At least, the development of things didn't make him feel uncomfortable.

Zhan Min looks exactly the same as Pan Xuemei, and there is nothing to say about her appearance.

And Zhan Min is this age, and under normal circumstances, I don't know how many people propose to him or even marry him.

If that's the case, maybe Zhanmin's children will run away by now.

However, since she has always been so stupid, it is naturally impossible for someone to come to propose marriage.

Not even beautiful.

In a family like Zhanjuren's, low-status people don't look down on them, and equal-status people don't want to marry a foolish daughter-in-law.

So, Zhan Min is now... well, she's still a big girl.

After a while, Zhan Min saw that all the talented people had left, so he got up and went to Jiang Lin's side. He smiled and said, "Guest officer, what do you need?"

"Whatever, what's in the kitchen."

Jiang Lin smiled and responded. After that, Zhan Min happily went to the kitchen and continued to be her shop assistant.

"The treasurer."

At this time, Jiang Lin beckoned and asked the innkeeper to come over.

He also needs to know about Zhanmin's information, including whether Zhanmin didn't live with his parents before, and he also has to confirm.

"Guest officer, I'm really sorry. I guess you have seen the situation just now. I'm really sorry."

The innkeeper first apologized to Jiang Lin, and then sighed: "Alas, this exhibitionist is on our side, and he is a charitable person. When he was young, he was a very good person. With a very good reputation, who would have thought that God would actually make such a joke and let Zhanju give birth to a silly girl, look at what kind of silly she is."

Jiang Lin took a sip of his tea, and then said: "Stupid is a bit stupid, but I think she is also stupid and blessed."

"What kind of blessing can this be? It's not easy to marry."

The innkeeper didn't care, thinking that Jiang Lin was joking.

With a slight smile, Jiang Lin said, "If someone marry her, he will be a good husband who will love her and spoil her."

The first thousand nine hundred and forty-four chapters stupid people have stupid blessings (below)

Pan Xuemei couldn't help but smile when she heard the conversation between Jiang Lin and the innkeeper. Jiang Lin's serious self-promotion was really interesting.

It was also because of the innkeeper's words that Pan Xuemei breathed a sigh of relief. According to what the shopkeeper said, Zhan Min wasn't married yet.

In fact, this also makes sense.

Zhanmin, who is so stupid, how could anyone want to marry him.

Even if a widower and a tramp want it, the exhibitor can't possibly want it.

"I said guest officer, don't you think so? I advise you to leave. Although Miss Zhan is handsome, you saw it just now, so stupid that you don't even know your own father. Ah, I might even call you Daddy."

The innkeeper laughed when he said that, if Pan Xuemei wasn't so stupid, there would still be people who would marry Zhan Min because of Zhan Ju's reputation.

But at this age, Zhanmin has to be taken care of by a maid even when she washes and undresses, so no one would think about it.

As a result, this guest actually has such a mind, which is really interesting.

Jiang Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he didn't answer the innkeeper's words, so he asked something about Zhan Min.

As he had guessed before, Zhanmin did not live with his parents.

Zhan Mansion is on the outskirts of the city. Because Zhan Min is like a bear child, he can't be free and always runs into the city, so Zhan Ju people bought a house in the city and left a lot of servants to take care of Zhan Min. In the guest room of the inn, there are Zhanjia's family members in order to protect Zhanmin.

After getting this information, Jiang Lin let the innkeeper busy himself.

"Jiang Lang, don't you take a look at Zhan Min's situation? You have a lot of immortal treasures in your hands. Let's see if you can make her a little more normal."

Seeing Jiang Lin drinking tea leisurely, Pan Xuemei urged him.

"Don't worry, if she recovers now, it will be more troublesome. Besides, this person is coming and going. If I want to check her condition, I have to make physical contact with her. In the eyes of others, it will not take advantage of her. ."

Jiang Lin shook his head. Everything Pan Xuemei said could be done after Zhanmin returned in the evening, but there is no need to rush it now.

"Why do you take advantage of her? She is me, I am her, and I am your wife. You can take advantage of anything. I have more say than her parents."

At this moment, Pan Xuemei felt that Jiang Lin was a bit like an old monk.

If it was a silly girl who had nothing to do with it, Jiang Lin would have no problem thinking that way, but now Zhan Min is no longer wanted, and he has to merge with her to continue to survive, so what if he was taken advantage of.

Anyway, she didn't have the slightest opinion here.

"I have a clue in my heart. You should recycle the ghost bag first, raise your spirits, and adjust your state."


Pan Xuemei saw that Jiang Lin had his own plans, so she didn't panic anymore, she turned into a beam of light and got into Jiang Lin's arms.

When Zhanmin brought the food and wine, Jiang Lin ordered some wine and stayed in the inn.

Zhanmin looks like this, if he provokes someone, he can take care of him.

In the middle of the night, the inn was closed, and the housekeeper who protected Zhan Min in the inn took the silly girl away.

After Jiang Lin left the inn, he followed Zhan Min and his party to Zhan Min's temporary residence.

When he arrived at the gate of the house, Jiang Lin knew that Zhanjuren really loved Zhanmin's daughter.

This house can be said to be a post at five steps and a post at ten steps.

In fact, Zhanjuren can't do anything about it. His daughter has no sense of self-protection, and she often runs around in a commotion. Even with some maids by her side, it can't help at all. Inseparable as a bodyguard.

However, the protection of this house is useless to Jiang Lin.

After hiding his figure, he jumped up and entered the courtyard directly.

At this time, Zhan Min was being served and washed in the room by several maids.

Jiang Lin tapped his chest and released Pan Xuemei from the ghost bag.

"Let's go in together. When Zhanmin falls asleep, I'll see what happened to her."

After saying that, Jiang Lin took Pan Xuemei into Zhanmin's room.

The two of them were invisible, and the other did not show up, so the maids in the room naturally couldn't find them.

After about a stick of incense, the maids washed Zhan Min, helped him undress, helped him fall asleep, and finally went out together and closed the door.

Seeing Zhanmin fall asleep peacefully, Jiang Lin arranged a soundproof circle in the room.

At this time, Pan Xuemei walked over to the bed, and when Jiang Lin wasn't paying attention, she lifted the quilt and took out Zhan Min's arm.

She was completely relieved after seeing a bright red Shougong sand on it.

After a short while, Jiang Lin walked over to Pan Xuemei's side and put one hand on Zhanmin's wrist, sensing the situation in her body.

After a while, Pan Xuemei asked, "Jiang Lang, how is it? Why did she become like this? Is there any disease?"

"It's not a disease, it's because of her lack of soul that she has such a problem. The rest is fine. It is estimated that after you enter her body, she will gradually recover."

Jiang Lin was also a little relieved, fortunately, Zhanmin would become such a foolish aunt, not because she was born stupid or because of some illness that caused her brain to wattle, but because her body was incomplete and incomplete, she couldn't be like this. Like a normal person.

"Is that so? That's great."

Pan Xuemei felt that a big stone in her heart was finally put down.

At least if he is completely integrated with Zhan Min in the future, he will not be a burden to Jiang Lin for the rest of his life.

"Xuemei, these immortal wine cold marrow and blood orchid have nourishing effect on her soul, and now her soul is quite weak, you give it to her first, and I will start to arrange your soul together. A magic circle to be used."

Jiang Lin took some immortal treasures from the ancient mirror in his arms and gave them to Pan Xuemei.

Although Zhan Min doesn't seem to have any big problems on the surface now, but his soul has a tendency to dissipate because of the approaching deadline.

This may lead to unexpected situations during the fusion of Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min, and some weak souls are overwhelmed.

Zhan Min became this silly girl because of her incomplete soul. If Pan Xuemei's remnant soul returned and the rest of her souls had problems, that would not work.

After that, Jiang Lin took a few more elixir and gave them to Pan Xuemei.

These are the treasures for Zhanmin's body. In the process of soul fusion, Zhanmin also needs the support of the body, spirit, and spirit. He has to take into account that there can be no unexpected situations in this process.

Of course, the medicinal effects of these elixir are of the long-lasting type, and they will not make Zhan Min suffer from deficiency.

After explaining to Pan Xuemei, Jiang Lin began to carefully arrange the magic circle on the side. Although Pan Xuemei and Zhan Min's souls were originally one body, they were separated for such a long time, and Zhan Min was already reincarnated. The two are not as simple as wanting to merge.

In addition, in order to ensure that Pan Xuemei's memory does not have problems, he must rely on the protection of the magic circle.

"You, as Jiang Lin said, stupid people have stupid blessings."

Pan Xuemei looked at the fairy treasure in her hand, and Zhanmin, and felt a little jealous in her heart.

The immortal treasure on Jiang Lin's body is naturally not stingy to her, but because her remnant soul has reached the level of a ghost king, Jiang Lin did not dare to use it for her during this time in order to avoid accidents due to the growth of her cultivation. 's fairy treasure.

That is to say, she doesn't have the blessing to enjoy it, this silly girl Zhanmin now has so many natural resources to take.

Such a treasure of heaven and earth, let alone ordinary people, even those immortals in the heavenly court, may not have the opportunity to take it.

But Zhanmin, this silly girl, has such a blessing that even the gods are envious.

Chapter [*] is still in trouble (on)

During this period of time, Pan Xuemei had heard Jiang Lin talk about things outside the sand sea in the Northern Territory, so she also knew that almost every piece of these fairy treasures in her hands were priceless treasures.

She felt that if outsiders knew about this, she didn't know how unbalanced her heart would be.

This is really God loves stupid kids.

Shaking her head, Pan Xuemei didn't think about it any more, she bent down and spit a ghostly breath on Zhanmin's face, and then fed Zhanmin the cold marrow blood orchid and other materials that Jiang Lin gave her to her.

A quarter of an hour later, Jiang Lin finished the work in his hand, and he nested an isolation circle in the original soundproof circle. Even if something happened, the servants outside would not find out.

Then he came over to check the efficacy of the drug in Zhanmin's body.

Seeing Zhan Min who was sleeping very sweetly, Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Don't tell me, this girl is really cute when she is stupid."

"Then Jiang Lang, do you like her more like this, or me who is not stupid at all?"

Pan Xuemei looked at Jiang Lin out of the corner of her eye. She was jealous of Zhanmin in her heart, but now it's good that her man is still complimenting Zhanmin in front of her, which is quite cute.

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