And when it went to Pan Mansion before, it didn't see any fire spirit or flame monster at all. It happened that the monk who made it a blessing in disguise this time had a terrifying flame.

Therefore, the mud demon directly linked the two together.

The source of flame!

A sinister light appeared in the mud demon's eyes. This time, it not only wanted to attack Pan Xuemei, the daughter of the earth, but even Jiang Lin, who possessed the source of flame, was in its plan.

Chapter [*] turned out to be a fool (on)

"Fortunately, fortunately!"

With a plan in mind, an outrageous thought appeared in the mud demon's heart.

It felt that even if it failed to capture Pan Xuemei this time, it would be worth it.

Although it almost confessed to the killing formation arranged by Jiang Lin, this matter has been selectively forgotten by it.

Now, the golden spirit energy is born from the demon spirit of the mud demon, which makes it very urgent to get another kind of five elements aura.

As long as the five elements occupy three of them, it can make the golden core in the demon spirit continue to grow and finally take shape.

If gold, fire and earth coexist in the body, it will most likely be able to derive from each other in the future with its own incomplete five elements, and finally achieve the effect of the coexistence and intercommunication of the five elements.

By that time, it could really reach the sky in one step.

Therefore, it can be said that this unexpected harvest has made the mud demon taste the sweetness, and this sweetness may be even sweeter.

Seeing that there are better possibilities in the future, it will not care about the gains and losses of this time.

However, although he wanted to get the flame on Jiang Lin's body, the mud demon was not carried away by this thought.

The golden core produced in its demon spirit can indeed restore it, but this does not mean that it can return to its peak.

Otherwise, this little bit of Jin Lingqi would be too heaven-defying.

It hurts again and again, old wounds are not healed and new wounds are added. Even if it recovers temporarily, it only returns to the state it was when it came out of the cave.

With that kind of strength, how could it dare to provoke Jiang Lin easily.

I have to say that the means and strength that Jiang Lin displayed this time, to a certain extent, really brought a lot of psychological shadows to the mud demon.

As far as the matter is concerned, this time, it almost disappeared.

Therefore, the mud demon had to suppress the impulse in his heart and plan his own plan. Moreover, it could not lose the whereabouts of Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei.

After all, what it knew was that Jiang Lin and Pan Xuemei were going to Shuinan County, and it had no idea where they were going.

This forced it to make the golden core in its demon spirit grow again as soon as possible, and recover the injury as quickly as possible.

With this consideration, the mud demon turned into a pool of mud and penetrated into the underground of the cave.

Jiang Lin didn't think about the fact that the mud demon got a blessing in disguise this time. Now that he is still a mud demon, he doesn't know where to go and doesn't dare to see the light.

Five days later, he came to Pingjiang County, which is subordinate to Shuinan County.

Jiang Lin didn't go to anyone to inquire about the people in the county, but directly used Pan Xuemei to perform the retrospective method.

"Jiang Lang, can you really find it?"

On the street in Pingjiang County, Pan Xuemei followed Jiang Lin and looked at Jiang Lin's compass in the middle of the week. She was still a little apprehensive.

Now is not far from the day when her soul will be gone.

If Jiang Lin's method didn't work, there would be no time at all.

Although during this period, she recovered well in the ghost bag, and there is no problem for the time being, but when the time comes, the result will not change.

"Don't worry, just ahead, she seems to be in the Yunlai Inn over there."

Jiang Lin looked at the inn at the end of the street, and frowned slightly. According to what Pan Xuemei said, the reincarnation of the rest of her soul should be a daughter of a man, and should not appear in the inn.

However, Jiang Lin didn't think much about it and walked over with Pan Xuemei.

"Xuemei, you've just recovered a little, so don't show up."

When they reached an alley, Jiang Lin let Pan Xuemei go in and hide the ghost body.

Although Pan Xuemei has a light shielding spell on her body, if she chooses to show up during the day, it will still consume some of the vitality in her body.

Now, Pan Xuemei really can't have any consumption.

If it wasn't for Pan Xuemei's repeated requests to come out, Jiang Lin would not have let her out.


Pan Xuemei nodded and walked over a few steps, hiding her ghost body.

After a while, Jiang Lin arrived at the inn and sat by the corner with Pan Xuemei.

"Jiang Lang, why don't you go and find her directly?"

After Pan Xuemei sat down, she felt a little unable to sit still, and now she was really impatient.

"This method of mine can only locate the location. If you want to know who the other party is, you have to meet me and confirm it. Wait for a while and see if she will show up. Now it's almost noon, if she It's in the inn, I guess I should come down for dinner."

Jiang Lin told Pan Xuemei to calm down a bit. The daughter who raised the people might be staying in the guest room upstairs now, so he couldn't just go through the empty door.

"Guest officer, here we come, your food has arrived."

At this moment, the second in the inn ran out of the kitchen with a food table, and shouted in a similar manner.

Hey, this sound...

Jiang Lin looked at the sound, and then saw a scene that surprised him.

This little girl in Yunlai Inn is a young girl, but she is dressed like a [*]% shop girl.

If you don't listen to the voice, it's really difficult for ordinary people to tell the girl's gender.

This is not the point, the point is that this young girl, Xiao Er, looks exactly like Pan Xuemei.

found it!

At this time, Jiang Lin didn't even have to think about it, he knew that the girl who was the second in the inn was the one he and Pan Xuemei were looking for.

It's just that he didn't expect that the reincarnation of Pan Xuemei's other souls would still retain Pan Xuemei's face.

After all, he had never heard of such a situation before.

In his expectation, Pan Xuemei's reincarnation might be a very strange woman.

After realizing that he had found his target, Jiang Lin felt something was wrong.

Why does it seem that this girl who has the same face as Pan Xuemei feels a little silly.

And this girl should be the eldest lady of the family, why did she run here to be the second in the shop?

When Pan Xuemei went to reincarnate, since the old mother like Meng Po said that she would have a good life in the next life, then Pan Xuemei's reincarnation in the past would not have any family troubles.

Could it be that something went wrong?

"What's our food? We just came in and haven't ordered yet."

While Jiang Lin was looking at the girl, the guests at the table where the girl delivered the food couldn't figure out what was going on.

Who ordered?

"Isn't it your food? Then you said you were very hungry. I saw that you were all hungry, so I brought the food here."

The girl stared at the guests in a daze, and then stuck out her tongue, like a puppy.

"Who are you to blame! When did we say we were hungry?"

Three or four guests at a table were blown up in an instant. They didn't know how many inns they stayed in, and there was never any shopkeeper or a junior who came up to call them dogs.

And this little guy sticks his tongue out to them, meaning they are like dogs that stick out their tongues?

Seeing this scene, Jiang Lin's expression was somewhat indescribable.

He felt very familiar with the girl's gesture of sticking her tongue out, similar to when Pan Xuemei stuck her tongue out when she was a hanged ghost.

The difference is that the current girl just looks a little funny because she is not hanged.

In fact, this is not the main thing. The main thing is that Jiang Lin discovered that Pan Xuemei's reincarnation of the rest of the soul seems to be a little abnormal.

Could it be a mentally handicapped girl?

I wiped a dj!

Thinking of this, Jiang Lin's face twitched.

He still doesn't know if the girl is really mentally abnormal, and if it is... mentally retarded, he doesn't know if it is because of the lack of soul or because of pathology.

And if it is the latter, then he will have to have a fool's wife in the future.

Grab a grass!

Long live!

Chapter [*] turned out to be a fool (below)

At this time, Pan Xuemei had also heard the familiar voice, just like Jiang Lin, she turned her head to look over.

Seeing this, she was of course extremely surprised that she and Jiang Lin had actually found someone.

The girl in the inn looks exactly like her, so she must be the reincarnation of the rest of her soul.

Under normal circumstances, without considering more factors, if two people have the same face, they are either twins or both are in the previous and subsequent lives.

What son looks the same as the father, what is inherited from generation to generation, the possibility of such a situation is zero.

However, after the surprise, the expression on Pan Xuemei's face became a little more exciting.

She also found the girl, she seemed to be a fool.

"Jiang Lang, she... she seems a little abnormal."

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin when she saw the girl shouting and asking who was hungry like a dog just now after the customer got angry.

Not to mention normal adults, even a little sensible child who is running errands would not do such a silly thing, right?

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