"Boss, check out!"

Just at this moment, the middle-aged customer under the inn's window shouted, and the inn shopkeeper who had just come down from the second floor hurried down.

But the girl was faster than the shopkeeper. When she reached the middle-aged customer's table, the girl stretched out a few fingers to settle the account, and finally said, "Thirty taels."

When the shopkeeper on the side heard that the girl's calculation was so outrageous, his face became a mask of pain.

He really can't do anything about this aunt.

"What? I just ordered a few steamed buns and a pot of small wine. That's thirty taels?"

The middle-aged customer suddenly shouted, it's not like he hasn't been to this inn before, when did the price become so outrageous.

"No, no, five dollars is fine. This is Zhan Juren's daughter Zhanmin, I think you should have heard that she insisted on coming to us as a second child. Zhanju people are usually kind and generous, but this time, the servant who protects Miss Zhan has I gave a lot of compensation in advance, and I can't help it."

The innkeeper hurriedly explained to the middle-aged customer in a low voice that this silly auntie was messing around here, but the Zhan family she was in had always been good to people and compensated in advance, so he could only let Zhanmin play around here.

"Oh~ So it's that silly girl from the exhibitor."

Only then did the middle-aged customer know what was going on, so he was not ready to trouble the innkeeper, and was ready to pay.

However, Zhanmin was reluctant at this time, and said to the innkeeper: "What five coins, we are a famous inn here, how can there be five coins for meals!"

Afterwards, she pointed to the unfinished buns on the table of the middle-aged customer, and said, "Do you know what this is? This is a human-flesh BBQ pork bun, which is very expensive!"

When Zhanmin said this, he immediately frightened the other customers in the inn, and quickly threw up all the food in his mouth and ran out one by one.

Zhanmin didn't know what she was doing at all, and then she snapped her fingers again and said, "Hey, since you're a regular customer, I won't charge you more, three dollars, yes, it's three dollars, just right. ."

The middle-aged customer looked at the shopkeeper who was still wearing a mask of pain. The shopkeeper nodded and said, "Just three coins, and I'll make it up next time."

After the middle-aged customer left, Zhanmin looked at Jiang Lin who had not left in the inn, ready to go over to say hello.

Jiang Lin saw that Zhan Min was walking at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize, and Te Te was speechless to the point of laughing.

He saw the scene just now, and even heard the whispered conversation between the shopkeeper and the middle-aged customer.

The person he and Pan Xuemei were looking for turned out to be... an idiot!

Pan Xuemei, who didn't show up beside her, also covered her eyes, she really didn't see.

How can I be so stupid.

Pan Xuemei is really broken, not to mention that she still doesn't know if the Zhan family's young lady, Zhan Min, is married, that is, she has never been married. If she enters this body and her own consciousness can't dominate, then Zhan Min will also have it in the future. Might be stupid forever.

This is really a sin.

Pan Xuemei also thought that if her problems could be solved perfectly, she would give Jiang Lin more fat babies in the future.

If you become a fool, how can this be done?

However, before Zhan Min walked over, a group of people came outside the inn, headed by a middle-aged member who was very well-dressed.

The innkeeper immediately greeted him: "Master Zhan, you can come to our store, it really makes this place shine."

It was Zhan Min's father, Zhan Juren, who came here.

Zhan Juren said with a face full of shame: "Boss, I'm really sorry, the little girl has caused you trouble. I will definitely compensate you for the losses she caused you."

"Where is Mr. Zhan, Miss Zhan is willing to come to me to help, that is a small shop. Otherwise, I would not be able to invite me even if I wanted to."

The shopkeeper of the inn heard Zhan Juren said that there would be additional compensation, and felt a little less helpless, so he said a polite word.

"Come on! It's early, guest officer."

At this time, when Zhan Min saw someone coming, he ignored Jiang Lin and greeted him excitedly.

Then she looked at Zhan Juren and said, "Why do you look familiar to me?"

Saying that, Zhan Min stuck out his tongue again.

"Xiao Min, you are the daughter of my Zhan family, how can you be a chorus here, how long are you going to make a fool of yourself?"

Zhan Juren's face turned black, and now she, this precious girl, is getting more and more stupid.

increasingly outrageous.

"The shopkeeper, who is he? Why does he seem to recognize me?"

"Oh, isn't he your father?"

Now the innkeeper is really sympathetic to Zhan Juren, even if he has a puppy that sticks out his tongue, he can still raise him well.

As a result, this silly girl didn't even know her own father.

Zhanmin looked surprised, and then walked around Zhanjuren, feeling that this Zhanjuren seemed to be her father.

Jiang Lin saw all this in his eyes, and he was really ashamed.

Zhanmin is really stupid, and he is so stupid that he not only walks the steps of disregarding his six relatives, but also says things that he does not recognize six relatives.

If the six relatives don't recognize it, it's over.

"I said, Xuemei, if you are like this in the future, will I keep the feather duster in my hands?"

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead were bulging a little. If Zhan Min's stupidity could be dealt with and cured, it would be fine.

There are many kinds of stupidity, some are pathological, some are natural.

If Pan Xuemei was born stupid, it might not be useful to use some fairy treasures for her.

Pan Xuemei: "..."

Seeing that Pan Xuemei was very tangled, Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Do you think I really want to beat my wife? Even if she is like this in the future, I will still treat her as a darling. Her father can always be a treasure. If I marry her and become her man in the future, can I still be inferior to her father?"

What Jiang Lin said was the truth in his heart. There was still Li Yingqi in his family who had been lying in the immortal coffin like a vegetative person. He didn't have any negative emotions.

Even if Pan Xuemei entered Zhan Min's body in the future, it would be the same as now, so what's the point.

The wife is stupid, it's okay if he is not stupid.

Chapter [*]: Stupid people have stupid blessings ([*])

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin with tears in her eyes.

She suffered grievances during her lifetime, and suffered so much suffering after her death. Thanks to her encounter with Jiang Lin, she was deeply sympathetic to her, and finally married her.

But I didn't expect that happiness didn't last long at all, and such a problem appeared.

I finally found a way to solve the problem, but the object was still a fool.

But even so, Jiang Lin still promised not to leave.

She really didn't know how to repay her man.

Turning her head to look at Zhan Min, Pan Xuemei suddenly felt that although Zhan Min was stupid, at least she was blessed.

In the past [*] years, the parents of this silly girl not only did not dislike her, but they loved her very much. This can be seen from the fact that Zhan Juren has never lost his temper.

When a normal person encounters a child whose six parents do not recognize it, it is fine to be angry.

And although Zhan Min is stupid, he is not dirty at all, and he is also fat, which must be the result of the family's good care.

If his parents could treat Zhan Min like this, Zhan Min would follow Jiang Lin's side in the future, and he would also be spoiled like a darling baby.

Thinking of this, Pan Xuemei was really jealous.

At this moment, the Zhanju person in the inn asked the maid to pull Zhanmin back, but Zhanmin didn't want to. She sat on the ground like a child, kicking her legs, and kept calling for help.

Zhanju had no choice but to give up, let the servants who came with him pay the innkeeper's compensation, and ordered a few maids to go to Zhanmin's temporary residence, so that he could serve his silly daughter.

Jiang Lin listened to Zhan Juren's instructions and got some information from it.

It seems that this Zhanmin does not live in Zhanju's house now.

In this case, it would save some trouble.

If Pan Xuemei's remnant soul returned to Zhan Min's body, all of Zhan Min's memories would be initialized, and then slowly surfaced in his mind.

This is actually not a problem. The important thing is that during the process of fusion of the soul and the following period of time, Zhan Min should not be stimulated, and his emotions should not fluctuate greatly. Otherwise, Pan Xuemei's memory is very likely to fail. recover.

Such a risk is that even the system cannot effectively avoid it.

In view of this situation, after confirming that Pan Xuemei is a silly girl, Jiang Lin's plan was to explain the facts to Pan Xuemei's parents in advance.

As for what robbed Zhanmin away, or used Taoism or supernatural powers to act under the eyes of Zhanmin's parents, Jiang Lin directly passed it.

For kidnapping or something, Zhanmin's parents reported it directly to the officials, and later Zhanmin had to contact his parents to restore his memory, which means that he couldn't just run away after robbing someone.

In this case, things will be out of control. The officers and soldiers are basically vicious, and if they don't get it right, they will frighten Zhan Min.

The latter method does not work at all. If the distance is close, because Zhan Min and Pan Xuemei's soul will be united, as parents who are connected by blood, they will inevitably feel something, and there will be some moths.

Since Jiang Lin attached so much importance to Pan Xuemei, he had already kept these precautions in his mind.

However, if the matter is made clear, it will be a matter of whether people believe it or not and whether they agree or not.

Moreover, even if he agreed, in the process of casting the spell, if he found that Zhanmin had a splitting headache and panicked, he would scare Zhanmin.

However, since Zhanmin doesn't live with his parents now, he can go straight to work and explain to Zhanmin's parents later.

That is to say, cut first and then play outside.

At that time, Zhan Min's parents would not say anything when they saw that their daughter's mind gradually became normal.

"Jiang Lang, I always have a bad premonition. After you become a husband, you may have to be a father and a mother in addition to being a husband."

Pan Xuemei didn't notice the details that Jiang Lin paid attention to. She looked at Zhan Min who was sitting on the ground crying, and she really felt a little sympathetic to Jiang Lin.

If one goes wrong, Jiang Lin will have to raise her wife as a daughter in the future.

It's ridiculous too.

"It's okay, just don't let me breastfeed."

Jiang Lin laughed himself, the situation Pan Xuemei said was really possible.

Now he can only hope that Zhan Min's situation can be handled.

Otherwise, when he imagined the kind of scene Pan Xuemei said, he really felt irritated.

"However, she has to be stupid in this matter. If she were a normal person, things wouldn't go well."

Jiang Lin looked at Zhanmin and felt that Zhanmin's behavior was not too bad.

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