the most important thing is that Jiang Lin feels that he can no longer continue to force it. If he wants to use spiritual power or Yang Yan, his own problems will easily break out again.

Even the ability of the corpse can be used without using it.

This caused it to release the mud demon.

Jiang Lin thought so, there was no problem.

However, he ignored the two most common problems, one is that the snake won't die, and it is easy to be bitten by the snake, and the other is that Sai Weng loses his horse and knows not to be blessed.

Of course, the latter question is for the mud demon.

This time, he really miscalculated.

Chapter [-]: Mud Demon Transformation

Now, the situation of the mud demon is indeed extremely bad. Jiang Lin used the three-legged golden crow to cooperate with the gossip furnace to forcibly refine it, and finally a terrifying explosion occurred, which directly destroyed its demon body.

If it wasn't at the last moment, at the cost of self-destruction, it divided its own origin into many paths and forcibly escaped. I am afraid it is still unknown whether it can survive this time.

This time, the mud demon suffered more serious injuries than it was twenty years ago. Originally, it had old wounds on its body, but it was smashed again by such a training, and it directly lost [-]% of its life as a demon.

However, the mud demon himself didn't find it. Although it suffered heavy damage this time, its own demon spirit has begun to change.

In the center of its demon spirit, a trace of golden spirit origin has been born.

The Yang Yan of Jianglin belongs to fire in the Five Elements, while the Mud Demon is a special monster formed from the muddy soil, and its attribute is the soil of the Five Elements.

Fire produces earth and earth produces gold, and with the flames of Jianglin, the mud demon has undergone such a transformation by chance.

Once this product continues to transform, it can really be similar to the indestructible golden body.

If Jiang Lin didn't think about refining this mud monster at the beginning, it would not have caused such a result.

Now, as long as the mud demon is given a chance to breathe, it can quickly recover.

It's just that the mud demon will now devote its excess energy to examining its own situation. It does not ask for anything now, but only wants to get rid of the immediate crisis.

"Jiang Lin, why didn't you chase after him and kill that fellow? The mud demon has obviously completely damaged the source, and it's a good time to make a move."

When Hong Ma came back to her senses, the gray fog separated from the mud demon had already fled far away, so she immediately came to Jiang Lin's side and asked Jiang Lin why he had released the mud demon.

If it wasn't for the fact that she was so badly injured by the mud demon just now that she couldn't fly at all, she would have gone to stop the mud demon by herself.

"Of course I also want to kill that thing completely, but in my current state, it's already the limit to be able to hit it so hard."

Jiang Lin shook his head, but as long as he could force himself a little further, the mud demon would have no chance of escaping.

But unfortunately, that's what happened.

"So it is."

After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Hongma remembered that Jiang Lin was originally injured. She was so shocked by what Jiang Lin could do before that she ignored this fact.

"What a pity."

Hong Ma couldn't help but feel pity again and again, Jiang Lin had already injured the mud demon to such an extent, but he couldn't leave this muddy creature behind.

"Actually, it's not a pity. I didn't kill it at the moment, and there is no way for it to survive. As long as Xuemei's affairs are finished, I will go back and find trouble for it. In ten years, there is no way to recover."

Jiang Lin glanced at the direction where the gray mists converged and smiled coldly.

Even if the mud demon didn't come to trouble him this time, when the dust of Pan Xuemei's matter was settled, he would have to fight the mud demon's idea.

For now, it's best to put it aside for now.

"Jiang Lin, I didn't expect you to have such ability. In that case, I can give Xuemei to you with complete confidence. Now that the mud demon has escaped, you should hurry up and get on the road, there is not much time left for Xuemei. I will go after the mud demon after a short recuperation, and try not to let this fellow go into hiding completely."

Now that the trouble of the mud demon has been resolved, at least in a short period of time, he can't be a demon, so Hong Ma didn't let Jiang Lin continue to delay.

As for herself, after recuperating, she can go after the mud demon first. At the very least, if Jiang Lin takes care of Pan Xuemei's affairs, she doesn't have to spend any more time looking for the mud demon's Xingzang.

"That's it."

Jiang Lin nodded, then mounted his horse and continued to rush towards Shuinan County. Hong Ma also left the battlefield, looking for a place with strong Yin Qi to recuperate.

On the other side, after the gray mist formed by the mud demons merged, a mud tire with only a human-shaped outline was formed.

The mud demon stopped for a moment, and after looking back, it immediately descended, and finally got into a quagmire.

It was worried that Jiang Lin would catch up again, and that he was unlucky to encounter some monster hunter, so he could only escape from the quagmire.

After escaping for dozens of miles, it took a break in a cave in the ground.

"What's going on? What's going on here?"

With the help of the filth in the cave to recuperate itself, it didn't take long for the mud demon to discover that he was abnormal. In its demon spirit, there was actually a gold core.

After being shocked for a moment, the mud demon burst into laughter.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! I thought it was a disaster, but it turned out to be an opportunity!"

After examining the golden core in the demon spirit, the mud demon showed a smile all over its face.

For many years before it was injured, it had been working hard to transform its monster body into the direction of jade. Its own body was mud and dirt. Although its vitality could be longer than that of ordinary monsters, it was still a monster. The body's defense has not been very good.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been cut with such a terrifying wound on its back.

But such a transformation is no ordinary difficulty.

The phrase "mud can't stick to the wall" is not a casual statement.

But now, after experiencing a catastrophe, he actually made it a blessing and gave birth to the core of the golden spirit in his body.

Moreover, this golden core has also absorbed all of its demon body origin, so even if it has suffered more serious damage than before, there is no danger of its life.

Not only that, but with this golden core, the serious injuries it suffered in the past and this time can be repaired with the golden spiritual energy contained in it.

Today, this golden core is still growing a little bit, and if it can echo with its demon spirit later, it may transform into a golden spirit.

At that time, it will occupy the second place in the Five Elements, and its strength will definitely be advanced.

After the joy, the mud demon calmed down.

Although it was a blessing in disguise this time, the blessing was very limited.

With its current capabilities, it is impossible for the gold core to be completely formed.

If you want to continue to transform further, you must go through something similar to the previous one.

In other words, Jiang Lin's flames were indispensable before.

However, it can't take risks again, otherwise, if it makes a mistake, even if the golden core is born in its own demon spirit, it will not be able to save it.

Squinting his eyes, the mud demon began to figure it out.

Just now, it thought of something, that is, Wang Dianshi once told it that a flame monster similar to a fire spirit appeared in Pan's house.

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